Tag Archives: archaeological establishment

Serpents and Ladders – Introduction

Serpents and Ladders – Introduction

heaven-earth-yin-yang-fateAs a child I regularly played the board game snakes & ladders with friends. Nevertheless any associations with subject matter used in this entry can be assumed incidental as the game merely attempts to mimic undulations of fate. Instead, here thematic material is broken into two basic streams of investigation. Initially I shall create an essential background featuring the Annunaki serpent (posh word for “snake”) lines. There I will attempt to lay the foundations bare and clear up some of those long established, divisive cultural myths. I have discussed the progressive links highlighting how Annunaki genetics have devolved as the human genome before, so this series of articles will go into much more detail, hopefully going some way towards resolving clarity. Assuming everything goes to plan, introductory findings will neatly compliment part two: revelations as to the complexity of human genetic ladders. I have noticed normal attention spans are insufficient for my extraordinarily “different” content. Therefore, shorter articles might bless a more worthy audience and I shall treat the first part as a prelude to part two. There may be several subsequent instalments as requiring subject matter is highly convoluted.

Because science behind the human genome project has more-or-less preconfigured conclusions to fit on-going politically charged preconceptions, information value to sincere researchers is limited. Though a couple of serious wobbles to the scoped narrative line have accorded an occasional borderline mainstream Media frenzy, these protests have always dwindled to teacup size. This is partly frustrated by the fact that trawling trillions beyond trillions of symptomatic markers (emphasising amino acid chains) does not even approximate the scope of real DNA as it is absent from normal sensory perception (or the five senses). “3D” DNA is confusing to laymen as non-nucleic mitochondrial genetic materials contain a shallower snapshot of development than male nuclear components. Consequentially mainstream science has made the extremely deceptive myth affirming announcement that the human came out of Africa courtesy of eight females dating somewhere between 250,000 and 350,000 years ago in order to support anthropologist Richard Dawkins’ babble. The information does camouflage some truth, but synchronistic revelation as to “what” will have to wait for my next article (part two). Bizarrely, the most authentic evidence of our genetic history can be found in the atomic layer as that is where fundamental existence progressive decisions are executed (and why radioactive fallout affects genetics). Unsurprisingly our vain scientists haven’t thought of looking there, or perhaps this is not so unexpected given establishment man Albert Einstein’s rabid fear of the quantum layer.

Zeta Grey Being encoded in crop circleOne of the problems facing the modern commercial scientist is an entrenched mindset which is a combination of “training” and “peer group pressure”. For instance (and this perhaps may appear a little facetious of me), the supposed master-geneticist Horace Drew runs a comic strip analysing “crop circles” under the pseudonym of Red Collie.  In that capacity, as well meaning and mathematically enlightening his calculations have been, he has failed to glean any association from the molecular frequency balls contained within a number of pictograms he has attempted to decode. It is remarkable one that preaches fervently about the ills of cognitive dissonance so obviously demonstrates acute symptoms. All “crop circles” (that are not made by mischievous human beings) are created by or for Grey Zeta Beings. There are numerous superficial clues, but no other entity can produce this style of multi-faceted logical transcendental messaging. British expert Colin Andrews has identified over a thousand different messages in a single diagram. Though I don’t regularly share his reflective opinions on meanings per se, he pushes the point home.

02Changes in atomic frequencies are going to be directly associated with our so-called “ascension”. I am heartened by Michael Tellinger’s subliminal suggestions on the topic. He seems to know that silica quartz will open doorways unattainable for carbon based life forms. If only our scientists treated the atomic layer with a modicum of reverence they might start getting somewhere. Lack of reverence is a symptom of institutional arrogance. Symptomatic academic ignorance is no better demonstrated than by offering up my sacrificial lamb, Horace Drew, again. He, the scientist, has sadly shown he is blind to truth outside the narrow window of his expertise. To make matters worse, he is in no way the exception to the rule. Far from it; just about everyone in power is held prisoner by maligned, trendy belief systems. Mainstream science assures, with scant exception, thou shall not break those divine Newtonian-Cartesian empirical preconceptions. Therefore, were anyone to suggest that extra-dimensional influences located beyond the material plane inexorably affected “what is”; they would literally be branded insane by vogue populists and metaphorically horse whipped for their trouble. Yet the sour truth reveals that, due to our limited sensory perceptions, there are aspects of existence that simply cannot be experienced without consulting the dreaded paranormal. Beyond what seem to be impeccable calculations, Horace Drew’s “crop circle” “decodes” have been as much about preserving his credibility as any credibly honest investigation into the truth.

