Moving On With Ken Bakeman Over Christmas

Moving On With Ken Bakeman Over Christmas

Christmas and Ken

9af191ae69e32f1f304a8dcfd0af6704I had planned to release this on New Year’s Eve, at the central point of the twelve days of Christmas. Not being a believer of miracles, I fail to see why any new year will bring in an extra-special bout of happiness. The feature, marked by resolutions, seems a better summary of the human condition, which is to put off much needed enterprises until the very last minute. The season is a bringer of hope and dreams though. Of course, it is hard enough to write Christmassy articles on paranormal themes, but throw in an extra-terrestrial twist and an author pretty much broaches the impossible. When festive paranormal themes do crop up, they tend to cultivate dark or menacing forebodings in ironic reaction to expectant joy. tiny-timLook at Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol”. Powerful, but hardly food for mirth and merriment, except thank goodness Charles Dickens left us with a poignant happy ending to that, otherwise dire, tale. Was “tiny Tim’s” permanent disability a metaphor aimed at society?

In my ongoing quest to find Ken Bakeman, I have no happy ending. It is still possible to buy his book I am led to believe, so one presumes he or an agent close to him handles his affairs. Even so there has been no concrete evidence of him since his sudden and unwarranted disappearance a few years back. As a fellow author, I know the streets are not paved with gold for anyone writing about exo-political affairs. This has not dinted the will of his supporters at all. Whether Ken has dropped out of the business disillusioned by the lack of riches or something untoward or paranormal has happened, the madding hoards keep pressing.

reptilian_lineup3Statistically my post “Where is the Enigmatic Ken Bakeman?” is the most viewed on this website (according to WordPress statistics). I did create another topical website using the Wix engine not too long ago, mainly as an alternative to WordPress. Prior feedback from followers here posited my articles were too long for competent attention, so I wanted to test and measure the response to pocket-sized entries. Unfortunately the plan backfired as I would have to pay for statistical data from Wix. Having no intention of investing financially, I cannot say whether the project has been a roaring success or an unmitigated disaster.

Has the Mob “Disappeared” Him?

I won’t dwell on Ken’s disappearance. I gave my opinions before. Those basic considerations haven’t changed. There are certainly at least three living individuals named “Kenneth Bakeman” aged 60-ish, currently residing in the US. No other articles more recent than my last one show up on Google. The die-hard quest for Ken may continue resolutely, but it seems I am the only information giver dutifully concentrating on that cause of late.

fake-resolutionsChristmas precedes the New Year and, traditionally speaking, New Years are all about moving on. That is why many people pretend to make radical resolutions in front of love ones and associates. How many smokers that promised to give up ended up smoking more? Ah well, they will always have the next year’s resolution. I am not a smoker and I keep all resolutions I promote. Therefore, this year is time to move on with Ken Bakeman. Unless something miraculous happens on Google, this may be closure. Mind you, I haven’t read his book, but information of that quality and quantity could foster miracles from a mind like mine. Could I turn his legacy into “Ken Bakeman plus”?

An “Above Average” Website

Many people have perhaps flocked to my website in the premature expectation I might be him. The paranormal is strange enough to permit a weird, freaky, messed up transmogrification event; an event where Ken might sort of, I don’t know, morph into my body. The bad news is it hasn’t happened and I should know, because I am pretty fond of this body. If Ken had somehow sneaked in using his magic hocus-pocus stuff, I’d have been straight on it. Wham, promise! Also, readers will never need to read on too long to realise I ain’t no Ken Bakeman, nor ever will I be. post-4539180-0-12004600-1403834632He has a rough, earthy, jocular style that sings like one of those old vinyls. You could imagine him being read on the radio by a gravel throated veteran jock. He’s the combination of Mickey Spillane and Twin Peaks on the twilight zone.

Alien-types-470x1024There’s a kind of “I see dead people” quality about Ken. He may not deliver as well as Haley Joel Osment in Sixth Sense, but there is still something gutturally compelling about his style. And those great gravures of his make him the trademark he is. In fact, the visual component of his legacy is probably more inspiring than his writings to many. Without the pictures, his writings would have lost the limelight and flopped in my opinion. He would be “unknown” today, but he wouldn’t have flopped because of poor writing. Far from it; but he would have struggled to capture the inspiration of the few that bother to read at all. Relative illiteracy is one of the great modern symptomatic social ills, arguably the consequence of the video age. People’s attention spans have diminished to such a degree that mostly only cute cardboard memes or action cartoons are deemed “intellectually bearable” to the point of considered comprehension.  The way things are heading, all books of the future will have to be “pop up” to gain any worthy readership. It goes without saying; current would-be-authors are advised to provide at least one salacious picture for every small packed block of text.

