Tag Archives: Islam

Pieces of the Network that Controls Humanity Exposed

Pieces of the Network that Controls Humanity Exposed

Appropriately, after last article’s divulged truths (albeit concerning substantively “unknown” information), perspectives demonstrated most of human history has been spiritually chaperoned by forces traditionally considered not of this Earth. Forgiving my occasional unrefined phraseology, commitment has been made to exposing how unseen control over our affairs has become so entwined with majority worldview, nuances (strange or otherwise) are casually brushed aside as the way things will be. Akhenaten’s reputed fear of things that go bump in the night is quite well-reasoned, was the veil covering human apathy to be fully ripped off. Of course that would never happen, but elements wantonly distorting reality worldview are equally versed at hiding in daylight too, so real disclosure would amount to futility anyway. Suffice to say, we are staring at something obscured from view that is as structured and multi-faceted as any control network, but in this case physical isan extension of metaphysical. Consequentially, several (almost everyone) will have had their minds bent sufficiently to skew visibility, permanently. Proponents of “the way things are” have presumed everyone shares their “unquestionable” uniformity. Yet a little tepid rebellion persists in authority. Psychologists are one group in particular who are not convinced collective worldview is necessarily uniform, but tend to cordon off malfunctioning “state of mind” as something clandestine. To them reality is always separate, preserving robust predictability. The one thing we can count on from life.

In light of this, a rather more intriguing question beckons. Might it be possible to change how you experience reality simply by altering the manner by which you perceive it? Throughout history there are many examples of initiatives undertaken by those not ensnared by psychology falsehoods. One that sticks out most sorely is the 1998 Schole Experiment. A group of raconteurs did prove that it was possible to manipulate time-space continuum using harmonics, but as all five guinea pigs “disappeared” from reality, evidence is pretty hollow. According to at least one clairvoyant, sadly no party members survived their efforts, but at the very minimum, supreme sacrifice demonstrated effects from bending reality are permanent. Said state of mind can be more than perception. This is not to say we should lose sight of the other side of the coin. Most sensationally, hallucinogenic drugs from time to time have had the effect of sprouting “useless” wings, causing injury or death to recreational adventurers. 

Back to the mundane, reality “shaping” is certainly a large part product of crisscrossing, overlapping propagandas. These authority views have been fomented over eons, result of multitudes of agendas. (Dare I say) corporate Medias and other mainstream publications exploit the legacy to the hilt. It is more than feasible to argue vogue outpourings (routinely by proscribed misinformation “causes”, cough cough) inciting mass ignorance are selective capitulations squarely designed to pull the wool over the eyes. Lone vocal critiques may well call out screeched conspiracies, but the war against social revolutionaries began with so-called “civilization”. It’s just, no one noticed. The very earliest attack on political agitation began first with the invention of God or, more importantly, God’s official “spokespersons” and then a natural evolution to existential “blasphemy” ensued. Any plebian “misfit” (the Greeks called idiot) that dared contradict theological order beneath priest kings would have been swiftly put to death with great commotion. So though we may well rue the modern age’s ever waning “free speech”, actually things have improved immeasurably over the ages.

