Tag Archives: Roy Tov

Big Trouble in Little Earth

Big Trouble in Little Earth


Though I have not investigated source information, I have been given a vital key to some of the mysteries behind the political framing of humanity. The enslavement of “children” via “God complex” of parental oversight is no accident. This has become the template for unrealistic and oppressive behavioural boundaries instilled into societies at large. Whereas different races and cultures live by different sets of guidelines, other than shamanic tribes that work off alien custom/rule based paradigms, all systemically oppress.

An unknown author

I am more attracted to unknowns than the famous. Regrettably, a once considered “pure” information source, Simon Parkes, has also gathered the moss of corruption. As with David Icke, he balances some questionable practices and vague sentiment with a Machiavellian onslaught for general injustice against humanity. Unlike Icke, he is not a populist. Being unique in his own right still makes Parkes brilliant and special; but, “buyer beware”.

The Orion Project - Real Or Imaginary - Eva Draconis - eBook Cover smMy latest discovery is the author, researcher and star seed, Eva Draconis (See http://www.orionmindproject.com). I would like, initially, only to give a brief introduction but, as she is a very special talent, the plan is to write a feature post about some of her experiences and research work. She, rightly, has turned many of my prior opinions on their head and because of it I have drawn updated conclusions that “body types” are not necessarily evidence of energetic status. By this I mean, and as I describe in great detail in “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” (See http://ozziethinker.wordpress.com/about), the logic that the filtered energetic body must match the precise form of the [prepared] body [note – some bodies are produced impaired] is not cast in stone. Thus, she talks of a highly emotional, “reptilian”, Mantis type that was genetically modified by one of the reptile hierarchies. Her website offers an abundance of writings (some quite disturbing) and I recommend her extensive collection of notes recording inter-terrestrial experiences. Details on her wonderful book “The Orion Project – Real or Imaginary?” can be found here (See http://www.orionmindproject.com/book.html).

An accidental meeting

My local exo-politics society, SYDUFOR (See http://www.ufor.asn.au/), held an event recently. Usually there is a key note speaker or two but, other than Doug Moffett (See http://www.ufoinfo.com/news/bananatv.shtml) analysing his latest mainstream media bulletin (lasting a couple of seconds), there was only a screening of a private questions session with and the movie about Travis Walton (See http://www.travis-walton.com/). The singular reason I turned up was because I had promised to hook up with someone there and, to be honest, if I had read the brief prior, I would not have arranged to meet. Indeed, the movie appeared that unappealing to a time challenged author, it took an enormous effort not to pass and let down my contact.

Travis-Walton1-500x625I am glad I did not as Travis was, it can only be said, majestic in every sense of the word. He was the spirit of everything humble, positive and profound. The “country bumpkin” or “redneck” label is neither warranted or in any way fair. This is a man that can not only speak intelligently, he offers an uncorrupted heart. Short of persuading humanity to empower regimes driven by selfless devotion to contribution-ism, he covered just about all positive bases that gnarl the mainstreamers. The larger part of sentiment, by Walton and others, was apportioned to heading the debunkers and sceptics off at the pass. Nevertheless, and ignoring the lustrous graphics supposedly depicting extra-terrestrial visitors of the time, very little of the content was devoted to the actual experience [beyond reflections on trauma and so on].

The Zeta Grey Being Connection

The little that was revealed was extremely interesting indeed. Precisely in the same way Suzy Hansen explores technological “multi-purpose” spacecraft control chairs in her excellent book, “The Dual Soul Connection” (see http://www.communicatorlink.com) about the Zeta Grey Beings, so too, did Walton. They both also talk of interactive holographic map guidance systems. Though the movie pictures gave a different message, his memory, we learnt, was of small, non-human creatures with jet black piercing eyes. Not a particularly flattering description but, perhaps, an apt one. It turns out, though, the Zetas came back to resurrect him after he was struck by a violent power beam from their intergalactic craft. All eye witnesses felt certain “nothing could have survived that”.

