Tag Archives: bearer

The Satanism, Materialism, Atheism Connection

The Satanism, Materialism, Atheism Connection

pursuit-of-purityOver the ages, misinformation and disinformation has fused to obscure truth to such a degree it has allowed a fiction simply identified as “Satan” to pop into existence. But for maligned belief systems, this “existence” would vanish as though it had never been. satanism(Cosmic) Hebrew phonetics translates Satan as meaning adversary. However Israelite philosophy is so aggregated, students are never quite sure what is meant by contextual good or evil. For instance, biblical proverbs can offer absolute opposite resolves to identical situations. One verse might prophesise you must love all foreign nationals (goyim) as brothers, when others insist invaders only warrant abject hatred. Phonetically Satan is the combination of “sat” and “an”. In fact readers will be shocked that this is a merger of “truthful purity” and the “highest God” (An) from Sanskrit; a lofty language that stems from Atlantis.

So, given that insight, it is odd the Hebrews recognised the highest God of truthful purity as their adversary. Taking the numerous contradictions brazenly paraded in holy texts into consideration, outsiders must legitimately accuse Judaism and its Mosaic agents (orthodox Christianity and Islam) of duplicity here. That is the only valid conclusion, although it must be stressed that the Israelite religion was a version of the earlier Zoroastrian faith. Zoroastrianism tried to explain Anunaki influence using the metaphors “good and “evil”. Even so, the Pharisees commitment to the de-spiritualisation of God to impose obedience by rote on their slaves is no better paraphrased than by the “Christian” eternal damnation concept. To be precise, orders are given by St Paul (a Pharisee cloaked as “Christian”) in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 Verse 9:

“These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power”

By this authoritarian definition; evil is everything and anything that detracts “what we [the “authority”] say” is good. counterfeitThe “glory of his power” is a convenient presumption that gives any designated proxy-agent the undeniable right to posit any sentiment “in the name of the lord”. Whether sentiment is noble or vile makes no difference, for that is the “glory of his power”. It is no wonder “Satan” has been given such a bum rap by the Jews and their affiliates. God needed a nemesis to counterfeit “good” and “evil”. Capitalising on ignorance, necessary Holy Scripture crafted dubious versions of Satan and Lucifer to establish the duality meme.

My book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” explains what is meant by the corruption of Satan (divinity of God). It is, for my research, the only source on the planet that presents truth plainly. Metaphors in gnostic texts, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, are so subtle they are very hard to decipher (for those lacking tuned insight). Given all other reference points (in common circulation) more or less adopt the pharisaic distortion of enlightenment, even the most distinguished minds end up succumbing to blasphemy in some way. Suffice to say, the few that have read my hallowed news have invariably preferred not to understand, such is the contradiction against the power of proscribed bogus “order”.

first-starThough I don’t specifically argue the case (in my book), there is unquestionable logic in my summary explanation which simply states “Satan was the very first star [to bless the cosmos]”. If, as I reveal later, stars are portals allowing God to exude expressive intent along the dimensional planes (collectively known as astral records), and were the objectives of the first star “pure”, then, given that Sanskrit definition, Satan would indeed be manifest God (expanded as An-nun-aki). Annunaki, I have outlined before, is the combination and summary of “everything as one”. We are all individually parts (units) of the (same) Annunaki.

Initially, while Satan radiated purity, our cosmos consisted only of light and “beings” (which approximated forms of jellyfish apparitions). There were no planets. There was no physicality. God per se “in essence” (correctly described by the Gnostics) is and was the combination or fusion of male and female. Prior to formatting existence, the male aspect was merely content with eternal slumber. Synonymous with wisdom, the female, colloquially known as Sophia, contradicted the male and became impatient. Eternal slumber did not validate holistic fulfilment so Sophia, in earnest accountability, conspired with the Holy Spirit with the purpose of fragmenting reality. A bi-product of male and female, acting as their cerebral identity, the Holy Spirit had been brought into non-existence to adjudicate eternal compliance, given the polarity of standalone maternal/paternal desires.