It is worth noting that Suzy Hansen’s book “Dual Soul Connection illustrates human illness can be deciphered by coloured energy fields emitted by all living bodies contradicting Louis Pasteur’s celebrated pioneering achievements (though these I argue are deceptively contrived, twisting the evidence and accompanying opinions of the micro-biologist genius, Antoine Bechamp). Less famous spiritual healer, Barbara Brennan, identifies the same basic emissions as swirling energy vortices. Neither of the variants of these fields is visible to the eye nor can they be scientifically measured as such. Particular light frequencies do pick up human auras as rainbow effects, so mainstream science has not been completely shut out. The issue, of course, is not invariably mainstream witness and data collection unless political stakeholders order the process rigged. Problems begin and end with interpretations that churn out those endless babbling theories.

It is only when it comes to decoding truth that the picture clarifying how genetics work is rendered very cloudy, given the lack of attainable credible evidence that might validate conclusions. At best the image is “cropped”. What of those strange, fantastical, enigmas captured by ancient peoples that are clearly adrift of popular historic assessment of calculated intellectual, technical and human civilisation development, for instance? The result is truth is further distorted by deliberate and erroneous literal interpretations of deep historic texts geared to tweaking reconfigurations that validate current popular opinions on the way things were as best they can.  For instance, the preconception that ancient man was savage denies any notion of advanced medical practices. In principle all science-myths characterising the creation of Stonehenge propose savage cave men irrationally, mechanically and inexplicably carted very heavy stones (each weighing multiple tonnes) several hundred miles by hand for no specific reasons guided only by the whim of superstition.

cosmic DNAWhere present, in general, historic anomalies deemed worthy of scrutiny are mostly judged “unexplainable coincidences” when unfathomable.  Were science to seriously consider arguments supporting the notion that ancient knowledge goes way beyond anything we have in modern times; it would have to reinvent those heavily guarded narrative lines. Dissenters would certainly question whether the Chinese I-Ching document conceals a giant genome project in its own right. Just because the way information has been conveyed does not supplement modern scientific notation styles does not make it any less valid. Those than pander to this academic culture assure the quest for truth is always out of reach, particularly given earlier sentiment (i.e. if anything of substance could be categorically proven, science missionaries would go to any lengths to disprove it in order to preserve the status quo).

So-called historians are also infected by this type of fanaticism. With what started as a devilish act of promising research, Joseph P Farrell’s conclusions in “Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and their Hidden Agenda withered to such a degree, they were frankly an embarrassment. Readers never learned what technologies, which parties and reasons or even if the speculated giant cosmic war “over Earth” 2.3 million years ago actually eventuated. He did surreptitiously introduce the Annunaki, but never elaborated his views on the concept. Given wayward, in some ways, equally irrelevant prognoses dressed as alternative histories by Zechariah Sitchin, Michael Tellinger, Gerald Clark and other genre theorists, perhaps this was the correct approach. Even so I was disappointed by Farrell’s book, which I felt copped out. The truth was too hard and commercial editorial pressures put an axe to the contents.

An army of unscrupulous shills anticipate suspected debunking opportunities to preserve political diktat. Farrell never stood a chance even if he had have “fessed up”. I make no secret of my admiration of Graham Hancock, but he is in the same boat. Very little acceptable concrete evidence can be used to buffer against “the system”. Look at the hysteria over the Bosnian pyramids with mainstream and alternative movements galvanising absolutist campaigns either “for” or “against” truth. Even there, should researchers favour “for”, datelines are entirely wrong as projected. Hancock’s appraisal that the Egyptian Sphinx was constructed in Earth’s precession cycle of Leo is correct. However, it was the one before the last term so dating is around 25,000 years out. Fortunately, Zeta truth codified in “crop circles” is infallible (even if Horace Drew fails to comprehend it). Suzy Hansen identifies her hosts simply as “Grey Beings”, yet these (as described) bear all the consistencies associated with the genus that originated from the Zeta Reticuli star system. These days the place is apparently overrun by reptilian conquistadors (according to Sanni Ceto and others), so I very much doubt they still have civilisation headquarters in the region. In fact I am informed by numerous sources that various humanoid types act as Zeta associates and, similar to Draco (reptilians), they have an active breeding/hybridisation program of their own.

At the highest dimensional levels, control and management of genetics is everything. By that I mean all other reasons for existence and existing are superfluous in comparison. We, pedestrian humans, are preformed and this means we have a very limited insight range compared to say, the Zeta Grey Beings. Matched against cosmic master geneticists of the ilk of the Anunaki, our skills/potential to comprehend would be classed as infantile, at best. At the very top of the existence pyramid are the Anunaki (one “n”) and these Time Lords are so lofty they approximate “God” in existential form. It is difficult to say with absolute certainty, but intuition tells me that there are potentially numerous mini-versions of the Anunaki too in the capacity of, shall we say, departmental premiers. Whether all or any of these have reached “Time Lord” status as well is debatable.