Some of those traditionally categorised “not of this Earth” were once natives and, as our direct creators, mingled freely with us. Biblical Genesis correctly (and stealthily, so as not to ruffle establishment feathers) identified them as spiritual overseers. Aside from “reptilians”, there was another party (represented by the apple) who eventually came to rescue us, leaving a complete copy of pristine divine record in tablet form along with the infamous Ark of the Covenant, which was “lost” after the destruction of the temple.  It is beyond clear (endorsed by that mysterious disappearance) the “rot” began with those self-appointed priest kings. Better understanding of the real agenda slipped out after Isaiah’s terse (and otherwise illogical) outburst rebuking the morning star (said to be Lucifer) for audacious competition with the sun at daybreak. After his confession, there is no doubt in my mind that the Hebrews were (and therefore still are, but for ignorance) accessories to the Amun-Ra cult. Given high percentages of ancient cultures have left legacy evidence supporting sun worship, I tender such exhibit as the primary piece of a posthumous puzzle exposing subjugated human spirituality. Islam likewise is so closely mapped to Judaism; it has served as a masterful decoy to deflect wider objectives of doctrine. Occasional pearls can be plucked from an otherwise fools’ treasure trove, but “competing” Gnostic Christianity diverges from corruption. Perhaps Gnosticism’s relative purity is because associated patrons had the foresight to bury Scripture deep (dug up thousands of years later). There can be no doubt the Romans (whose ancestors were biblical Philistines), most notably under Constantine, did everything in their power to nobble epistemic equations. Catholicism, a shadow of faith from conception, was briskly reduced to Paganism.

Connecting with not of this Earth, the astute amongst my readership will recall how those pesky reptilians have a sun worshiping doctrine themselves. Their much vaunted Tamaras (divinely transcendent mother Ra in blessed union with Anunaki) ideology directly competes with an atheist-friendly Tamarian (or scientifically dubbed quantum layer). To certain intents and purposes, it might be argued that said orthodox reptilian believers assume all living things (by our common definition) on Earth were “made” by the sun. Roman Philistine Sol Invictus (rebranded under Catholicism) is the closest human approximation to this, surely tempting a rather more thorough analysis of photons than is current. Is it possible that they permit life? That considered, why the Pope and the Vatican play such a pivotal role in directing universal morality should come as no surprise. In line, a new world order had been conceived to grow out of the (later disbanded) League of Nations in 1920. Thousands of years ago, central Italy was settled by Etruscans. Based on Babylonian tradition, a small land area became designated as refuge for the Goddess Vatika, who reputedly presided over a dark underworld that housed departed souls (shadows) of the dead. Before long, the deity became synonymous with drug induced prophecy, as ancient residents are reported to have sometimes drunk a bitter local wine that caused hallucinations. Deity namesake Vatican was constructed in 1929 to formulate corporate religion (devoted to decompose reality view?). League of Nations and Vatican effectively “merged” as the United Nations in 1945. Israel was deliberately re-founded in 1948 to administer global Law. That corresponding assault on political freedom was mocked by George Orwell’s “1984”. Thus, it should be deemed by no means “ironical” that Israel demonstrates impunity towards international law today. The “Law” is what Israel exclusively dictates, under new world order.

There are compelling indicators (which I reveal from time to time) showing new world order modelled from prior experiences under supreme universal reptilian control. The reptilians reached their point of exalted development from an evolution that attempted to observe the wishes of “the people” completely, as represented by law, which was arguably at loggerheads with Atlantis systems. Though reflective governance was authoritarian, most willingly coexisted within the framework proscribing greater good philosophy. And while not all subjects agreed with all laws, need for revolution had been effectively nulled, because laws were not designed to attack the people. Consequently, even today, their social structures and ideologies are somewhat different to human equivalency. Unlike ours, their society is so interlocked, to shun “group view” in any measure might predict reaction, the greater transgression, the greater the violence. What humans would passively judge as innocent disputes have been known to erupt into full blown wars of attrition. Entire families have been tragically divided between poles devoted to either side of a given argument. Even so, reptilian view on politics does bleed over into our domains. Perhaps certain mythical ideals casting proverbial black sheep as socially destructive are result of their ancient tradition. With this in mind, it would be prudent to come to terms with potential scope of reptilian involvement and influence over our entire folklore legacy. At a glance, just about all surviving religious doctrines record direct or implied obsidian involvement with human affairs. For instance, even the biblical creation story (as irrational as it might seem by those determined to uphold institutional “history”) places the serpent in a central political position in the creation of man.

