So This “Ascension”, What Does It Really Mean?

So This “Ascension”, What Does It Really Mean?

cosmic-centered-manHuman psychosis has reached such a peak; bullshit is literally being passed off as reality by those that are content to be part of the illusion. The reason Hillary Clinton can use the word “intent” with such devastating effect is, as far as wider populations are concerned, “opinions” may as well be truth. 13079180_f520Supposedly, according to long spun cultural myths, a man simply known as Jesus went out of his way to die for our sins, or so the proclaimers’ proclaim. Per this mirage, flaunting the power of narcissism, his father, God, was behind it (“proving” Abraham wrong, of course). Were events, texts and the whole Jesus thing a canopy of intertwined metaphors, then, perhaps this possibly isn’t a good example. Then again, perhaps it is!

In a rather odd twist of modern affairs, because psychosis has made people rather good liars, faith has eroded almost to the point of non-existence and, complimenting this erosion, the obtuse belief “Jesus died for our sins” has suffered, dismally. Religious conjurers, doing what they do best, constructed a new rescuing vision (mirage) which is the ever-present “cosmic Christ”. In tune with modern day philosophy, the concept has become something of a sensitive membrane overlaying that culturally correct omnipresent God. Oh boy and as people are extremely efficient deceivers (or “actors” if you will), just about all belief affiliates claim they are indeed able to “tune into” the chimera. Morphing field or abstract, God’s skin is as tough as bloody titanium.

the-cosmic-christ-sister-rebecca-shinasWhilst I imply the Cosmic Christ is a forlorn fiction that merely satisfies social ambition, precipitous “energies” affecting emotion, libido and even time itself are very real. To name a few, there is “Source”, inherence, the astral plane, transcendental Oneness. Rupert Sheldrake was possibly one of first to use the term anthropomorphic field which has been championed by David Wilcock, Michael Tellinger and others of that ilk. Should corresponding analysis be considered correct, the field is very clearly linked to the Ascension. Nevertheless, in light of my above cynicism (all that bullshit shaping reality), I believe people are generally too confused (out-of-tune) to gauge (appreciate) a simple explanation. To convert that mindset needs much more. For instance, using the collective view as basis, comprehensive understanding of how DNA works (and, more importantly, what it is) is around nil. Even the majority of my regular visitors have nothing more than a better than average symptomatic apprehension of genetics. Most of my visitors believe most of the bullshit too. You are not immune to radical social programming.

There is hope on the horizon. I feel sure many of you are admirers of Dr Bruce Lipton. The little I have read from his “The Biology of Belief” I am impressed with. Though some of the instruments he recognises “aren’t”, meta-physical processes are much more expansive and intricately relevant than he assumes, those that bothered to seek him out are truly blessed by this sort of mindset. If only his peers could think outside the box in the way he does. Reflectively this innovative work has largely disconnected from the pharisaic ordained materialism bandwagon because standard issues (“set moves” as it were) are ignored. In line with Lipton’s philosophy, I can say that nucleic DNA works something like flexible bar codes.  For instance, looking at the earliest stages of human foetal development, anyone will witness something like newts or geckos. We look and to all intents and purposes are distinctly ophidian! So why do later stages of development produce us; as comparatively uncharacteristic forms? The reason is, and some might say miraculously, the human body form makes a sharp inexplicable turn in direction to make us look like normal humans shorty into the process because our DNA decides it is so. We, none of us, can ignore our reptilian heritage. Humanity is a “God engineered” illusion.

foolproof-sponge-32176_lIn practicality, rather than applying lateral pragmatism, everything that has been written about DNA has followed rigorous steps to identify systemic processes; the ingredients of life. In typical materialist fashion, it is assumed that body changes throughout life are unrelated to the conception event and the ingredients are limited to the equation. According to the standard view, DNA in some way becomes redundant when the body is fully formed, perhaps something akin to determining ingredients and recipe of a sponge cake are separated from the end product. According to this belief, once a cake is baked the “process” is over and parts become superfluous, which, I might add, could not be further from the truth. The methodology has expanded giving much attention to “historic records” that might be gleaned from chemical blueprints constructed from trace elements (in the way fortune tellers read the tea leaves). Corporate instruments of research, such as the Genome Project, have concocted mesmerising conclusions and made sweeping statements over a window of “a few years” and in doing so absolutely underscore the unprofessionalism of science. Research teams apply the exact same loaded philosophy and distorted logic that is used to justify underlying principles validating radio carbon dating. Naturally, as ever, the focus is always on the wrong place in the wrong manner backed by ignorance of the most arrogant breed. Just about all the “rules” written today would be unwritten tomorrow if correct understanding was applied. Given the mindset of the modern scientist, that advent is a long way off and perhaps unattainable.

