Tag Archives: evil

The Truth about Human Destiny and its Infiltration


It has been over a year since I last published an article and those around me; the dying carcass of a once thriving fan base have begun to lose patience. So, in tribute to the few that have persisted, stuck by me, who care enough about evidence I reveal, I have decided it is high time to put pen to paper again. That said, perhaps I should explain reasons for my extended absence. Back on the 6th of January last year, anniversary of the first (possibly) real American revolution (Pelosi clearly didn’t wise up), my kidneys failed on schedule and before me unravelled a posthumous emergency. I say “on schedule” because everything was in place. Police were summoned and I was rushed to emergency ward apparently “more dead than alive”. Clearly no Messiah, it took six days for me to wake up from coma state. When that eventually did happen, I recall facing a large, inexplicable cartoon duck. And over a further six weeks of intensive hospital nursing, I was provided ample time to reflect over life and things in general.

It seemed to me I had been given a “second chance”; an uncommon cosmic oversight. Indeed, from the cosmic perspective, reasons for my life interruption were far from transparent. Compellingly, while grounded, various doctors kept on reiterating that my kidneys had been “blocked”, though others assured the “only option” forward was going to be permanent dialysis. Fate decreed I neither needed persistent dialysis nor any other debilitating hindrances. What is certain is my life had become congested beyond repair and that is predominantly why the cosmos enforced a chain of events that could have easily resulted in my death. Like others in the spiritual wilderness, I have supposed guides, but I prefer to refer to them using dryer terminology so, impulses that feed me information claimed “real reasons” behind my near death had been to induce rapid body weight loss. On current schedule (back then) I was on course for a fatal heart attack. Imagine if I had taken that damned vaccine. The same voices understandably also told me to “accept death before vaccination”. Courtesy of my extended hospital stay (provoked by a short period when I lost all appetite), overall body mass did eventually drop by twenty-five per cent. Suffice to say, when I eventually left care, I had to invest in a whole new wardrobe of clothes, which was overdue anyway, as I hadn’t even purchased a shirt for years.

But that is not all that happened. Naturally, I began profoundly reflecting over my near-death experience and subsequent relative recovery. Unknown quantities buried deep within me welled up and vowed I should return to journalism. This time it would be with renewed, refreshed perspective, dare I say relevance? My body may have shrunk from resulting experiences, but corresponding spirituality had grown disproportionately. While in hospital, I surely began to see the light. It was as though my last decade had merely been preparation for the enduring future; a catalyst that would spark a new career of sorts. There was something odd about some of the doctors, orderlies, nurses that had been around me. Such affairs had presented an eerie “familiarity” which, at first (in my dazed state), I couldn’t quantify. Yet, when I finally came to, realisation did strike. My hospital was Draco heartland. This is not to say the doctors, orderlies and nurses weren’t ordinary people. They looked and behaved the same as everyone else. But “all together”, I could see who they were and why they were together. Perplexingly, I wonder whether any of them realised this? Let’s face it, the “system” teaches us to live our lives irresponsibly; upon the assumption (to preserve fickle “survival”) there are no designated victims or saviours. Truth, though, demands martyrs save the fallen. Our world is primarily divided between the responsible and irresponsible. Those who fail to respond are faithless, absent of principled beliefs. These candles blow all directions in the wind. Responsible can be divided between martyrs (leaders) or fallen (led).

Worlds apart from Draco responsibility, the hypocrites try to “cast” everything as uniformly irresponsible below make-believe survival. By this standard we are liberally clefted between winners and losers, whereas spiritually ascended know such tyranny cannot be so. Divisions may well be synthetic, but the overall concept can’t help reminding me of sheep in pens. Is that why the ancient rulers assumed roles as Priest Kings (shepherds)? Considering our synthetic herding (and given the enormous incubation period), might analysis go some way to verify an all-consuming, convoluted spiritual control conspiracy, engineered by forces formally clearly not of this Earth? My essay aims both to outline and prove it is so, but first we must begin at the beginning to allow depth of perception to acknowledge and reflect. Perhaps the most important associated question is, where and how far back does this start? Was Middle Ages pious custom of self-flagellation a definite response to tyranny? The role of “addictions” providing cause for external forces to manipulate and corrupt should be carefully considered by all those determined to learn the truth. Whilst I refer to a psychological dependence here, effects can be just as destructive as with subjects rendered impotent by physical disability.

Regular visitors to this blog have witnessed a weighty catalogue gradually unravel. Attributed evolution has captured a unique appreciation of reptilian character, which is possibly the only resource of its kind and, as such, attempts to supply their perspective on life matters and everything. Yet, it is not possible for anyone to know “everything” at the commencement of a journey. We all must grow and become more experienced while we travel with life. We must make casual errors, caring enough to correct them. My case is no exception. What I “believed” at the beginning has radically changed and learning will continue to incrementally develop as the journey progresses. Core facts may well provide sturdy templates, but truth can be negotiated to fit all perspectives. Of course, because experience is remembered as a combination of data (what was witnessed) and consensus view (pool reflection), “proof” is inadequate. Proof (by conventional auspices) might equate to fiction. Reptilians, my regular visitors will clarify, are predominantly also fiction to a world obsessively driven by unchallenged material standards, for they mostly exist in the ethereal shadow regions. Ones (as I) with ability to tune into these “resources” know too well reptilians are as real as day. I am going to come right out and say it. Because of overzealousness towards anti-spirituality (materialism), many human societies have been left disconnected and confused.

In their own world reptilians do have very specific, identifiable forms. Traits trickle down to the human genome, but only those that know what they are looking for can see distinctions. The remainder realise nothing. On this subject, they are empty vessels. It is though they have been “voided” by some external force. Higher entities, such as certain dragon clans, have reached exalted morph being status. This means they can present themselves in any form but, invariably, stick to “preferred” gene paths. The classical serpent, the catfish, the fox are a few of the choice designs we identify with. Contrary to popular tradition, dragons can be extraordinarily placid, but when they turn….watch out! General lack of comprehension surrounding genetic statuses extends to reptilian libido as well. Echoes of their character embedded in human only lightly affects the exterior, so, overall, in terms of posthumous morphing, I’m afraid never the twain will meet. Popular, scandalous notions of doppelganger humans (such as Mrs Clinton) are an anathema. From vague compatibilities emanating from the very different gene brackets, vicious self-centred journalists have invariably drawn pitifully poor, manipulative conclusions. Even so, whilst reptilians do have their own code of conduct, duty of care and respect for the human body are sufficiently obsolete to draw criticism.

Humans have (to some degree) become transformed into an innocent food source. Just as we love to soak up a good ball game, they crave specific energy frequencies generated through consequences of the “human group” simply being vital. To generate sufficient energy for “feeding” requires many compatible people. The type and style of energy desired might best be described as positive or negative tension, but I will discuss the phenomenon in more detail as this essay progresses. Comparatively, we love a good suspense thriller or horror movie, so any human can vaguely appreciate what reptilians experience. The significant difference is, to them, energy is a sort of food (or juice). In that regard, we provide succour to innocently accord symbiotic balance. They need heathy, plausibly ignorant, bloated human populations to maintain a constant easily accessible supply. This means, in effect, that conspiracies suggesting reptilian involvement in wholescale human depopulation are wrong. Reptilians would want very congested large population blocks, so the idea of us being herded into mega-cities fits that agenda like a glove.

Another way of looking at this is, without us in bulk and submissive, reptilians have no food source and that might mean they would have to take measures to re-establish a supply. But first there is a basic misnomer which needs to be exploded. “Reptilian” has become a term often used with sleight of hand. As such, my usage here parrots a misleading tradition. To illuminate, Biblical Genesis clearly states “woman” (human) became “afraid of the serpent” after God had “forced it to slither on its belly”. Information tells the perceptive reader that, prior to God’s ultimatum, reptilians neither behaved as snakes do today nor were of an aligned vicious character. We can further presuppose, they were (generally) loved by woman (human) before the ultimatum. Per such visualisation, reptilians may look obsidian but have distinct alien origins. Any suspicions are confirmed when full comprehension of genetic history is gleaned. I have written at length about their creation, which was managed by extra-terrestrial Lyrans. Under strict instructions from dragon “owners” of the anchor DNA pool, Lyrans were granted license to infuse their own gene stocks in order to refine the finished product; a liberty that angered prescient Anunaki (who interpreted interference as a form of infection or corruption). Suffice to say, wider politics established we were the scourge, or blemish, down a convoluted DNA pathway (ultimately) property of the Anunaki and I (in particular) wonder what resulting action will be taken by them when our genetics are formally transformed within their ascended range.

Current changes in our sun’s cycle do more than hint that the Anunaki are finally waking up. If true, momentum might align with our looming upgraded perception. Perhaps the sun will appear the same “as it was”, but new irregular cyclic activity will reflect any upgraded perception across the board for the human group. Occurrence would undoubtedly vilify nostalgic belief in a spiritual ascension of man. On that front, whereas there is no concrete evidence to support the notion humanity has intrinsically “woken up”, attitudes have drastically changed over the last twenty years or more. We truly do appear to be heading (or is that dragged along?) towards a virgin indigo age at a rapid rate of acceleration. However, the underlying conditions sponsoring jealousy, narcissism and other selfish behaviours are very much alive and well. Deadly sins thrive. Thus, I see no potential for any real revolt because surreptitious slaves have designated themselves as eternally willing properties of authorities more than ever (considering fewer and fewer are able to genuinely plead abject ignorance). Everyone is tied to government with view to milking (or blood sucking) its value-added resources. They pay taxes not as posthumous martyrs championing causes, but as broken, sapped-out frauds. All are consumed by the banking system and its fictitious “money” (the great fabrication). Probably and most importantly, everyone leads their lives as authorities dictate. Even the so-labelled “rebels” follow a script. In short, the entire world has been bought and sold by commerce and no one, not a soul, cares enough to do anything about it. All our “saviours” turn out to be “in it for the money” (political) by some means.

Scrutinising the detail of the sheer insanity we glibly call reality; I have personally been questioning which “who” might authorise the script? Yes, I have heard those silly arguments about masonic conspiracies, a shadow government labouring an Illuminati hidden code to precipitate New World Order. My goodness if it was that easy, everything could be predicted and I can go home, pack up my troubles and lie on the beach, like all those other aimless, sexually frustrated morons. Without question Rothschild, Rockefeller and other senior merchant families have sewn the world up commercially. That is beyond doubt. “Normal” royalty perished following the abolition of Assent in 1708 to jump start “new normal” forgery, non-royalty. Newton’s gold standard failed in 1796 because it could never possibly have succeeded, and this highlights the entrenched flaw invalidating legal tender. Money simply doesn’t suffice; it does not oil political affairs sufficiently and that is why just about every nation on the planet has been gradually plunged into synthetic bankruptcy (an issue enflamed by elitist greed and manipulation). Anyone competent enough to inspect evidence learns Illuminati New World Order policies are extremely visible, and therefore no conspiracy. Rockefeller’s memoirs made no secret of his purpose or ambitions. They were confronting. Well before the collapse of the German Reich (leading to hyperinflation 1921-22, consequence of sucking out the financial backbone of the economy), British pound sterling barely remained viable due to deliberate oversight.

Long before Newton determined to make his mark on the Earth, directly after the Romans introduced coinage to Britain, an epidemic followed. Society’s enterprising crooks of the time craftily clipped coin edges to cultivate hearty booties of scrap silver and gold. In fact, it wasn’t until the introduction of milled edge coins in the 1600’s that that deceitful practice stopped. People instinctively bite off more than they can chew, no matter who they are. People are corrupt in different ways. We each have our own peculiar peccadillos. These peccadillos stem from natural inconsistencies in our spiritual make up; a defect routinely exploited by ones that are neither of this Earth nor impacted by woeful human sense of mortality. When you ponder the consideration, are not humans instinctively vain, even when we are determined to “help” or support others? When we provide resources to those in need, either the act of charity makes us “feel good” or we had stuff that was about to go to waste. In a sense, even when we help others, we help selfishly. Consequently, unconditional love (that most cherished of human qualities) is oh so rare. Most acts of benevolence come “with strings”. The other side of the equation (demonstrating covert selfishness) is less subtle. We have several words dedicated to capture indulgence, but I feel it necessary to focus on one in particular so as to assure my point is definitely understood.

Among the most powerful in the English language is the word “addiction”, though reasoning behind the truth may not have been considered. From the scientific perspective, dependence is such a potent draw card, a body will feign symptoms of illness to win sympathy from mind. Here psychologists rightly debate over cause and effect. Was it the body or the mind that caused the schism? Symptoms give no insight; other than they are there and will persist, if left untreated. Thus, could incredibly prodigal entity types with erstwhile supernatural abilities; engineering skills and ingenuity enough to isolate and configure the root of selfishness, cultivate impulses that lead to addictions? Are additions limited to those habits we “know” or are there others we haven’t even considered? These are deep questions, but ones also very pertinent to this essay’s mission. Yet, there is an associated line of enquiry, a question that should be of even greater concern. What bizarre, futuristic infrastructure or methods might permit the cunning takeover of “confidence” that I propose? Let us be clear, “con men” is the shorthand group version of malicious individuals whose whole aim is to delude confidence from the gullible. Some of these fraudsters are exceptionally talented. Their fabrication of “evidence” supporting elevated fantasy is near perfect, apparently flawless (to those hoodwinked). However, when referencing my prior highlighted “prodigal entities” (per that evaluation), another layer of intrigue confuses considerations.

We must vigilantly cease to forget; some actually do not believe these figments exist. Perish the thought, but it is true, so we should explore the materialistic perspective. It would be fair to say, from that perspective, many otherwise concrete truths might seem as alien as the colour spectrum is to sight blind. Forgive them, for they know not what they do, but would they not be wise to challenge belief that the extent of existential experience is confined to material frequencies? Even empirical sciences are rather more cautious here. Technicians know existence is far greater, far more powerful than material “reality”. They simply can’t “prove” it, but what is proof anyway? It should be clear to everyone, those that can tune into things that go bump in the night are blessed with higher-than-average spiritual activation. Remainders (the “blind”) are literally left in the dark. Ones with inability to see would be far wiser to take advantage of liberal angels’ blessings than cursing them. By comparison, phenomenon is perhaps best witnessed by peoples’ televised reactions to an open concert the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra gave of Barber’s adagio for strings back in 2019. Whilst everyone was clearly impressed by the serene location, some were noticeably perplexed as to why they were there.

Transcendent from spectacle, did they hear but a dirge, a cacophony of causality? Blessing therefore is a dual edged sword, because many with the gift of vision are wrongly challenged by forces of ignorance. These saviours see the tonality of discordance. On the other hand, just as with certain forlorn attendees at that sombre concert, spiritual awakening does not necessarily mean ones that have not been activated are unable to suffer the effects of divinity in motion. Conversely, when it comes to belief for beliefs’ sake people have been shown capable of the impossible time after time again. And of course, this adds to the deviousness. What if external entities could exploit the human power of belief? Was that to happen, to the informed third-party ombudsman, it would be as though majorities were completely sightless, but refused to acknowledge warnings from the visually in tune. They knew better. How else to manipulate someone’s confidence other than harnessing addictive behaviour? Few have considered “will” and corresponding thought streams are the cause of addictive behaviour. Bodies respectively follow orders.

Arrogant “corporate” science euphorically lords over “our” progress when, in truth, that path is almost completely out of step with reality. Yes, we see material symptoms fairly well but, when it comes to interpretation, we are hopelessly inept. Detail and associated keystrokes are ever present in light and other frequencies, yet still require sufficient vision to be quantified. Because (from that deep perspective) we “know” nothing, why aliens are classed as alien should hardly surprise. But, of course, some of us (the intuits) at the very least suspect something is there in the places we are told there is nothing. Evaluating this domain, we encounter strange experiences that are sometimes hard to define at all, per standard worldview. We see things that quite literally aren’t there and that must be because our indoctrinated scientists fail to recognise the true scope of “reality”.

Nevertheless, there exists a shadow community of academics that have pioneered free thought their enemies love to belittle as “pseudo-sciences”. These tireless evangelists are desperately trying to make sense of the non-sensical fabrication wholesale Medias deliver as “truth”. Dedication to presence and function of the human’s energy field (kundalini) is part of this vital work. Debate over whether so-called “ghosts” might be evidence of standalone kundalini and other deep, unanswered imponderables are very much in the spotlight. If ghosts do not represent fallen bodies, could they be evidence of something that can be experienced but doesn’t exist? Sifting through innumerable accounts of the “unexplained” or aliens, I find but two unwavering commonalities. Respondent witnesses argue what they saw doesn’t exist (per common view of reality), yet equally seems very real. When in their presence, erstwhile unquestioned laws of reality spontaneously evaporate, such as solid walls that can be “walked through”, waterfalls that rise “with nothing to propel them” instead of falling as they are meant to, machines that “fit” into spaces a tenth of their apparent physical size and many other oddities.

From my own experience, I can substantiate symptoms have been comparatively subtle and easy to overlook. On one recent occasion, I “scolded” my hand while emptying contents of a pan of boiling water. Inexplicably, I felt no heat at all. Nor did any mark or residue appear afterwards to confirm the event. It was literally as if it hadn’t happened. But I knew it had, because I was there. Doubtlessly many other instances could be cited, but I think comprehension of what’s going on is plainly clear. Reality is routinely “arbitrated” by unknown spiritual means or agencies. In my case, the “scolding” was a form of profound baptism. Though interference more regularly occurs at critical times such as a “would be” death, other injunctions appear to be tactical. Power of karma obviously has far more intrigue than most might feel comfortable in contemplating. In fact, speaking honestly, most are dragged along by superstitions dressed as dedication to spirituality. Per the cosmic perspective, average human lifespan barely equates to a second of time which suggests reality is structured below something infinitely more wide ranging. If I was to boil down our existence to its bare bones, I would say we are here to test our capacity for relationships. We are dependent on relationships to survive so, in that respect, who or whatever designed the canopy called “existence” was an undeniable genius.

Sanity demands we all take notice of consequences as we are literally “all in this together”. Yet, sadly, the eternal trend is to manipulate togetherness in interests of self, and that quality must change if humanity is destined for an angelic “ascension”. Signs point to an ever-present, effervescent scheme directing our evolution, though, currently, “progress” is ultimately limited to strict agendas of non-humans who believe they understand our nuances well enough to construct obliging illusions. Whilst these agendas are quite complex, details as to how they are appended can be confined to three distinct groups. Before analysis can begin, we must acknowledge that what we are trying to come to terms with does not share values or morality per common human worldview. Before them, we stand as intellectual minnows yet, even so, they have their own rather beguiling traditions and peccadillos. It should be obvious their purpose behind agenda groups does not come close to comparing with our would-be opinions about them, but (for easy reading) I will present divisions in “human terms”.

Sub-groups can be thusly classed as positive influence, negative influence, undetected or irrational anomalies. My use of undetected refers to the experiencer’s failure to reference causes and does not imply those (categorised) targeted do not suffer the ill-effects. As we reviewed earlier in my example of one of Barber’s intense concerts, disconnected were very much capable of experiencing the delight of their surrounds. They simply were not able to fully comprehend enhanced aesthetics. Perhaps understandably, those of us that are certain we are positively influenced (by parties unknown) tend to provide “abductors” endearing references. In lieu of abduction, “guide” is the commonest term I have heard used by those stressing positive view. Ones under influence become so attached to these so-called guides, it is as though they were related. Indeed, it is not uncommon for abductees to conclude experiences represent hard evidence confirming interactive manifestations of higher self. In this regard, I personally am aware of various entities that connect with [or to] me from time to time, though (in conscious state) know none intimately. Links present dispassionate communication, which is straightforward and deemed unblemished. I do not necessarily “believe” simply because I am told something, but feedback is strongly considered to highlight potential for truth.