The Posthumous Funeral

posthumous-funeralA follower of mine recently confessed the opinion that his great idol was dead. If this is true, Ken had died quietly. We live in an age where beliefs are greater than truth. Videos and other calculated devices harness whims and turn them into reality. They make fantasy live. Through merit of belief, whether Ken has survived rumour and speculation is largely arbitrary. Belief is greater than truth and if the “belief is” he is dead then it must be so, whether true or not. In fact this style of, dare I say, reasoning has been exacerbated by “science”. Now experiments are not about discovering the truth. Rather they seek to “confirm” suspicions, no matter how ridiculous and clearly errant. There is an entire movement determined to disprove 3D object reality under the reinvented auspices of Aristotle’s “flat Earth”.

s144094589190160637_p1126_i1_w927I have been known to use a tongue-in-cheek moon analogy from time to time. Were Earth astronauts to have actually walked on the moon, they must have met with red and black dragons. Of course my educated readers will instinctively cry foul. You “know” what I’ve said is preposterous; red and black dragons on the moon? Of all things! There is a mile long paper chain detailing the astronauts’ numerous trips to the celestial body and at least one government sponsored film of the surface landing. It would also be ridiculous to say mythical creatures live there, particularly when any sane individual can see from Mars “evidence” that all extra-terrestrial life forms are identically similar to ones found on Earth.

tumblr_m2bhi1glbp1rr9g42o1_500Actually that’s the fantasy. The truth is numerous aspersions of doubt have been cast on all moon visitations. The movie(s) has attracted volumes of critics. None of the glaring anomalies have been scientifically explained well enough by authorities, as many have been countered with generalities or incompatible modelling comparisons. Conclusively, therefore, until proven otherwise, the “moon films” were produced on Earth, perhaps even by Stanley Kubrick. Reasoning for the subterfuge might vary. Perhaps the astronauts went to the moon but found the possibility of landing and/or filming impossible, or maybe the boffins miscalculated and transmissions generated a signal too poor for uninterrupted television streaming. Alternatively, the planners may have figured the whole project was a disaster waiting to happen, so staged the whole thing in the interests of much more effective “PR”.  That would be fine, but why were the moon rocks fakes too?

Teach a NASA New Tricks

lizard_people_icnNASA has been very much dragged under the spotlight by the way they have handled the moon landings criticisms, more too by the way they have irrationally tried to deflect criticism. At times their responses have been so garbled they could only be judged as gibberish; hardly a good image builder for the supposed greatest science agency – ever. Rather amusingly I often feel they have gone one better than a [channelled] reptilian philosopher (who will confidently spew seemed utter nonsense to human logic). For prosperity “Never A Straight Answer” has been the NASA’s posthumous accolade with some critical thinkers viewing it as the single most ineptly corrupt of all government agencies. Mars invites scrutiny. NASA sponsored the rover; new tricks by the same old dogs? Given the moon evidence, the only question that needs asking is “where on Earth”? Perhaps high up on the Rocky Mountains (given the terrain) is favourable, but other fingers point to uncharted Antarctica. When life forms “discovered on Mars” are consistently Earth like, the evidence dictates that they all originate from Earth.

Given that the strong consensus (amongst thinkers) is the moon landings were fraudulent and the astronauts never ventured from Earth, I am perfectly at liberty to believe red and black dragons reside there. Once I attract other believers in great enough quantity I can equally turn fantasy into reality, but only while the moon is out of circulation, undiscovered. As soon as the spotlight is shone on the moon, the truth is known, then dragons will either exist in truth or they won’t. By that token, the consideration Ken Bakeman is no more is fantasy. The truth is there is no visible public domain evidence to validate his life or death status other than records of various individuals named “Kenneth Bakeman” that show up on American community censuses; at least three around his supposed age.