holyspiritComplying with the wishes (request) of Sofia, the Holy Spirit determined that reality could not work as an aggregate (i.e. corporeal combination of male and female) model. Therefore Sophia, consumed with zealous idealism, intentionally created an existence exclusively for the female aspect on the presumption that the male would be content to slumber eternally. This was the grave error of creation and the one that has caused the stigma incorrectly associated with “Satan”. When God (the whole) woke up the war between ideological practicality and evolutional pragmatism began. At first a trickle of absolute blackness shaded the heavens that once were light. Before long an avalanche of intent overwhelmed Satan until the divine portal was eventually consumed by darkness.

primordialwatersThe ancient Celts had a word for this. “Nun” (a component of Annunaki) means “primordial (or creative) waters”. From Sophia’s perspective, nun encapsulated evil and that is why it is supposed evil heralded from darkness and not through cause of comparatively shallow Zoroastrian propaganda (adapted by the Israelites into the Kabbalah). In essence, from this perspective, evil is everything associated with “3D” object reality which, according to atheist materialists, is theoretically purely dark matter (the “fundamental” version of the evil contesting Sophia’s zeal). There are doubtless numerous other analogies to be found in alternative doctrines, but I think the message is already sufficient enough to be understood.

Ancient Romans philosophised that stars are prisms made from quartz (after Aristotle) and this view was continued by their Catholic Church. Going against “science”, they could not be more correct for all [real] planets are encased stars (discussed in my book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded). Innocents would be baffled by just how much unadulterated fantasy has been dogmatised as doctrine by credentialed scientists. If they suppose reflective babble might in some way substitute as “evidence” verifying how the cosmos works, academia has shown itself to be rotten to the core. Could Cartesian interpretation of Newton’s calculations presupposing gravity be so wrong, forces are the precise opposite of the theoretical models? Would not the effect of an item being pushed to the ground (by forces unseen) be identical to one being pulled? Suffice to say, our unshakable laws of gravity would be shown to be outrageously incorrect if they were truly understood and we were free of institutionalised propaganda.

straw-man3Because I have detached myself from puerile and unconstructive popular theories that, if nothing else, do decidedly demonstrate complexity for complexity’s sake can and will baffle, lesser minds caught in the materialists’ web of intrigue will likely find content in my book “heavy going”; if not relative gibberish. Standard interpretations of Newton’s data models only do well at highlighting the insular view of man; his appreciative ignorance. For our current interpretation of gravity, as wrong as it is, the cosmos is further marginalised. Earth bound materialist psychotic infatuation over empiricism responds with “laws” that are expanded ever outwards. Parsing false reasoning, if it doesn’t “work” on Earth, then it cannot be “representative” of the cosmos or vice versa.

However, that said, the Earth is indeed a variation of cosmic processes or [albeit] a product of the vast universe, of course. Thus, logically, scientists need to understand the cosmos and its universe first to gauge “whys” and wherefores” of effects on (or in) Earth. Once dynamics are understood, it becomes obvious that stars are structural prisms, partially highlighted by gemstones manufactured by volcanos. Popularised by the late astronaut Edgar Mitchell (I’m led to believe), Zero Point Field(s) mark the origins of all access routes for that which is behind “space” (sometimes referred to as sub-space). In Victorian times and prior this was called the (a)ether (as evidenced by Teslas “lost” calculations devoted to generating free energy). Intriguingly, the word “(a)ethereal” shows an etymological path to spiritual. Perhaps that is why JP Morgan’s bank famously funded Edison’s material electricity. Before too long this will become obsolete anyway, as secrets concerning cold fusion will be available to every household.

milky-way-artist-eso-finallabeled_edited-1It is worth noting that my earlier explanation for the darkening of the Satan Star lacked a punch line. According to NASA (surprisingly), a deadweight “black hole” (the combined “mass” of millions of stars) is located somewhere nearby (relatively speaking) the Milky Way Galaxy. That, though they do not confirm it, is the Black Sun (which was the Satan Star). It also arguably substitutes the “spigot” analogy the Mayan’s (Lemurians) used to represent a giant torsion field that propels galaxies. As Earth is relatively close to the centre we are not subject to too much momentous inertia and I wonder if we could survive the full effect experienced in the outer reaches of the universe. The Black Sun label intrigues me because [ironically] our sun is charcoal coloured too. It only “looks” bright as an effect of our atmosphere.  Buzz Aldrin reputedly reported thus (under his breath) in utter shock when breaking free of Earth’s atmosphere on the way to the moon.