Of course, there is also a dark side to this. More disturbingly, periodically certain dreams (or thought streams) which are not generated by me naturally prompt the question “by who and for what purpose?” Interference always and without exception delivers a particular energy signature that is noticeably aloof. All I can say is it reminds me of “twilight zone”. Yet, these types of consistent influences are not limited to “wraiths”. Our authorities’ do their best to emulate this style of subliminal engagement. Intermittent launch initiatives aimed at crafting outright socio-political control come in many forms. All, of course, wax credibility, whilst obfuscating truth. For instance, under such paradigms, the reality of existence will never be made transparent. Our authorities go to absolute lengths because, by releasing plain truth, they instantly lose their powerful hold over the very commodity they are so desperate to “own” – us!!! Truth needs to be tweaked to satisfy agendas. Authorities know too well it is impossible for individuals to change within any group, but it is eminently possible for any individual to become the catalyst for group change. Thus, key individuals that might drive meaningful change are targeted for influence by those interests organising the current political status quo as well as by mysterious overlords that remain unseen (in the physical sense).

You hear me correctly. The notion that someone might be “possessed” by unseen masters is actually extremely logical. So much so, it would be illogical to assume otherwise. Who said human perceptive range is the limit of spiritual resonance? If so, why do so many recognise acute discrepancies between conscious, sub-conscious and super conscious fields? Modern day psychology is confident enough to confirm there are different domains and practitioners have discovered new “languages” in dreamscape. More and more are beginning to realise that dreamscape is potentially far greater than mere dreams. So here we move into djinn territory. In respect, certain occult groups are that sure djinn do exist; they have devised precise ceremonies designed to awaken them. Perhaps these follow roughly the same patterns ancient African witch doctors invested in to summon legendary Chitahuri. Chitahuri are transcendent figments of reptilian guides, by the way. From the cosmic perspective, distinctively noble, for chi (a variant of ki) means individual traits. Ta is the veil that separates reality from the ether. Hu was possibly the God that human was created “in the image of”. Ri is [white light] will of God (indirect). In effect, Chitahuri describes angels “of sorts”. However, African myths (presumably dating from when it was an island continent) paint a very different picture, for annotated evidence of “angelic” behaviour would better fit the demonic spectrum per our cultural terms.

It seems to me as though nothing has changed. While I write, the world is on the precipice of a giant all-consuming fantastical war. It is fantastical because the singular motive for the war is war. Discerning analysis of reasons contributing to escalations of today’s current “balancing” of affairs clearly demonstrates a wholly mitigated effort to construct war for the sake of war, loosely based on Orwell’s “1984”. Talk in the 1990’s of a switch of “superpower” from USA to Russia, China or both (ironically Yeltsin, sorry I mean British Prime Minister Johnson, referred to “The Party”, a Chinese trademark pulled straight from “1984”, with depressing frequency when in power) is now rapidly coming to the fore. Ignoring Douglas Dietrich’s claims [of Taiwan having the World’s largest tactical nuclear weapons supply], was China to invade, the act would demonstrate a petulant lack of respect for the USA, as would a North Korean “doomsday” missile attack on the mainland or Japan. Now the reason I’m mentioning this is the kind of ultra-political situations we are witnessing today match strategy moves that could be construed as common symptoms of reptilian colonialism. Perhaps I am being cynical here, but I wonder whether the critical state of world affairs is at least partially a response of their False Matrix (detailed later) overlaying (and manipulating “strategic assets”) human thought traffic?

Reptilians, lest we forget, have a reputation for violent immigration. Orion’s Belt and Zeta Reticuli, two of many tragic legacy expansion agencies not-so-ironically have parallel agendas on Earth. They love to conquer with impunity, whether by stealth (CE5 programming) or terror (much vaunted armada supposedly headed for Earth). Even so, their own exalted philosophers preach more about the vital strategic value of defences, which does make an enormous amount of sense. Those confined within an impenetrable fortress are guaranteed safety. Because attack is pointless, the only potentially disabling factors are either lack of inner resources (food, water and so forth) or will to continue resisting attack. This is the style of vice-like approach (or paralysis) totalitarian human factions also employ. “Fairness” (in the true sense) is correspondingly seen as weakness. Just about every nihilistic war would never have ignited had sensible diplomacy been initially sanctioned by stakeholders. Aside from the political posturing, it is very clear to me that every war has been a determination and most definitely not the accidental culmination of disparate “random” factors powers preach about.

From the socio-political perspective, was the world to be broken into soft and hard zones, beyond bureaucratic “duty of care”, policing methods wouldn’t change an iota in “democratic” secular regions. The only change might show Medias less vocally triumphant about “preferred” results in the field. That’s all. Persistent social “wiring” is not limited to power politics though. Check the roads. Every second driver is a bowl of hatred in rush hour – an effect that is typically reptilian. That’s why reptilians are very adept at following rules, because (for them) social friction can lead to unprecedented cycles of conflict. World War II Japanese kamikaze bombers crossed the red line that separates duty from insanity. Today common folks are drawn into using identical terrorist tactics all over the world on a whim. Suicide attacks flourish in epidemic proportions – comparatively. Will we cultivate our first suicide nuclear bomber in living memory? Reasons may seem odd but, compared to us, reptilians can be enormous risk takers, happy to forfeit life if incidence justifies martyrdom. I wonder if the epidemic levels of suicide bombings are a response to extraordinarily high reptilian interaction in (and direction of) human affairs. This thinking also factors potentially grand percentages of Manchurian candidates that may have been “duped” or engaged as unwitting mules carrying explosives to be remotely detonated by parties unknown. We really need to deeply question whether the whole phenomenon is limited to desperate fanaticism or something else. Additionally, while mostly contained to gun running cultures, identical considerations should be applied to the explosion of mass murders by “lone” desperados. Do anti-psychosis medications innocently open illicit gateways to hidden realms concealing dangerous minds?

If my own experience is any reasonable guide here, I have noticed that specific (gene bracket) groups of people naturally see eye to eye, whether incurring partial “family” matters or impartial commercial trade. Outcomes are mainly consistent. People make friends and do business with folks they are “tuned to”. This is a significant clue to boost ongoing investigations as to potential for reptilian general oversight over wholesale human affairs. Are suicide bombers (pawns in position) a piece of the puzzle? Such activities undeniably overstate a visceral lack of respect for life. Most recently that western agents’ (clearly from an “ISIS” offshoot, modelled on pre-Israel Stern Gang tactics) cowardly attack on a bridge that allows transport between the Russian mainland and Crimea proved pointless. Sabotage ultimately achieved nothing more than Media headlines. Even so, this sort of recklessness is nihilistic, void of values, morality – perhaps I could go as far to say “anti-human” which compellingly beckons consideration whether origins of design are not human. And syndromes are not merely limited to extremism. Far from it. People are drawn to their beliefs (when tackling intellectual challenges) more than ever. Truth cannot be cultivated by belief alone. A terrible consequence has the world persistently run by zealots, while peoples’ reactive zealousness invariably doesn’t configure or correspond.

We currently have innumerable schisms separating “political interests” from true righteous thinking (I do not refer to the fake rubbish branded righteous thinking), so in order to assume the veneer of political correctness, social cowardice assures majorities pretend to follow “orders” that don’t suit. Worse still many, out of fear, refuse to explore their inherent life purpose, due to these conflicts of thinking. Why are political masters so worried about “the other” (the proverbial stranger), unless there are unseen string-pullers? We are in the middle of an epidemic of deadly sins. Arrogance is the commonest quality displayed; the choice vulgar pretence to deflect vocal critics. In this respect, arrogance becomes a viable symptom of cowardice. When hemmed in, a trembling reptilian has no option but to bark commands, to make himself appear “mountain sized” to predators. “Posturing” is not restricted to reptilians, of course. This quality (or lack of) is a great feature of Lyran character, who routinely present themselves bigger than they really are. Such intrigue includes their use of the title “Anunnaki” as an introduction to unprepared humans.

Why pretend to be kingpins without wanting a real share of the big game consolidating cosmic affairs? In a sense the whole power vacuum below Israel reminds me of the manner Lyrans have been operating. Very much a matrix within a matrix where nothing and no one can be truly trusted. Paul Hamden of the Zeta Connection has talked at length about (disinformation) screen memories. I cannot stress the importance of researching and comprehending akin phenomena. We are in the process of reviewing a hyper-governance conspiracy and, on face value, it fits the Lyrans’ game plan apparent like a glove. Surreptitious evidence points to their exaggerated role as major players. For instance, one agent was “captured” by our government authorities many years ago. Displaying certain “Grey Being” qualities, the off-shape humanoid had been casually intercepted back in the 1990’s, after it had aborted a malfunctioned stargate transfer. A small amount of “leaked” footage of the ensuing interrogation exists in public domain (some three minutes’ worth, from memory). In response, to really understand what was going on, you must grasp cosmic lore. When cosmic lore is understood, analysis clearly demonstrates the entity’s communications were aimed solely at goading our impudent authorities.

Of course, as our military personnel were not at all versed with cosmic best practice, interview revelations for us “sideliners” present some quite humorous reactions. The “convict” cast himself as a future human (who’d travelled back in time), but all I witnessed was a very contemporary Lyran. If I dare turn the clock forward, more recently I attended a séance hosted by the Zeta Connection (an organisation that claims to have a direct connection to the “Zeta race”). While I was there, event organisers chose to play a short video of Paul Hamden (the oracle introduced last paragraph) “channelling” an entity who coolly announced itself as [one of] the Anunnaki. Voice characteristics were figuratively identical to that mysterious future human. Suffice to say the entity (whatever we decide it was) gave no indication of their creeds’ true role in “big picture” (as far as my analysis is concerned), so it is time to reveal sordid truths, posthumously.

There is more than some irony in the Lyrans’ choice of Anunnaki as “banner”. Lyr (harmonics) of God (An) is not that conceptually far adrift from “God’s rule beneath the feminine essence [of God]”. However, something else rings true here. Years ago, I introduced the notion that, back in prehistoric times, real Anunaki were angered by the dragons in their foolhardy selection of Lyrans as project managers overseeing creation of a range of familiar “reptilian” beings (yes, the same ones who meddle with us). Revelations of this nature are unique to this website, which, as far as I am aware, is the only source. Thus, considering that critical information thoughtfully, might we ponder whether the Lyrans daring stance (appending Anunnaki mask) on Anunaki turf could be construed on some level as an overt declaration of war? Perhaps they think the real Anunaki wouldn’t notice or, if informed, would care less? At best, they must surely realise they rub dangerous salt into old wounds (emphasised by a giant war two million three hundred thousand years ago caused by their overstay of welcome on Earth). Hence my parodies sighting that Israel/US de facto “World War” against Russia (first port after Atlantis) under auspices of a fight over Ukraine/Kazaria (the Yiddish motherland) are more pertinent than ever when considering holistic cosmic advancement. Certainly, Levashov’s (murdered in 2012) undeclared assessment of Putin as “wolf” or “she-wolf” is the sordid key to the enigma, but I digress. So, to make matters worse, Lyran DNA is a baseline used in most (and perhaps all) of their genetic output, which means both “reptilians” and “humans” are progeny (gosh, I wonder if the Genome Project has picked that up?).

To comprehend the real issue (as the Anunaki see it), it is vital to dissect and evaluate spectral “characteristics” of the Lyran. Our sciences obsessively scrutinise symptoms looking for answers as remedy to a body’s inefficiencies. Yet far less can be gained from speculation than scrutinising the detail embedded in reference causes. Following this principle, for genetic profiling, manifest behaviours are your very first “port of call” to enable stringent analysis. In DNA speak, these are exceptionally important, providing access to how spirituality adjusts (or filters down) to the physical world. We know the American authority governing psychiatry employs a manifesto that lists close to three hundred different behavioural traits. Following Freud, modern day practice flails incompetently, but at least semblance of craft recognises the acute significance of behaviour. Thus, in simple terms, Lyran character can be divided in two. One part presents a legacy of astonishing wisdom coveting proud, flawless knowledge. The other reviles a sordid record, plagued with deliberate distortion; untruth not dissimilar to Israel’s/fanatical Zionism’s (aka Globalism) tedious perennial dedication to appalling so-termed “psy-op”. That foul blemish is primarily why the Anunaki did not want the dragons to adopt corrupt DNA in the first place.

Anunaki are permanently non-manifest (etheric) beings, whilst assuming forms at particular [spiritual] frequencies upon impulse. “Flesh and blood” Lyran Anunnaki as such class as comparative mere mortals. That is the fundamental difference between the two camps. Consistent with the persistent bluster emanating from Israel, Lyrans might as well splutter until they explode, because they will never be true Gods. Indeed, the idea that the root of power derives from ownership of DNA is based on equations that segregate Gods from mere morals. To comprehend this, we must overcome the fallacy that they are “the same as mortals, just better” or “the whole thing’s mumbo jumbo because Gods don’t exist”. (If the truth be known) put in most basic language, deities are not mortal because they cannot be mortal. Their mortality is an impossibility. This is because mortality comes with a catch. Everything that is mortal; even when disguising an immortal being, dies. Thus, was an immortal being to opt for mortal status, the transfers from eternal to living would decree vulnerabilities. All living things die and therefore, all living things can also be killed, terminated (do Sumerian tales of Ra’s demise offer an explanation?). This is why and how gene hierarchies came into being. An immortal presence can devote part (or many parts) of its essence by proxy to experience life through mortal bloodlines.

We, all the things that live, provide life for the Gods. In that respect, I have regularly revealed details of the Anunaki chains all the way down to not so humble human or, at least, I thought I had provided correct information until recently. A new “missing link” was made known to me a few weeks back (at the time of writing), due diligence demanding I remedy prior imprecise information. The simple structure of the hierarchy (prior to my recent knowledge upgrade) provided for Anunaki>Ba’al>Drakkon (dragons)>Pteroid>Sephadim>man. Ba’al (praise God), regular visitors will recall, are a group of “unique” entity types which allow the Anunaki to manifest (one level down). Dragons (whilst nothing more than a hunch, I believe were potentially paraphrased as “angels” in Biblical texts, origins emanating from Atlantis or pre-Atlantis times) used to demonstrate the highest spiritual version of physicality when they were physical beings. The giant (spiritual) gulf distancing dragons from Ba’al (possibly remembered as archangels) has always puzzled me. Why has the general inability to directly connect with Ba’al persisted throughout the ages? Alright, paradox may have been a symptom contained by standard limitations of reality (beyond any feasible resolve of its dwellers) but, a missing link (between Ba’al and dragon) did seem the most profitable answer to the conundrum. And of course, another distinct group of this nature does exist on the cusp of reality. According to Paul Hamden, the enigma provides for a group who are given the basic cosmic address “Enorrians”.

When I learn of any ancient previously unknown, my primary instinct is to consider and investigate potential progeny or, dare I say, forgery. By that I mean, a credible cosmic address goes some way to verify (in lieu of valid, checkable witnesses’ evidence) authenticity. Readers should bear in mind, whilst cosmic vocabulary and grammar is unknown to those lacking eternal enlightenment, trappings of primal origin are logically concealed in all languages. Language neither popped-into-existence nor is the result of evolved grunts from “cavemen” but Sanskrit (note: true cosmic tongue is normally delivered orally and without script) is the best source to speculate discovery of cosmic script in condensed format. So, let’s go shopping. But first, words of warning. In some of my early investigations, I used less than perfect modern-day interpretation as to the meanings of Sanskrit in the hope of uncovering evidence for vestige (i.e., by deciphering carefully disguised cosmic script). To be clear, already latent inklings of what to expect were circulating in background (astral messages not fully delivered) but focus on precise cosmic words was (to say the least) fuzzy. More conventional methods of research had the added benefit of redeeming faith-lacking readers’ scepticism, who could look up tabled “bona fide” Sanskrit meanings. We’ve moved on so now non-believers are welcome to privately do additional “homework” and let me know what they discover.

My analysis of the term Enorrian decodes as follows. En should be considered a word that imbues the height of power in any language. Greeks used it to represent “I”, though, usage is impersonal (like “one” in English). To explain, because every “I” anchors to source, all things (at their root) must boil down to source. In this case, at the front of terminology “announcing” Enorrian, vestige must be considered emphasised. “Or” is metal (usually considered precious). Here use is analogical in the same manner Biblical birth stories preserve metaphors. For instance, when ”three wise men visited Jesus” their gifts were symbolic. Gold represented genetic prodigy (in this case, the ability to perform miracles), Frankincense showed Jesus was able to pierce and bypass the veil that contains reality and myrrh “proved” he was the capable anointed Son of God (and true king). Thus, Enorrians, like Jesus, were appointed by God and blessed with extraordinary abilities. The final part of the riddle clarifies so. Ri is the collective essence of the seven heavenly states which also class as jointly partitioned “white light” dimensions. Reptilians (that interfere with our domains) are restricted to black light (Ra) realms, but I will discuss the acute significance later. “An” (pronounced arhne) is a primal definition of the invisible binding force we commonly refer to as God (that one omnipresent God). Collective summary of my analysis calculates Enorrians like so. Gifted angel destined to pay homage to spontaneous creativity seems innocent enough. Critically important to understand, we now know that the Anunaki bandwidth operates across white and black light domains. Enorrians are almost certainly their own version of Sirians, appending restitution.

When Sirian ancestry broke away from the Anunaki group billions of years ago, disagreement was not limited to opinions over preferred form. Rifts had been caused by perception of good and evil. Perhaps inspired by Sophia’s original template for existence (implicating subsequent fall of the Satan star), Sirian ancestors opted for apartheid. Interestingly, obsession over good and evil plays a large factor in human affairs, because we are a substantive part Sirian. Elements of the Anunaki spectrum are very dark indeed (highlighted by Zoroastrian tradition), hence the Enorrian “compromise”. Prosperity’s importance goes beyond debate. Found in Sirian, cosmic word “Si” equivalates to those “connected by memory” alone. Per the full scope of existence, black and white light combined measures the collective presence of God; a sentient being that experiences time in “seconds”; each of around five thousand years. It takes roughly three seconds to regain focus while in natural waking state. Thus, I theorise, each fifteen thousand years (approximately) the primary sentient being flips between white and black light. Latent memory is timeless. Therefore, memory is both the binding agent and extent of chronology.

Chronology is misunderstood of course. We perceive reality ten to fifteen times (faster than) real time (a resource that sits as one “block”), but explanation will wait another day for I must press on with this essay’s dedicated mission. We can see there are numerous elements [unseen] that “corrupt” the destiny of man. That is because man arguably has no destiny without them. Yet, to more thoroughly envisage considerations, we are best advised to scrutinise the history of human, from our lowly beginnings. The truth about this, even when approaching causes with an unfettered open mind, has been jealously concealed. Hearteningly, some are gradually starting to question whether all history amounts to “propaganda offered as historic account”. I must say acknowledgement of wholesale fabrication is a truly positive sign that people are finally coming to terms with perpetual injustices wrought against them. Even though there is an enormous gulf of understanding to traverse, small, wavering steps are a beginning and certainly better than no steps at all.

