Tag Archives: James Woolsey

The Great Honour: To Be Consumed by a Draco

The Great Honour: To Be Consumed by a Draco

13129827_1081525348579927_540089264_nBecause human beings detest criticism we are all vindictive. Whether responses to judgement are tactful or blunt, were our core failings to be exposed it would invariably require world wars for conclusive remedy. That is partially why our spiritual developmental progress has barely changed over thousands of years, only fluctuating with fashions of each age. Formal analysis should be deemed to be empowering because, through honest appraisal, knowledge of errors presents the opportunity for redemption or an “improved me”. To be in deliberate denial of one’s own shortcomings is the greatest sin possible in my opinion. As a teacher, it is my job to bring bad news. Writers under my spotlight should feel proud I even bothered to assess their output. For me to have shown an interest they will have revealed prodigy and I am the one that is humbled by the privilege of being able to assess those most valuable contributions. With that consideration in mind, the first part of this article will evaluate a powerful but demure topical book . If all goes well evidence will seamlessly bridge across to new revelations on the challenging subject, Draco spirituality and intent.

blog-changeIt is human nature to cling to permanence. That is why most would ideally live eternally (while in good health) and many struggle to resolve the loss of loved ones. battle-giantsTarot expresses death as the catalyst, something that interrupts rather than completely destroying permanence. Change is good. It affords new perspectives from lessons learned. Two great titans went to battle recently and it appears, consequentially, on face value that Eva Draconis and I have irrevocably fallen out. Loss of face, when in relation to honour, is impossible for various human character sets, in light of our vindictive streaks. Thus, prospects for resolve must be regarded as limited to the point of futility. That said, the fallout has been essential for my discovery tour and, in light of this new valuable perspective, prior missing pieces of the puzzle in position reveal a clearer picture. Those differences of opinion will not stop me respecting her work and I shall continue to promote her valuable contributions when possible and appropriate. Neither should the immense value of her account be understated, nor should my critiques in any way dampen her everlasting charm, passion and commitment to personalised diligence.

The-ShiningThough I cannot even divulge indications as to the nature of these private disagreements, lessons learned will be presented in a way that does not break confidence.  Having almost reached the halfway point of her first book, “The Orion Project – Real or Imaginary”, I am beginning to see a formula with clarity. She has three undeniable objectives which deserve contemplation. Those that defiled her must pay to vilify revenge. Resolve will come through identification of purpose (of her attackers). Why did they do it? Finally, she wants accountability as physical proof and, consequentially, is obsessed with her abductors’ materialisation. There is an ulterior motive here. Perhaps fame is the wrong word as she has made every effort to remain anonymous, originating from somewhere in Europe. She wants notoriety; even of the posthumous variety. dragon_transformation_part_15_by_clashmecha-d5dg5w2Plenty of book sales would help too, I’m sure, so please donate and learn something.

Being part dragon (spiritual DNA) myself, the onlooking world regularly mistakes my ill-tolerance of simple minds for conceitedness. Dragons in human form often dotingly attach themselves to some or other academic institution. Thus, in that capacity, they can adopt cynical views towards opinions that do not stem from academia. Eva treats lesser minds with distain, demonstrating her dragon nature. Anything disagreeable coming from parties with no reputation is covertly demeaned in a similar way to those that mount slanderous campaigns under the guise of journalism. That which challenges is dealt with by implied condescension. It should be said; a raging arrogance rather dominates and goes some way to undermining her quest.

lizard-manok-800x576For instance, her opinion of her extra-terrestrial hosts is notably low even though she tries camouflage the fact (texts are littered with smirks in response to alien sentiment). To which end, to the unbiased third party, a very different snapshot is surmised. As much as she tries to lead her extraordinary opponents into her mercilessly devious traps, they simply refuse to cooperate, egging her on all the while. In fact, I would go so far as to say she comes perilously close to being the fly in their ointment.