Possibly a computer generated image, but at least partially based on a real Zeta "energy body" (note the eyes)

Have the Americans resurrected the millions innocently killed in Iraq in “friendly fire” or even compensated families correctly? Our angelic Zeta Grey Beings were so aggravated by the accidental death of Travis, they came back to fix him up. And I’ll tell you what; he’s really pleased they did! In fact, in my opinion, he was more that “fixed up”. An early film shows him displaying a “normal” humanoid energy field as one would expect, but later moving images see an intermittent secondary field of great power that seems to guide him. The wooded area that the spacecraft visited has grown faster and lusher than anywhere else in the forest, substantially defying science-reason. As the Zeta Grey Beings have abilities that transcend space, motion and are renowned in their understanding of [and ability to manipulate] timelines, was this an accident? The Travis Walton murder inquiry made US national “news”. His abduction revelations saw that catapult to international banner headlines. The establishment’s blue book strategy had collapsed with one tragic event; the event to herald the awakening of humanity.

Sceptics and Debunkers acting in the Interests of Zionism

From sold "KGB" archives

From sold “KGB” archives

The timing (1975) of the Travis Walton case also coincided with a peak in interest in Erich von Daniken (See http://aimeedevlin.ontraport.net/c/s/ska/zpo/U/vJ/Dk/67xwkC/vudHnnrvIz), particularly amongst the sceptics who had found irrefutable evidence to debunk his sentiment – a number of Mayan artefacts had been faked. They [our irrepressible sceptics] failed to relay these were [believed to be] copies of originals but, also, to his plight, von Daniken had been less than zealous with his research discipline, taking the view that such bountiful hoards would ultimately trump festering detracting truths hidden in the detail. His energy field, incidentally, shows distinct reptilian qualities (perhaps picked up in old age) and that would explain the “political correctness” of more recent interviews. Nevertheless, I am relishing Saturday’s presentation with David Hatcher Childress.

Readers are doubtlessly aware I run two websites. Work I do as Ozzie Thinker (See http://ozziethinker.wordpress.com) addresses issues or information that includes items that focus on political conscience (is that an oxymoron?). One of the working areas of interest that impacts exo-politics is the ever more brutal and self-serving agendas of those that call themselves “Zionists”. Years ago, I occasionally communicated with a fraudulent Israelite “dissident” called Roy or Roi Tov (See http://www.roytov.com/). His role, it is clear, is to translate the mindless sentiment of the Israelite bureaucracy for the wider understanding of “ignorant” English speakers unversed in the poetic implications of Hebrew idiom. My final e-mail to Roy touched a nerve. I expressed great concern with the “extra-terrestrial” creatures “constantly mining the Earth’s core” and asked of his knowledge of their relationship with Israel. Not only did he not respond, but swiftly reclassified all further correspondence as “spam”. From that I ascertained two things were certain. There was a relationship and he knew about it.

Zeta Grey Being Doppelgangers Have Confused Experts and Sceptics

This is the earliest stage of my investigations into the genetically modified Andromedan humans (Note: Original Star Trek series 2 episode 22 is entertaining and mildly relevant, but some way off the mark). It is interesting self-proclaimed “Andromedan”, Alfred Lambremont Webre (See http://exopolitics.blogs.com/), has one of the most profound Ciakar (reptilian) energetic signatures I have witnessed. His ramblings about a phony war with the Draco and other pointers (which suggest he is on the Zionist “payroll”) have swayed my early conclusions. The “Andomedans”, according to Webre, unsurprisingly, are “winning” and represent everything “virtuous”. Double negatives and positives lure trivial minds into “believing” up is down and down is up.

a-grey-alien-dark-skies-29955417-400-300There is that other enigmatic pseudo-truth presented by the late Karla Turner. Though she was, in my opinion, an agent of the CIA (witting or unwittingly – as are so many clairvoyants), her information on the inner world Grey Beings was pure [energetically]. Up to this juncture, I have been baffled by the truth. How could these beings have been “grown like flowers” very quickly (to keep them in near foetal state) from “human” sperms? Primarily, other than organisms that “split” to reproduce, everything else requires a “male” and “female” joining for active conception. To produce “life” as we know it, a seed or egg is the prerequisite. Sperm and pollen “activate” the mechanism.