give-mars-the-bootOne of the advantages of fantasy null existence is prosperous historic legitimacy. Reasoning and logic pertaining to “why” goes a long way to cleansing authenticity, providing all angles are considered and effectively factored into pragmatic equations. Ken has disappeared for a number of years. One logical conclusion as to “why?” is he is deceased. Though myopic in reasoning as no one that isn’t intimately connected to him knows, it is “open and shut”, unlike the moon landings (i.e. the biggest common problem with them and Mars rover footage is nothing was filmed that “couldn’t have been” on Earth). We have no Ken, therefore he’s dead, but does that delineation apply to NASA’s evidence? Extra-terrestrial life forms are always “Earth like”? Might that satisfy logic by any stretch? I think not. Moon rocks allegedly collected as evidence may as well have come from Earth. There were no noteworthy artefacts or anomalies. All that can be said is considerable time and effort was devoted to spinning egregious propaganda determining all sorts of “possibilities” from what amounts to a container load of trash.  I don’t want to apply similar cooked logic about Ken.

Earth-like Moons, Martians and Morons

Crossing out Lies and writing Truth on a blackboard.If the approach was sincere from the start, outcomes would have been very different for NASA. Maybe the moon landings were a great private secret not for public attention. Maybe for some reason NASA decided they wouldn’t film one of those five miles high glassine structures on the moon. Perhaps they were defended. Maybe the astronauts couldn’t find any. Perhaps they weren’t allowed to. Nevertheless, in respect to the “Mars expedition”, why none of the eye catching pyramids (or the “face”) was deemed worth looking at close up and personal defies lateral comprehension. Wouldn’t a rational space agency check those out first? Are they similar, identical to the ones on Earth? If so, what are their origins? Did Martians come to Earth? It is almost as though NASA tried to select the perfect “nothing to see here” place for the rover to survey, which does add weight to the argument that the whole enterprise is a big ol’ heap of phoney baloney.

588524_origKen Bakeman writes (I will not be convinced he’s deceased until I see hard evidence) vividly and I do too. We write differently though. No one could confuse our styles by any stretch of the imagination. He is the jocular, robust storyteller and I am the “odd” philosopher. Everything about Ken is gritty and real even if it isn’t. Everything about me is surreal even when I discuss something tangible. People talk of a delivered “power” in my writing style. “I couldn’t write like that”, snapped one critic (implying I was a total freak and therefore “illegitimate”). From the little I have read, Ken never challenges belief systems. He manufactures them (rather endorsing Jim Elucid’s “character’s write” opinion). A bitter adversary of mine once angrily challenged, “Do you take the reverse position on everything?”

Born Again Christians

13e679df3f96fb85c4fe739cbe7313a8In my formative years, as I was growing up, I occasionally encountered born again Christians. They (I was told by my peers and teachers) believed in the “fundamental word of God”. Although this judgement of them turned out to be an exaggeration, I did notice they followed certain ancient, mostly biblical, texts as mesmerised parrots. Someone had told them ancient folklore was the unrequited word of God and, as an authority, it was unchallengeable. Although, upon inspection of the detail, beliefs invariably followed enigmatic lay preachers “inspiration”. Closer scrutiny of these inspirational nuggets showed an undeniable selectiveness as to which of the many “God’s words” available to them were “worthy of repeat focus”. But that was good enough for them, the believers, and, as nice people as they were; nothing would challenge their over particular “expectations”.  I call this conditioned denial syndrome the fundamentalist gene now.

Today I see more fundamentalist gene types than ever before. There are not only Christians. All religions cultivate faithless followers. In fact none actually believe, in truth. They buy particular appealing fantasies and symptomatically profess atheism unconvincingly. The religious have all the hallmarks of atheism overlaid by crafted dogma remotely reflecting whimsical Gods. The disorder has provided endless material for numerous articles of mine. Where to begin? Try “The Great Society Paradox – Action That Defies Principled Beliefs” or “A Modern Day “Love Cult” Assumes Detracting Truths Are Heresy” for starters. Specifically tackling vanity, I even wrote a weighty piece here amply titled, “What is Harmony?”