the-amazing-concept-art-and-panoramas-of-oblivion-snoutypig_0011_Seq_Alt_1080p.Still054.pngTheirs is a world she doesn’t understand, nor, it is painfully clear, does she try to understand. Those with dragon qualities tend to feel they are important; perhaps destined and this is probably my [personal] greatest fault. We are very easily offended for that reason. For those disillusioned by academia, there is such an obsession with compromised truth that ruthless self-criticism can lead to the spiral of a downward path to oblivion. At the bottom of that bottomless pit is the realisation that corruption is the root of basis. Thus, when countering inconvenience, these angry cyclones of conviction can turn their opponents to stone. All dragons are of the serpentine lines, having low will power, and can be rather two faced (often inadvertently) though brave. There is more to Eva’s connection with Hamish the dragon than she perhaps realises.

cia-loves-u-760208In correlating style, around the 180 pages mark, there is a transcript of a letter submitted to the CIA demanding help. Though Eva’s prior note taking is comparatively cool and collected, her letter gives clues as to cracks in this visceral veneer of control. By what she wrote, she had convinced herself that some of those connecting with her either had relationships with or were de facto agents of the CIA or, perhaps, associated arbitrary body. Her strategy was to catch them red handed as it were. This was not a clever move. I know how the CIA works very well. For many years I communicated with a known agent (who, in that capacity, occasionally appears as an expert on TV). For some of my dark research projects, I also monitored numbers of CIA and FBI operatives targeting subversives. Over time, I have collected additional contacts who have claimed they are part of the organisation’s wider network invariably in some sort of conspiratorial vein. Each and every one of these presumed assets voiced extreme paranoia suggesting plots so convoluted they would make John Le Carre blush.

desert_ufo_crash_by_thyrring-d2zga2jIt is common knowledge that, under the guise of stopping communist infiltration, 100,000’s of strategic files were created against blissfully unaware American citizens (often supporting baseless accusations), sometimes used to diminish individual career prospects. The UFO/exo-politics groups are of considerable interest today. In 1993 Dr Steven Greer, one of the best known names in ufology, was granted an informal interview with James Woolsey (then director of the CIA). Though the slime ball Woolsey denied the meeting ever took place in 1999, his dreadful organisation was behind the 1950’s Project Blue Book UFO misinformation campaign (brainchild of the so-called Majestic 12), which extended to strategic agents leaking slant information (misinformation) about UFO crashes, captured EBE’s and so on. I should note the ex-policeman, researcher and popular UFO Truth magazine owner, Gary Heseltine, has identified a number of strong positives generated by Project Blue Book, so those with time to wade through that plethora of trash may be validated too. The point is the CIA was involved from the start and will be involved at the end.

mkultraEva, particularly, was not able to cognize how her visitors expressed themselves. For instance, they regularly lied to provoke her attention. 403988_386090104797354_126709528_nUsing fake associations with Hitler, NASA and others engineered credibility. Her academia aligned dragon pounced on the notion as she clearly immensely respected the organisation others label “Never A Straight Answer”. Being rather tin foil hat in character, Mkultra was not known to her at the time, which suggests her abductors had a database of other subjects’ information they used for references. Carefully noting personality shifts and body language throughout the recorded discourse, I can say Eva was complimented for being a good subject (slave) every time she listened to them (with sincerity) and was disparaged on each occasion she insisted on answers from them, unless information revealed (usually adrift of requests for) suited their wider purposes.

paedophiliaHer obsession, in typical human fashion, sometimes morphs into infatuation. Love, when free of infatuation, can blossom anywhere, for instance. It seems to me collectivised associations is a common female trait in particular. Each affectionate posse ostracises fundamentals that don’t fit the aggregate view. Borderline considerations linger, perennially not understood. Interestingly Eva’s quixotic visitors merely wanted her to be true and not the cartoon she attempts to echo. As an aside, I regularly encounter shrieking fundamentalist qualities, particularly when discussing emotive subjects such as paedophilia. The reptilian human brain seems to instinctively switch on irrational psychosis when belief systems are threatened: the greater the fundamental, the more powerful the unwarranted reaction against.