torsAll planets generate their own torsion fields (partially accounting for gravitation effects and that is why to exit our atmosphere summons an Olympian feat) but the intense pressure of (a)ether bursting into space generates forces of comparatively unimaginable precipitation. Consequentially, when dark matter is added to the mix, chain-reaction implosions generate such highly compressed (much denser than our purest diamonds) crystals, box-shaped doorways rise out of each molten soup. Though stars are not actually hot (heat is an effect of atmospheric combustion) dynamics are unaltered. If a man was to stand on our sun (which is dark in appearance outside our atmosphere, of course) he would literally burn coldly or combust in his atmospheric containment. I am not entirely convinced that a body could not survive or even “not live” unclad in space (but that logic is too afar adrift of competent discussion). Nevertheless, was that to be put to the test, it would take a brave person indeed to act as guinea pig. Space has extraordinary life giving properties and I wonder whether a body’s direct exposure might endure a miraculous morphing.

My reference to black holes earlier does not comply with traditionalism (although it should be stressed neither does Stephen Hawkins own variations, which are loosely described as grey holes by him these days). That is because science interprets the “phases” of a star wrongly. For instance, from truth’s novel perspective, in fact the so-called “white dwarf” phase actually shows light being “throttled” by dark matter. Not enough to fully extinguish the light, so to compensate the lack of overall brilliance, luminance is super-condensed. Even when fully “closed”, the star still radiates, so it is only visually black. Science talks of “black” representing an absence of colour (spectral light). This is incorrect too. There are green-blacks, red-blacks, purple-blacks and the swirling, pulsating abyss representing pure black is harder to look at than white light. So the description “black hole” implies much more than on casual face value.

99312262Also, the term “hole” is rather misleading because the black hole isn’t any different to a normal star. All stars function as portals, or, to use the vernacular, wormholes. Mainstream science opinion is more or less the paradoxical reverse of truth. As with “gravity” real dynamics are roughly the opposite of causally evolved Newtonian-Cartesian thinking and designating black holes power colossal streams of energy and matter out into the universe. My earlier volcano analogy best represents processes. But there’s more. Pulses “belch” giant waves which capture foreign objects in their path. file_794280In the case of the Black Sun (which was the Satan Star) forces are so immense they drag entire groups of galaxies (at stupefying speeds). Even so, those that take the time to understand pulse synchronicity might be able to find a way through each force field “on merit”. Very small objects are able to forfeit this drag factor (and that’s why, comparatively, Earth bound meteorites that penetrate our force field are always tiny). In the mundane planetary sense, Earth is caught in one of the circular grooves rippling out from our sun. The reason it spins is not because of “gravity” (as I explain in my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded) but, rather, forces generated by our internal sun source propel the body like a “dreidel” in its vain attempt to break free of the celestial groove.

I would go further and say this is where (if science was a true art form) theorists would find purpose in complication. The size and shape of a celestial object precisely determines how it will react to or whether it will be affected by the network of interconnected pulse waves that populate “space”. Where any three offset concentric rings meet, a triangular cosmic Venus Fly Trap awaits to ensnare unsuspecting asteroids which, possibly, are held in stasis for eternity. Planetary “rotation” mentioned earlier is also predictably subject to differing dynamics as not all bodies are spheres, as is supposed. In short, our universe is nothing like science imagined it would be like and that has caused the corruption of pragmatic thought in order to satisfy domineering practical ambitions.

bioxshotevilEveryone should now contend that darkness, being absolute matter, correlated with the original description of evil. Dark matter was uninvited and unwelcome (or, perhaps, unanticipated is a better choice of word) because of the zeal of Sophia (womanhood that encapsulates wisdom). Ever since, certain factions have tried to divide the material domain spiritually to be consistent with her ideologies. Nevertheless, spirituality in its most unrefined form is simply knowledge of God (or Sat-an: would not Hebrew materialist-atheists call this the “adversary”?). Materialism bequeaths atheism, of course. The two are unbreakable partners in crime. An absence of God (who is brought to life by the spirited) proposes a more refined dark matter existence decontaminated from the wilful spiritual illusion. Satanism, contrary to popular ignorance, actually harmonised the standard (i.e. standalone dark matter) which highlights the error of Sophia. That consequence (our throttled Satan Star) is the eternal “war” between the wishes of matriarchal (Sophia) and patriarchal (Adam – the material “son”).