Ken, Me and Pseudo-Truths

3d563564bedd198084fea8a3fdc2c189With so much fluff being passed off as pseudo-truth, can the same accusation be levelled at Ken or me? If I might step up to the chopping block first and were my earlier highlighted enemy’s “anti-everything” criticism-evaluation of me to be taken seriously, then reflectively the world would seem very different to “what it is” if my reckoning was used as the benchmark. Let us take the standardised view of gravity, which assumes magnetism of matter creates a drag effect. I say this is nonsense because, if it was the case, the drag effect of giant mountains would be sufficient for us to traverse sheer cliff faces. Assuming the around 200 miles per hour standardised “free fall” speed of unhampered objects crashing to earth is correct, I also challenge the concept that postulates things burn up in our atmosphere. I say the notion is actually preposterous. No friction is experience by sky divers (who, incidentally, oddly feel a great weight on the back in descent) from mile high drops. If asteroids’ “melt” as theorised, I say even high board divers would heat up in some way. Correct understanding of the dynamics of the forces that are responsible for Earth’s gravitational effect would show that only the very smallest space rocks are able to penetrate our atmosphere.

bluesky-enTherefore, putting everything to the test, I do regularly offer almost the diametric opposite of the “mainstream view” where the truth isn’t plainly unavoidable. “The sky is blue today” is an unavoidable truth when the sky is blue. No one, not even the mainstream, can argue it is magenta, sea green or puce without impairing the vision. “Why” the sky is blue is a different debate, but that will have to wait a future entry. More importantly, as the mainstream seems (upon reflection) wholly committed to the manufacture of non-reality, it begs for a much needed showdown. Here we encounter what can only be described as a deliberate manipulation of societies “for profit” and the cultivation of unaware manageable slaves. Beyond the insistence that individuals’ turn up for work and follow a basic [debatably] “moral” code, society is encouraged to behave irresponsibly in wilfully ill-spirited fashion. People are groomed to follow “look after number one” diktat which preserves the food source (corporate employer) in spite of the body.

dynastic-draconia_photo_mediumMy articles are mostly very long but always very clear on meanings and reasons. I cover enormous historic periods with enterprising authority. Messages don’t deviate except when I’m correcting myself. Be it there are giant gaps, voids between eras and eons, there is still a high level of overall congruity. My “snapshots” of the Anunaki, Dragons, Pteroids, Ciakars do not vary. Though histories don’t directly lead into each other, they are explained relatively “in context”. My strange history of man, the alternative end to Atlantis and even the definition of what “Atlantis” is/was (i.e. Martian origins, resettling almost the entire [what is now] northern hemisphere on Earth) are written by one that seems to have “remembered” it. Some have commented on the fact. I don’t make this stuff up. Reflectively, memories may be selective, but they are also secure (when coming from a place of honesty).

Unexplained Unconventional Memories

pasted-image-0Ken Bakeman goes through the exact same routine differently, of course. For one, his memory is in the moment. It is vivid but there; proto reality. Everyone can empathise with this, because he relays experiences as they are perceived. The reader lives the fantasy. Ken is Kirk, Bones and Spock on the Enterprise; new lands, characters and exciting creatures await every fresh instalment. Anyone who has read anything by Arthur C Clarke or thumbed “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” by C. S. Lewis will have been transported to like vividness. J. M. Barrie’s “Peter Pan” brings material to the immaterial at a place called “Neverland”. Narnia, Wonderland, Neverland are all fantasy realms; the imagination brought to life, would-be reality made real.

Therefore, even in the most outlandishly misleading fiction, truth actually hovers remotely, ever teasing the conscience, perhaps under will of the enterprisingly effervescent. Some people have the gift of tuning into this effervescence; “seeing” without eyes if you will. The technique is called different things: clairvoyance, channelling, divining, soothsaying, prophesising. There are numerous words, but all refer to the same basic process. Discrepancies occur in the numerous routes or paths to truth.  These lionise perspective to such a degree that one truth might appear so different to the alternative view (of the same truth) that accounts would be judged as direct “opposites”. One person says the glass is more or less empty and the other claims it is more or less full. Who to believe?

robed_mantid1991_colorA good example is the way I perceive the intellectual Venusian Mantids compared with Niki Reinert’s spiritual versions (I outline the outlandish differences here). Would the humble house fly view humans as unconscionable “monsters” given the lack of inter-social cooperation? Honestly, I don’t think they would give any of us “spiritual beings” a very good reference in front of the Creator. There is an underlying energy that consumes everything that is and this gives away these connections. Insects have an uncanny knack of picking up on it. To give an example, years ago, I lived on a first floor apartment and sensed tiny German cockroaches were transmitting welcome to me. A mild, telepathic “we love you” wave surrounded me for a number of years. I tolerated them even though I would irrationally attempt to kill large flying “bugs”, their cousins, on sight.