tall-whitesAmino acid chains are nothing more than symptoms just as are cancers and viruses. In the case of DNA, until the atomic layer is projected in sequential sync, science cannot possibly progress understanding as to how genetics work. Ultimately light, sound, elements and genetic frequencies are all connected. They all have a common “key”. It is this that administers changes per request or by designation.  Remote scheduled body “upgrades” would be inexorably connected with any ascension of man. DNA itself acts something like a permeable facilitator; a supernatural membrane. Charles Hall (of “Tall Whites” fame) highlights Albert Einstein’s incorrect analysis of the light photon with his own updated theory. Einstein, as a doting materialist, measured only what he knew, what he saw and so elusive relevant fields were entirely missed. For instance, light has a scalable intensity factor that dramatically affects our eyes (i.e. inducing sunspots and other symptoms). Were we to be granted access to the inner sun, viewers would witness an extremely bright light that does not (short of protective sunspots which are more a function of mind) trouble the eyes in way at all (quite different to our external [black] sun). The Tall Whites reportedly carried glow sticks or “torches” that had much duller brightness, but were almost impossible to directly visualise. That is because their home planet atmosphere is very thick and it needs a special type of photon for luminescence to be effective.

meditatorConsidering potential causal links with DNA to establish evidence of the missing key (buried in the atomic layer), is not production of chlorophyll in plants a verifying process? Does not sunlight also make us well (delivering vitamin D)? It should not surprise keen researchers that it affects our DNA constantly (even when darkness comes, inner sun invisible energy communicates with our DNA and that is why we produce melatonin in our sleep).  Via akashic channels, I have been informed we are “washed” daily by numbers of external meta-physical “agents” pulsing from both sun sources. From this perspective, genetic hierarchies are in fact complex matrixes. As all humans are hybrids of different brands, there is a super-group that governs all subordinates. Below (the super-group) are core species groups (i.e. Atlantean, Lemurian, Lumerian, Neanderthal and so on). These are bracketed into sub-groups that identify with alien features (i.e. Ciakar, Pteroid, Mantid, Zeta traits). [Meta-physical] Parasites can infect sub-group character. Mrs Clinton’s “snake” has impacted her DNA. Anyway, the “pyramid” pecking order continues all the way down to the individual.

Individualism, it is worth emphasising, is a transitory state and, as such, “theoretical”. Pioneers are either the new trailblazers for mediocrity or “fads” that pass by unnoticed. Once the individual has been individual, he can either copy his own fashion or retain individuality by doing something different that is fresh, new and unknown. From the DNA perspective, the selection emphasis is always on the positive. Politicians may exploit populations to brand wise dissidents as social outcasts, but “God” uses all pioneering trailblazers to enhance the great group. My book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”, outlines how the quantum layer administers this and, consequentially, shows how it is far more important than we have been led to believe. In fact I would go as far to say that it is all important because each human being is the collaborative product of near infinite groups of souls that reflect the collective ambitions of Source (God) as punctuated by quantum fundamentals. Body particles act as skin “pores” venting particular unique brands of inspiration. Nevertheless, thankfully, very few souls are active (else there would be too much internal conflict for functional life). Instead, each “life” produces a die cast template, comprising a governance hierarchy, which is collectively called the shadow. As far as I can ascertain this feature/device [as a standalone] can carry on indefinitely (divine record) and is to all intents and purposes the identifiable core being or soul. It cannot be the soul though, because it is a synthetic product (as is the body itself) that calculates collective ambition confined to practice (reality). That is the paradox.

o-pennies-facebookShadows are by no means the extent of body spirituality. Physical matter offers us a big clue as to how divinity works. The symbiosis of electromagnetism precisely mimics the spirit/soul dynamic. Each is the opposite of the other, but separation would destroy the body. Opposites not only attract, but also hold the universe together. Spirits (delivered by sperm) are literally individual youthful sparks of life. Shadow collective souls (associated with eggs) tend to be rather pessimistic reflecting filtered ancient wisdom. shadowpeoplemyst1That is why the same old situations reincarnating deep rooted problems keep going round and round like spent pennies. Those that see root souls are always very surprised by what they encounter. My own experience rationalised individuals sleeping in purpose built cupboards. Each was a different emotional state tuned to a unique frequency; a signature if you will. Cordially, I saw the group as a giant block which could be perceived (Alice in Wonderland fashion) as great or minutely small suspended in blackness. Notably each unit (cupboard) had an offshoot which I visualised as “spider silk”. The spider silk acted as a conduit between root soul and body via its initial attachment to the egg. Of course, functional fertilised eggs always expand to become complete bodies. Therefore whatever was attached was both transcendent and effervescent. The irony is that the cupboards correspond with individual characters and are not a “spectrum” as would be expected of numerous atomic portals combined as one.