People are just starting to realise that authorities (not willing to disclose the truth) have opted for strategies that either distort opinions or lie convincingly, but everyone would be shocked knowing just how far adrift our general knowledge (amplified by propaganda) has unhinged from reality. Hints of truth are presented in ancient texts, but because context is lost, it is almost impossible to see the light without cosmic guidance. Thus, details I am about to present are bound to ruffle staunchly “academic” (height of the brainwashing agenda) feathers. Content is guaranteed to fail to impress those beyond hope of restitution. Suffice to say, prepare for truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, because that is what I aim to deliver. Dates used are always approximate of course, so please don’t crucify the messenger for that. Regular visitors should already be aware human being was illegally created by the reptilian Sephardim (who are the prime species of a Lyran coordinated experiment commissioned around five million years ago) “just” one hundred and twenty-five thousand years ago. Human is principally a version of Neanderthal (Adam). Following our creation an incubus period of around five thousand years ensued when “we” lived in the inner Earth with the reptilians at their Garden of Eden. According to one of Simon Parkes’ memorable AMMACH interviews, his childhood mentor (a Draco monarch) claimed he watched over little Adam and a band of two hundred other hubris humans. Whilst the account lacks a little credibility as Adam means “explosive storm” (denoting Neanderthal’s temperamentally destructive character), I include the information. Over the “Garden of Eden” period we were treated much, much better than pets by our “Gods” (sic).

One hundred and twenty thousand years ago a giant cosmic war (the eighteen thousand years war) erupted over control of Earth. Attacks also targeted inner sanctums. So, to preserve our safety, the reptilians called for assistance. Details on specifics are not yet known to me but, suffice to say Sirians (who are our joint custodians via genetic heritage) agreed to provide a haven on Mars. Though we are principally built from Neanderthal, they do not have a cerebral cortex, which offers best evidence for Sirian progeny. It must be stressed the human brain is a powerful gift, one that even reptilians don’t share (cutting them off from white light or ri domains). I am almost certain the angered God cameo in Biblical Genesis’ Fall from Grace parable is a direct reference to this Sirian intervention which has been slightly misinterpreted by chroniclers. Incidentally, reptilians are one type of many varied creeds scattered around the cosmos (some used by the Lyrans to cultivate a super-DNA pool). In fact, innumerable different reptilian like species exist in out of reach places. At the time of our exodus, we met with a placid animalistic variety that was native to the Mars surface. Overtly affectionate, chronicles place it as “closer to animal than being”. Lumerians (sorcerers) (who live in underground Martian caverns today) were there as well, until they relocated to Earth around seventy-five thousand years ago. Compared with turbulent human history, (under Sirian jurisdiction) time went by without incident until thirty-eight thousand years ago. Whilst the cosmos is robustly designed to ensure space debris never collides with large planetary objects, comets are the exception to the rule.

According to pristine record, a shooting star of considerable size and velocity plunged into Mars. Tragic effects saw a ninety per cent reduction of breathable surface atmosphere, which predetermined a huge problem. Sirians had no option but to return to Earth (or find some other contender) immediately. Comparatively recently (say five hundred thousand years ago) an aborted “body share” contract with the Anunaki predicted deadly consequences was any reunion to occur. So bitter was the feud, Lemurians had been installed as kings to “protect” Earth’s surface (did they double as sentinels guarding a Garden of Eden placed out of context?) against Sirian return. Lyrans had proclaimed themselves Earth kings until they were thwarted by the Lemurians, an occasion possibly explaining honours from the Anunaki (themselves failing in that quest twice). Lemurians traditionally have no regal structures, preferring the establishment of hierarchies of elders (a principle modelled by “Hebrew” King David?). Nevertheless, in their unfamiliar capacity as kings (which explains adoption of Grey Being mentorship, though early human dynasts may have been deceied by cloaked Lyrans, earning the reputation of “wicked” in Vedic texts)), implications of honour were such that Lemurians might have been obliged to kill Sirians (sworn enemies of the Anunaki) “on sight”. Fortunately for prosperity, the Anunaki had undergone a convenient ascension just before the party from Mars arrived, so “technically” Lemurians were no longer tied to an authority. That is the way they must have interpreted fate, because the Sirians were not only saved, but welcomed to Earth as brothers.

The southernmost boundary of a specially provisioned territory is marked by the Great Pyramid of Giza (constructed under deep water by the way – perhaps validating the Dogon myths). Civilizations were remembered later as Atlantis (did Plato deliberately distort this truth?). To be clear, Atlantis territory covered most of what is now known as the Northern Hemisphere. Biblical Babel possibly refers to an impressive technology city (constructed much later in the 20th or 21st millennia BC) which was crushed by arctic circle compacted ice (residue of Fallaheye in the sky), but other less ostentatious cultural centres were established in multiple locations. One can but presume all humans chaperoned from Mars initially habited Atlantis’ great “towers”. Political modelling would have been quite different to the relative anarchy that prospered after the fall of Atlantis. Human councillors (or chieftains) had been obliged to observe and rectify all social grievances, so leadership was usually more of a great burden than a blessing for any citizen (did ancient Greek “king for a day” democracy attempt to resurrect the Atlantis blueprint?). Spiritual governance (post absence, a vacuum that was eventually trivially replaced by religions) came under mandate of the Sirians.

Within the confines of their enormous cities, humans wanted for nothing and, though life would have been tediously regulated, there were special internal [holographic] parks catering for essential rites of passage or pilgrimages (which could include spiritual sex ceremonies). Even so, because everything was provided, humans did not learn how to fend for themselves properly in a punishing natural environment. All was fine and dandy – until austere punishments were imposed against transgressors of order. Indeed, the whole idea of “pure societies” emanates from Sirian governance over the Atlantis citadels, which were literally impenetrable (Israel’s prototype “dome” pales in comparison). According to the Sirians, only two punishments were necessary, and I think this gives us a clue as to their impeccable logic. Irredeemable offenders were put to death – analogically wiped from existence. Remainders were banished – purged to ensure society always remained pure. Thus, there was no penal system as such, because that would be irrelevant. Banishment forced a harsh life scavenging for survival on the hostile outer lands. Scenarios were made even more bleak considering ejected had had no survival training at all and had been used to everything provided for them. We can but imagine the culture shock and I believe Biblical Genesis’ wilderness period may be loosely based on memories of such collective social expulsion.

Sirians did send out numbers of priests to assist with passage of banishment (perhaps accounting for Mayan “Viracocha” tales). The miracle working Jesus and other idolised characters that populate our corruption of history are also probably based on their memory. Though Sirians look like humans, their powers transcend empirical rationale. Suffice to say their support network was essential because otherwise many of the banished would have likely perished. To put things in perspective, you literally went from having everything to nothing. Aside from the roaming creatures that could kill and eat you, along with other dangers, there were no houses, hostels, hotels, hospitals or even eateries. Your world, in an instant, had become an unsafe, a neither explored nor inhabited desert island. Thus, historians rightly talk of a “caveman” existence where humans lived near (but rarely with) flesh eating Neanderthal. This is truth because, in lieu of absence of prebuilt accommodation, caves were pretty much the only shelter option. And of course, following the plummet of Atlantis, survivors were forced into the same boat as the rest, except they had the disadvantage because the others had become hardened scavengers by now. For a very brief period, this is when a clash of cultures ensued between those that wished to preserve Atlantis ideals and remainders who had resiliently moved on. Worse still, battle (symbolised by Cain “broken covenant” versus Abel “God, the common father”) would rage over total control of an apathetic human group. A tradition that has continued over the ages. Today we are nearing “end game”.

Long prior, there had been a vicious war (round two) between reptilians (who had successfully barricaded themselves inside Earth by now) and the Anunaki. Though the Anunaki did not manage to secure the inner sanctums to achieve their aim of “harmonising Gaia”, they were by far the most powerful force, which means the reptilians perpetually fear them (even today). They had feared them so greatly, none dared venture to the surface for a considerable period. Some argue the date of incursion (when the Anunaki launched their full-on attack of inner realms) was around five hundred thousand years ago (just before Gilgamesh’s epic Sumerian King’s list lineages emerged). It wouldn’t be until hundreds of thousands of years later that reptilians would brave presence on the surface, such was the strength of their angst. In fact, the truth of the Anunaki departure perhaps only became known to them when Sirians made approaches because they needed technicians to man their (earlier mentioned) purpose-built technology city. So, from around twenty thousand years ago, with a renewed sense of safety, reptilians slowly began targeting the peoples of Africa. At this time today’s northern part of Africa was submerged by oceans (hence why the Great Pyramid must have been constructed below deep water – a whole enigma in itself!), which had been caused by dramatic Anunaki departure, consequence of their impromptu ascension. By comparison, the reformed landmass analogically matches well with modern day Australia’s island continent.

Why reptilians’ selected Africa in particular is unclear to me. Perhaps there was easy passage from inner Earth (gateway long forsaken and most likely boobytrapped today). Perhaps they felt the Nubians (then Olmec) would be more receptive or gullible than other human gene brackets (races). Perhaps their selection was sheer coincidence, after all. Suffice to say, what began as a trickle built and built to a major “problem” over a relatively short period. We can see from the sheer numbers of stone rods (laser weapons) left behind, by seventeen thousand BC their influence had reached epidemic proportions. African peoples needed a champion to drive out this foe. Hosanna (Ixosana) infamously jumped to the task (although, today, courtesy of corrupt history, there is no memory of this). Discounting their enormous technological advantage, while physically present on the surface, reptilians were exposed, to say the least. In that respect, they did have a gaping Achilles heel, one which Hosanna promptly exploited. Their allergy to tungsten renders the metal deadly poisonous to them. One scratch from a tipped spear is enough to severely disable or even kill its target (is this how “werewolf” silver bullet myths were percolated?). I wonder whether tungsten steel used to make modern day commercial darts is reflective of the legacy. Either way, the precious metal proved to be a great deliverer and that is one of the best reasons why Hosanna is foggily remembered as a holy liberator. It was only after they had been thwarted that the reptilians employed stealth technology to influence human populations they desired to harvest in place of overt presence. Any further attempts to physically control communities would deliver zero trust brute force.

Rapid fall of Atlantis and subsequent “flood” was a two-stage event. Initial impact fourteen thousand eight hundred years ago caused circumstances that triggered a great deluge two thousand three hundred years later. These circumstances so dramatically interrupted carving of “Mayan” wheel of the sun, it was discovered where it languished, unfinished. Buried Siberian mammoths and other creatures have been dug up with food still in their mouths or undigested in their bellies. The fall of Atlantis was a crisis beyond all other crises. Consequences suggest that no one could have survived such a cataclysm, but for the fact I side with Graham Hancock’s opinion proposing an ice sheet from destroyed [ancient moon] Fallah only blanketed the Southern Hemisphere (which became the Northern Hemisphere while causing the great flood). Though I have no formal feedback on the subject, I deduce human populations (ancestors of today) along with all the animals were restocked from holdings taken from the moon following that “irredeemable” deluge. At least that’s how I interpret Noah’s ark parable from Biblical Genesis. Reptilians were clearly aware of the devastation the planet surface had incurred (possibly suffering consequences themselves) and perhaps were part of contingencies that arranged restocks of populations (which would have retained full latent memory of past historic development). It was at this time that they decided to make a formal move, setting up bases at the peaks of the Caucuses of Persia (if traditional legends have sway here). Heart of Atlantis’ banished scavenger settlers, Russia would conveniently use Persia as an access corridor to other lands, which explains Slavic influence of inter-bred Indian Dravidian populations and why Sanskrit is considered a very ancient form of Russian script by philologists.

That cuddly caring veneer of the Garden of Eden was a distant memory by now. Draco lockdown, committed to avoiding a repeat of the Africa fiasco, employed state of the art surveillance and weaponry. The “pets” were presented various “laws” to which some minor infractions were dealt with by inflicting instant death. There neither were law courts nor due process for humans, presenting a situation that perhaps corresponds with obscene shoot first and ask questions later “justice” for Palestinians today. Humans, who need to breathe spiritually, were treated like animals by their captors. Under these conditions, we were huddled into demarked areas, “pens” which could be monitored day and night. Even so, reptilian broader populations are very similar to ours in some ways. If I might cite the current penal system. Yes, there are guards, austere rules, obsessive detention, but there is also the good side – rehabilitation, reskilling and opportunity to build new lives, to infect rebirth as it were. Reptilians work off identical models as us for captive societies. Over the post Atlantis period, they employed great sages to administer education and productive recreational activities. Evidence for this is abrupt. One North American (Canadian) native tribal totem pole features a reptilian effigy (a prized tribute). There are numerous other transcripts verifying similar honours. Aboriginal legends are divided between “violent oppressors” and “angelic teachers” who “could not be separated by appearance”. Mayan texts and others follow identical themes. Like us, our tyrants don’t look noticeably different to the standard mould. This shows there is considerable academic diversity in reptilian philosophising. They may well be different to human, but their character is by no means polarised.

My attempts to consider all possibilities enabling truthful historic accountability so far has tabled human evolution from incubus Garden of Eden containment one hundred and twenty-five thousand years ago to “masks off” reptilian incarceration sometime after ten thousand BC. Desperation may best fit post Atlantis circumstances, but at no juncture over the prior one hundred and fifteen thousand years development were we fully granted licence over our own destiny. While terms as abject prisoners of reptilians hit this fact home, conditions had always been “provided” (up to that stage of our development). I am about to make a very important observation which summarises the major disservice caused by corruptions roguishly biased authorities love to claim is “history”. It seems obvious to me that someone in the exact same authority not only knows the truth but overall tries to simulate reptilian techniques used over their dark times of leadership. It might seem off-topic, but what exactly is meant by Joseph’s “multi-coloured dream coat”? Was this a “device”, a tool enabling elite access to “dreamtime” in fully conscious state? Did that allow true vision? Whatever the case, the ensuing period is the most critical in our independent history, a history without evidence of organised human civilisation prior to four thousand BC and I’ll explain why.

If we are to presume the restock theory is accurate, then after the fall of Atlantis different human race brackets were introduced to the surface in staggered batches (information significantly verified by the Genome Project even though it is sworn to protect corporate Globalism). Gauging consistency across surviving myths and legends, reptilian intervention/rule went far wider than the Persian Caucuses, though that may well have conceivably marked the beginning of the initial afront on humanity. It is difficult to say with precision when the wholesale capture of humans ended, but I have always felt around eight thousand BC was right enough. My first hypothesis as to why the reptilians largely disappeared (other than a few lonely hermits holed up in untraversable desert regions) was they had simply ascended. An ascension marks a big shift in the body’s energy frequency that leads to significant changes in surrounding “reality”. However, there is a rather more mundane explanation for their mass disappearance. Mayan history (per Incan records) details human sacrifice reaching epidemic proportions of two hundred and fifty thousand lost souls a year. Belief in reptilians’ “invincibility” might have staved off outright rebellion up to a point, but I would argue that two hundred and fifty thousand involuntary deaths a year would be enough to snap any population into violent defensive action, no matter how appealing deflecting propagandas pretending to justify carnage were. It seems to me that Mayans are the most likely contenders opting for all out aggressive war against their captors and I wonder whether (as with the prior African rebellion) that was the domino effect sparking total collapse of visible reptilian authority.

Though, over the interim period, once “slaves” roamed free, this round the reptilians did eventually manage to reimpose a contingency leadership. Contemporary Phoenicians and Israelites were one such “free” people. I use “one people” because, consequence of turmoil from reptilian departure, cowardly Israelites distinguished themselves by fleeing to the deserts as fast as their legs would carry them, leaving their desolate Phoenician brothers behind to “face austere consequences of an abrupt return to order“. It is worth highlighting something else. Common fallacy that slaves can be emancipated is legacy of deliberately misrepresentative propaganda dressed as historic fact. Slaves were a biproduct of the creation of Atlantis, a symptom of banishment. Unprepared and vulnerable dissidents would inadvertently become a permanent underclass. Such conditions approximate the fodder of conceptual slavery, actually a charitable form of social security (provided for initially by Sirian priests). Later, emerging as a battle “truce” between “civilised” classes and the forsaken, concepts were adapted to allow affluent households to take in (or advantage of) voluntary workers on the promise that all living necessities would be supplied free of charge. Per detailed arrangements, sufficiently sick or disabled workers were obliged with full support over a recouperation period and rape was a theoretically (though inexorably hard to prove) punishable offense.

When James II of England “imposed” slavery “for whites” after wars against the Irish, it would have been considered a benevolent act providing succour for displaced women and children of fallen warriors. But our historians are psychopathic, despicable liars, so they mostly offer forgetfulness. Phoney baloney “history” is rendered all the more farcical when we inspect the detail of that celebrated akin ancient Roman cultural profile. Following their “successful” invasion of [then] Britain, historians lead us to believe the English were rendered as slaves (extending the Queen Boudica fantasy). Yet, their “captors”, desperate to gain uptake of bronze or copper currency (once sought after in Babylon), buried giant treasure troves of coins for their “captives” to prospect. So unpopular was the commodity, Brits are still digging up the damned coins today. Clearly English were not made slaves under the Romans, beyond occasional individuals who voluntarily opted for a “better life” (where have we heard that old trot before?) overseas. Reptilian occupation of human societies ironically does partially conform to traditional views of slavery. For instance, a trigger-happy reptilian guard could be an authority unto himself. Unpopular humans were killed on a whim. The choice of replacement leaders (following reptilian departure) probably provided for a worse lot overall, though. Charles Hall once aptly described the type of “Grey Being” (YHWHs?) that had been selected as “uncompromisingly arrogant and with not even the slightest empathy for human feelings“.

These little pot-bellied, blue skinned men were drafted as our governors over approximately two thousand years. In line with the human condition, again It is likely we initially tolerated oppression, deflecting concerns, desperately trying to parry with “crazy new order” (or new normal). As time went by, more and more would have resorted to teaming up with renegade anti-society. Eventually (we can but presume) the situation reached critical mass when anti-society burgeoned into an overwhelming majority, a catalyst that would have surely boiled over into a mass uprising against the little leaders. Potentially vicious, it was likely violent enough to remove an entire regime, if this theory is correct. Funnily enough, according to Charles Hall the same type of “Grey Being” he had described had “had to” abruptly leave the Earth (their traditional home) around six thousand years ago – infancy of human civilisation. Even so, they apparently relocated to the moon but do periodically visit Earth (at least once accidentally filmed in Brazil).

From notorious orthodox Jewish beginnings (which is naturally echoed by Mosaic religions) “the world” commenced roughly six thousand years ago. So critically why does such conjecture deliberately ignore clear and present prior history with farcical distain? Obviously because corruptors have always had an eye on the goal of assuming total power and dare not reveal agenda conflicting truths, particularly ones that confirm man predominantly has had no destiny of his own. Were they to do so (honestly), today’s academia would be obliged to paw though troves of flawless balanced wisdom bound in hidden Sirian and other legacies (including documents preserved by the Vatican and some private reserves in Tibet) to determine very different conclusions to ones that currently reign. In the distant past circumstances were also different. Then some truths were ever present and known, which motivated an ongoing zealous mission (spearheaded by the corrupters) to stamp out all memory of true knowledge via censorship and propaganda. Such onslaughts included Constantine’s torching of the great library of Alexandria, but there were numerous other reflective purges. Dark Ages are thus termed for a reason, as Michael Baigent et al’s Holy Blood, Holy Grail is quick to reflect. We can push vision farther. Would the whole concept of ownership below a capitalist commerce baseline fare well morally speaking for a truly pure society? Hardly, when (Zionist) “socialist” despots view unabated free trade as the great sin and cancer of their ultimate directive – total control of everything (via beloved Globalist corporations – set up by Mr Hitler). Ayn Rand’s immortal quote figures here: “there is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism – by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.” Under auspices of truth, would not our current “corporate” vision of God also evaporate? Answers are straightforward enough. All religions (as they stand) will be proven invalid, impotent and devoid of purpose if truthfulness is deemed an absolute.