Sweet Insects and Their Extraordinary Taste For Telepathy

It was only when they had eaten the solenoids in my ansa-phone and I noticed them wriggling around inside the display of my microwave and video recorder that I realised things had gotten out of hand. They had accumulated in the hundreds. Never had I seen such an infestation anywhere else. My flatmate filled a vat with boiling water and threw in a surface covering that had a good hundred insects attached to it. That was the only measure needed. Within two months of the attack on the group, there were no German cockroaches in my apartment. No chemicals were used against them. They just left because they sensed my will had turned against them. I no longer wanted them there.

tumblr_oen2dmqfgf1vv02wzo1_1280The point I am trying to make is, we presume we are superior, but perhaps nature has a lot of hidden qualities arrogance permits we overlook. Perhaps there is magic in 3D too, if someone desired enough to notice. Awareness of the energetic haze that connects everything exponentially increases with extra-sensory dimensional range. As much as our scientists try to pretend otherwise, 3D gives us extremely limited perception. Indeed, as I explain in my book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”, 3D would be better categorised as 2D for illusoryflat worlds” and “line worldsdon’t exist. This can be proven mathematically. However, I also argue that prior to shifting into 3D, colour was likely perceived only as monochrome (or a simplified spectrum), pitch and tonality severely reduced and temperature ranges would not have holistic all-consuming potence.

Conventions, Truth and Exo-political Manoeuvres

scrooge-simConventions go a long way to validating superiority. If we were all guided by truth alone, none of us could accept anything on face value. We would each become investigative journalist, historian and detective wrapped as one. Conventions allow particular messages, those cause validating, to give the group congruity. In a sense each authentic source is given license to instil tradition. Does this mean that if Shakespeare said it it must be true, because he was a “genius” and almost divine? Perhaps Shakespeare is a bad example as he was a playwright; a manufacturer of fantasy. Then again; is not Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” so vivid it seems real? Scrooge has become an icon in his own right. Mention of his name to any westerner conjures instant common understanding. That Dickensian traditionalism has been instilled in us all since birth. Other cultures have different but equating brands of social identity models. Ineptitude is somehow transcended by the power of certain collective instructions; all but effervescent manoeuvres.

Some writers on exo-political matters stand out. Whether in good faith or through cause of ambitious persistence, many in the fringe “public eye”, the popular personalities, end up pretty much spinning the same old warped messages. Tired half-truths go from one to another like worn clothes. Often the purest information is found in “off the cuff” remarks, the ones that almost slip by unnoticed. Why did he say that? That sounds interesting! Even so, proto-mainstream paranormal is pretty predicable, when tunes and rhythms are familiarised. Things go bump in the night, not ghosts. Enigmas are far and few between.

desert-whirlwindsWhen someone like Ken Bakeman or, dare I say, me comes along, everything changes. Like desert whirlwinds we run amok with traditions, ransacking familiar structures, leaving only fundamentals intact. Some label us “disasters”. Others view us as breaths of fresh air. In very different ways we stand out or “stick out”, depending on individual reasoning. Ken might be better compared to Simon Parkes or Alex Collier without the “tangents” or farfetchedness. He takes you into a world that is unmistakably his. It’s new and fresh and exciting. He somehow turns Neverland, Narnia and Wonderland into reality. And it’s a reality that continues to expand with ever more exotic creatures waiting in the wings to be discovered in new instalments.

Humans Draconian Common Ways

imagle15Even so there is vitality about his writings that conveys honesty. Such is the effect on his readers, Eva Draconis was moved enough to embellish his thematic material. Did she not write her own take on the great Pterodactyl (which, incidentally, is the genetic heritage of all the Pteroid lineages up to Homo erectus) after confirming she had been inspired by Ken? She is important in her own right too. In one piece she mentioned that when reptilians consume energy from live humans, to them it is like “drinking juice”. Do we not receive taste infusions when adding freshly chopped live herbs to foods we eat? Who has been reduced to tears by a soppy love story, become paranoid after a realistic horror movie or been exhilarated when witnessing a new Olympic record in motion? We are very similar to them, but perhaps the ways to gauge those similarities are too subtle for the modern-day arrogant know-it-all.

My writings could not be any more different than Ken’s. Some might try and compare me against David Wilcock or Nassim Haramein without the “science”. Others could argue I am a politically ambiguous Michael Tellinger. More than one follower has suggested I may access the same basic information “sources” as Michael Tsarion. I am told we are very different in very similar ways, like humans and Draconians, I guess. There have even been one or two that have suggested Mark Passio may be an “associate” of mine, though I don’t get the connection.