gooddinosaur-xlargeOne of the problems with “The Orion Project – Real or Imaginary” is all voices, whether “dinosaur”, “hybrid”, “Draco” or “reptilian” present roughly the same “objective” energetic signature. By that I mean they are of identical “mindsets”. angelic_face_03_by_anja5Whether this is through cause of the way Eva has rationalised what she records or they are, to all intents and purposes, the “same” is unclear. Thinking about it, her response to her dragon partner, Hamish, for instance, seems as much a reflection of her as him. Even so, texts are loaded with gems (though not necessarily evenly spread) and it really needs someone to notarise them in isolation. To highlight a few points, they talk about the need for the fabric of species to be balanced (controlled); their living quarters inside a cloud; men in black (different to ones described by others) used as assistants and Mkultra spiders. Generally, as much as Eva fights against the tide, everything gravitates around the piquancy of respect divided between designate slave and master. Sovereign human beings tend to find this notion disturbing. eating human flesh This is also where I think Eva’s comprehension breaks down too.

At one point in the journal she over zealously interrogates the reptilians on their eating preferences; notably as to whether consumption of human flesh was included on the menu list. Rather than listening for reflective feedback, she invariably fields accusations and waits for return denials or affirmations. Thus readers are never quite sure whether responses are merely moves in the slave/master role play or honest information. Nevertheless, without her prompts, she risks not collecting any information at all, so, in the case of human flesh eating, after several attempts of pretty much the same accusation, I think it transpired that though they hadn’t eaten human flesh up to that point, exceptions were possible.

HealingelixirartThey certainly ate something but also repeatedly praised a watery elixir found in their planet. Eva had presumed the fluid was hydrogen based, although this is far from a certainty. Reading carefully (to page 214), I saw no place where her hosts definitively responded to her questions suggesting they might not have known what hydrogen was. The Zeta Grey Beings, for instance, do not recognise molecules per se, but, rather, identify with holistic elemental frequencies. I discuss the filters acting as exchanges that accentuate the material plane in my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”.

1238111_1013180108707406_5536019381064550849_nThe Orion entities rituals thus far seem related only to obedience and genetic exchange. One of the hybrids was allegedly beaten for not wanting to rape Eva. I have long maintained our medieval mindset was the closest we came to the reptilians’ social ethos. Torture was widely used and respected as an effective part of judicial due process then. Today attitudes have changed, of course, as torture proved only worthy in administering fear or submission. In a closed master slave devote society; torture would be the best way to accent order. Scandalous sources, often driven through David Icke’s network, talk of similar values of the Earth realm Draco. The death penalty was dished out with impunity as protocol for the Draco-Martian alliance that became the Atlantis technology city. Citizens could be and were regularly killed for simply having the wrong thoughts.

Lemurian_Light_BG12Recently I was able to talk on the American internet radio channel, Revisiting Reality. After the broadcast I continued chatting with an extended group of listeners but also learnt (contextually) that Martian-reptilian hybrids had been produced as a consequence of the Atlantis joint venture. This forces me to alter some of the conclusions I had drawn for my yet-to-be-published “A New World Order”. Critics please correct me to your hearts’ content. It is always my blessing. I am not one of those that blindly forge a monopoly on truth. Far from it, my mission has always been to reveal the unrevealable free from the shackles of politics, vested interests, commercial property and other biases. My purpose is to present what others cannot or will not illume.