None can compellingly deny the pivotal nature of the relationship the serpent has with Adam and Eve. If we were to analyze philosophy more deeply, though texts clearly present serpent as manipulative, how much is judgement reflective of a whimsical “God”; one that espouses classical reptilian reasoning “you do as I say” or else. We should not lose sight of the fact, the closest ancient Hebrews came to omnipresence was acknowledgement of Ba’al, a concept which (according to some of the earliest surviving historic notations) was resolutely outlawed. Ba’al (as described) obscures thinly disguised homophone Ba’bel (pronounced bar bell) . Of course, the reason that Ba’al (worship of outer God) had been scandalised by Judeans is they saw first-hand how destructive idol power could be (Voodoo is a severely watered down version). Premise fundamentally determines why experiments to recreate Ba’bel would spectacularly fail. Yet most (if not all) so-called scholars are acutely unaware of such truth or the enduring consequences of worship. Instead, they pretend to persuade serious study enthusiasts that arbitrary authoritarianism is justified, when arbitrary authoritarianism can never be justified under prime law. This is because, from pertinent moral perspective, arbitrary authoritarianism is oppression.

Whereas I don’t plan to become bogged down with analysis of ancient texts, it is useful to determine what was known and what may have been deliberately distorted by cult interests or proponents of censorship. For example, was the golden calf [lost] legacy of Atlantis? What became of the relic or relics? These are serious questions, though hard to answer credibly. How would a supposedly “primitive” people dispose of a “priceless” two to three meters high solid block of gold? Was the effigy composed of mythical monatomic gold? And the key question. Does the nature of metal influence a ratio to accessible spiritual power? Such ratios would explain proven “magical” properties of Atlantean or Lumerian rings. Australian researcher Steven Strong’s legitimate, whilst bizarre accounts of dangers (eerily duplicating properties announced in Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”) of certain rings led to his resolute willful destruction of a valuable artifact. If one miniscule device could command so much power, what could metric tons of gold achieve as instrument of wrath of God? Such [hidden] knowledge would explain near fanatical interest in alchemy, origins which can be traced back to Babylonian times. But did the ancients have access to special technologies; and ones sufficient to either destroy or obscure a monstrous effigy of a golden calf? Perhaps the relic does still exist. One instinctively must wonder whether occultist Clintons have prospered any expedition to find their real Moloch?

Without doubt, motive for the recreation of idols was anything but intrinsic. Idols are deeply misunderstood by modern peoples, but serious business nonetheless. Any valid mistrust of ancient records must begin with glaring lack of reasoning used to justify original outlaw of worship. Maybe “everyone” knew the reasons at the time, so accountability was overlooked, but the idea of early censorship here seems very compelling to me. After all, most history is at the very least backed up with some philosophy (albeit commonly “divisive”). Noteworthy absence of reasoning supporting the banning of idols irritates the mind. Impartial observers are to presume they were just “bad” and that’s that. For me, complete lack of accountability suggests the truth was censored very early on. In other words, idols were banned by agents of social control (which Krishna determined were the root of evil) who deliberately committed to erasing memory. In this case, it was the memory of idolatry. Absence of truth can encourage hypothetical reenactment to relearn what was lost. Does that apply to Ba’bel? In line, vehicles that might provide divine power to the people could surely transform proverbial “masses” into an arbitrary force to be reckoned with. Was the force more than to be reckoned with? After review of certain associated specular legends, it seems quite plausible that, once awakened (Genie in the bottle), awe of the Gods could not be controlled, even by those that commissioned it. Such consideration would paint idols as something unpredictably dangerous.