1619384_298744073584242_1599295315_nAh for the power of “Google”! I constantly try and back up “what I think” studiously. Every day sees enormous amounts of data checked and processed to cross-reference ideas.  In searching for some material on Passio, I discovered a little Bibliotecapleyades hosted article on the “Alpha Draconians”. My own writings on the Alpha Draconians, notably Ciakar reptilians, are extensive (though much not revealed publically). Never before had I seen any physical source validating my information on Ciakar genetic origins. Jim Euclid, a character unknown to me, on 8th May 2012 announced to the world information that implies Ciakars are the product of Tyrannosaur DNA via “Capella ancestry lines”. Though he fails to mention it, Earthlings (reptilians) regard telepathic (and telekinetic) Tyrannosaurus Rex as the first Earth man.

My New Year’s Resolution

Being persistent, I needed to find out more about this mysterious Jim Euclid, given the importance of his information. By a strange trade of fate, I stumbled across a short article of his titled “Characters Write, Authors Dictate”. That was it. That was the difference between me and Ken Bakeman. He builds memorable characters that write meaningful memory. I dictate. Even so my style is excessively erudite and, in places, powerfully sentimental, readers are caught between two poles. My stories menacingly hover, never quite materialising. For the open minded, what I say is compellingly plausible, often well-reasoned. Closed minds hate me, but let’s face it; they are beyond hope, beyond conversion, stuck on the vinyl for prosperity.

6fd23390a676671c1b5eef1216aa3b36A strange idea occurred to me. I have now written two lengthy articles about Ken Bakeman, never reading any more than small snippets of his own work. Does that make me closed minded too? I have the advantage of being able to hook up to Ken’s DNA and can read his holistic print eternally. However, sometimes perception is more important and, in doing the mind meld thing, I (in many ways) lose Ken. Remember, earlier I exampled Niki Reinert and her connection with the Venusian Mantids? Records accessed through her showed very different accounts of their physical presence and reason for being. That is an undeniable dichotomy. Had I missed something? Was it “me” or was it “her”? Thus, there is only one way forward to do justice to Ken. I must buy and read his book. That is my fortuitous New Year’s Resolution.

11 responses »

  1. One person says the glass is more or less empty and the other claims it is more or less full. Who to believe?
    Fascinating reading, as usual. Now, at least on this question, let me resolve it for you permanently. This is not a question of belief, but of knowledge. If the glass was being filled, it is half full. If the glass was being emptied, it is half empty. No mystery, no actual choice in the matter, just simple observation.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Mars, Gods and Martian Mercenaries | I am Exopolitician, iXossana reincarnated

  3. Pingback: NASA’s Predictable Bogus Journey – Packing for Mars? | ozziethinker

  4. Ken Bakeman is a fraud! He nothing more than a squatter in this life! His is sick in his mind! Don’t believe or listen to him! If anybody knows him or his family members please email me at He is squatting in a home in Covington and will not leave. He has been asked the police are involved because he will not leave. Has this happened to anyone else who knows him? If you know him can you tell him he has to leave. He has been asked to leave and won’t. He is a very sick evil man and nobody should respect or listen to his crazy nonsence! Ken is you read this it’s time for you to leave that house in Covington! You have been served and you must leave!! You are a fraud to all life forms!!!


    • I would suggest it is you that is the fraud. Ken is clear and transparent; affirmable for “those in the know”, whereas you offer comparative gibberish. Core 4D reptilians of a particular persuasion are peer bullies. They latch onto those they dislike and misrepresent them in any way their thoughts can conjure. Your comment, unknown one”, is deeply representative of this phenomenon. I suggest your guides need to tune up with verifiable FACTS before puffing profane generalities, certainly if you wish to be taken seriously.


  5. Pingback: Draco Anunaki Cooperative Conflict Problematical for Human “Souls” | I am Exopolitician, iXossana reincarnated

  6. Pingback: Does the Draconians’ False (Light) Matrix Leverage off the Ancient Atlantis Tamarian? | I am Exopolitician, iXossana reincarnated

  7. Pingback: Tongues, Genetic Tribute, Time and “Evil Grey” Implications | I am Exopolitician, iXossana reincarnated

  8. Pingback: The human Extra-Terrestrial | I am Exopolitician, iXossana reincarnated

  9. Pingback: THE SECRET HATCHERY - US Military Involvement in Reptilian Breeding - World Mysteries Blog

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