Of course, I access the worlds of strange technologies and in these larger than life domains anything is possible. Like other grounded humans, I do not expect to encounter it in the flesh here. Living automatons (of other fantastic worlds) are reproduced from genetic offcuts. These are called “rebrids” and are significant because they are “soulless”. A human egg hosts the shadow body which is our magnetic soul. Thus, deduction tells me that rebrids are egg-free.

But why do the Andomendan “humans” look identical to the Zetas? Might not the “wolf in sheep’s clothing” adage figure here?

Who or What Controls the Inner Domains of our Planet?

Mainstreamers instinctively believe the 1950’s theory (adapted from Inge Lehmann’s 1936 observations. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_core) that the Earth has a molten iron core is sacred. I am not going to devote any time to the pointless circular arguments “justifying” belief systems concerning the inner realms. Readers may choose to ignore the truth and remain blind or not, as the case may be. For the progressives, here is the unverifiable certainty. There are five layers or “strata” to inner Earth. Three to four are inhabited with life systems similar to our own; with some notable variations. One section is very hot and has oceans of plasma. This is inhabited by entities which are beyond our dimensional density.

Shambala Inner EarthThere are many theories and explorers tales about the inner realms. Sir Isaac Newton’s backer, Edmond Halley (See http://dioi.org/kn/halleyhollow.htm), is attributed as the first to present the mid-world model, which included a celestial sun. It is odd, given this information, that Newton deciphered and calculated gravity the way he did. I discuss this in my soon-to-be-published “A New World Order”. Other than strange zoological humanoids and miniature people reputedly witnessed on uncharted journeys, there is little to challenge the mainstream mind. Although, interestingly 200 year old Nordic accounts of mischievous “imps” (devils) are described very similar to the Grey’s. Esoteric writers, on the other hand, talk of shape-shifting reptilian strongholds, including the notorious golden city of Shambala. Others suggest the Lemurians may have moved to the centre of the Earth after a c. 24,000 BC comet disaster wrecked the surface regions (now under our Pacific Ocean).

Ignoring the repugnant dying “Tall Grey” Mother Race (which live in caverns close to the surface but number less than 1000 in total now), at least one source states “Grey Beings” control the inner Earth realms. These could surely be none other than the regularly filmed so-called “robot” Greys.

The Robot Greys

There are reports of hostile abductions and mistreatment of captives by the Zeta Grey Beings. However, experts Judy Carroll (See http://www.ufogreyinfo.com/) and Suzy Hansen both insist that some people undergoing the traumatic experience clam up and are so frightened of their hosts; they give no feedback on state of mind, discomfort, pain and so on. Most of these entities do not intrinsically understand the needs/whims of humans because they are not human! Thus, “misunderstandings” are now relayed as ill-treatment.

Caged grey

According to Simon Parkes, his experience with the robot Greys (not Zetas) revealed they could be deliberately deceptive and did not seem to possess any sort of conscience. He gave an example of one ignoring a dying man waiting to be transported from a hallway. It was a simple case of moving him to surgical rooms, but the Grey would not take the initiative. He gave another illustration which showed they knew damned well what was “right” from “wrong”, but traded ignorance for political point scoring.

It is not all bad as there are accounts of miracle surgeries being performed by these little guys and other acts of unconditional benevolence. Overall, nevertheless, they are cast as having an unassuming arrogance.