They could conceivably become supra life forces of their own. And consequentially we stumble upon the true nature of the Gods, which is hinted at in Zoroastrian liturgy. According to this tradition, power of influence on high does dramatically alter the character of society below. Perhaps Sophia’s Satan star was the proverb for dimensional existence. Perhaps everything, including the Gods, endure life cycles. Anunaki ascension (spectacular reality shift) around 37,000 years ago is but one example of seasonal change. That particular event caused a relative void ensuring Earth atmosphere was no longer contaminated from Zoroaster’s philosophic viewpoint. Other perspectives see Anunaki instrumentally shifting to (occupation of) the sun, which has perhaps made opportunity for interference far worse. If the Babylonians and then the Romans were correct in their assumptions, we cannot exist without exposure to the sun. Not merely because sun is vocational life giver, but our DNA requires an accelerator (that endorses reptilian photon theory?), compounding ability to “live”. Delving more deeply into my earlier considerations over ancients attempt to play with divine fire by igniting Ba’al, truth is plain to see. Ancients had made committed effort to restoring celestial order; the kingdom of heaven on Earth that had been made possible with Atlantis. Although, it is likely Earth was restocked after the flood, distinct memory of Atlantis refused to wither or illicit knowledge of Ba’bel (which became “Israel”).  

While modern day Hebrews appear oblivious to Atlantis secrets, there is no doubt in my mind that Ba’bel is the physical version of “Israel”. That is why glibly expressed “Promised Land” is such a pivotal Zionist obsession. Tragically, today’s Israelite hoards have succumbed to a barbarism, an inverse Atlantis agenda passed off as legitimate and one that mocks potency of king David’s authority. In light of this truth, burning pertinent key question has to be, when did the modern agenda (pertaining to perversion of Atlantis) begin? If the quest for destructive control commenced pre-biblical times, that would explain contradictions devaluing survived ancient information sources. Regardless of blind enthusiasm of fundamentalists, one is forced to draw the inevitable conclusion that records are combinations of good and bad intent, truth and deliberate distortion. As Hitler was quick to advise in his “mein kampf” memoir (advice followed religiously by Goering and Goebbels, though trend ironically repelled inciting contemporary Jewish Medias), well-orchestrated lies will ultimately deceive the masses. By classic example, a nonexistent “pandemic” was recently promoted with such zeal that the complete reverse of truth had the effect of “convincing” medical authority more or less in its entirety. Even today, some “professionals” are so convinced by that propaganda they refuse to concede cherished opinions. So too do religious fanatics and others that follow sometimes well meaning, but ignorant scholarly musings as though they were gospel. Richard Dawkins was inconveniently correct in his astonishing admissions over “failings of science due process”. It is so sad his personal corruption has reached such lofty excess; he has shown himself unable to heed his own vital wisdom. Let me reiterate. Compared against unfettered, detailed truth, corporate sciences are like bumbling blind men tapping sticks in the dark, without any real sense of direction. An example of this paradox I commonly choose to illustrate is gravity. Said invisible forces are the precise opposite of what is generally believed to be true.

Myself never coming close to conventional scholarly passion and with a nominally Christian upbringing, ancient texts most instinctively familiar are those contained within the old testament bible. Though, seemingly, every “fundamentalist” nutcase flocks to Deuteronomy or Leviticus as part of their torturous routine, JINO (Jews in name only) Zionists (disciples of prison planet) have predictably latched onto Amalek; a grubby passage vilifying wholesale slaughter under auspices of divine wrath. Punchline predictably clarifies all the nonsense was to save the Jews. As texts themselves shed the dimmest light on circumstances leading to an attributed holy purge, I respectfully fear “standard” interpretations may have come amiss. For instance, perhaps the plight of ancient Jews adequately compares with today’s reprehensible slaughter of Gazan innocents wanting only to live in peace beneath a respectful system of order. Deuteronomy is not entirely clear whether the Amalek lesson is “only for” Jews or whether circumstances “happened to benefit” Jews of that time. Was the passage to be regarded as immortalizing Jewish right as “chosen people” (in the same manner Joshua’s turgid drivel implausibly justified promised land clearing), then that would unquestionably defy the Torah. Suffice to say, there are problems if vogue JINO interpretation remains intact, because Gaza is the worm being preyed upon by a reckless beast. No amount of Talmudic wrangling can deny the fact that any worm blessed with access to might of God [per Amalek precedent] has more than mere right, but conclusive ordinance to administer “cleansing” pious wrath. In Gaza’s case justification for divine revenge is widened, for “yoke” suppling Israel’s Satanic hatred has been built and fulfilled by goyim, who must also be made to bear collective responsibility. In this instance, it seems most likely divine agency (per apt Amalek philosophy) will be represented by those typically branded “axis of evil” (inversion) by Satanic forces. Would it not be delightful to learn that Iran had been commissioned by God to smote the sacrilegious Jews for desecrating the Torah all along. JINO’s naturally care nothing for the Torah (when law fails to ratify ambition), but faithful traditionalists have been caught in a very bad place.