30bf40756c36e421fba96c33cc7fa37fUnderstanding our genetic heritage is the best key to resolving anomalous evidences which are blamed on the “Draco”. These rules obsessed entities are the lowest link in a non-manifest chain of command going right up to the Annunaki (the long word for “God”).  Our English adjective reference, draconian, first appeared in 1876 and means rule obsessed. Reputedly the Greek statesman (lawyer), Draco, established law codes which imposed the death penalty for minor crimes (such as stealing vegetables) in 621BC. Though his name actually meant “sharp sighted”, it originated from drakon (the Greek version of dragon and a much more ancient word meaning “dragon group”). The serpentine use of dragon first appears as the archaic French adaptation of Latin draconem (meaning serpent or sea monster). Incidentally, Greek drak references Slavic derkesthai (a darting or deadly glance) which was colloquially sometimes used as “to see clearly”. This is interesting because raptors are recognised for their extraordinary eyesight. There is a dragon connection here too, for the original ground and air raptors’ Tyrannosaur and Pterodactyl DNA blocks were (as gene masters) under their direct administration.

Sidney_Hall_-_Urania's_Mirror_-_Draco_and_Ursa_MinorIt seems more than ironic that 18th century cosmologists picked the name Draco for a massive constellation of stars, which happens to include Alpha Draconis. Is exoplanet TrES-2 the home base of all reptilians? The chance of “Draco” being coincidental is greatly reduced after considering the fact that Gamma Draconis was discovered and named before Alpha Draconis. If it wasn’t labelled for being first; was it of premium importance and why? That importance we now know is it was the sun source of the distant ancestors and creators of humanity. Over 400 million years ago, the ones destined to become Earthlings were ensconced in a planetary system that orbited Alpha Draconis. The highest material beings were the dragons, though it is unclear whether they were created specifically to master Earth plane genetics or their manifest purpose stretched back to the dawn of time. It seems likely the latter would be the case given the Annunaki’s original desired form was that of what can only be described as a sea monster.

The_Blessed_Reptilian_Virgin_by_HiddenStashThinking of dragons, this gives me an opportunity to confess a grave error of mine. Years ago I was given an image of a tall dragon seated at a marble throne. Perched on the extended neck in place of what should have been a frightful gargoyle was the angelic face of one of my family members. I took it as a foul joke, but it wasn’t. The dragons were trying to give me a clue as to how their psych worked whilst offering homage in celebration of my own heritage. The family member in question is gracious and kind, extremely compassionate, but practical at the same time. She would light any crowd, but also has a ferocious streak. To catch her angry flash, watch out! She would give Beelzebub the collywobbles.

shining-starIn the spirit of errors, I can complement Eva for correcting me. Whilst Thuban is known as the head of the serpent from antique Arabic, reptilians prefer to call it the all Seeing Eye. This has many colloquial names, including the North Star, Morning Star (the implied source for Lucifer). Because my information about insectoids (notably the Mantid types) must have been referenced through reptilian or snake lines (invariably I do not know the route information travels; only it originates from “source” rather than “astral regions”), they called the Mantids Thubans. Rememberitumblr_mgwcwx2LH81r654su_1358639664_coverng a distant perplexing audial vision, I had been shown master souls of the Mantis made from a type of light and rock. More recently I have found signatures of very different Mantoid entities around the proximity of Venus (with kind assistance from Niki Reinert).

My earlier dream (of the Mantis master soul versions) had pre-empted judgement error which, I presume, had (or was likely) to be through course of this timeline. Inuit Eskimo legends reference a distant past in or on a planet near the North Star. All native Indian aborigines are versions of Lemurians. I have seen varieties of their higher spiritual types with black almond shaped eyes (not dissimilar to that one would expect of Grey Beings) giving them a distinct Mantis quality. My bizarre experience of the Beruzdia is linked. This also seems to tie in with the mysterious cone headed Pharaohs (“Grey” versions are featured by Suzy Hansen in her book The Dual Soul Connection), the mythical Viracochas and even Thoth. To make rational identification even more enigmatically problematic, Eva Draconis noted whale-like varieties of reptilian mantis beings. It’s complex.