The modern cult of Satanism is more closely aligned to “Luciferian doctrine”, but that’s not all. In addition to the Black Sun being worshipped because it represents the success of material (male) power over (feminine) spirituality (light) is an underlying mission by Judaic Pharisees (Satanists in all but name) to reduce existence to abject materialism. Continuing with my history, Lucifer came much later and, as with Satan, “He” is an identity/concept that has been synthesised from an idealism that bears no relation to truth. Etymology of Lucifer points to Latin light (lux) bearer and ancient texts (such as biblical Isaiah) conceptualise origins from the perpetually falling Morning Star. In fact the real “Lucifer” had a phonetically unpronounceable name that approximates the hiss of the desert wind.  He was an archangel and may been [euphemised by] “fallen” Gabrielle.  To be clear, Archangels are “sound beings” (a higher version of light) or logos.

luchadeer_thumbnailTo his credit (and detriment too) Lucifer was the first to decide that Sophia’s objectives had failed and the universe was corrupt. Pleiadian knights went to horrific extremes to preserve what some dub “White light Order” (a derivative of Sophia’s spiritual essence). Invariably societies that welcomed sexual promiscuity and other vices were the targets of profound zealousness associated with perceived spiritual cleansing. Thus, I rather identify our modern ultra-orthodox whims as reflective of a much more ancient, timeless authority. Noxious militant groups, such as ISIS, demonstrate just how garbled the Pharisee’s contemplation has become. Religious materialism is a grotesque hybrid accommodating the very worst aspects of White Light Order. Our predecessors could and did destroy planets, ruin entire galaxies to “win”. Lucifer was the first to recognise that this morality was senseless. Therefore the “survival” model was created. I would like to say “as a replacement”, but that would not be true. “New order” overlapping “old order’s” contorted parenthesis has expanded only as hybrid psychosis. For instance, should human obsession be allowed to thrive, surely the universe awaits in own demise? If the powers behind ISIS and other vile, superficial militias could ransack galaxies, would they refrain from total annihilation for pity’s sake?

conflictsTo Lucifer it was clear that living things enjoy conflict for conflict’s sake. Creatures were given defences, weapons or a combination of the two making sure survival was not a certainty for any individual species (DNA, ultimately always panders to the group). Those with the most weapons in some ways were at the greatest disadvantage as they needed to continually attack to survive. Also, ironically, nature assures the most aggressive alpha males (with the sickly) are usually the first to succumb to plague or disease (also highlighting DNA purges its extremities). Vegetarians were driven to greener pastures for aesthetic reasons or through necessity of avoiding conflict. Everything that existed in living form was prepared for war because war had predetermined functional existence under (prior) White Light Order. For example, the famous allegorical tale “St George and the Dragon” stretches back the best part of 80 million years remembering the destruction of [the planet] Maldek; a tyranny that ensured the slow demise of the dinosaurs (restricted to relocated Earth’s surface). Should it ever be published, I discuss the progressions that fomented the violent war in painstaking detail in my (second) book, “A New World Order.

If Lucifer stood for anything in particular, it would be “balance”. Therefore, “survival of the fittest” is a misnomer. We humans revere mothers in particular. Fathers are seen more as a necessary accessory of procreation but when couples remain intact (usually via marriage), joint matriarchal/patriarchal supremacy is presupposed.  Yet, in practicality, childbirth is the only natural way of renewing human life. Whether procreation was mitigated or accidental, the outcome (when successful) does not alter. Thus, parents are (in some fashion) merely executors of the life generation process (well, as far as human beings are concerned). This means, dare I say, parents are not supreme.  New life guides can choose to be arrogant or humble. Sadly, just about all opt for arrogance (at least partially). Either way, the what-should-be insignificant procreation mechanism has been revered out of proportion. Parents are not blessed with “God status” for merely rearing offspring. Why do they presume it? Death, by comparable pharisaic-materialist edict, voided of spirit, is spurned. Children are processed as slaves by dim witted parents already imprisoned by their (the Pharisees) virtual reality.