Reptilian perspective considered, provision of vestige (announcing acts of natural divinity) is justifiable. Limitless slaughter of “enemies” is also justifiable. It is not a giant step to conclude barbarous passages of the style of Amalek are misquoted from their playbook. For instance, they certainly in no way regard [insubordinate] human life as sacred. They have valid arguments that cast humans as “primitive” savages, sentiment not falling short of more obnoxious JINO Zionist obsession. Did the Jews feel they were “chosen” because they were able to break free of shackles of captivity, deserting faithful Phoenician brotherhood? Understandably, reptilian viewpoint is partly explained by their lack of conscience. Conscience assures we (as genetically related identities), from the moralist juxtaposition, will always be out of step with them. Such consideration would also go a long way to explaining those gaping Scriptural contradictions. Even so, it is noted there is some commonality in the manner we conduct cycles of revenge. Passion is a mutual field that allows cycles to precipitate. That is not the only comparison. Illustrating ancient texts, such as the rhetorical wisdom of Solomon, are overloaded with emotional judgement, which could be construed as direct evidence of reptilian influence or intervention. I believe that such influence had interfered with ancestral judgement, making them akin to puppets, because proxy is the next best thing to direct control. Subsequently, aligned corruption has run like a seam through significant textual output advising on moral and cultural human trajectory. That trajectory establishes the current power base. Last essay, I did reveal candid details on the Canaanites split after vacuum from (reptilian authority) absence. Faithful Phoenicians remained vigilant as Judean Israelite deserters fled to hide in the desert, bent on avoiding recapture by feared Sephardim (overlord ruling classes). Yet, it seems to me, deserters retained all the trappings of prior oppression only to eventually illicit “chosen” status. Accordingly, Atlantis enlightened society model (symbolized by Star of David) was demonstrably rejected out of hand, Ark of the Covenant conveniently disposed of lest the truth ever surface, and human power brokers have attempted to reinstate themselves as tyrannical new Sephardim.

Zionism sympathetic “historians” never seem to offer explanation as to why there is no obsession (or even the will) with return to Judea. Israel, therefore, has to be more than some otherwise incidental “land of promise”. After those disastrous early attempts to recreate Babel, prescient order was forced to settle for a technology generated oasis. Architectural powers were to use distractions (most recently under guise of “atheism” in all but name) to avoid need for compliance with human conscience. Ones with access to truth know Atlantis “prime law” is the only valid control system adequately accounting for conscience. Prime law, to remind the forgetful, has a sole command, which is all consuming. Harmonious perfection of “thou shalt not oppress” is applicable to all disputes. For worlds burdened by “only consider diplomacy when destruction fails” politics, eulogizing over oppression might sound like futile indulgence. Review though is necessarily important, revealing keys behind accrued divides that have had the effect of splintering humanity. Human is largely a spiritual being. Failure of popular religions to address much cognizant spirituality has had the effect of delivering repressed brethren. Religions, individually or collectively, have becomes radicalized into concentrations of dogmatic repression, causing instability that destroys the path to absolution. Prime law is contrived to cater for all life systems. Lions do not usually oppress and would only betray code of conduct when failing to consume kills, unless these are provided for family. Any human soldier that kills a branded enemy to dishonor warrior pledge of allegiance murders. Warrior pledges assume the right of willing participants to take challenge to the death. Day to day life acts of oppression are everywhere, from playing music too loudly to jumping supermarket queues. Every plausible human conflict can be adequately addressed by prime law, providing logic is applied to defining arguments and practical resolution. Is it irony that litigation has become foundation stone of reptilian society?