Even so, now I think the truth will have “clicked” for a few readers now. You can all see why DNA must be viewed at the quantum layer, because that is where “God” (in emotionally refracted state) resides even if there are some unexplained idiosyncrasies. Any major shift, such as the Ascension, has to be delivered via the quantum layer. I suspect the emotional “encased” guiding templates are a variation of time (discussed in detail in “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”). Logic alone presumes that for the Ascension shift to be that spectacular, it must involve a change of atomic or dimensional frequencies or a combination of the two in order to not make a mockery of natural law (which, to this point, has been the most reliable “reality constant” possible). The net effect will mean humans will appear to be able to do the impossible or, rather, the impossible will become possible until “nature” and its observers readjust. Alien abductees regularly report of their irrational telepathic, telekinetic skills and the natural ability of traversing through solid matter. Some are that convinced by their experiences they cannot understand why forth dimensional existence does not carry over for them on our waking reality plane.

7632cycleNASA consultant, Rosine Lallement, constructed a plausible “Ascension” theory which is supported by Mayan texts. According to this, rarely (every so many dozens of millions of years), the centre of our universe belches to generate an extreme energy burst which pulsates throughout its galaxies eventually dissipating at the extremities. Her initial interest (for scripting the theory) was to explain “why” the dinosaurs died out. However, given that specific application, we must conclude it is entirely wrong as the dinosaurs took 12 million long years to eventually succumb to tribulations after the destruction of Maldek. Rather than being subject to any disaffecting cosmic shift, in my opinion, the master geneticists (who had originally created them) gradually introduced a new range of body types, probably drawing on inner Earth stocks (as evidenced by mammalian DNA). Those with adaptable body types (such as small reptiles) were left “as is”. Mind you, to put things in perspective, after the Maldek disaster the Earth was shunted so far away from the sun it is almost inconceivable to comprehend how the prior surface model so efficiently morphed to support life. The original greenhouse effect must have made the atmosphere very muggy, but [reflectively] temperatures may not have plummeted after the incursion. In my opinion the atmosphere went from super-tropical and was quickly transformed to [comparatively] arid status when the dust [from the meteorites] eventually settled.

Because DNA is remotely controlled (in part), dramatic shifts can be engineered to an existing, developing generation so transition does not necessarily require a new crop. That means something could have plausibly happened to dinosaurs “mid-stream” on transit from tropical to arid Earth. It also means that something unexplained could plausibly even happen to me that might appear to break the natural cycle. Could I start to grow a second head at age 53? Another example might be more practical. Instead of living the standard, shall we say, “seventy years”, what if my lifespan was to expand to seven hundred years? This notion is not as farfetched as sceptics may like to believe. A proto-physical Tall White will live anywhere between 400 and 800 years in normal circumstances, reputedly. According to the Epic of Gilgamesh, Atlantean and Lemurian kings each ruled for periods of a millennium upwards. One assumes none were dead at the helm. Our next in genetic line superiors, the Ciakars, can live for 3000 years or more. Senior “Draco” rulers manifest for 15,000 years; some significantly over. Science may well seek the genes that cause the aging process, but I say it is all rather superfluous if higher powers decide what the plausible extent of possible life is going to be. It is these same higher powers, in my opinion, that will intervene in an Ascension style event. Conceivably, administration might show slow, progressive stages or quick cataclysmic shifts for the super-group, group, sub-group, affiliate or individual depending on which is selected as the target for upgrade.

lifefatimaTo complete this preliminary investigation into the Ascension, the final question that needs to be asked is, “When?” In response, there are two “known” historic clues. My first example is the so-called Fatima Miracle. On 13th October 1917 a small town (Fatima) in Portugal became host to 10,000’s of visitors who witnessed “changes” to the sun. [Virgin] Mary’s immaculate presence had been reported by three children (aged between 7 and 10) as far back as May in the same year, where she had metamorphosed and disappeared before them. Connection to the Roman royal, mother of “Jesus”, is incidental capitalising on Roman Catholic superstition. World War II bomber pilots reports of “hallucinations” of white ladies suspended aerially were not as uncommon as might be expected. Nevertheless, what happened to the sun before those biased witnessing crowds is our Ascension clue. Or, at least, I think it might be.  Unfortunately eye-witness reports varied tremendously. Some said “upon Mary’s instruction” clouds parted to present the sun as a shimmering silvery disc. Others described it as a giant, pulsating psychedelic orb. Yet more, as variants, offered a hyperactive sun disturbingly darting about the sky, apparently haphazardly and to no rehearsed schedule.