gaol18I can go further and say God status is the ultimate objective of the self-sufficient Satanist/materialist/atheist alliance. Globalism harmonises the cult which adopts a Zionist (meaning fortress or gaol [the archaic word for “prison”]) attack force (evidenced by supplants such as ISIS). In particular, materialists have done anything and everything possible to reduce “the mind” to a mortal facet of existence. In a sense this is thematically pharisaic as well because the ancient Pharisees attempted to segregate spirituality or, rather, partition a voiceless “God” from “reality” (Law) which is instrumented by the blasphemy concept. That was but a small step away from fully-fledged atheism. Pharisee (the word) is a virulent version of anarchist (or adverse-order). It could be logically argued that “Satanism” is the antipathy of just order and insomuch orthodox pharisaic Judaic sects that “usurp” are comparably satanic.

sumerianThere is also an uncanny numerological connection, which suggests that Globalist Zionism is the product of long standing adapted pharisaic doctrine popularised by Satanism now but actually stretches right back to prehistoric Babylonian times.  Interestingly, with the possible exception of inner realms, the Earth has been conquered by materialism. However, there is an effervescence that rises from “reality”. In relatively recent times hard evidence has materialised. What we call the “Worldwide Web” is a vibrating, pulsating, constantly changing manufacturer of synthetic (virtual) reality (very different to the perfect [truth] astral version). Globalism has a desperate stake in this revolutionary communication mechanism which has and will continue to radically alter humanity’s retrospective, our one “freedom”. The only way of (potentially) effectively censoring the internet is via the imposition of “world government”. Therefore, in that sense, liberty is lost when the Worldwide Web is no longer free.

Our individual guiding contracts with what can only be described as “the force that binds us all” risk being forsaken. “Parents” all agreed to their tenures well in advance.  All choices were clear and balance reflects choice. Therefore survival is generally synonymous with good decisions. Whether you attack or defend, survival rests on cunning. The most cunning are the best survivors. I have reflected on Sha’tara’s poignant comment (several articles ago) kindly relaying other worldly feedback on potentially “corrupt Anunaki Time Lords”. On one level the information did not make any sense at all, but now I understand [the perspective]. While the Satan Star was the exclusive portal for “white light”, manifest existence reflected that purity. Nevertheless when darkness was added to the “mix”, consequential changes in objective reality would have seemed like “a corruption” by those exclusively tuned to White Light Order. Earth then became the place where “God” (or source) is possibly most completely represented. The material world is the sum of a giant competition between all parts.

timelordsSo “corrupt Time Lords” [per se] is rather unfair, given they were not privy to or (necessarily) wanted any part of White Light Order. It is clear to me, the impartial onlooker, that universal constrictions due to the rift between light and dark caused the perpetual ongoing war between pragmatism and practicality. Both sides were, are and will be at fault because neither is prepared to concede muted existence. That is why the only material “truths” permissible are ones of the correct practical flavours. Human infantile immorality is no better summarised than by the wholesale castigation of “child designates”. Did anyone think to check on the reasoning determining what it is to be a “child”? That lack of responsibility is liberally expanded in the total dereliction of dutiful support towards all group units. Yes, that’s right, in true civil society you would be obliged to support those in need. That world would owe everyone a living. Universal tyranny sets the tone for valiant oppression, naturally. Under the vague terms of atheist-materialism, to castigate someone unreasonably is reasonable.

childhood-innocence-is-a-lieIn conclusion, it would be remiss of me not to discuss the most important sentence I have ever issued. If “God” had wanted to exist “in the flesh” he would have become an unrestricted being, capable of anything with unlimited potential. Therefore, as matter and spirituality are aspects of “anything”, if matter is “evil”, God is evil too. Everything labelled good along with everything labelled evil are parts of the exact same God. There is one simple term that encapsulates the ambitions of Satanists, materialist and atheists. “Accountancy” presupposes utopian order. Control agents can measure with precision, purge that which they deem is unnecessary or unwelcome. Accountancy is faith free. It assumes linear existence. It is devoid of spirituality. For the purists, the mind is but a figment of cerebral function; a mirage to be discombobulated by clairsentients. Per identical authority, childhood can be dictated. If those in power decide maturity begins and childhood ends precisely at the thirtieth year of individual life, then so be it. “Childhood innocence” denies the timeless, wilful mind and that demonic guide stone wholly supports popular deceit. That is why “childhood” is either “the powers” great strength or the Achilles’ heel that usurps the usurpers, but none dare contemplate it and that is why humanity is destined for absolute satanic authoritarianism.