Culturally, we take many things, many customs for granted and this has the effect of obscuring our past and shielding painful truths. One can but conclude coherent disharmony has been the plan from outset along a political path crafted by agents of oppression. But how much is this direction result of human greed or might efforts be contributed to a hidden genetic legacy? If we inspect human-reptilian lineage, only a small amount of digging reveals unavoidable entwinement with those convoluted alpha draconian gene paths. Alex Collier writes extensively about the alpha draconian Andromedans (although I conject whether he means blue avians). His reflections on their outpourings are so loaded with benevolent intentions; one almost senses Confucius (balance of things) reincarnated. Though blue avians themselves are demonstrably critical of alpha draconian ideology supporting “ordained” superiority (i.e. chosen people), they routinely view themselves as a partisan higher moral authority, albeit submissive. Genetic cousins, Lyrans are renowned both as knowledge protectors and embellishers of truth (distorters). Sirians (keeper of Atlantis), to the other extreme, are incapable of distortion and might only offer silence to accord preservation of deep secrets. Possibly demonstrating Lyran intent, human instinctively learns to lie as part of developmental rite of passage, pretty much directly after learning to walk. This means human knows deceit before he knows memory. Via reptilian lineages, we are built from a genetic baseline that evidences innumerable alpha draconian creeds. We have all their qualities, good and bad, available within our genetic spectrum. Fortunately, via our hereditary Sirian cerebral cortex, we are obliged to pay homage to conscience. Conscience acts as a natural limiter against deceit. However, do we, similar to reptilians, also have instinctive ability to switch between or adopt particular libidos (i.e. logic versus reptilian emotional brain)? They, I have illustrated before, possess dual pulmonary systems (hot and cold blooded). Effects of different blood produce startling changes of demeanor. These have been immortalized by folklore of the likes of cold blooded calculation or hot blooded passion. The manner in which some human individuals appear to resolutely deactivate their conscience provides more than a glimpse into potential for hidden abilities, in my opinion.

Strange fusion of diametrically opposed abilities (to exude truthfulness and deceit simultaneously) surely places human beneath a karmic unravelling that prepares irreparable divides, harmfully fragmenting spiritual purpose to outright oblivion. It is presumed that spiritual goals would ultimately be consistent all the way up the ladder and not just restricted to “high ups” who know better. Last article I made an introduction to the Enorians; the step between Anunaki and Ba’al. Ba’al is the term used to denote the manifest form of the Anunaki and, as such, provides a physical bridge to outer God (El/Al).  Terminologies used for Enorian, Ba’al, dragon and so on are explicitly colloquial to us. Not one term is authentic, from the cosmic perspective. For instance, Anunaki have been correctly identified as “SSS”, which is a sharply whistled rasping hiss that perhaps approximates a sandstorm tornado running through a town. Anunaki are non-manifest, but to authentically summon root of highest manifest state (archangel) is achievable by a guttural “RRR”. This growling expletive approaches a bear’s howl. We are unable to iterate most sounds either naturally or aided with technology. Knowledge is mysterious, because human is a direct derivative of the Celtic satyr deity Hu. However, our higher genetic ancestry spans reptilian, pteroid, dragon (angel), Ba’al, Enorian and Anunaki and none of these names are authentic. Perhaps they do not want their true identities revealed. When directly quizzed likewise as to their valid identity, reptilians clumsily responded “chakra” (invasive entry point to occupying human). Communication did not compute with receiver, so misquoted translation ciakar remains. Perhaps similar stories can be attributed to all the other naming conventions. Aside from the ones mentioned, it is possible other stages of spiritual ascent exist that I haven’t been privileged to identify. Regardless, we do know (from various accounts, including Robert Morning Sky’s memorable analysis of the wisdom of Bek-ti) the Anunaki faced a monumental split perhaps as far back as 9 billion years ago. Reborn human-like “image of God” Sirians are the sixth devolution of the original genetic template. Specific information is vital to understanding the puzzle that constructs the network holding human in current position.