This is not to say that today’s religions are big ol’ phoneys or entirely useless, but what is meant by spirituality would need to be re-evaluated and corresponding changes made to instruction to parry with essential divinity. Though we have come under our own direct authority for the past six thousand years, manipulative infiltration has continued, relentlessly. Why did Jesus/Josephus fanatically emphasise notional “possession by demons” and Mohammed prioritise vanquishing djinn? Epidemic problems we face today have their roots right at the beginning. Either demons never existed, or we are in denial of the fact today, because we “can’t see”. Vedic texts make novel use of surrogate “zombies” and we’ve reached the stage where it is time to reveal what is meant by such concepts. It goes without saying, I would imagine many will be shocked by these revelations, as real zombies don’t live up to their “TV image” surprise, surprise. To add, as might be expected, to present zombies authentically, we need sufficient background. We must walk before we run or we trip and fall, oblivious to error.

Reptilians began work on their false matrix (a supernatural star satellite system) directly after the fall of Atlantis. Critical impact of the fall [perhaps] endured less than one second of time. Whilst I don’t see any record of Sirians being dug up on Russian or other excavation digs, detail on humanoid anomalies might easily have been censored (given the constant political climate emphasised the paragraph before last). Even so, it is likely Sirians were as equally caught by surprise and were as ill-prepared as the rest by this unprecedented and most unnatural of disasters. Nevertheless, could it be possible that some [Sirians] were saved or had been located on the other hemisphere, and they lived long enough to be there to provide rectitude against effects of that global wide doomsday flood? If so, my previous analysis was incorrect. Small numbers of survivors could have kickstarted modern day populations (Noah a metaphorical Sirian), though I favour a compromise between the two explanations (restocks bolstering saved populations). Some aboriginal Indians and Nubian gene sets were certainly introduced post flood.

A few straggler priests may well have remained, but Sirian autonomy completely collapsed with Atlantis. One can only presume that they would not have approved of the false matrix, otherwise construction might have begun more than twenty thousand years ago. Though, most compelling explanation for any lack of cooperation is knowledge revealing the moon’s role in operations. Sirians followed the Tamarian model (announcing a universal God), whereas reptilians worshiped a black sun (our sun) emanating Ra (filtered God). The false matrix operates like a prism to direct greatly “refined” sunlight (in a sense, identical conceptual analysis could be applied to “GMO”). Sunlight, I have explained over many other articles, is the real key to progressive DNA (true “evolution”). In other words, from day one, the false matrix aimed at tampering with our DNA sequence development, which establishes who we are. Chillingly, Ken Bakeman claimed the project was finished (and I quote) in 1993! But the false matrix is not the only initiative. There have been others. Critically, five separate frequency fences block activity transmissions via the human group chakra points (harmonising energetic values of DNA). Ironically (or perhaps not) each change met with a flip side and that is why scientists were forced to make so many alterations.

Knowledge of this travesty tells us everyone is not meeting full potential. Another initiative was implemented to the human group around the mid nineteenth century primarily to change mindset. I fear that liberty jargon falsely heralding abolition is not coincidental. Humans were about to be transformed into real slaves and that needed a change of mindset for all society not to plunge into violent retaliation. Robert Peel’s virgin London police force predicted anarchy and [indeed] measured anarchy was the response. Australia’s Ned Kelly was one such violent product. But, on record, the industrial revolution did somehow save the day (for those ruthless, vapid industrialists). Celebration must be considered a smoke screen, of course. Changed attitudes were closer to the truth as these ensured a relatively seamless positive transition (aided by a supporting punitive, vicious penal system), because without them, society would have certainly plunged into anarchy (which almost happened in Germany, courtesy of “western powers’” reparations, but for the emergence of Mr Hitler). I wonder whether the explosive erosion of traditional values in the contraception sixties was equally synthetic. Was that in fact a preparation for a “new age” by unseen planners not-of-this-Earth who were privy to future outcomes? We know “raw time” can be captured and duplicated. What might seem farfetched to humble Earth dwellers is worlds apart from what is truly possible.

Marginally successful alterations to catalytic DNA commissioned by frequency fences did have a clear objective; to stall the ascension process, ideally indefinitely. Yet, because the ascension wasn’t stalled (doomed Philadelphia experiment made that clear), vaccine bioweapons (released under US department of defence military operation Warp Speed to rapidly implement United Nations Agenda 21) have been deployed to thin down populations with haste so as to sufficiently to meet those UN standards [a Pleiadian ultimatum?]. We (population bulk) will become a shadow of our former selves over the next decade. I can empathise with globalist panic to some degree. “Statistically” a single couple (with sufficient partnering resources) will expand to billions head over eleven generations (two hundred and twenty years) producing surviving offspring x ten. Abolition led to the production of big families as the best means to pooled survival, though phenomenon was also a trend of slavery (when a squire’s half-bred offspring would be given preferential treatment and even inheritance). So, from that clapped out old thrive and survive perspective, troubling times lie ahead. Very troubling indeed. Commercial medicine is facing a train wreck. We can see how quarantine initiatives were rolled out. Ensuring general compliance is a huge aspect of any would be despot’s game plan. Despots rely on military juntas (such as Operation Warp Speed) for good reason. Whilst global quarantine was a relatively low-key affair relying on habitual brainwashing of the masses, other tactics use fear, potentially employing enormous “enforcement” resources. Forgive me for reiterating, bur why set up a London metropolitan police force one year before British slaves were granted “freedom” under abolition? Because people (like Ned Kelly, though from next generation) were forced to take the law into their own hands in order to survive after social security was scrapped. Even today Australian politicians continually threaten to disband modern version Centrelink pensions destined for the unemployed, making it harder and harder for the needy to access “benefits”.

Necessity dictates reptilians use covert techniques now. Their “masses” would have gained extraordinary advantages (including special abilities erstwhile unknown to brainwashed humans) from ascending to uncharted out-of-range physicality so this seems the most likely explanation for their non-presence. Stealth used has pretty much gone undetected, across the board. So much so, more than seventy per cent of all human beings are completely ensnared by them, remainders granted “limited faculties”. Just about everyone is void of awareness as to what is happening overall. If this was a soccer match, we weren’t ever told about it and I am sad to inform, but we lost a hundred to nil at home. And not only that. We lost long ago, because no one noticed. Yes, this isn’t a recent thing. Let me explain something. When you look at the body from an energetic perspective, you can determine that cells, organs, vascular, nervous and other systems are irrelevant, beyond operating as tokens of expression. Then you are ready to review affairs with clear mind. Our bodies appear to function the way they do, because it is all part of the control initiative. We are conceived and then treated as wild animals. Notional spiritual man has been reduced to an anathema by them and their lackeys (read Goethe’s Mephistopheles for inspiration). In fairness, though aspects of the religions have made a courageous stand against the plight of mankind, they haven’t done enough, which has had the effect of plunging truth into obscurity. Truth has become so obscure, today it cannot be believed (by those entranced by their systemisation).

On many occasions throughout my writing career, I have made revelations about atoms, which are “frequency catalysers”, and this news is no less relevant now. Critically, they reflect external settings which, for our reality, not only express as, but also enforce supposed. For those unable to bypass, the atom is the limit of existence, which includes human (in conscious state). Perameters craft reality. Provided by our reality window, energy is generated as a form of black light (Ra). Textbook physics presents reality building blocks as constructed from identifiable “particles”, themselves made up of sub-particle protons and electrons that gravitate around a “nucleus”. Whilst nuclei confirm theoretical nothingness, they better define raw potence (whose gateway is inaccessible by physical means), but here’s the punch. Collective potence configures the soul network. Interestingly, associated notional “magnetism” is more than clumsy metaphor. Believe it or not, the soul network facilitates a role as magnetic tape to preserve all lifetimes. Everyone’s life history accumulates there. No one misses out and record is without blemish. All data is saved free of reservation and will remain uncensored for all time. Ones with multiple life histories (in other words, again everyone) could access complete data at a single point, given memory capability. It might also be possible to “hack” the soul network with correct insight. Therefore, now, armed with this deeper understanding, clearly the soul network is not merely a little bit important, a triviality. It is in fact critical. Were external forces with opposing agendas given access to “keys”, well, that could ruin a life and the user might remain entirely oblivious to consequences. I don’t refer to “run of the mill” hackers here. No, the ones I expose can kill off a body’s higher self and replace it with a synthetic version of their own design. That’s the scale of problem we are dealing with here in a nutshell and it is rife, affecting one hundred per cent of human populations in some measure, zombifying majorities (I wonder if that’s why the system insists on “fairness” of majority rule?).

As far as the body is concerned, chakras (harmonisation of energy field) and meridians (inter-body communication networks) are all important, yet most of our physicians know literally nothing about these. They do not know that magnetic tape facilitating life history is stored by the heart chakra. Few “victims” do a damned thing in defence. So, the average reptilian dummy transports into the crown chakra “access point”, scales down any of the meridian lines to the heart chakra to get into position for a “vault raid”. Their bright and best elevate more extravagant means to go exploring. But simply reaching and “occupying” the heart chakra is not enough. God, dare I say is far cleverer than that. Perhaps this metaphor will suffice. To access life history, the pirate might as well decipher a unique, “unbreakable” multi-factor ID and yet, even that would be too easy. The mighty weight of combined Draco-reptilian technologies cannot crack a heart chakra. Assailants have no other choice than to use other means. I did touch on this earlier in my introduction, so additional musings will hopefully now provide greater clarity. To summarise, the fundamental objective is to obtain permission or “license” from the victim (New World “contracts” foisted on beguiled Red Indian natives probably amounts to the same thing). That’s because the unbreakable forcefield to overcome is denying “will”. It is as straightforward as that. The victim must want the reptilian to access heart chakra resources. Of course, under normal circumstances, to engineer a change of will (belief) might be classed as impossible, but, following well-trodden footsteps of celestial conmen, reptilians blend fusions of fantasy and reality to whip up devilishly misleading cocktails.

As with the vaccine con, they turn the power of ignorance on its head and convert it into an asset. Useful, well-meaning idiots (like all those doctors whose pride insanely backs the vaccine flop) are the perfect commodity for manipulation, because they absolutely “believe in” matters they don’t understand. “Professionalism” ensures a strong, spiteful, sufficiently dedicated ego. The Draco casually surf all those hysterically nonsensical ill-feelings towards them, turn the power back on itself and manipulate the hell out of the reaction. How do they say? “Problem, reaction and…..welcome to hell”, right? Specifically, all those honest-to-goodness soul retrievers facilitate a vicious (circle) agenda. Other spiritual agents, rescue workers ultimately end up causing far greater mischief than if they had left things be, not tried to be experts. They mess with stuff they don’t understand – at all. Yes, there is power to be garnered from sacred verses if you know them and know them precisely. Not only the words, but the precise frequencies and tones. Then, and only then, you might get somewhere. Exceptions join the choruses of useful fools.

I play classical piano to “concert standard” (whatever that is). Thinking back though, pretty much the second I had made it past the dodo stage of development, I used to brag about reaching Nirvana. In truth, over fifty years I haven’t got there and it’s unlikely I’ll ever reach the destination, but I can play a mean tune. Be honest everyone, with yourselves first. You’re not that good, even if you think you are. You step in what looks like girl scout cookies and that can turn out very nasty indeed. They stink and that’s your metaphor for life, as is mine, after we’ve patted ourselves on the back. I’m by no way absolved. I’m in the same boat, the same mess. But I know a thing or two now and that, it seems, is where I have the advantage, the edge. Plus, I’m not frightened to be wrong, and I listen to “oafs” all the time. Sometimes those we hate to be right make valid points, something crucial we (us, God given) overlooked. And that can make a big difference to “big picture”, ultimately affecting everything we know, as we re-evaluate trickle down. In this respect, I haven’t singled out those that dotingly offer soul retrievals and others who claim they can purge bodies of unwanted ephemeral guests because I don’t like them, but they do need to be exposed, because they are the problem. Far from purging the reptilian or “finding” a lost soul, they end up granting posthumous adversaries’ full licence to use the body in any manner chosen. That includes full access to soul history and a broken gate at the heart chakra. Obviously, without false matrix technology, attacks might otherwise prove impotent, but there’s much more to it than that.

Look, perhaps I have overstepped the mark a modicum by chastising our valiant misguided champions so late in the cycle. As far as I can ascertain one hundred per cent (that’s all) of humans are intercepted at birth and put through some sort of “preparation” for life under surrogacy. Roughly seventy per cent currently are transformed into surrogates (by various means) and this identifies the “zombification” process Vedic and Babylonian texts sensationally refer to. Whereas spurious allegations about adrenochrome may go some way to explaining those notorious hallucinogenic blood orgies, more mundanely, to put things in perspective, four out of the average family of five are already zombies. You, reading this, are likely to be a zombie and you have been successfully mystified. This is because you have no reference benchmark to measure against. You only have one life, so that is your “all”. As far as you are concerned, it would be the perfect life given unlimited resources and no rude interruptions. You, as with all the other seventy per cent, have been successfully beguiled, if you are a zombie. And if you are not, then you are lucky. To tell whether you are a zombie is no clearcut thing, but here are a few classic traits. You refuse to even look at information you despise. You have next to no attention span. You do things or have desires that part of you is repulsed by. Your life has become polluted by “double standards” (zombie corruption syndrome). You both fear and yen transparency. These symptoms by no means confirm zombiism, but they are plausible indicators.

How to diffuse possession is troublesome. Realisation can be the catalyst, but we all must remain vigilant and wary of false alarms. Body and mind are amazing healers when power is applied. Yet so few seem to possess inner tenacity or dedication. Everyone seems to want an easy life. Of course, possessors take full advantage of that tradition, bringing the life part way towards Nirvana, then filling the void by tantalising with fantasy; the Santa Claus or God who is always there but never apparent. Dare we inspect the truth, the reality? The vast population majorities are slaves to their workplaces, prisoners of their government, pawns of their “fake money” bankers. An overwhelming percentage have learned to pour all their creative energy (catalyst for resolve) into “sports” (or other otherwise pointless “pastimes”). They use “sports” (or something equally irrelevant) as the milk to soothe their lot. Problems, grand political issues temporarily evaporate over these short periods of apparent freedom. People with no vision beyond personal vanity are incurable, because a pure life requires sacrifice, broken vanity. Removing one infestation of bugs rarely removes the problem, though. Those ill-prepared for constant alert diligence will quickly slip back into old, unseemly ways. Possessors know of this general weakness and readily exploit circumstances. In response to that, I fear John Wayne would have blurted out, “If that seems unreasonable or unfair, then damned well get used to it or do something about it”, but he’s no longer around to offer support. So, if human apathy is to be broken, then our only resolution is to face fear and fight it on our own. Please, rest in peace John.

Whereas your average reptilian lives days far longer in duration than anything we could imagine, he is far too busy to waste precious time on mundane matters, such as possession or surveillance. Therefore, in order to keep each new crop (of victims) warm and obedient, live technology providing “artificial intelligence” automates requirements. In passing, I explained mechanics of the soul in relation to the heart chakra a while back. These play significant roles in this heist. Thinking aloud, I wonder if baptism or some other incanted blessing might provide sufficient “contract” for any would be “credentialled” assailant to be granted access. Not sure on that one but, anyway, the parasitic host will perform something that can only be described as a soul-ectomy right before all doe-eyed, ill-prepared onlookers. The soul is “snipped” (redirected) and a purpose made lifeforce (without its own soul) in an external dimension is used as permanent anchor. You heard me right! But, of course, operations are entirely coordinated by large machines (also located externally to this dimension, censoring any material evidence trail) which are configured to provide real time key performance indicators and demographics. When any new “seed” falters, the host is alerted. Then and only then will a reptilian become personally involved.

There are some exceptions to this rule. Special human talents require different styles of harvesting. By way of reference, I discussed reptilian purpose in some detail last article, but it can’t harm to repeat vital information. This writing project has so far focused on dispassionate abduction, joy riding. There is a more serious side to cultural development. Extreme [human] talents are sometimes deemed to have potential to join the unseen brethren. These lucky individuals are given spiritual guidance (from the overlords’ perspective). As with other forms of abduction, selected targets have no say in their development or exit opportunity from the program (short of death, and even that is questionable). Nevertheless, victims I have interviewed speak highly of their possessors, some going so far as to admit their lives would cataclysmically shatter should their “guides” ever dare leave them. Suffice to say, unions are invariably powerful indeed, perhaps even intrinsic. Here cynics might determine soft emotional terrorism ultimately develops into full blown psychosis. In this capacity, a reptilian would most definitely suffice as a long-lost brother, sister, father or mother. Relationships can also be romantic, proffering intimacy akin to marriage. Comparatively, Malaysian shamans have also claimed to pair with their guides when undertaking sexual-spiritual hallucinogenic journeys. It is difficult to ascertain whether jaunts in altered state pertain to physicality, but reptilian abductees in guided relationships are clear on the authenticity of their experiences. Quite different to processed chattel, who are lulled into their befuddled sense of disagreeable security by the system.

I made a brief introduction to “targeted individuals” earlier in this essay, a side of the coin that exposes hard emotional terrorism. Spiritually aware talents are selected to either join the “borg” or whither, but we must come to terms with the fact, from a strategic control perspective, those humans that “run Earth” are equally viable targets. Mrs Clinton’s parasite lodged in her throat chakra attracts worldwide attention. Though it manifests as a foetal incubus, looks can be deceiving. While US Secretary of State her foul “conscience absent” philosophies were as memorable as her parasite. Conversely, motivated by advantages from political manipulation, she could turn on the charm for any photo opportunity. It is impossible to overlook much of her output was ruled by sarcasm. Even so, when analysing that content (in particular), I find an abundance of inhumane, would be “satanic” sentiment. Might unworldly corruption of the throat chakra have prompted Mrs Clinton to voice words delivered by ghostly apparitions? Obviously, there must be some level of psychosis for her to have delivered alien philosophy without any sense of rebellion. So, we can but assume she would have undergone full zombiism conversion at birth, offering no discerning protest. It is clear, if her traditional background is anything to go by, a pretty surface disguises a vicious heart. Rumours concealing her lesbianism (if true) further point to an “impaired” father and potentially negatively turbulent upbringing.

Mrs Clinton may have drawn the short straw, but when the whole gamut of political arenas is inspected carefully, epidemics of intrigue and lasting legacies of unfinished business beg discovery. Yes, there have been a few achievements too and don’t they lord them at every convenience? For as far back as I can research, politicians have existed to “score points” in deference to achievement and, quite frankly, just about everyone else travels down that slippery slope too. It is not what we do, but what we are seen to be doing that counts in all spheres of life. Hence the immortal expression, “keeping up appearances”. This essay has been zealously committed to going headlong down the rabbit hole. I have done my best to peel back all the layers to expose something stark and real. For once, we are blessed with an opportunity to see things as they are and not as “we want them to be”. Our destiny, based on the bulk of our history, is to be controlled, so it should be of no wonder that development and infiltration go hand in hand. Yet I can’t help but hoping, believing, wanting that we too can break free and be what we are; what we always had potential to be.

Tongues, Genetic Tribute, Time and “Evil Grey” Implications

Tongues, Genetic Tribute, Time and “Evil Grey” Implications

Never one to favour sensationalising truth, creation of the conceptual title of this essay turned out to be a task in itself. Original ideas were formularised around the rough guideline “cosmic, celestial and satanic tribute”. I eventually scrapped all three, settling with genetic tribute, but still had no usable entrance. Differences separating the range of choices thus far may appear rather insignificant, given the objective ahead. Nevertheless observant will witness the unravelling of a master class of subtlety throughout subject matter. Accordingly, precision of every word plays its own vital part in justifying ends. One of the sub-themes I had been contemplating was that enigmatic Sirian confession which assures grey beings are “evil”. Of course, it would be remiss of anyone to presume all grey beings are equal, but there  do appear to be plenty of potentially viable candidates for that degrading statement. None seem to fit the persona of the Atlantis era and that is where mystery festers. Thus, the evil greys’ opinion has perplexed me ever since I began seriously reflecting on theological matters in conjunction with theoretical extra-terrestrial influence over man’s affairs. And yes, contrary to suggestions carelessly buried in atheistic propagandas, everything cosmic is theological.