4668918_origDates analysis varies, but it is generally agreed by those that draw on cosmic channels that somewhere between 7 and 9 billion years ago, the Annunaki split between “snake” (or sea monster) and “man” (face of God). Yet, if the unbiased observer was to strip intent down to its raw essentials, to be worshiped with sincerity transcended all other objectives of their existence. Is that not what Eva’s visitors wanted of her – to be in awe of their existence? Lucifer, the symbolic name given to one of the snake-line archangels, assumed the non-manifest forms of Ba’al for the specific goal of genetic mastery and education. Metaphors are expressed by Sumerian texts. Enki (representing the inner) was the great gene master. Enlil (or “outer”) either taught or judged as teachers do. Dragons formed the bridge between non-manifest and relative reality plane realms. faustEinstein’s grave error was to deny intuition. To the larger degree, that is why our science is stuck on materialism. Materialism is not representative of reality because relative realms are interloping.

Reptilian_Male_Color_Version_SmallerI feel that Georg Faust’s enlightening folklore deserves some evaluation at some point, particularly focusing on Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s Mephistopheles. That intricate review of reptilian character will have to await a future episode. Researchers are often confused by myths spun about reptilians in exo-political circles. It could be said the Ciakar has been type cast. According to original scandal, reptoids must be nasty, slimy, psychotic, evil, irrational abductors, torturous butchers and serial rapists if authentic. Counter-movements have presented comparatively wimpy antipodal gentle vegan empathetic spiritualists, but these versions are as bogus as all the other gross caricatures.

snake_man_1It can be said that all reptilians are very switched on – perhaps scintillating. Whether their exterior is gruff or malleable, underneath they are the essence of livingness. In fact our fused cold/warm blooded pulmonary system is representative of the Ciakar dual system. They can be cold or warm blooded at will. As cold bloods, they are vital, alive, undiscerning and that is what they prefer. A rush of warm blood facilitates the spiritual aspects of character: empathy, balanced judgement and their version of compassion.

4412584275_3b3a65f20aIt is important to stress that dragons created Pteroids who, in turn, created their Earth plane ideal form, man. Homo erectus or Neanderthal is the head of a magnificent mammalian hierarchy. The Rhesus monkey connection with human blood types is symbolic (Landsteiner’s pioneering work used rabbit blood in substitution) and unrepresentative of genetic hierarchies. Nevertheless, pigs are widely used for human blood transfusions for “A” and “O” type blood groups. It is uncomfortable to know they are also one of the creatures closest to the human genome set. Perhaps the Jews removed them from our menu for being more than unclean?

Homo neanderthalensis adult male. Reconstruction based on Shanidar 1 by John Gurche for the Human Origins Program, NMNH. Date: 225,000 to 28,000 years.I cannot ascertain whether monkeys are blue veined (affirming a fused pulmonary system), but can confirm that if a genuine autopsy of original Homo erectus was ever conducted, blue veins are unlikely to be seen. Later Neanderthals were also hybridised by Ciakars as were in between hairy versions of human (neither “us” nor “them”). “Eve” (sparsely haired) human was the master creation which adapts all their key attributes for surface life on the Earth plane. We are the most up-to-date version of reptilian man. Thus to summarise the ancestral DNA lineages, there is Annunaki-Lucifer-Ba’al-Dragon-Pteroid-man (Adam) and Annunaki-Lucifer-Ba’al-Dragon-Petroid-Ciakar-human (Eve). A large number of vested interests monitor our DNA catalogues and any one could intervene if their asset was terminally threatened.

giving-1The great power of “The Orion Project – Real or Imaginary” can be found not in what Eva tries to expose, but, rather, in what’s hidden between the lines. Whilst there is no diplomacy, providing etiquette is observed, cordiality simmers. Belying this veneer is a real attempt to control through information. Eva, as slave, is subjected to carrot and stick as the lure to fruitful comprehension. Thus, when she is raped it is as a means to an end. The guilt of her abductors was not obvious. They were not ashamed by what they did to her, but rued their unauthorised behaviour in case they were called to account by their own [vicious] peers. We can assume that their [own] hierarchies of control go way beyond anything Eva was exposed to. tumblr_o0rouj1iCd1qd7fobo1_540In other words, if the “big cheeses” (of their society) were ever to learn of shenanigans, there might literally be hell to pay. That is who she should be seeking out if she was committed to enacting revenge.