Though it is almost impossible to quantify (given our dimensional clodhopping status), I can say all Earth bound star gates have been permanently open since May 2008. This is something I just “know” which has been affirmed in odd ways. They (our star gates) will all close in transition between 16th and 18th October 2017 (almost precisely a century after the Fatima miracle). In the spirit of yin-yang, looking for comparable negatives to offset the miracle positive, I find on 18th October 1917 Zionist “Bolsheviks” announced their plan to conquer Mahgog (Russia) in print.  Correspondingly, it is likely Iran (Gog) will follow suit to fulfil biblical prophecy for United Nations federalisation [some might argue enslavement] of the globe. Given the symmetry of the Fatima Miracle and the first stage of takeover, I would say the likelihood “World War III” will be announced in print 18th October 2017, providing an occurrence similar to change in the sun in 2017 is deemed a worthy sign, must be a fair bet.

taraNow, here is where it starts to get really interesting. The powers may have miscalculated. Advanced paranormal researchers will probably already know that dimensional phases of reality run in a number of fundamental steps, possibly limited to holographic universe (HU) one, two and three. Per that model, HU1 is material plane Earth. Let us imagine that on 16th October 2017 our [black] sun swells in size to become the oscillating kaleidoscopic orb described by Fatima Miracle witnesses over a century before. However, this time it is a universal, permanent change.  An explanation might be that we actual shifted to a new dimension at super-group level.  We might all tune into the collective frequency clairsentients call HU2 courtesy of our cosmically triggered Ascension. Of course, the sceptical “debunking” scientists will classify our psychedelic rainbow orb “sun” as evidence of “a dwarf phase”. We in the know will know our “sun” isn’t a sun any more but, rather, a planet. In turn, according to the some theorists, when the Earth shifts to Tara state it will also mean an increase in size. This increase, if predicted correctly, is not going to be minor and may well equate to expansion roughly 700 times Earth’s current volume. Given most recognised events set to [our] timetable have been engineered by us or backed off our malice, could the cosmos (God) take the initiative this once?

gilgameshandenkiduMy other exhibit is the “Mayan” Wheel of the Sun artefact. Let me be clear from the start. Rather than being the creation of semi-savage South American natives two to three thousand years ago as is popularised by mainstream “history”, I assess the situation very differently. doomsday-skeleton-praying_230x367For instance, the stonework is very much older than even the most enlightened alternative suggester supposes and was not carved by Mayans. Graham Hancock has identified some of the “symbols” used in the design commonly include depictions of now extinct creatures (such as the Toxolin) that arguably predate the fall of Atlantis. Therefore I say, agreeably circumstantially, this is the work of the great Lemurian stone masons (responsible for laying the foundations of the pyramids). In fact, given a wider birth of research and pragmatism, the Wheel of the Sun reasonably may well have been judged over 15,000 years old if it had been finished. There lies the enigma. Why did the carving stop so abruptly? Missing one degree (of the “precessional cycle”) and, as such, dramatically lacking (given its importance), I believe completion could only have been fatally interrupted by the Great Flood of 10,541BC resoundingly ending the Lemurian civilisation. The later “Mayans” were an inferior restock if this is correct. Either way, the importance of the Mayan calendar can never be overstated as all the data responding to periods’ subsequent to the Great Flood were accurate predictions (prophecy) and not “records”.

45983-adapt-768-1In typical atheist-materialist fashion, the New Age movement had been pushing the doomsday advent of calendar’s end until the end came in 2012. Predictably it was a non-event. This was partly because the calendar is, as already stated, incomplete and the end is actually after 2012, but also because we don’t know, definitively, if it is the end. Its creators may have intended to chip a further six hundred discs before they were rudely interrupted by fate. Alternatively, could they have plausibly decided to reproduce a new calendar after the old one was used up?  Obviously there is no one at the other end today to continue the work. Even so, technically, there is a way to go yet so will strange visitors materialise to pick up the tab at some future juncture? The “missing degree” equates to 72 years which sets the “end” as 2084. If this is the case, then it is likely going to be bad news for those hanging around in wanton expectation for an imminent Ascension. Interestingly, the “Mayans” categorised the final phase of their calendar as one of fire. Does that hint at our sun’s transformation?

saint-germaineThere are certainly visible signs that some sort of transition is happening. That timetable (if it can be viewed as such) possibly began in the 1960’s. Spacecraft of unknown origins have always been presumed to occasionally bless our skies, but since the 1990’s numbers have exponentially increased. Socially stigmatised “star seeds” may, at one time, have been reticent to come out of the woodwork, but the sheer volumes of demonstrably aware people today must be more than some renaissance “fad”Indigo children are the latest syndrome in sequence. Magicians, such as David Blaine and Dynamo (to name two of many), can do “tricks” that seem to transcend illusion. I could continue…