To be comprehensive, associated considerations are understandably rather complex. New insight suggests that there were multiple hierarchical splits that might be compared to a snake shedding its skin from time to time. In this case though, each skin takes on a fresh momentum of its own. For instance, the “RRR” energy used to form Ba’al has a higher (non-manifest) status than any other part that had previously been discarded by the Anunaki clan. In addition to their “image of God” estrangement, Anunaki were also responsible for creating Thoth (connected to Zetas or Emmerthas). There were two other distinctly obsidian breakaways. One caused oppressive (supremacist) alpha draconian lineages and the other produced matrix cultivating (fantasy as reality) Pleiadians. Adding to complexities, Pleiadian is part Sirian (with cerebral cortex?). A final major Anunaki energy spectrum breakaway leaves no traceable path downwards, so there either weren’t lower echelons or I have not been privy to evidence. Hindu Gods are something of an enigma to me though and could be one possibility of obsolete lineage. These physically existed on Earth just after the great flood (the one that ended Atlantis), but appeared to have wiped themselves out without trace in a cataclysmic “nuclear” war that ended around 9,000 years ago. Options are still open on hereditary genetics. Blue avian qualities are potentially indicative of descendant traits, but conceivably they could be the lowest missing link to an unidentified higher energy breakaway.

Earlier I made mention of angels and archangels specifically to highlight the true nature of dragon and Ba’al as manifest spiritual intermediaries. “Messenger” tradition does not do justice to the deep involvement angelic agencies have with common spiritual direction. Archangel is the most exalted version. Substitute angelic status can be given to any designate party, regardless of body type or creed, so there is no limit to potential contenders. Certain grey beings may have been historically referenced thusly. Reptilians covet many claims (usually emanating from their own ranks) of divine attainment. Though not all rumours have turned out to be accurate or even true, a wide range of different entity types have assumed spiritual emissary status. In light of their direct spiritual authority over us, there may be credence to reptilian admissions. Fundamental angel and archangel assets are the vital clue representing infrastructures of spiritual control under hierarchies. Was the whole (hierarchy and parts) viewed as a “body”, we might compare the overall view to a scene presenting the valiant physician taking steps to avoid illness. In this capacity, taking analogy a step further, an archangel would have a greater number of tools or techniques at their disposal, perhaps equating to a top surgeon. To delve deeper as to why it is so, why angel hierarchies exist at all, we should reflect on the complete picture. It is known that humans have giant bodies composed of “relatively” miniscule atoms. A single human (in the spiritual sense) is the equivalent of any single “atom” taken from the greatest ascent (Anunaki). Pushing trite mortality aside, while most of us feel we have absolute autonomy (or power) over our lives, this is not strictly true. We only have absolute autonomy over our limited capacity to coordinate and cooperate with world view. Aside from that, there is an impossible to traverse chasm prohibiting direct liaison between atoms and the human body, which is primarily why spiritual development is modular.