Thus, when (late) Karla Turner, James Bartley and others highlight reptilian abduction rape, they do not present honestly. Views merely lionise the human “right” not to be inconvenienced. Ciakar analysis contradicts opinions. They talk of doing women a great service by “opening them up” sexually. masboi_69_94200692043AM_BREADThis has, in some ways, been born true by abductor testimonies that have reported extraordinary arousal or orgasms as features of rape experiences (something that parries with Dracula folklore). In addition, Ciakars negotiate contracts of the heart (or will), so verbal rebuttal will have no effect as a method for stipulating prohibition.

At some level, all abductees agree to their torments. To put things in perspective, blood sacrifice (war) over Earth heart chakras rings true as I know of a Draco pact with the US Administration which details more than 66,000 human souls to be given per annum in accordance with joint venture cooperation. Contrary, allegations of piles of human corpses stored like bricks serves no purpose and makes no sense whatsoever except as a possible method of inducing intimidation. That said, at least one reptilian species does consume human body parts (and not ones you would expect to be digested) which are stocked in their equivalent of supermarkets. Records of hybrids (that ingest through their skin membranes) bathing in large vats of human (somehow still living) fluids and sinew are confirmed. But let’s face it, if pigs could talk, there would be many guilty humans or, dare I add, if plants would scream scandal mongers might profess vegan horrors galore!

Back to Godhead - Volume 10, Number 09 - 1975The ancients recorded accounts of terrible rituals where hapless adepts would be savagely volunteered as Ba’al bait. I think the tales were again biased in favour of human predetermination, but, be that as it may, rituals were undeniably bloody. Gore was the method used to entice the correct energetic values. There is also possibly some truth to the notion of victims being skinned alive, as live blood needed to be consumed with energy intact. Ciakars, common with all higher beings, are drawn to energetic signatures they feel attracted to. Vibrant reptilians are earthy and real so tend to seek just about everything humans label “distasteful” (per the atheist hatred of anything vital), such as lust, altered states, mystification, divining and so on. crying_horizTo them, the most monumental stages of life are what we label “birth” and “death”, so it should be no wonder that our genetic betters are mesmerised by these in particular.

draco_malfoy_by_4leafcolour-d475mwuThere is a way to fight back, though. Eva elucidates it very well throughout her writings. She never really backs down once in the 214 pages I have read. The very worst possible reaction to intolerance is snivelling submission (cowardice). I find it interesting that Israel and her law makers have pushed the very qualities that the Draco despise as optimum social attributes. Of course there are lazy inept outcasts of Draco society that would see this as the practical solution to their control objectives. Thus, if any hidden power rules here, it is them – Draco spawn. All that masonic propaganda geared to shaping opinions is rather obvious to those with half a mind, which doesn’t say a great deal about our invisible theoretical controllers.

different_kettle_of_fish_by_pskate1Real Draco spiritual beings are a whole different kettle of fish. For instance, recently I was presented a fake moon that acted as a beacon of confusion in an attempt to shift emphasis of my logic for reasons too convoluted to go into in detail this essay. Suffice to say, they needed to change my opinions and change they did. On face value, things evolved in the wrong way for them too, probably ending at a tangent from where they had originally targeted resolution to unfold. Of course, that journey may not be over yet, so conclusions might well be premeditated. I’ll hopefully let you all know how it pans out in a future post. We can determine this, though. The Draco know beliefs are far more potent than truths and, in the same way, Israelite “psy-ops” sloppily attempt to mimic their refined deception.