There is no obstacle separating the divine from the mundane, but existence (per its design) prepares cross function for multiple realities (that at times uncomfortably integrate). Any notion that posits existence is arbitrary or inconsiderately generated would be viewed preposterous were truth clear. Existence could not possibly exist unless it was cultivated. That which is cultivated is meaningful even if results fall short of preconceived ambition. Logic further impresses everything that exists (and everything that doesn’t exist too, ironically) is part of the same giant expanse; “one thing”. Even the most puerile sceptic must at least credit the possibility of uniform holistic life that doesn’t follow man’s aimless rules. Evidence, I have argued, is revealed in atoms. Each one of these mini-marvels manifests as a customised replica confirming the simplest of templates. To reduce complexity to the simplest of formats is sheer genius. Individual vortexes (with functionality way beyond the comprehension of corporate sciences) are actually bustling hives of activity, whether structurally supporting animate or inanimate objects. Calibrated to span all time and harmonise all dimensions, where did this bustle come from and what does it ultimately support?

Life, we can be certain, is not as we know it, not as defined by our primitive sciences. Atoms are bestowed metabolism (something scientists claim is one of the tenets approving life force) which, to the greater degree, is obscured from “3D” reality (i.e. going beyond what we can see or experience). That is fundamentally why they have no reportable “growth” cycles. I have written about these strange phenomena more than once. Their ability to span all time and all dimension should be of particular interest to those that care about quantum physics. Of vast superiority over human, other “intelligent” beings, entities, call them what you will, have garnered appreciation and associated keys that empower the manipulation of the entire fabric of existence from their precise knowledge of how atoms “work”. I have exampled the Sirian “matter transmutation” party trick before. Tradition has it they could turn wood into gold merely from concentration of thought alone; something early alchemists vainly and unsuccessfully attempted to emulate. But this hardly scratches the surface as to what is possible once the keys to existence have been primed.

Cursory review points to the likelihood the Sirians identified one such group of beings that knew of the keys. These were the “Greys” or, rather, Perun’s “evil grey beings”. That said, Greys were probably only a lower dimensional entity vested with limited capability to do much more than “see” raw time (although writings of Suzy Hansen do contradict this assessment). Mankind, courtesy of devolved perception-based sciences, can only relate to and table linearity. Consequentially, per this cultural insistence, time is reduced to symptomatic courses of events’ whose unfailingly histories progress in correct chronological order. Apparent exceptions to “routine order”, such as the so-called Bermuda Triangle and reports of certain paranormal occurrences are largely ignored, explained away or poorly “debunked”. Worse still, deliberate ignorance towards anomalies keeps institutional popular science in its devolved state, capable of little more than generating information flows consistently dedicated to propagandas aimed at lampooning educated discovery, Sadly, I do not anticipate any timely renaissance either.

It should be no surprise that, from the divine perspective, a lot has been invested in order. Order, as envisaged, is wide ranging but gnarled (dreadfully defying puerile empirical conventions). We (courtesy of material science indoctrination) presume that which “is” is simply “there”, randomly “popped into existence”, with its purpose for being, at best, arbitrary. An extension of this opinion, unassuming glowing balls of light in the sky we call stars are, equally, accidental – a feature of “Big Bang” (which was created by science theorists, by the way). These freaks of creation are eventually destined to inexplicably burn out. Of course, the gaping flaw hampering this radical belief is it simply isn’t true. In truth, each star has a life cycle which governs an intelligent, reproductive being. Life cycle stages are marked by the dwarf phases (our sciences irresponsibly recognise) and these represent perfunctory signs of aging. Predictably, in order to continue beyond death, astral bodies must reproduce in the same way as everything else that lives does. Efficiencies, in this case, are pronounced by spawning. I crudely compare mechanics to sporing fungi in my book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded, but my thoughts were a trifle foggy on the matter when it was written. Astral reproductive processes do not perfectly mimic our linear view of fungal behaviour, but that is an acceptable approximate analogy.

For instance one difference is the sporing function generates results over impossibly immense distances (from the linear perspective). Because the essence of any star is located behind time/space, linearity has no influence over its expressive affairs (such as reproduction). Therefore our own sun’s five partner siblings are located in entirely different galaxies. Incidentally, information relayed about the sun here is the consequence of my informal research. No verification of truth has been delivered to me by those infallible inherent advisors. Data is considered so conceivably correct; I have decided to stand by it. Nevertheless, stars are perhaps not the best examples to highlight the cause, which was to justify purposefulness down to the smallest grain of matter.  Indeed, from the ultra-philosophic standpoint, it might be argued that “nothing“ precedes potency.  This alone justifies all ambient features of existence (i.e. nothing mysteriously “turned into” something). A true philosopher would dedicate his life towards discovering related answers that resolve the paradox, but sadly there are no true philosophers living today. Mathematical morons deceptively spruiking physics is as close as we come to excellence beneath a system dedicated to worshiping sentient material illusion (or delusion as I call it).that provides for our “reality”.

Significant numbers of entities (albeit clumsily categorised extra-terrestrial by those laboured sciences I keep referring to) do know the whole truth about existence. A much smaller number have sufficient tools to manipulate the knowledge in their favour. Vitally (relating to affairs of humankind), a group of “Grey Beings” sometimes colloquially labelled “Zetas” (if publicity about them is to be believed) are effective time masters. It just so happens that these were the precise same being type I believe Sirian God Perun labelled “evil” (as recorded in surviving Vedic texts). However, his description might be rationalised as something of an enigma in itself to those that seriously care about this subject. Given sensational press over crop circles’ informative apocryphal mediums and writers’ Judy Carroll and Suzy Hansen’s equally “unconventional” accounts of life with the Greys, I would argue these beings are “as remote from evil as is possible”. So what did Perun imply in his use of such “grating” terminology to profile debatably innocent bystanders?

Indications pertaining to Sirian heritage embroiled in the Vedas would surely give us the best clue. That task I’ll leave to active archaeologists. Yet would rudimentary analysis possibly overlook metaphor that is thinly concealed in texts (perhaps becoming contextually obsolete)? Pearls of premium quality, vague and unknown today, may well glowingly preserve age old traditions of the highest sacred value. The vigilant academic would refuse no morsel in his sordid ambition to discern as to what basis fuelled the dispute between the Greys and the Sirians. Whatever it was over, it was a serious enough to ultimately jump start a chain of events that led to the destruction of a moon (biblical Isaiah recalls as “Marduk” contradicting Vedas “Falla”)  causing the collapse of Atlantis. The obvious lead profiling underlying disharmony was the Grey’s traditional role as King Makers’ to the ancients (at least four tiny mummified bodies were archived by Babylonian Egyptians).

Before I discuss this in depth, there is another aspect of Perun’s accusation legacy that deserves to be addressed. He additionally describes his evasive foe as “hermaphrodite”. Popular descriptions of Grey Beings rarely mention “sexuality” and when it is even suggested, analysis is routinely ambivalent. By this I mean, Greys do not appear to have any physical capability that functions straightforwardly enough to be illustrated beyond “asexual” categorisation. Bodies are usually depicted free of recognisable genitalia. Males are distinguished from females by behavioural attitude. Though I do not recall any specific prognosis, it is generally presumed the Greys are “without sexuality”, which prompts a rather hard-to-answer philosophy. If they are unable to physically reproduce, how can their species’ thrive? Taking the hermaphrodite slur literally, many alien types are distinctly androgynous (notably bulk standard “reptilians”) and some can adopt their chosen sex as the body develops. Though I know of no Earth bound creature that adopts this reproductive model, interestingly a crocodile’s gender is determined by the temperature of its gestation environment (or so our scientists’ speculate).

There could be an alternative explanation. Was Perun’s use of “hermaphrodite” metaphorical?  Was he being scornful of the Grey’s potent incapability? They could be either sex, but instead they were reproductively sterile. We have to carefully consider the huge gap between today’s conventions and traditional views expressing normalcy in ancient times. Then it was deemed that all adults would [sexually] partner with someone. There were no free agents or open relationships in polite society. It is likely all special “significant” unions were viewed as sexual, even if such activity was only fire for gossip. Openness of modern day cultures I do not believe would have been permissible in Atlantis times. Therefore it would be foolish to presume Greys were “exempt” somehow. Clearly they needed to marry royals for ratification as legitimate advisers. Locational peer groups would have insisted on the precedence. “Hermaphrodite” could possibly also be a personification of “homosexual”, whereby an individual has the sexual physique of one, but the apparatus of the other (i.e. males lacking prominent genitalia). In conclusion, I think the intelligent onlooker must predict Greys entered into elite matrimonial alliances for Perun’s assertion to have any logical credence. Were Sirians more than a little jealous of Zeta effectiveness over authority?

Contemplating their renown as Jedi King Makers we are obliged to agree, it is likely that marriages were royally arranged

On Earth, we know every creature, great or small, that chooses to thrive must reproduce if the family line is to continue. Offspring are always made from part of the “parent”, so (theoretically, at least) the process permits eternal life (signified by ouroboros). Higher beings are no different, except the “peak of the hierarchy pyramid” is astral. Stars reproduce, as I highlighted earlier, and they must continue to reproduce to thrive.  For ease of understanding I think more detailed further background is going to be necessary here. Maligned materialist sciences refuse to reconfigure published opinions as to what “life” is, even though they can neither explain why or how (beyond logging rudimentary symptoms) “chi” (“ki” in the ancient tongue) is permitted or forfeited. Their idiopathic (no known causes) tradition says it all. Furthermore, for existence to fulfil atheistic ambition it has to be arbitrary and would be pointless too but for the “accident” that is man. Man, it seems, has the uncanny and irrational knack of appreciating (whether liking or disliking) everything he experiences. We all naturally judge.

The ultimate judge is God and intriguingly Hebrew “El” (Arabic “Al”) is a dialect of the English word “all” (paraphrased “al” in almighty), which confirms much wisdom is innocently concealed in ancient sentiment. Logic dictates there is only one thing, everything (all) and the ancients knew that was “God”. Revealing illuminated truth will persistently embarrass sciences that weave hybrid fantasies devoted to worship of statistics. The very first being, life form had to be Satan (contextually meaning God’s purity), as Satan incorporated the original extent of existence. Due to a flaw in Sophia’s (divine wisdom) intent, life had no option other than to be cyclic (i.e. birth, death, rebirth, renewal) and, thus, the new occurrence justified time. Evidence is clear here because every subsequent paradigm has been cyclic too. All things (including the immortal jellyfish) eventually expire and are forced to replicate if they desire to continue existence.

Under these terms, belief in nihilism is nothing short of a philosophic effect that unifies those who deliberately tune out from essence (life binding force). The nub of the debate surrounding spiritual productivity is run on a higher plane. If efficiency was the quest, would mundane but haphazard sexual mechanics qualify as the ultimate method for refined destiny crafting by distinct planners? It should also be noted that those obliged to engage in primitive sexual acts for the want of reproduction are little more than cosmic lab rats (from the divine perspective). By those means “lust” might equally qualify as an external control mechanism or failsafe (i.e. people produce offspring to satisfy lust rather than reproductive urge).  Hypothetically, with a good enough understanding (astral knowledge) of genetics, physical reproduction would cease to be necessary. Already human babies are being crudely produced in test tubes. There are unsubstantiated claims pertaining to elite clones in society. What next?

It should hardly come as a shock that more advanced entities deploy methods which could only be classed as surreal or supernatural by our limited sciences. Reason persuades the greater the spirituality, the more divine knowledge is opened for access. Aligned logic calculates the consequence of reaching the height of spirituality (enlightenment) would remove necessity for mechanical reproduction. At that level, sexual intercourse (or variation) would not be associated with productivity. An example to demonstrate this can be found in advanced reptilian cultures. Though they can still physically reproduce, offspring are able to reject birth body in preference of adopting a more life fitting cloned “blank” (predesigned to accommodate any desired marked developmental path). Switching bodies is a bigger deal than most would imagine. When a life force enters into new body, history is forfeited and development must begin from scratch.

Reappraising Perun’s “hermaphrodite” slur with new eyes, I might consider it to reflect the Greys spiritual nature, which transcends any physical reproductive capability requirement. However we should be wary of a potential contraction. If they couldn’t technically reproduce, why did ancient royals seek marital prospects with them (thus ending the genetic line)? Any answer would surely be connected with the Grey Beings’ spirituality. From there we could equally discern a glimmer of rationale behind Perun’s evil (a spiritual category) branding allocation too. What did the evil Greys have or do that royalty wanted so desperately they would accept infertile marriage? Well, the prospect of manufacturing genetics in ways that defy empirical science understanding/method as to “what is possible”, assures (from science perspective) all is possible. In this manner royal opportunity to elevate beyond nature to supernatural status is within sight. The deep question is, did the Greys hold the keys to proverbial Pandora’s Box and what happened when it was opened? Could they, per consequence, literally conjure magic into reality? One only needs to review astrophysicist Rudy Schild’s analysis of Suzy Hansen’s writings to clearly form the opinion that her Grey associates regularly baffled our conventional sciences. Schild implied they had achieved the impossible (taking Hansen’s account as authoritative) more than once. In fact, when pressed, he could not explain a single one of their special abilities or achievements in human terms.

Whilst it hard to verify, Greys appear to have maintained their status as royal advisers right up until the first human monarchs ruled over civilisation. At least four mummified remains (likely of hybrids) concealed in sarcophaguses (allegedly discovered by the Egyptian archivists) would go towards confirming rumours. Were these working in association with Draco ambitious of gently impressing their brisk style of order over the masses? “Direct” overlordship had dismally failed, so proxy guardianship must be seriously considered as the next best approach. Other evidence supporting the idea of higher “alien” authority over mankind includes those muted accoutrements carried by modern day royals. Far from being superficial, they actually attest a history that runs at loggerheads with political correctness (venting as traditional archaeologists and other genre researchers’ stale opinions).

By way of interpretation, the orb, for instance, originally was a holographic time generator that could transmit the record of anywhere any when. A sceptre will provocatively double as weapon (potentially more deadly than the collective impact of all current nuclear devices detonated simultaneously) and healing wand. Wearer of any genuine royal crown could dematerialise or materialise at will (circumstantially confirmed by Babylonia accounts of strange tales, which included a remarkable technology incident which left one pharaoh with a badly burnt head). There was something else that stands out even more than other accoutrements though. (Perhaps symbolised by a town mayors elaborate neck chain) the amulet created a kind of “intelligent” force field which efficiently protected the wearer. Theoretically comprehended, none of these technologies would satisfy the judgement “miraculous”. Likewise, were our science methodologies expanded to embrace what we glibly term “altered states”, there might be hope for transparent truth yet.

While I’m on the subject, it is vital to clear up myths and misinformation spun by those that concoct “formulas” geared to projecting theoretical human historic development. We never have been natural “cavemen”, but dire circumstances escalated after the fall of Atlantis, the proceeding knowledge gap permitted devolution “of sorts”. Late Nikolai Levashov hypothesised disaster preceded a state of chaos when “derelict” tribes skirmished over supreme leadership. The tradition evolved into messianic rite, so he is correct to a fashion. Industrialism is the other tributary of vagabond order. That is why elites occasionally reference “Atlantis seeds”. They know what really happened, or their chosen ones do, at least. So blatant is their ardour, numerous chronologically out-of-context pointers lay unruffled, apprehensive of honest discovery, in the Bible. I regularly reference those nomadic wilderness years to example banishment from the Atlantis citadel, Babel symbolises nations that were formed by renegades after the fall. But, since Noah’s flood, probably the most concealed truth is tritely called “fall of Jericho”.

Naturally related information doesn’t concern anything that happened close to memory of the contemporary time of writing. Perhaps this is the main reason it causes theological academics so many morality issues in resolution of an arbitrarily spiteful (and irresponsibly biased) deity. Jericho, it seems, is “Code”. The main metaphor implies that after the demise of the great technology city (which is now situated beneath arctic ice) there had been a breach of a universal security mechanism networking all civilised citadels. Assumed “protection” no longer functioned. This is such an imperative clue as to how the world “worked” and possibly still works (factoring in hierarchical control over us), I shall present a few paragraphs aimed at fleshing out some of the detail. To begin with, when Atlantis fully flourished, citadels were designed to cater for all populations’ needs, but societies were not controlled with money (as is the case today).

Unerring rules became the foundation for enduring order, although (ironically) they were not backed by laws. Thus ever so limited formal governance oversaw processes. There was some sort of annul a council of elders referred to at times of arbitrary mediation (similar practices were adopted by the original Sanhedrin).  Social strata models below the council neither satisfied bottom up nor top down hierarchies. Popular unions would be deemed very unusual today (when matched against our corporate “capitalism” or “socialism” provisos). Certain of our so-called grass roots movements possibly mimic Atlantis style congregation. Unsurprisingly, “bad apples” did periodically “upset the cart” and these individuals were swiftly dealt with by the system. This entailed two fundamental recourses for “containment” (we would say punishment). Most common was banishment as it was regarded the most humane outcome. Rare “irredeemable” offenders were put to death. Terrain and life beyond the citadel (which had contained all creature comforts imaginable) was a particularly harsh transition. Due to their conscientious nature, elders commissioned volunteers (which we would call monks) to venture out in support of those that floundered.

Banishment would regularly cause the side effect of splintering of family units. Whilst [Sirian] elders could not empathise with our concept of loyalty, they did attempt to implement palatable non-conflicting infrastructure remedies designed to accommodate needs of different species “under care”. Perhaps this is something akin to work done by our zoologists. In a sense their commissioning of volunteers to go out into outcast communities was part of the remediation process, which was quite far reaching.  For instance, once given approval, it was possible also for “nominated” chaperoned family members to travel alongside volunteers allowing reconnection with loved ones. In addition, complicated rehabilitation programs were operationally attached to each citadel. Concessions afforded outcasts a second chance “in society”, though very few (I’m led to consider) actually made the grade. Parallels can be seen in the tale of Jericho saga if we suppose the landmark represented an Atlantis citadel (connecting with the Promised Land concept which provided succour for “chosen” outcasts).

By extension, is Rahab “the whore” (or, more precisely, “trust betraying” succubus) one of the Sirian volunteers that routinely ventured out into the wilderness?

The answer to that question has to be an emphatic “no” as Sirian missionary clerics were always male. The wilderness was considered too hostile for a woman’s (even vested with what we would call special powers) sensitivities. Therefore, by deduction, Rahab [it seems] must have been an estranged family member that accompanied a missionary intent on brokering community lenience towards a loved one. With regards to theorised infiltration (in the Jericho tale), as far as I can ascertain, any incoming citadel visitor was given a mind probe which would have been generated by apparatus located at the technology city. Those failing the test would normally be restricted in movement by a custom force field until they were ready to be dealt with by authorities. Interior peace loving Sirians (who were majority females because significant numbers of men would opt for missionary adventure) relied on the central security mechanism for protection. Thus, one can only presume any trained fighting force able to neutralise a force field for purposes of infiltration could easily overpower the Sirian vanguard and conquer “from within”. That is precisely what the tale of Jericho illustrates.