Gyan_chauparOne of my regular visitors provided valued feedback on her pertinent liaisons with extra-dimensional entities furbishing additional clarity (and some intrigue besides) on the “senior” Anunaki Time Lord status. Indeed, her extra-dimensional informants did more than that. According to her version of their message, the “Anunaki” are viewed as “rogue” Time Lords by those in the know as they manipulated essential fields and processes in order to expand their own power base to the detriment of existence in general. Our [time] path is evidence of one of the numerous corresponding cracks in the network infrastructure as a consequence of this manipulation. Sixto Pas Well’s Ganymede (Jupiter moon) migrant visitors marginally corroborate the consideration as they have said in no uncertain terms that our time line simply “doesn’t exist”. Nevertheless, having been able to interrogate my blog visitor’s sources directly via subspace (note: this method is not infallible as I am often given a snapshot that matches the way I observe “reality” rather than direct transference of the host’s perception, encouraging variance and potentially significant gaps or shortfalls in interpretations of truth), I question whether they refer to “ultimate beings” or the mini-version subordinates. As they (my blog visitor’s sources) appear to me to be located in the light realms (dimensionally below thought), I wonder whether they can effectively access and thoroughly represent a complete picture.

Because there are so many different states, things can become rather complicated even after rudimentary scrutiny. Therefore understanding bequeaths the names Annunaki, Enki and Enlil are not merely fanciful, exotic-sounding titles but actually all mean something. In addition, they could have each been used thousands of times or more over the ages to signify entity types or groups that satisfied generalised qualities around nominal word values. For instance, Annunaki is broken into “An”, “Nun” and “Aki”. In prehistoric terms this means An represents the “binding invisible force”, Nun is compared to “darkness” and Aki the “light”. Extrapolating further, prehistoric darkness is not our superficial “colour” (or lack of), but, rather, the primordial dark waters of infinity. Some might suppose this adequately supports the fertile ooze notion evolutionists claim was at the root of man’s origins, but not so. The term refers to space which contains a sea of undetectable atomic matter used to create everything; animate and inanimate. Hearteningly, mainstream science is beginning to see the light and some cosmologists argue space behaves like a giant ocean now. As for “Aki”, well this is closer to bedazzlement, will or spirit as the combination of maternal/paternal (essence) so it is much, much more than mere light.

Those that have pawed through rambunctious literatures produced by Zechariah Sitchin will have encountered his versions of the notorious Enki and Enlil. Just because he has a large posthumous following, does not mean his opinions are beyond reproach. Frankly I insist, knowing what I know, they are littered with errors, guided by a rancid political agenda I can only assume is directed by Israel’s right wing archaeological establishment. First up, these characters (Enki, Enlil, Inanna et al) were not Anunaki beings. Anunaki is something like an entire network of stars separated by trillions of light years. How about that for a single organism! One might intelligently argue that some representations of Enki, Enlil were Anunaki cohorts. Indeed, original manifestations (way beyond physical) were known only as Ba’al. Confusingly, given biblical connotations, Ba’al is the group name given to the different guises of “God” (Annunaki/Anunaki) in manifest form. Are you all still with me? The “double n” Annunaki is complete non-manifest God and “single n” Anunaki(s) is/are [incomplete as aspects of the whole] manifest God(s). Ba’al personifies as many guises as required to satisfy the complete refracted character of the Annunaki distributed by Anunaki overlords. Initially, per that dynamic, it could be argued the two most significant divides (if that’s the right term) are individual versus group. Thus, concepts Enki and Enlil were born. Translation of terms offers succinct clarity. “En” “Ki” compares to “spirit inside” (or individual traits). “En” “Lil” is “the whole converging at one point within” (or “everything” represented as “a single entity”). That is why ancient texts posit Enki as the gene master (augmenting individuality) and Enlil as “God” (common view of the “great group”).

revit-octopusIt is difficult to precisely ascertain the reasons for snakes or serpents as the original preferred form. I have theorised that creatures living in ocean environments might prefer flexible bodies to manipulate tides, but it may be something else. In fact the octopus might best approximate the optimum original manifest design but it was later, several hundred million years ago, that dragons personified those sleek, slithering bodies that would truncate to become boas that populate our dense tropical jungles, vipers for arid, desert regions and numerous other basilisk varieties suiting varying lifestyles on modern planet Earth. The serpent once was the dragon and Jacque Fresco (of the Venus Project) knows they learn quickly. I feel the adage “once bitten twice shy” cannily assesses ophidian libido. Enki, in physical form, is best described as an alligator headed sea monster supporting multiple tentacles. Incidentally, located in extra-dimensional realms exists a strange humanoid, very tall and crocodilian headed. It is not the slightest bit fierce, but has such a fearsome intellect; it would put the brightest human to shame. Unable to manifest in the plane we call D3 or “third dimension” at all, Enki [the “being”] had extraordinary psi-powers, including refined telekinesis, the ability to spontaneously create and numerous senses unavailable or alien to humanity.