contemporary-kitchenVia dream state, I have recently been invited as witness to a hallowed Ciakar ceremony. In costume, participants could easily be mistaken for “men” or “women”. Proportionally, they all look human. The scene is very odd indeed. Numbers of cloaked figures channel me the sense of their attentiveness. Accordingly, each has a duty which he or she lovingly enacts. The room radiates the signature of something like one of our formal religious institution, but it is very pleasant and airy at the same time. brown robesFor instance, by comparison, I find our churches and cathedrals rather claustrophobic. Though the room is large enough to be a rectangular hall (perhaps thinner and longer than I have seen before) at the centre are some fixed-in-place dark wooden blocks (as one would expect to see in an open plan kitchen). It is difficult for me to recollect, but there may have been furnishings along the walled areas and inconspicuous posts here and there. Everything seems to be shades of brown or off yellow and they (our people) are all clad in chestnut-maroon felt hooded robes.

waitingAlong with this sacred essence there is a strange sense that coveys something that reminds me of a surgery room. It screams precision, professional, acute expertise as though a challenging delicate medical operation is about to take place. Victims, they feel, are ready, prepared. I have not been given direct access to that signature, so, circumventing a route in, I pick up dread, bewilderment and the sense of oppressive violation. No sadness, only unfair, unwarranted submission. I cannot say whether this message is related to their ceremony and by what means it was generated (i.e. if counter-propaganda agents intervened to influence my judgement). From them, I glean a [genuine] sense of honour towards the victim. All parties, I learn, agree to a mutual contract forged by destiny.

280b5d597079753abda90a54db7792deThe victim must be consumed alive. This is a very difficult procedure as body, spirit and soul must also be fused as one (perhaps the eternal twin concept). In effect, two beings assimilate. Here is the paradox. According to their logic the victim was selected for noble [genetic] attributes perfectly matching the host. I don’t see detail of how they perform the ritual, but can say there is a very large audience awaiting outcomes. Medieval Times groupThis is a really big social event. Everyone is pensive, apprehensive in the positive yen for great expectations from harmonisation. It reminds me of birth rituals before the advances of technology. The risk was great for all parties but so was the prize. In fact, I notice something else. Both victim and oppressor go through independent trials to become “one”. It seems to me that if either party succumbs both are lost. 16_The_Wasteland_Survival_GuideWell, that was actually quite draining. I get this daunting feeling of an impossible hurdle to overcome, but sheer resilience pushing me across the line. Everything is jangling all over. I cannot over stress; to them this is a huge deal.

This subject is so emotional that it goes beyond cynical research. Biases are almost certain to shape truthful conveyance of information as presented, potentially reviling the objective. Opposing partisan beliefs, for and against, seem to be preying on my influence and I represent what I see to my maximum effect. In a nutshell, there is something synthetic about the whole thing. Judgement decrees these practices are possibly both over-zealous and insensitive to disparaging views. We must refrain from introducing our practical eating as a means of survival as a consideration, for example. Although, I can divulge that in the higher realms hunger is so great, to live it is to appreciate it. Life is all consuming. Nevertheless, personally I could never condone an unrequited attack on will whether for the greater good or any other contrived “hallow” ulterior motive. Oppression for oppression’s sake is the antipathy of harmony.

I can accept conquests to death between committed Titans, each disposed to outcomes regardless of consequences. Assimilation of battle hardened warriors imbues a poetic justice of sorts, but anything other than that is where I personally place the line separating honour and foul practice. Joachim_Wtewael_-_The_Battle_Between_the_Gods_and_the_Titans_-_WGA25902Yet, to my surprise, something very different is going on with their ceremonies and the answer behind motivation belies their very essence of what it is to be. Courtesy of atheism, human contemplation of purpose is deemed unnecessary. Philosophies on the subject are regarded as arbitrary, conditional or baseless. Predestination is a sour notion that interferes with our various versions of sovereignty.

Discordantly, theirs is pretty much the opposite view. Individual pursuit of destiny is a societal goal. Screen-shot-2013-09-30-at-5.44.05-PMThough they are more demanding and less tolerant than our own peer groups, individual rites of passage are revered (particularly in the young). Consequentially, there are different standards separating emerging beings and adults. Children are not only encouraged to do anything adults do, but are given a lot of latitude so as not to hinder expressive range. Perhaps this is why they do not seem to understand the sexual boundaries humans impose on their fledglings. Their societies are ordered between disciplined and ill-disciplined, rather than the mature and kids.