Because the pieces of the puzzle were either masked or not known by the composer (suggesting he was relying on ancient spurious information sources), the biblical account confounds purpose. That is why the punch line celebrates sin, with the Israelites arbitrarily forsaking Jericho to make off with “three wagon loads of treasure” because “God said it was okay”. The episode detailing that bizarre trumpet attack apparently “designed to bring the city walls down” contextually refers to an unrelated incident in my opinion. This happens a lot in the Bible. For instance Noah’s popular flood story paints construction of the first temple underneath the aftermath of the “end of Atlantis” (when Earth crust briefly detached from its core and slipped). Parable conclusions are transparent of course. Gene samples of creatures all over the globe were collected in earnest to preserve the catalogue. In Jericho’s case, trumpets are well selected as the metaphoric description of some sort of SASAR weapon. I wonder whether this method of warfare was a preference of Sirians or other associated parties contemporary to the period being illustrated. On Mars, for instance, communities (we would call “cults”) built their own well protected city fortresses to ward off strangers. If that was the case on Earth, it would be possible that righteous crusaders might wish to break in (as they did at Waco, Texas).

Noah’s preservation of gene stocks is an essential recollection, by the way. Ultimately power politics boils down to management of genetics. In association it is imperative to review how destabilisation of cosmic identity via creation of [displaced] nations (tongues) has paved the way for modern day universal slavery. My other website fortunately trademarks the whistleblowing of humanity’s specular (but submissively ignorant) enslavement. As I write there is less freedom of movement (ironically matched by greater freedom of speech or vision) than at any other juncture of history. Whether we like it or not, every one of us is shackled to order (including “supposed” leaders). Corporeally, we are a collective asset; a hubris of manipulation. Instrumental stock controllers “acting for the system” are regularly judged (by intellectual classes speculating over political matters) as evidence of “symptoms” of a utopian conspiracy camouflaging those that really hold power. Smaller numbers vent out-speak that pushes the conspiracy beyond Earth to implicate stakeholders that are (by conventional categorisation) alien.

Impressed “alternative” Medias’ whip up their familiar style of shock and awe which, in this case, sadly expresses as an unending sensationalist “blame game”. Their finger squarely points at anonymous vapid “reptilians”. Perhaps some innuendo is inspired by the poignant 1980’s television series “V” (or, indeed, was the series created by the powers’ with the strict purpose of planting ideas easy to ridicule)? Humanity would do well to ponder how much “harmless entertainment” is purposefully designed to promote ulterior motives. Our sciences (supposedly the lynchpin of authority) do not mitigate causes. Their protocols sometimes encourage wild speculation over perception backed analysis of rudimentary symptoms of existence. Theorists are everywhere which, at best, marginalises truth. But even if scientists could see things “as they are”, adrift of distracting mundane perceptions, how could vaporous influences be rationalised?  Whereas the conceptual fire attached to billowing smoke stack may well have philosophic appeal, it is hardly “evidence worthy”,

Will this impound those reptilian overlords as indefinite conspiracy theories?

Elaborating the line of consideration, were reptilians able to effectively operate in forms that obscure science comprehension, it might equally open up a much grander “all encompassing” cosmic scheme involving multiple hierarchical infrastructures all the way up to bliss. Aristotle’s theoretical unmoved movers could be flawed after all. Doubtlessly such a network would need to operate at such extremes of divine complexity; even the most ardently attuned human would not have the mental capacity to adequately quantify roles; notably [devious] ones fabricated to skew perceptive truth. There is no reason to presume a hypothetical force of this magnitude wouldn’t be able to cultivate synthetic virtue that wasn’t virtuous at all. Perhaps this is similar to our murderous-virtuous war machine. Do crusaders “save” or terrorise their foe? If humanity was cognisant of its own spiritual potential, the cover on the global healthcare scam that consumes feeble and great alike would be blown wide open and cease to appeal. Here we see again (as with other sciences) any party associated with the promotion of healthcare (at odds with causes) colludes with evil, because consideration invariably favours bias towards commercial efficacy of product. I barely scratched the surface of this debate in a topical article “Coming Clean on Cancer”: written not too long ago.

If we attempted to become very smart in our analysis of what’s going on, we might tender questions like “where do thought patterns that inspire scientists originate?” Are these channels the conceivable link isolating and corroborating coercion by those vaporous parties’ unknown we have been contemplating?

That aside, when I review limited circumstantial evidence available, I find nothing to tarnish the reputation of “Zeta” Grey Beings. Crop circles militantly defy corrupt periodic tables (as they should), expressing elements in the form of atomic (“sub-light”) frequencies. Infants and adults participate in essential brainwave management exercises which are a pathway to communion. An advanced variation of Reiki is used as their healing facility and this naturally transcends anything that might be coherently envisaged by our medics (aptly highlighted as cosmetic effects affectionately described by Suzy Hansen in Dual Soul Connection). Her innocent “doughy appreciation” is sadly too far adrift of laboured precision required for any reader to quantifiably ascertain purposes and methods the hosts used in my opinion. It is as though her comprehension was voided at the time of writing (by what or whom?). Would a caveman’s journal compare computers to “boxes” if he was transported to our age? Human guinea pigs, it seems, will never reach enlightened Zeta heights. Whilst patients were unarguably “patched up” using medical technologies unknown, Hansen’s report refrained from accounting for their dedicated wisdom.

Had she have seen what they saw, I feel her presentation of affairs would have been drafted differently. Perhaps this somewhat exonerates Rudy Schild’s confusion.  Even so Hansen’s tedious mediocrity still managed to vaguely convey bodies consist [entirely] of energy. From the higher perspective, a body is merely an extension of the energy [overall] field; something Sirian’s identify as the “Tamarian” (my translation of the meaning of this expression was a little adrift in this dedicated article. Ta-ma-ri-an should translate as “genetic fire [atoms] from the mother [cosmic ocean] which is the expressive spirit [intent] of Almighty God”). When Zetas attempt to heal a body, core energy zones (chakras and meridians) are represented by distinct colours. If lustre is “off” (or inappropriately lacking vitality), medics know this symptomatically represents issues with the field. Almost as an aside, the Zetas (as presented in Dual Soul Connection) qualified the truth (through unwitting Hansen). They implied that the “sick” individual’s involvement (nay, capitulation) was part of the healing process.

In fact, the spiritually informed know an individual’s capitulation is the entire healing process. With this knowledge Jesus’ “miracles” should be radically reinterpreted. Even certain of our brighter pharmaceutically indoctrinated physicians suspect the same, or why would placebos have any miraculous effect? Perhaps because Hansen wasn’t ready for that journey, she was not given credit to the “back end” of processes Zetas’ engaged in, Thus reflective presentation was possibly deliberately employed so as not to ruffle easily offended delicate human feathers. Only a handful of people regularly read my writings and even less understand them. Facing truths will bring out your own flaws and people don’t really want their own flaws exposed.  It is no surprise then, according to Hansen, “overall” Zeta healing is equally as “symptom focused” as ours. It is just same “different”, that’s all. Or, at least, that was my view after reflecting on the way she presented subject matter in her book. Potential hidden in the subtext could be interpreted a million different ways, to Hansen’s credit. Nevertheless it is my conclusion their reality was not effectively modelled in the book. Hansen only saw what a human sees.

Healing, for example, in truth equates to an energy direction regime. Individuals are squarely responsible for maintaining their own energy fields. However, they can call for motivational support and it is this support that may design miraculous effects, but only when full commitment is participated by end-user belief. Ancient Romans found the perfect word for this internal quality control system (corner stone of communion) we all possess. They called it “invictus” and it represents something unbreakable within.  But, invictus within actually does more. Esteem has the potential power, at least, to enable humanity’s rise to new spiritual horizons. Self or auto-administering healthcare merely represents the beginnings of this awareness. Amphitheatres erroneously attributed (symptom) to ancient Greeks are actually monuments that attest a much deeper past, perhaps tens of thousands of years earlier than Greek civilisation. Though architects are not known to me, I am inclined to assume relics present characteristic evidence of the Pleiadian Atlantis alliance, but that maybe whimsical nostalgia. Whoever erected these extraordinary geographic features (that do far more than is theorised by mainstream academics) was most definitely not acting for the Greek Philistine Empire. These are important monuments because they are evidence of communion congregation points whereby (via séance) attendees could summon Earth’s internal energy resources.

Authentic mystic writings devoted to illustrating Shangrila hint at the truth as to what powers are feasible (such reports describe local sages with strength of mind to convert water into ice). I regularly cite King Arthur’s Excalibur tale as an analogical example masking advanced genetic heritage. Product of concentration, sword, in this case, would have been made of stone (is concealed in stone a metaphor within a metaphor?) spectacularly transforming into a light sabre upon desire.

Yet what would be the net effect when all these prodigal thoughts are harnessed to act in unison?

Certainly as a consolidated defence it would be capable of neutralising invaders’ bullets and much, much more. Of course focused, calibrated energy of this type is summarised by ancient knowledge of communion, which is unlike today’s defilation. Now spiritual properties are deliberately mocked by authoritative religions (under strict instruction of industrialists). Industrialists are an arm of a universal network that is managed by “Pharisees”. Traits of the unhealthy pact are unmistakable. Infiltrating (their favoured operational tactic) religions to destroy or transform into corporate entities was done long ago. Traditions and corresponding Scripture was altered or censored in order to first disintegrate logic and then remove memory of truth behind knowledge of how to attain communal power. Few would realise (unprompted) human thoughts are transmitted involuntarily. People with strange ability to receive transmissions are labelled telepaths. Certain entities manipulate our thought gateway but I will elaborate on procedures later. Onset of destabilisation of communion is possibly marked by the biblical fall of Babel account

Prior outcasts of civilisation (Levashov terms derelicts) were destined to take control after the fall as they had survival skills and at least some infrastructure. Forthcoming spontaneous creation of nations came at a hefty corporate price. Loss of human sovereignty ensures even emperors are merely pawns in a giant strategy game. Given I have already illustrated prior “group power” can repel any adversary authority, it is right to question who or “what” (with great vision) was able to instil patriotic intent (i.e. successful neutralisation of collaborative invictus spirit) to bolster creation of nations? Nothing would convince me that humanity has “bumbled along” to reach this juncture. Some marked stages have been implemented over periods greater than a millennium. So the more practical query is this: how many parts and players have involved in the “conspiracy above conspiracies” over the ages and was there a “lone” master planner? To best come to terms with that question, I am blessed with an opportunity to reference a previous article of mine that attempts to reconstruct the fiendishly complex other worldly plot summarising an eternal battle over us and control of planet Earth. Our designate role as environmental police is no accident of nature, though nature seems largely able to look after its affairs far more efficiently without us.

Oddly ancient Roman sol invictus (a precise variation of Babylonia sun worship) adequately surreptitiously identifies a lone gun conspiracy against us. Our sun was hijacked by parties unknown so long ago nothing lives that might distinguish the difference (magnetic tracks do remain as telling evidence). Venturers unknown leverage off the equilibrium to their own benefit. These go by many names. A common term for them is “the Draco” (which abbreviates their draconian operational approach and draconis star system origins). Their (dare I say) “managerial overlords” prefer the royal [group] name “Sephardim” (did the original Sephardic Jews know this or was their choice of address a happy coincidence?). A wider cache of insubordinates is mostly (and erroneously) labelled reptilians. Exo-political celebrity Simon Parkes once rightly highlighted these are closest aligned (in character) to Earth bound cats (expressing Lyran traits).

Whatever the genus of the reptilian, hallmarks confirming their wide tanging oppression of us are [invariably] too subtle for the average mind to discern. Parkes and others have also made mention of their calculated alliance with Mantis Beings that leverages off shared technologies, but no one (for my research) has implicated any Zeta association with the network. Indeed, it feels more as though an unclimbable wall partitions the two camps. Suzy Hansen, on the other hand, does reference Mantis Beings as significant members (roles are denoted by body type) of the large extended Zeta clan. Hers lack the uncomfortable synthetic qualities of those associated with reptilians (described by Parkes, in particular), maybe because they are a different breed (I do write about genetic modification in this article). Even so, there is one notably dramatic event that undeniably links Zetas with reptilians (under common auspices of conspiracy against mankind). This catalyst is foggily “remembered” as the Philadelphia experiment.

Of course our corporate historians (fed thoughts by reptilian stakeholders’ determined to confound truth?) confuse details to such a high degree, the “record” amounts to little more than gibber.  Prior articles of mine have vaguely referenced the 1943 tragedy, but here is a fuller version. In fact, as irony would have it, I have been introduced to two alien parties directly associated with events (now reincarnated in human form). In typical military fashion, in both cases, memories have been restricted to “need to know” status. Fortunately blessed with abilities “not of the Earth”, I have been able to circumvent bureaucracy in order to relay relative clarity. But let us first reflect on summarised historic propagandas. According to the official version, “an experiment with time” took place on a warship temporarily stationed in the United States sometime during the second world. As a consequence, eight men were “lost” when the experiment “went off course”.

Little (if any) of that reflects truth (even though a marine vessel was most certainly used. Whether it was one of ours or one of “theirs” remains unclear. Perhaps a few humans were requisitioned. Military (then) were renowned for their unbreakable discipline, so it is conceivable that navy personnel may have been requisitioned. In fact, knowing how the Draco vanguard operates, I would say navy involvement was “quite likely”. Equally, the experiment would not court any competent human objective. That is because it implicated the sun, DNA and linear chronology (or known “causal” natural order). Effects were breathtaking. Constructive attempts were made to disconnect the sun’s magnetic field where is meets Earth (NASA has already identified strange wormhole phenomena along the barrier). As all stars satisfy roles doubling as “gateways to bliss (God’s control room, so to speak)”, corruption of logical time was a rather obvious hazard. Apparently tragic effects had not been factored by scientists (then) and that is why the legacy of the Philadelphia Experiment haunts us today. One significant outcome has been the irregular jumbling of chronology in skips of roughly each twenty years since 1943.

Given the quantity of unknowns and potential for error, it would useful to determine why parties conducting the experiment were so determined to press on “against all odds”. In response, I have now deciphered the reason the Draco/Zeta pact steamed ahead regardless of consequences. Motive is straightforward. They wished to indefinitely prolong human evolution (I specifically refer to stalled genetics here) and, most particularly, ward off the stage Gnostics identify as “ascension”. Many will know of persistent rumours circulating that predict a shift from three to four “strand” DNA (apparently with the potential to escalate all the way up to a divine ultimate of twelve strands). Gossip is not as farfetched as some might consider. Nevertheless, speculation of this type is still relatively unimportant because everything that “is” has been calibrated at the atomic level (processes Atlantis Sirians identified as “Tamarian”). It is no coincidence that (particle) building blocks used to construct physicality associated with planet Earth have been delivered by our sun for millions of years (the original star “died” after it became sickly from “pollution” generated by the destruction of Tiamat).

Symbiosis that combines stars with quantum is precisely why disconnecting the sun’s energy field was so imperative to Draco stakeholders. Measures aimed at stemming natural human development have steadily been introduced since reptilians adopted hidden (but absolute) control of the planet surface (about a millennium after the collapse of Atlantis). Here it is worth recalling those glib terminologies occasionally referred to by the supposedly “In the know”. “Frequency fences”, common vernacular applied to identify gene paths are being jammed, demonstrate just how intellectually destructive our governors are prepared to be. This prior article of mine outlines Draco spectacular adaptation of moon functionality which converts the heavenly body into a universal mind control/brainwashing “beacon”. Perhaps there is something to the superstition that purports too much moonlight will send you mad. As far as I can ascertain, more genetic activation is done in sleep state than any waking hour. In which case, the moon would need to play a pivotal distribution role. How they manage to recalibrate sunlight sufficiently is currently beyond me though.

My explanations for “why?” so far hasn’t entirely clarified motive. Purpose behind Draco strategy doubtlessly identifies competition against the Anunaki over us. To craft better understanding, here I should introduce another member of the general fold. There are many, many (sometimes contradictory) explanations that attempt to “define” Archons. In essence, I can only hazard to guess what an Archon is. Probable logic does propose this. Angelic structures are either abridged versions of or breakaway agents supporting (whether that is positively or negatively) the Anunaki or other senior stakeholders. In particular reference to the Anunaki, Zoroastrian tradition hints that their vehicle of corrupting influence is delivered by planetary atmospheres or weather systems (location affirmed somewhat by Celtic highest ranked traditional God “of meteorology” Beelzebub and parallel Roman God “of the heavens” Zeus). Extending calculated thinking along these lines for once exonerates the irrational as rational. If the sun is shrouded by a metaphysical life form of equal or greater magnitude (that “expresses itself” as weather systems), then aggressive, unconventional solar activity would surely blow the beast’s stress cover?

The end of Ra more or less circumstantially affirms occupation of the sun. Though constant upgrades applied to our DNA by source (probably delivered via photons) are responsibly divine, code is somehow “stained” by the parasitic visitors and our development correspondingly tainted. That illicit alliance forged by the Draco and Anunaki (mentioned prior) leverages off processes to maximum mutual reward. Even so neither party really trusts the other. Both have “headlong” conflicting agendas too and this boasts an interesting future for humanity. So, in my opinion, the Philadelphia Experiment must have attempted to rid the Anunaki (who are adrift of 3D physicality) from the equation once and for all. Earth’s atmosphere (tampered with many thousands of years ago) camouflages the real appearance of the sun, which would “disappear” if it was known as it is (arguably confirmed by astronaut Buzz Aldrin’s off the record comments).

If that was to happen, the moon would take on the role of “new sun”, meaning all light delivered to Earth would presumably be recalibrated by Draco operations stationed there

Given Zetas strong ties with the Anunaki (clearly referenced in numerous crop circle pictograms, including use of cosmic symbol “grouped cubes” to represent multi-level dimensional integration. Cubed light, incidentally is the highest manifest form), I still wonder whether they did/do physically associate with the Draco. Had the experiment succeeded, doubtlessly different appraisals would beckon consideration, but (as presented) is the Philadelphia Experiment evidence confirming a double game, deliberately staged to fail? Before I explore the conspiratorial aspect of the campaign, it would be wise to rule out “obvious” bogeys. For instance, were “Zetas” employed real ones? The answer to this is actually quite easy to determine would our sciences procure tools that afford adequate decryption of the human genome. Current methods send geneticists barking up the wrong trees in the wrong park. Put on course, we would learn that our DNA catalogue comprises expansive universal “alien” qualities.

Due to relative incompatibility of the parts and its extraordinary range (possibly the largest catalogue of its type in the inverse), beta creation of human product was tediously complex. A significant portion of gestation components were the cultural asset of our current reptilian overlords (identified as “serpent” in biblical Genesis). They, in turn, were the output of a much more arduous regime (staged over hundreds of thousands of years) under a Lyran led consortium. Many (maybe tens of thousands) unsuccessful attempts at cultivating a replacement for human demonstrate just how volatile base materials are. In fact, the numerous different batch outcomes (associated with our creation) were very close to originals and that is why the Genome Project finds only minor adjustments qualify Caucasian and Asian progenies, for example. Interestingly, Zeta (pre “Big Bang” man) genetics perhaps best identify the other end of the spectrum. So flexible are rules supporting use of stock, it might be better called genetic cement and is commonly used as “filler”. It should hardly surprise compatible DNA is to be found in the human genome (routine deduction assures concentrations are located in male “spiritual” sperm/ If only our geneticists knew where to look). Many other alien cultures, including various Draco factions, design, develop and build Zeta hybrid “clones” (sometimes labelled Robot Greys).