To configure all the layers that comprise Annunaki, as an absolute, would effectively accommodate several encyclopaedias worth of differences. Suffice to say, housed in those undiscovered sections, reptilian and dragon hierarchies have their own immaculate angels etched from light making human obsessions over morally good and evil (at best) deeply prejudicial. The term “light” is so oversimplified per our binary definition; it is surprising we glean even an inkling of spirituality (that which comes from star light). Our mundane observation of spectral qualities, separated by colour grades, is a small part of spiritual consequence. Albert Einstein’s ignorance neglected a number of fields that would help distinguish the many different states of photons currently disguising light’s potential. For those that think I am being unfair, principled materialism assures that if everyone was rendered sight blind and without memory, the light spectrum would cease to exist. Imagination, to these philistines, is worthless. Einstein was a clansman that replicated anything that satisfied his peer group and mischievously rejected all considerations that appeared to contravene ambition guided by precipitous order to the detriment of true science. The great human group has no right to censor existence as a consequence of limited experiential capability. Open minds will herald a renaissance for true science.

Discounting the differing manifest proto-physical effects that might be witnessed by ultra-sensory beings, each broad “type” has its own domain with underlings at varying stages of development overseen by angelic guiding ambassadors (with their own hierarchies). Thus, there may be 100’s or 1000’s of increments in the chains of command all the way up to utopian nirvana. Could we call these divine ladders? I delve into this, though perhaps not quite in the same way as outlined here, in my book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” (PayPal donations preferred by those that take the purchase plunge & the cheeky request for $800 contains a lot of tongue). Sentiment that challenges standard material belief systems hides the queasy question; is DNA concrete evidence for God if processes are found to be ordained by the atomic layer (i.e. light)? Light is the only “thing” (or, perhaps, material essence is better terminology) human can manufacture out of nothing. If it isn’t considered to be something, why don’t the rules for existence change? Empirical science observes symptoms, looks for material (measurable) causes but invariably applies rancid philosophy by the seat of the pants. Philosophically, science has no idea why fire exists as the manifest chain reaction and physical effect of combustion. The technological quacks may as well boom “God decreed it and it was so”.

According to ancient sources, the Annunaki (i.e. group God as the premise for manifestation) “split” at some distant past. This point marked a significant percentage of intent choosing the face of man over the serpent (even though, initially, the face of man grotesquely appeared on an octopus like monster). Those that refer to Genesis 1:27 “So God created mankind in his own image….” have been mostly guided by superstitions that suppose meanings. In isolation the verse, simplistically, suggests the creators of man looked like him. Let us review the appearance of our creators to verify accuracy here. Pteroid mammalians (creators of man) perambulate upright, having arms, legs and basic facial features (i.e. possession of two ears, a pair of eyes, nose and mouth) matching ours. Ciakar reptilians (creators of hu-man) are the same. Thus, the (Draco) makers of man and human were superficially identical and if either was used as evidence they would validate Genesis 1:27. The verse was not some kind of mumbo jumbo pulled out of thin air by intoxicated primitives.

Dragon angelOf course, detailed scrutiny of truth would reveal a very different picture that pieces together polar extremes ranging from human comparable extraordinary likenesses found in aspects of body parts or design to unfathomable resemblances that are quite unrecognisable as anything to do with man. It is for that reason there is a chasm that separates “creators” and “created”. Also, we must never lose sight of the fact that they are very different to us. In accordance with the ascension, Annunaki spheres of influence (figuratively represented in the Mahabharata Bhagavad Gita as the “Zoroastrian style” 1000 headed cobra representing a fan of intentions from despicable to supreme) could return at any time and this will perhaps exacerbate differences between us and them (our Draco masters). These differences have been visibly played out as global control politics and that ever more corrupt extra-terrestrial “disclosure movement”. Even so (and this might well shock some of you) I am heartened to note that in addition to their angelic light beings, senior ranked Ciakars and all fully fledged Pteroids possess wings that supplement other accoutrements. Adding further credence to my explanation; is this not what an ignorant, superstitious “primitive” might expect of angels?