I give the example in my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”, what would happen if a number of my heart cells decided they wanted a holiday in foreign parts or went “on strike”? Should I allow them their sovereign rights and lay down my own life to the detriment of all? My book also touches on this concept top down, as it were. As lowest links in their chain of command, how much does our behaviour (as individuals) reflectively poison the Annunaki? Even as “malicious” time lords, they are top dogs and instrumentally entwined with our genetic hierarchy, deserving absolute respect in that capacity. Ciakars logically devote their free will towards fulfilling purpose. We, by comparison, illogically are mostly in denial of destiny. That is why they may appear insensitive in the way they purge their societies of rogue elements. Imagine if we had their crystals that can read minds to discern intent and premeditation no matter where targets are located. No way out, nowhere to hide for criminal elements. The Zionists that mastermind fake terrorism here would have been instantly put to death long ago had Ciakar methods been employed. Evil puppets would have been relinquished to lead ordinary decent lives.

Strong-KeyArt-1920x1080-KOReturning to the recalcitrant cells analogy, what happens to cancers and other problems dealt with by the body? The threat is killed and genetic materials are absorbed. Very bad tumours can be cut out by surgeons. Ciakar society purges those that are anti-order. Anti-order is broken into two fundamental groups: criminals and “the weak”. Weaklings cannot endure the rigors of predestination and are the dead weights of society. It is these that are encouraged to be assimilated through unions with the “strong”. Criminal elements are purged for social purification. Once again, whereas this does not sit well for sovereign individuality mindset, given our bodies consist of many, many parts (that most often do not inter-communicate) and civilizations likewise require congruity for optimum harmonisation, are they “wrong” in their approach?

hqdefaultThe Draco are very aware of our reactionary perceptions. Premeditation rules the standard spooky graveyard can only host menacing elements that prey on fear. Sun kissed meadows are safe places lovingly blessed by fairies and nature sprites. Though clever horror genre movie producers regularly mix metaphors to surprise audiences, stigmatic views do not change.  The reason the ceremony scene appeared somehow synthetic is it was fake. They feared, as a human, I would draw poor conclusions by witnessing truth, so they presented an allegory. Nevertheless, I have been privy to the real experience now and understand why amendments were made. The bonafide scene is much more plausible and the atmosphere seems highly oppressive to me. In part, this is because the scene is extremely poorly lit. There are maybe three or four very bulky hosts that are the classically ferocious looking types. Yes, I think I would have judged that harshly in retrospect.

Time-lords-high-councilWhen I drill down and assess their attributes, I find much better correlation with the constructed vision (the fake). As surgeons with skills way beyond anything mere man can do, they have an acute interest in detail. In fact, it is more than that. They feel that everything is created from their essence. I sense no compassion per se. Draco smirk - Ian RThey are not malleable in any way. Yet there is an desire, devotion, love (perhaps) in what they do that transcends human goodness, if that makes sense. I observe the finest minds patiently bowing to subservient commitment in a way that makes me weep. Similar to Eva’s portrayal of the Orioners, they too seek balance from nature and try to apply “with hindsight” controls to stop things going too far out of whack.

This is the detail they are so obsessed about that is fused in the joining ceremony. The process is not regarded (by them) as the wilful manufacture of death, but, rather, the exalted resurrection of life; life with new potency. Perhaps it is going to require too great a leap of faith for human culture to adjust and make the paradigm shift of thinking for comprehension. Nevertheless the teacher in me feels compelled to issue some words of warning. As we edge ever closer to their world, we will need to prepare ourselves for very new ideals and lives more noticeably under the spotlight. Whether we like it or not, to them, to be consumed by a Draco will always be viewed as a great honour.