Enigmatic presenter Sanni Ceto’s energy field glaringly confirms her Zeta heritage. There is no doubt on that. However, her highly emotional “bi-polar” address approach further verifies distinct latent reptilian character. Was she connected to an ancient hybrid group (colloquially known as Futczhis) that organised human colonies just after the collapse of Atlantis? “Futczhis” is a common name for German engineered crash dummies rather than some sort of astral channelled endearment. Blue-grey in appearance, they do look at little like manikins and have been filmed more than once (most distinctly somewhere in Brazil close to a light portal). According to Charles Hall, they were in union with American military but, not favouring our atmosphere, most are stationed in the moon. He memorably described them as “sporadic miners with a vicious streak” at one presentation of his I attended. Back at the cradle of civilisation, it seems we rejected their brisk overlord status pretty quickly in the piece (maybe after only a few centuries of rule). Perhaps that was because they were too instrumentally reptilian in character (but the idea of reptilian proxy agents makes sense, particularly since direct administration was generally regarded too risky after the dismal collapse of African operations more than sixteen thousand years ago). Likewise, I ponder whether it was reptilian aligned hybrid Zetas who had been drafted in to manage the Philadelphia Experiment. This would also mean real Zetas had no direct involvement at all.

chReal Zetas are educators and, given supporting traditions, I doubt they would have been involved in something as outlandishly futile as the Philadelphia Experiment. Far from generating conspiracies against man, they (or briefed recruits) have gone to extreme lengths to raise awareness of current doomsday scenarios via crop circles (even though I appear to be the only person on the planet that understands holistic message meanings). Suzy Hansen wrote her books, in part, to dedicate prophesising Armageddon of sorts. Details as to the precise order of events leading up to critical meltdown are neither outlined nor clear. Therefore, sadly, guesswork is the only sound way to credibly decipher gospel and this might permit a sizeable degree of interpretive error. Man has a reputation for drawing poor conclusions from his selfish nature. Thus, Hansen findings have perplexed me ever since I learned her truth.

To the unsupportive rational scientist, she was either making the whole thing up or had trodden paths perilously close to insanity. She must be one of the best story tellers I have witnessed, because other unrelated information sources present eerily near-matching clues in different formats. Her attempts at rationalising (i.e. putting the inexpressible in terms that humans’ might culturally adjust to or even appreciate) what she had experienced does not always align with raw truth. To me, this even more demonstrates her heart was in the right place and she would not betray her faith to the cause by speculating on affairs she didn’t comprehend. Though she did not have the capacity to find the right words to present things “as is” she did show off what she experienced her way. Thus, her instinctive revelations describing groups of humans that were trained [by Zetas] to attend to survivors of the aftermath of Armageddon should not be taken lightly. There is a perplexing mystery associated with this course, however.

Hansen is no longer a young woman. In fact she is on the cusp of old age (even by today’s flexible standards), storming into her seventies.  Many other recruits appear to have been present from the beginning which suggests none are spring chickens now. What purpose could sending geriatric nurses out into wider populations satisfy? How can the infirm possibly assist the needy, beyond potentially taking mentor roles to prep young volunteers to do the actual work effectively? Well, upon careful reflection, that seems to be the answer. Without training there cannot be competence. Even prodigies must advance through learning cycles. Zetas are renowned educators, but any third party onlooker would surely judge this audacious strategy a giant gamble with “fate”. Americans, in particular, will appreciate this. Expert blusterers, mouths routinely bigger than eyes and brains, they instinctively err on the side of caution in tricky situations. Armageddon maybe theoretically farfetched, a human power trip, but it is also the trickiest situation potentially facing humans and one that sponsors rumours. Idealism promoting dire scenarios, catalysts permitting unrestricted use of “super weapons” can be seen everywhere.

They have persisted in the esoteric tabloids and gone beyond. Is the culprit going to be “North Korea” or “Iran”? The evidence (after Korea, Vietnam and Iraq) squarely shows war furbishes little more than cosmetic damage to the planet, which is easily “swallowed up” by nature over time. Admittedly, from the cosmic perspective, Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear attacks (having no lasting impact) did “wobble” the timeline slightly and this affected “shared” dimensional real estate. Even so Armageddon as a mitigated effort would either have to be “extra-terrestrial” provoked or assisted. Whichever the resulting route, they would be there because human weaponry is insufficient for such grandiose campaigns. Whereas that is certain, other probability considerations are less sure. For instance we might ponder another logical but fantastical (according to our indoctrination) possibility.

Scenarios under its terms would be horrific and unavoidable (corny manmade underground silos won’t save “the brave” in this instance, but World War II German Slavic holocaust victims have already provoked a taste of what might come).

Gory details will be revealed at the conclusion of this essay. In brief and to whet the appetite, here’s where credible purpose for disconnecting from the sun might illuminate. This does by no measure condone the sheer folly of messing with time, but it does add more clarity to purpose. Another question mark pertaining to direct Zeta involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment comes to me as I ponder. Too much circumstantial data supports their access to the future for it not to be so. In which case, how could time masters get things so horribly wrong? Of course this also crucially underscores their non-involvement, unless the operation was a setup from conception. But there is another vital angle. If the future presents innumerable alternatives, then no entity could see time with sufficient precision to be unerringly clear on event progression. Hedging probability with degrees of “prodding” might “loosen the lid” (so to speak) enough to force home certain fate paths. Doubtlessly, from time to time, there are also set progressions which cannot be avoided, or are fateful ((dare I say).

Talking of unavoidable progressions, one such avenue is our so-called ascension (a Gnostic philosophy). According to my calculations (verified by several crop circle pictograms) transference has reached “high tide”. Even though (according to “Mayan” Wheel of the Sun) key happenings will kick in around year 2084, the lead up will still prove to be a time of great change. Fundamental adjustments anchoring support of changes may be imperative. One such difference could be exaggerated normal lifespan extensions (is this why a percentage of medications are designed to shorten lives?). Will some of us last long enough to witness “final times” under these new conditions? Though responding analysis is hard to quantify, pursuit of feasible eternal life has been a factor in sincere religious pursuit from the time of Jesus. In this light there should be little doubt now as to why the Sirians (keepers of the record) took so much umbrage at the Zetas; enough for Perun to label them “evil”. They say “he who has the keys to wisdom owns Pandora’s Box”. Did Zetas provide human royals with access to the future? If not, why were ancient kings bestowed with “prophet” status unless they had latent ability to predict effectively?

Those with access to infinite number of alternative timelines (formerly attached to and facilitated by a central open script repository, I outline correct philosophy that clears up linear chronologies misconstrued by perception in my book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”) would be able to either predict or possibly designate (using those prodders mentioned earlier) what will happen. Event progressions must follow different relationship paths in parallel time zones because atheistic rules of causality are not relevant in the real universe. Character of decisions and decision makers are constant, so it is possible to fabricate domino effects calculating chronological outcomes. Sculpting of fate (including potential to deliberately cause terrible disasters) to the detriment of responsible authority summarises Sirian displeasure (at the Greys). Equally, it could be argued methods “defy nature” (i.e. God). Nevertheless, righteous Sirians would do well to inspect their own copybook before hurling accusations at others. Their undeniable double standards found no issue in altering atomic frequencies of humble materials in order to turn them into something precious (root of vanity). They have been known to shatter the odd planet out of spite too.

Considering espionage, do Zeta initiatives “monitor” our reptilian threat by adopting clandestine strategic partnerships? Their choice of selecting human recruits displaying exaggerated reptilian personas would give credence to the case. Given slippery reptilian character it may well be double espionage as they would doubtlessly build their own datasheets profiling Zeta weaknesses. Sephardic overlords compete with higher entities over control of humankind and will go to almost any lengths to pull one over the other, but what evidence indicates Anunaki ownership of the sun? A student of mine recently advised me of NASA’s discovery that reports “a magnetic pathway runs from Saturn to our sun”. This is distinctly relevant (placing objective of the Philadelphia Experiment “in perspective”). When the ancients discussed negative connotations surrounding darkness, they were not referring to primordial waters (as is so often misconceived). No, instead, they meant dark matter or magnetism.  My prior article outlines historic progression of the Anunaki expansion from Saturn out to our sun and beyond, but to fully appreciate the connective relevance of tongues (communication right), genetic tribute (licensed ownership) and evil (destructively meddlesome) Greys, we must first tackle who or “what” God (the mechanism) is. Instrumental sex or potence plays an integral role in the equation.

Destroy sexual power and create impotent zombies

In that regard, I did briefly refer to the Greys’ sexuality earlier, but prognoses need to be explored in a little more detail as there is parallel relevance to custodianship of genetics. Already human scientists boast of being able to “clone” more or less anything. DNA splicing has theoretically afforded speculative manipulation of any genome catalogue. If progress down this path improves, the necessity for physical reproduction will likely become outmoded. Presuming genetics are more than a “freak of nature” that somehow randomly and indefinitely progresses (or illogically evolves), there has to be at least one custodian of source code. As crucially, the source code must have been designed (i.e. facilitating purpose). Expanding considerations; what if there were several custodians; multiple original gene batches each the property of governing mentors? We, of course, have evidence code was designed because it supports purposeful life, but what price is attached to the intellectual investment of the designer or designers? Multiple stakeholders might surely skirmish over the asset if objective differences in yield strategies were to materialise over time. Not knowing our own creator (beyond vague references to “God” announced as religious doctrine) it would also mean human is not only evidence of functional blueprints, but, rather more disturbingly, the breathing product of some cloaked power expecting a return on investment. We need to be careful in our effort to research because deeper inquiry as to related “special objectives” concerning us is all but voided by distractingly impotent religious dogmas.

Yet it is an essential investigation which would go a long way towards predetermining the meaning of life. In that respect, sexuality is definitely used as a control mechanism by the creators. Leaders of the genetic pyramid, could we presume the Anunaki (as such the most senior gene custodian) are still metaphysically attached to the “human group” (and all other life created beneath us)? If so, I would imagine vitality (overt sexual expression in part) would become their most significant priority influence dedicating life direction. Removal of childhood sexuality ironically (or not) causes dissonance between the body and higher spiritual influence. Therefore, opponents determined to counter or limit Anunaki prestige would make destruction of vitality (notably sexual power, particularly in developing bodies) their number one goal too. It is interesting that according to deceitful religious propagandas (largely adopted by world governments), sexuality is limited to reproductive need. That is why (even though the majority of child designates are actually bodily adults) the fetish paedophilia is so desperately scorned.

In this regard synthetic control of “license to reproduce” (creation) marks a dual level attack on the Anunaki. It both disorients ascent to spirituality thus removing symbiotic (i.e. our bodies are the “sol invictus” extension of God) expressive effect. Utopian ideal would be for absolute removal of sexual impulse; finally exorcising the Gods once and for all. Zeta Grey Beings (as reported by Hansen, who perhaps didn’t understand the implications of her information) encourage communal sex (all ages welcome) which is free of lust or reproductive impulse. In fact truth transcends mere logic here. Evidential peer groups (such as the Anunaki) have been entrusted (or “designed” for the specific purpose) with the keys of creation because it is so. The idea of Satan (star) being overwhelmed by dark matter (or magnetism) supports my belief that the Anunaki were present at the very start, literally expanding, universe to universe. Bek-ti’s wisdom on this (presented by Robert Morning Sky’s Terra Papers) further corroborates my conceptualisation.  I have also written before about dimensional bandwidth allocation in relation to proper functionality of time (to which motion is a by-product). It seems obvious to me (given the order of simultaneously balancing infinite numbers of volatile interactions – mostly culminating in war when humans have any involvement) that our detachment from these mysterious higher entities is a calculated ploy of the “Almighty God”. Certain trusted exceptions are provided glimmers of truth, but no one has everything. Every human is and was somehow in the dark, including celebrated Moses and the Buddha.

It should be abundantly clear to everybody (worshippers in particular) that only God knows who God is, but humans (and perhaps others as well) transpose their values in the vain attempt to mould an Almighty Monstrosity. Evidence suggests reptilian Sephardim lead current and past propaganda/censorship tyrannies obsessed with crafting human zombies, but it is we that must take blame and issue for complying. Higher entities, most certainly Sephardim included, understand true purpose purporting karma. This is the nature of balance which is well illustrated on survival Earth. From the grand perspective, an extension of the overall outcome (which is existence in its entirety) is each part culminates to form God. Thus, to attack any part is to attack God, opening the door to potential karmic consequences (some perhaps drastic). Because God is time, there is no way of escaping these consequences. Certain very gifted individuals might find a direct route to God which would facilitate access to chronology (or, rather, chronologies). This would apply the advantage of being able to know anything any when. The Zeta group mind appears to be one such blessed talent, but is access provided by the Anunaki?

Suzy Hansen penned an extensive passage as her attempt to portray how Greys’ develop “souls” (prior to integrating with the body). In context, she used her own first born as an example, who she interacted with (in the form of a ball of light) prior to birth. Amply highlighting the transience of life (i.e. beginning before conception and continuing beyond death), it should be plain to the eye; karmic retribution will persist in its governance of affairs on Earth. These affairs are about to “hot up” to include bigger players (players with abilities that defy conventional comprehension). A recent crop circle identifies Zeta knowledge of the fact, perhaps affirming a relationship with the Anunaki as well. Depicted as a childish sea creature in the shape of the sun, the viewer is innocently prepared for plausible catastrophe. We are in the throes of learning the contextual implications of this. I made mention earlier that NASA has discovered magnetic tracks leading from Saturn to the sun (made all the more interesting by odd connections found in this article) so now is the time to reveal relevance. Vernacular use of Satan is a formal mispronunciation of Saturn that became confused into interpretive English long prior to Chaucer’s standardisation.

Possibly originally outpouring from Zoroastrian prophecy, in effect “Satan” was warning that the Anunaki had uprooted from Saturn (in particular) and established a new base on Earth. But the saga doesn’t end there, because (according to ancient Babylonia heritage) “perplexed by their constant chatter, the Gods caused a great flood to rid the Earth of man before exiting, never to return”. Before I tender enquiry as to where they went, “chatter” may not be as it seems here. Functional telepathy is deeply misunderstood. In fact humans cannot help generating constant thought steams (active pretty much throughout our lives). Therefore, aside from gifted individuals labelled telepaths (that can pick up signals), extraordinary powers (and others furbished with adequate technologies/knowhow) would receive our collective thought output. It might sound like chatter. Were the Anunaki miffed at our inability to stem brainwave function? Zetas make a big point of disciplining the very young in this technique. Anyway, returning to theme, could Anunaki relocation to the sun been the consequential next port?

Perhaps I should offer up myself as guinea pig to convey apt sentiment. If I was a being composed of electromagnetic energy pulses I would seek the best medium to exercise my self-expression safely (which is the fundamental purpose of intelligent living). For me that medium would furbish sufficient functionality to allow my spectacular creativity. Visual but deistic weather systems provide the perfect formula, but they would need to close enough to be “in the face” of prospective worshippers. In this cosmic domain, our sun best satisfies that ambition. Evidence here can found in the numerous worshipping cultures. Pertinent also, I touched on “cubed light” earlier. To reinforce the point, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” outlines varied stages of hierarchical spirituality and, from the astral perspective; cubed light beings occupy the highest plane.  It is also the loftiest genetic state which to all intents and purposes equates to divine. That’s a big feather in the cap to those “scorned” sun worshippers. Even so, approaching bliss is extremely risky, as I am about to explain. Human being would be wise not to consider himself sacred. In accordance with divine attitude we amount to (collective) expendable “skin”. That is all.

Observant will hopefully applaud my choice of the deliberately referenced crop circle diagram (which cheekily attempts to illustrate cubed light beings in the sun, whose “circle” would correctly engulf “subordinate” content). There is an associated deeper question. How does this relate to Anunaki “hostile” takeover of our sun 35,000 years ago? Could it mean they [themselves] have evolved to cubed light state or, conversely, are they merely availing (parasite off) services contributed by divine forces that interactively support the celestial body? Perhaps more vitally, do the Zetas have access to the truth and, if it is negative, why haven’t they warned us? Hebrew prophecy predicts Armageddon on Earth which, according to Daniel, could happen anytime soon.  We are tantalised by the mystery of those useless yet rapidly commissioned underground purpose built facilities (in preparation for doomsday?). Above ground FEMA camps still stand (empty?) in anticipation of “some imminent disaster”. All in preparation for war, maybe?

As much as propagandists offer assertions to the contrary, man cannot wreak havoc on anywhere near that scale required (for Armageddon). Nuclear (for those in the know) is mostly huff and puff designed to reinforce the perpetual “us versus them” (fear of strangers) clash agenda.  If there is a super weapon of magnitude that defies the imagination, why are they holding it back? No, a true Armageddon situation on Earth would leave blabbers that insist “we are capable” in a state of awe, so is there going to be an event or has the whole thing been a giant “psy-op” all along? Be it circumstantial, we have information presented by Suzy Hansen to help us. Nurses prepped to aid the fallen have been trained over decades in anticipation of a major catastrophe, the likes of which has never been experienced before. However, these valiant medics are rapidly approaching their own natural end times, so the disaster had better hurry along or it has all been for nothing. In that regard, the bets are still on that it is a preposterous cosmic hoax and the joke will be on us. But why dedicate so much time and effort to charades that serve no purpose?

Racking my brains to capture all possibilities that might fuel Armageddon scenarios which most definitely weren’t the casualty of phony super weapons; I managed to concede but one other possibility that isn’t alien sponsored war. Much has been written in the popular press about “global warming”. There are figures collated from observed data which show up so alarmingly, they “justified” the introduction of a new global carbon tax. Alternative Medias’ lay preachers such as David Icke have turned the other cheek, finding resolve in solar flares as “fads” of nature. We’ve (apparently) seen it all before. Yet biblical and other ancient prophetic texts particularly remarked on bad weather conditions (the likes of which have not been experienced before) as the precursor to Armageddon. We are left with no doubt the sun’s activity has a direct (and potentially deadly) effect on Earthly meteorological systems. Given this precedence, whilst thinking the unthinkable, could the sun produce a big enough flare to inadvertently attack Earth and cause outright annihilation of surface life (including those tucked away in bunkers)?

If solar flares are reflective evidence that sun is “waking up”, this would explain the currently experienced unique weather systems on Earth. I analogically compared humanity to “God’s skin” earlier. Under such negative circumstances, there is only one Armageddon inhibitor, as far as I am concerned. If (our direct genetic heritage) the Anunaki take presence as “God” in our reality, would they not destroy part of themselves by reducing us to cinders? As we progress the ascension ladder, there might be the possibility for open communication with God (in the metaphysical sense). Has our despised ill-disciplined constant chatter improved or could it conceivably push the relationship over the edge? Where water failed before, a stupendous solar outburst would provide Anunaki salvation of sorts. Does not the Mayans calendar reflect the end will be consumed by flames? Perhaps Draco efforts such as the Philadelphia Experiment might appear “benevolent” towards us, in this light, after all. There is one final thing though; an unsolved mystery. Sirians, we know, originally broke away from the Anunaki when they adopted the new “face of God” (design) several billions of years ago. Human has this exact same face. What are the balances of politics in relation to ownership potentially permitting celestial protection?

The Satanism, Materialism, Atheism Connection

The Satanism, Materialism, Atheism Connection

pursuit-of-purityOver the ages, misinformation and disinformation has fused to obscure truth to such a degree it has allowed a fiction simply identified as “Satan” to pop into existence. But for maligned belief systems, this “existence” would vanish as though it had never been. satanism(Cosmic) Hebrew phonetics translates Satan as meaning adversary. However Israelite philosophy is so aggregated, students are never quite sure what is meant by contextual good or evil. For instance, biblical proverbs can offer absolute opposite resolves to identical situations. One verse might prophesise you must love all foreign nationals (goyim) as brothers, when others insist invaders only warrant abject hatred. Phonetically Satan is the combination of “sat” and “an”. In fact readers will be shocked that this is a merger of “truthful purity” and the “highest God” (An) from Sanskrit; a lofty language that stems from Atlantis.