The Draco and the Grey Beings

Many individuals have presented accounts of reptilian Grey Being partnerships. Mostly, though not always, opinions are negative, but none more so, in my view, than the “evidence” revealed by Karla Turner (See http://www.reptilianagenda.com/exp/e112300a.shtml).

Her accounts, however, are so unrepresentative of Ciakar (colloquially known as Draco) ethos; I think the objective [of communications] was to sensationally attract weak minded people in the same way that mainstream “news” bulletins activate robust mindlessness. We feel we have the absolute, God given, right to sovereignty over our own lives but the Draco know this is nonsense. That is where the “conflict” regularly rears as the way they “open up” a “closed” human is via conquest. In their opinion, for instance, women are “raped” for their own good.

Added to that their societies very much work off the slave/master principle and, under those terms, the master literally owns the life of each slave. That does not sit well with fiercely independent human beings.

A Paedophile Conspiracy

Regularly Grey Beings accompany “chameleons” [shape shifting Ciakars] on abduction outings. Without genitalia, they can’t partake of the sexual antics, but have been known to bark telepathic “orders” to would-be recruits.

Brazilian GreyRegularly, it is [human] children that are selected for sexual tests; some very young. Satisfying wild imaginations, just about every desperate combination of “perversion” has allegedly been covered by these titillating accounts. For at least one case, unusual human behaviours that would be erstwhile “normal” were it not for the current over-zealous “anti-pedo” climate in the mainstream, would, it seems to me, perhaps “cover up” what might be judged as a “crimes” by offended parties. From the reptilian perspective many of these supposed attacks make no sense whatsoever.

Sexual energy goes inwards in [normal] children. This, at the right time (perhaps triggered by hormones), reverses direction. Introvert purity is converted to extrovert sexuality. There may be instances where the relationship between sexual energy, manifestation and its scope and range are tested by Draco authorities. Let’s suppose they enjoy “uncorking the bottle”.

A 6000 Years Old Control of Humanity

By way of conclusion, in the early stages of investigation, I understand [indirectly] that a new source is claiming a genetically modified human from the Andromeda star system visited and conquered Earth. Calculating a fundamental interpretation of the datelines of the origins of man using the Biblical Genesis chronology, everything started 6,013 years ago. This was about (or precisely) the alleged time the Andromedans colonised the Earth.

bush grey alienThere is a very strong Draco energetic presence around the Knesset in Israel and I believe the robot Greys have some kind of relationship. A distinctive (possibly “energetic”) “Small Grey” was filmed viewing a George W Bush “speech” (sic) from inside the Whitehouse. Eisenhower brokered a deal with the robot Greys (who are usually chaperoned by tall ephemeral mantis-like beings) and this prompted an intervention from Venus (Valiant Thor).

Even so, documents presented by Ed Snowdon (leaked by Iran. See http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13921021000393) as part of the stolen CIA files cache, state [Charles Hall’s] Tall Whites (See http://openseti.org/Hall.html) ultimately control America. These are Version Eight human (we are Version Seven) and I believe they do have a cosmic judicial role here in relation to management of Draco affairs.

So it is only right, with so many unanswered questions, to leave conclusions open. A much more detailed, compelling treatise will find a place in my book “A New World Order”. The release date is scheduled for September and there may be a printed version to compensate the large volume of readers that claim they cannot adapt to e-books.

Authentic Videos of Andromedan Grey Aliens

Thepolishedknob Youtube channel is particularly relevant as it records numerous real-time video encounters (possibly located in Adelaide, South Australia?) with both “small greys” and the “tall, pale mantis types”. Footage is regularly “debunked” by ignorant wheelchair “experts”. For the three selected, no characteristic “alarmed cat” sounds are heard, though, I must confess, there are plenty of expletives of the worst kind which “set the scene”. Of the several hundred video documents that used to be available only a few dozen remain, sadly. Attempted contact with the uploader has not encouraged a reply.




Original noteworthy video (clip with sound) of a grey hybrid captured in Brazil