So, given that insight, it is odd the Hebrews recognised the highest God of truthful purity as their adversary. Taking the numerous contradictions brazenly paraded in holy texts into consideration, outsiders must legitimately accuse Judaism and its Mosaic agents (orthodox Christianity and Islam) of duplicity here. That is the only valid conclusion, although it must be stressed that the Israelite religion was a version of the earlier Zoroastrian faith. Zoroastrianism tried to explain Anunaki influence using the metaphors “good and “evil”. Even so, the Pharisees commitment to the de-spiritualisation of God to impose obedience by rote on their slaves is no better paraphrased than by the “Christian” eternal damnation concept. To be precise, orders are given by St Paul (a Pharisee cloaked as “Christian”) in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 Verse 9:

“These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power”

By this authoritarian definition; evil is everything and anything that detracts “what we [the “authority”] say” is good. counterfeitThe “glory of his power” is a convenient presumption that gives any designated proxy-agent the undeniable right to posit any sentiment “in the name of the lord”. Whether sentiment is noble or vile makes no difference, for that is the “glory of his power”. It is no wonder “Satan” has been given such a bum rap by the Jews and their affiliates. God needed a nemesis to counterfeit “good” and “evil”. Capitalising on ignorance, necessary Holy Scripture crafted dubious versions of Satan and Lucifer to establish the duality meme.

My book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” explains what is meant by the corruption of Satan (divinity of God). It is, for my research, the only source on the planet that presents truth plainly. Metaphors in gnostic texts, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, are so subtle they are very hard to decipher (for those lacking tuned insight). Given all other reference points (in common circulation) more or less adopt the pharisaic distortion of enlightenment, even the most distinguished minds end up succumbing to blasphemy in some way. Suffice to say, the few that have read my hallowed news have invariably preferred not to understand, such is the contradiction against the power of proscribed bogus “order”.

first-starThough I don’t specifically argue the case (in my book), there is unquestionable logic in my summary explanation which simply states “Satan was the very first star [to bless the cosmos]”. If, as I reveal later, stars are portals allowing God to exude expressive intent along the dimensional planes (collectively known as astral records), and were the objectives of the first star “pure”, then, given that Sanskrit definition, Satan would indeed be manifest God (expanded as An-nun-aki). Annunaki, I have outlined before, is the combination and summary of “everything as one”. We are all individually parts (units) of the (same) Annunaki.

Initially, while Satan radiated purity, our cosmos consisted only of light and “beings” (which approximated forms of jellyfish apparitions). There were no planets. There was no physicality. God per se “in essence” (correctly described by the Gnostics) is and was the combination or fusion of male and female. Prior to formatting existence, the male aspect was merely content with eternal slumber. Synonymous with wisdom, the female, colloquially known as Sophia, contradicted the male and became impatient. Eternal slumber did not validate holistic fulfilment so Sophia, in earnest accountability, conspired with the Holy Spirit with the purpose of fragmenting reality. A bi-product of male and female, acting as their cerebral identity, the Holy Spirit had been brought into non-existence to adjudicate eternal compliance, given the polarity of standalone maternal/paternal desires.

holyspiritComplying with the wishes (request) of Sofia, the Holy Spirit determined that reality could not work as an aggregate (i.e. corporeal combination of male and female) model. Therefore Sophia, consumed with zealous idealism, intentionally created an existence exclusively for the female aspect on the presumption that the male would be content to slumber eternally. This was the grave error of creation and the one that has caused the stigma incorrectly associated with “Satan”. When God (the whole) woke up the war between ideological practicality and evolutional pragmatism began. At first a trickle of absolute blackness shaded the heavens that once were light. Before long an avalanche of intent overwhelmed Satan until the divine portal was eventually consumed by darkness.

primordialwatersThe ancient Celts had a word for this. “Nun” (a component of Annunaki) means “primordial (or creative) waters”. From Sophia’s perspective, nun encapsulated evil and that is why it is supposed evil heralded from darkness and not through cause of comparatively shallow Zoroastrian propaganda (adapted by the Israelites into the Kabbalah). In essence, from this perspective, evil is everything associated with “3D” object reality which, according to atheist materialists, is theoretically purely dark matter (the “fundamental” version of the evil contesting Sophia’s zeal). There are doubtless numerous other analogies to be found in alternative doctrines, but I think the message is already sufficient enough to be understood.

Ancient Romans philosophised that stars are prisms made from quartz (after Aristotle) and this view was continued by their Catholic Church. Going against “science”, they could not be more correct for all [real] planets are encased stars (discussed in my book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded). Innocents would be baffled by just how much unadulterated fantasy has been dogmatised as doctrine by credentialed scientists. If they suppose reflective babble might in some way substitute as “evidence” verifying how the cosmos works, academia has shown itself to be rotten to the core. Could Cartesian interpretation of Newton’s calculations presupposing gravity be so wrong, forces are the precise opposite of the theoretical models? Would not the effect of an item being pushed to the ground (by forces unseen) be identical to one being pulled? Suffice to say, our unshakable laws of gravity would be shown to be outrageously incorrect if they were truly understood and we were free of institutionalised propaganda.

straw-man3Because I have detached myself from puerile and unconstructive popular theories that, if nothing else, do decidedly demonstrate complexity for complexity’s sake can and will baffle, lesser minds caught in the materialists’ web of intrigue will likely find content in my book “heavy going”; if not relative gibberish. Standard interpretations of Newton’s data models only do well at highlighting the insular view of man; his appreciative ignorance. For our current interpretation of gravity, as wrong as it is, the cosmos is further marginalised. Earth bound materialist psychotic infatuation over empiricism responds with “laws” that are expanded ever outwards. Parsing false reasoning, if it doesn’t “work” on Earth, then it cannot be “representative” of the cosmos or vice versa.

However, that said, the Earth is indeed a variation of cosmic processes or [albeit] a product of the vast universe, of course. Thus, logically, scientists need to understand the cosmos and its universe first to gauge “whys” and wherefores” of effects on (or in) Earth. Once dynamics are understood, it becomes obvious that stars are structural prisms, partially highlighted by gemstones manufactured by volcanos. Popularised by the late astronaut Edgar Mitchell (I’m led to believe), Zero Point Field(s) mark the origins of all access routes for that which is behind “space” (sometimes referred to as sub-space). In Victorian times and prior this was called the (a)ether (as evidenced by Teslas “lost” calculations devoted to generating free energy). Intriguingly, the word “(a)ethereal” shows an etymological path to spiritual. Perhaps that is why JP Morgan’s bank famously funded Edison’s material electricity. Before too long this will become obsolete anyway, as secrets concerning cold fusion will be available to every household.

milky-way-artist-eso-finallabeled_edited-1It is worth noting that my earlier explanation for the darkening of the Satan Star lacked a punch line. According to NASA (surprisingly), a deadweight “black hole” (the combined “mass” of millions of stars) is located somewhere nearby (relatively speaking) the Milky Way Galaxy. That, though they do not confirm it, is the Black Sun (which was the Satan Star). It also arguably substitutes the “spigot” analogy the Mayan’s (Lemurians) used to represent a giant torsion field that propels galaxies. As Earth is relatively close to the centre we are not subject to too much momentous inertia and I wonder if we could survive the full effect experienced in the outer reaches of the universe. The Black Sun label intrigues me because [ironically] our sun is charcoal coloured too. It only “looks” bright as an effect of our atmosphere.  Buzz Aldrin reputedly reported thus (under his breath) in utter shock when breaking free of Earth’s atmosphere on the way to the moon.

torsAll planets generate their own torsion fields (partially accounting for gravitation effects and that is why to exit our atmosphere summons an Olympian feat) but the intense pressure of (a)ether bursting into space generates forces of comparatively unimaginable precipitation. Consequentially, when dark matter is added to the mix, chain-reaction implosions generate such highly compressed (much denser than our purest diamonds) crystals, box-shaped doorways rise out of each molten soup. Though stars are not actually hot (heat is an effect of atmospheric combustion) dynamics are unaltered. If a man was to stand on our sun (which is dark in appearance outside our atmosphere, of course) he would literally burn coldly or combust in his atmospheric containment. I am not entirely convinced that a body could not survive or even “not live” unclad in space (but that logic is too afar adrift of competent discussion). Nevertheless, was that to be put to the test, it would take a brave person indeed to act as guinea pig. Space has extraordinary life giving properties and I wonder whether a body’s direct exposure might endure a miraculous morphing.

My reference to black holes earlier does not comply with traditionalism (although it should be stressed neither does Stephen Hawkins own variations, which are loosely described as grey holes by him these days). That is because science interprets the “phases” of a star wrongly. For instance, from truth’s novel perspective, in fact the so-called “white dwarf” phase actually shows light being “throttled” by dark matter. Not enough to fully extinguish the light, so to compensate the lack of overall brilliance, luminance is super-condensed. Even when fully “closed”, the star still radiates, so it is only visually black. Science talks of “black” representing an absence of colour (spectral light). This is incorrect too. There are green-blacks, red-blacks, purple-blacks and the swirling, pulsating abyss representing pure black is harder to look at than white light. So the description “black hole” implies much more than on casual face value.

99312262Also, the term “hole” is rather misleading because the black hole isn’t any different to a normal star. All stars function as portals, or, to use the vernacular, wormholes. Mainstream science opinion is more or less the paradoxical reverse of truth. As with “gravity” real dynamics are roughly the opposite of causally evolved Newtonian-Cartesian thinking and designating black holes power colossal streams of energy and matter out into the universe. My earlier volcano analogy best represents processes. But there’s more. Pulses “belch” giant waves which capture foreign objects in their path. file_794280In the case of the Black Sun (which was the Satan Star) forces are so immense they drag entire groups of galaxies (at stupefying speeds). Even so, those that take the time to understand pulse synchronicity might be able to find a way through each force field “on merit”. Very small objects are able to forfeit this drag factor (and that’s why, comparatively, Earth bound meteorites that penetrate our force field are always tiny). In the mundane planetary sense, Earth is caught in one of the circular grooves rippling out from our sun. The reason it spins is not because of “gravity” (as I explain in my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded) but, rather, forces generated by our internal sun source propel the body like a “dreidel” in its vain attempt to break free of the celestial groove.

I would go further and say this is where (if science was a true art form) theorists would find purpose in complication. The size and shape of a celestial object precisely determines how it will react to or whether it will be affected by the network of interconnected pulse waves that populate “space”. Where any three offset concentric rings meet, a triangular cosmic Venus Fly Trap awaits to ensnare unsuspecting asteroids which, possibly, are held in stasis for eternity. Planetary “rotation” mentioned earlier is also predictably subject to differing dynamics as not all bodies are spheres, as is supposed. In short, our universe is nothing like science imagined it would be like and that has caused the corruption of pragmatic thought in order to satisfy domineering practical ambitions.

bioxshotevilEveryone should now contend that darkness, being absolute matter, correlated with the original description of evil. Dark matter was uninvited and unwelcome (or, perhaps, unanticipated is a better choice of word) because of the zeal of Sophia (womanhood that encapsulates wisdom). Ever since, certain factions have tried to divide the material domain spiritually to be consistent with her ideologies. Nevertheless, spirituality in its most unrefined form is simply knowledge of God (or Sat-an: would not Hebrew materialist-atheists call this the “adversary”?). Materialism bequeaths atheism, of course. The two are unbreakable partners in crime. An absence of God (who is brought to life by the spirited) proposes a more refined dark matter existence decontaminated from the wilful spiritual illusion. Satanism, contrary to popular ignorance, actually harmonised the standard (i.e. standalone dark matter) which highlights the error of Sophia. That consequence (our throttled Satan Star) is the eternal “war” between the wishes of matriarchal (Sophia) and patriarchal (Adam – the material “son”).

The modern cult of Satanism is more closely aligned to “Luciferian doctrine”, but that’s not all. In addition to the Black Sun being worshipped because it represents the success of material (male) power over (feminine) spirituality (light) is an underlying mission by Judaic Pharisees (Satanists in all but name) to reduce existence to abject materialism. Continuing with my history, Lucifer came much later and, as with Satan, “He” is an identity/concept that has been synthesised from an idealism that bears no relation to truth. Etymology of Lucifer points to Latin light (lux) bearer and ancient texts (such as biblical Isaiah) conceptualise origins from the perpetually falling Morning Star. In fact the real “Lucifer” had a phonetically unpronounceable name that approximates the hiss of the desert wind.  He was an archangel and may been [euphemised by] “fallen” Gabrielle.  To be clear, Archangels are “sound beings” (a higher version of light) or logos.

luchadeer_thumbnailTo his credit (and detriment too) Lucifer was the first to decide that Sophia’s objectives had failed and the universe was corrupt. Pleiadian knights went to horrific extremes to preserve what some dub “White light Order” (a derivative of Sophia’s spiritual essence). Invariably societies that welcomed sexual promiscuity and other vices were the targets of profound zealousness associated with perceived spiritual cleansing. Thus, I rather identify our modern ultra-orthodox whims as reflective of a much more ancient, timeless authority. Noxious militant groups, such as ISIS, demonstrate just how garbled the Pharisee’s contemplation has become. Religious materialism is a grotesque hybrid accommodating the very worst aspects of White Light Order. Our predecessors could and did destroy planets, ruin entire galaxies to “win”. Lucifer was the first to recognise that this morality was senseless. Therefore the “survival” model was created. I would like to say “as a replacement”, but that would not be true. “New order” overlapping “old order’s” contorted parenthesis has expanded only as hybrid psychosis. For instance, should human obsession be allowed to thrive, surely the universe awaits in own demise? If the powers behind ISIS and other vile, superficial militias could ransack galaxies, would they refrain from total annihilation for pity’s sake?

conflictsTo Lucifer it was clear that living things enjoy conflict for conflict’s sake. Creatures were given defences, weapons or a combination of the two making sure survival was not a certainty for any individual species (DNA, ultimately always panders to the group). Those with the most weapons in some ways were at the greatest disadvantage as they needed to continually attack to survive. Also, ironically, nature assures the most aggressive alpha males (with the sickly) are usually the first to succumb to plague or disease (also highlighting DNA purges its extremities). Vegetarians were driven to greener pastures for aesthetic reasons or through necessity of avoiding conflict. Everything that existed in living form was prepared for war because war had predetermined functional existence under (prior) White Light Order. For example, the famous allegorical tale “St George and the Dragon” stretches back the best part of 80 million years remembering the destruction of [the planet] Maldek; a tyranny that ensured the slow demise of the dinosaurs (restricted to relocated Earth’s surface). Should it ever be published, I discuss the progressions that fomented the violent war in painstaking detail in my (second) book, “A New World Order.

If Lucifer stood for anything in particular, it would be “balance”. Therefore, “survival of the fittest” is a misnomer. We humans revere mothers in particular. Fathers are seen more as a necessary accessory of procreation but when couples remain intact (usually via marriage), joint matriarchal/patriarchal supremacy is presupposed.  Yet, in practicality, childbirth is the only natural way of renewing human life. Whether procreation was mitigated or accidental, the outcome (when successful) does not alter. Thus, parents are (in some fashion) merely executors of the life generation process (well, as far as human beings are concerned). This means, dare I say, parents are not supreme.  New life guides can choose to be arrogant or humble. Sadly, just about all opt for arrogance (at least partially). Either way, the what-should-be insignificant procreation mechanism has been revered out of proportion. Parents are not blessed with “God status” for merely rearing offspring. Why do they presume it? Death, by comparable pharisaic-materialist edict, voided of spirit, is spurned. Children are processed as slaves by dim witted parents already imprisoned by their (the Pharisees) virtual reality.

gaol18I can go further and say God status is the ultimate objective of the self-sufficient Satanist/materialist/atheist alliance. Globalism harmonises the cult which adopts a Zionist (meaning fortress or gaol [the archaic word for “prison”]) attack force (evidenced by supplants such as ISIS). In particular, materialists have done anything and everything possible to reduce “the mind” to a mortal facet of existence. In a sense this is thematically pharisaic as well because the ancient Pharisees attempted to segregate spirituality or, rather, partition a voiceless “God” from “reality” (Law) which is instrumented by the blasphemy concept. That was but a small step away from fully-fledged atheism. Pharisee (the word) is a virulent version of anarchist (or adverse-order). It could be logically argued that “Satanism” is the antipathy of just order and insomuch orthodox pharisaic Judaic sects that “usurp” are comparably satanic.

sumerianThere is also an uncanny numerological connection, which suggests that Globalist Zionism is the product of long standing adapted pharisaic doctrine popularised by Satanism now but actually stretches right back to prehistoric Babylonian times.  Interestingly, with the possible exception of inner realms, the Earth has been conquered by materialism. However, there is an effervescence that rises from “reality”. In relatively recent times hard evidence has materialised. What we call the “Worldwide Web” is a vibrating, pulsating, constantly changing manufacturer of synthetic (virtual) reality (very different to the perfect [truth] astral version). Globalism has a desperate stake in this revolutionary communication mechanism which has and will continue to radically alter humanity’s retrospective, our one “freedom”. The only way of (potentially) effectively censoring the internet is via the imposition of “world government”. Therefore, in that sense, liberty is lost when the Worldwide Web is no longer free.

Our individual guiding contracts with what can only be described as “the force that binds us all” risk being forsaken. “Parents” all agreed to their tenures well in advance.  All choices were clear and balance reflects choice. Therefore survival is generally synonymous with good decisions. Whether you attack or defend, survival rests on cunning. The most cunning are the best survivors. I have reflected on Sha’tara’s poignant comment (several articles ago) kindly relaying other worldly feedback on potentially “corrupt Anunaki Time Lords”. On one level the information did not make any sense at all, but now I understand [the perspective]. While the Satan Star was the exclusive portal for “white light”, manifest existence reflected that purity. Nevertheless when darkness was added to the “mix”, consequential changes in objective reality would have seemed like “a corruption” by those exclusively tuned to White Light Order. Earth then became the place where “God” (or source) is possibly most completely represented. The material world is the sum of a giant competition between all parts.

timelordsSo “corrupt Time Lords” [per se] is rather unfair, given they were not privy to or (necessarily) wanted any part of White Light Order. It is clear to me, the impartial onlooker, that universal constrictions due to the rift between light and dark caused the perpetual ongoing war between pragmatism and practicality. Both sides were, are and will be at fault because neither is prepared to concede muted existence. That is why the only material “truths” permissible are ones of the correct practical flavours. Human infantile immorality is no better summarised than by the wholesale castigation of “child designates”. Did anyone think to check on the reasoning determining what it is to be a “child”? That lack of responsibility is liberally expanded in the total dereliction of dutiful support towards all group units. Yes, that’s right, in true civil society you would be obliged to support those in need. That world would owe everyone a living. Universal tyranny sets the tone for valiant oppression, naturally. Under the vague terms of atheist-materialism, to castigate someone unreasonably is reasonable.

childhood-innocence-is-a-lieIn conclusion, it would be remiss of me not to discuss the most important sentence I have ever issued. If “God” had wanted to exist “in the flesh” he would have become an unrestricted being, capable of anything with unlimited potential. Therefore, as matter and spirituality are aspects of “anything”, if matter is “evil”, God is evil too. Everything labelled good along with everything labelled evil are parts of the exact same God. There is one simple term that encapsulates the ambitions of Satanists, materialist and atheists. “Accountancy” presupposes utopian order. Control agents can measure with precision, purge that which they deem is unnecessary or unwelcome. Accountancy is faith free. It assumes linear existence. It is devoid of spirituality. For the purists, the mind is but a figment of cerebral function; a mirage to be discombobulated by clairsentients. Per identical authority, childhood can be dictated. If those in power decide maturity begins and childhood ends precisely at the thirtieth year of individual life, then so be it. “Childhood innocence” denies the timeless, wilful mind and that demonic guide stone wholly supports popular deceit. That is why “childhood” is either “the powers” great strength or the Achilles’ heel that usurps the usurpers, but none dare contemplate it and that is why humanity is destined for absolute satanic authoritarianism.