We must come to terms with the fact all world views stem from identities strictly guided by direct overseeing spiritual hierarchy. To which end, the entire “human group” could be construed as a “collective body” of sorts that is the lower extent of a spiritual funnel. Imagine if one limb of this “collective body” was to receive a catastrophic injury. Leaving it unattended could risk fatally contaminating the whole body. Here role of my hypothetical physician becomes more apparent. Complex steps might best compare with palliative techniques, using angelic resources, rather than a physical examination and operation. It would be worth adding, spiritual resources are comparatively all seeing, so notional last ditch solutions would simply not occur. Lives, from birth to passing, are predicted as a series of causal probabilities (though branching from causality). In truth, this makes prophecy a rather compelling prospect. Free will is a problem for the spiritual hierarchy when insubordinates “break order”. These elements are less likely to be supported with extended lives, but the problem is perennial. Suffice to say, when all spiritual efforts fail, ascent is forced make a desperate choice. To save the body, any broken limb must be amputated (killed). Applying analogy to here and now, perhaps violent ethnic cleansing of people of Gaza is an apt example representing spiritual amputation. Catastrophe in Gaza has been brewing for decades, following the forced removal (and murder) of Palestinian land owners since 1948. That wound has festered and gradually become so malignant, gangrene has potentially already set in.

Astonishingly, the Anunaki may actually be siding with tyrannical oppressor Israel. As they are not direct party to our politics, they have no real understanding of human “morality” equations either. Israel, as perceived stronger force (coupled with corporate America), becomes their likely means to an end of their suffering. Sentiment here needs qualifying. Because from the karmic perspective, which very much overlays the current lopsided “war of attrition”, Israel is destined for terrible retribution; a style of retribution mankind will have never witnessed before. Whether proceedings could provoke an extraordinarily rare cataclysm of the Gods remains to be seen. No cataclysm has ever been recorded in living memory, so consequences cannot be predicted. Israel/Palestine is such a strong example of spiritual breakdown; the issue deserves separate focus. We tend to take for granted that a herd of Russian cows must feel empathy against horrific Indonesian cattle slaughter. Why does anyone beyond Gaza necessarily care about Gazans’ fate? Though most humans only appear capable of sympathy, outrage at atrocities in Palestine, outrage at the genocidal complicity of Israel has permeated to fever pitch across the globe, consuming all creeds, including non-compliant Jews. The impartial observer could not help but assess such syndrome as at least partial consequence of higher body speaking. Many people are killed on local roads by equally unfair consequences, yet few bother to take notice. Israel’s insensitive defense minister of 2010 followed precise logic with his road kill analogy via Spanish Media after deeply unpopular murders of nine or ten aid workers on Turkish Flotilla ship Mavi Marmara as it was “intercepted” by Israeli special forces. Though callousness of statement at the time naturally went down like a lead balloon, from my perspective of wider analysis, sentiment is profoundly insightful. Where do we draw the line and is that line created by humanity or by something that goes beyond human? Are we, on some level, crudely and unknowingly enacting the will of an unseen foreign power?

There is more to the karma debate than meets the eye too. Israel (as a concept), I have long said, was stolen by the Hebrews. Could divinity ultimately be behind “perpetual retribution” against the devil’s state? Moving on, readers aware of my other blog (focusing on timeless real political issues) will be overly familiar with tricks used to impose “Big Brother” on the masses. Influence of little brother is rarely sensationalized and, as such, tends to creep under the gate of wider political calculations. Ancient Greek and Roman authorities exploited and funneled emotionally charged mob “justice” with such fervent professionalism, legacy should be remembered as an art form. Professionalism demands evolution. I, personally, cannot believe techniques were invented by or limited to ancestral Philistines (Roman ancestors). To build networks to establish efficient trust in the grapevine takes enormous time. Without ever humming little brother coordination, it would not be possible to gradually steer and connect all tributaries needed to cement mob solidarity. Mob rule itself is something of a culmination of grass roots factionalism, heralding from Atlantis. Though phenomenon enabling common voices that fermented for extended periods was destined to bubble over into the streets, such mischief mocked-Atlantean tradition. Potential was always there, but impossible beneath sacred order. No sooner than sacred order had been dismantled, chaos was possible. So, how does that look? In grapevine speak, supportive messages immediately resonate, but trust between once estranged parties takes persistence to rebuild. Echo effect escalating rapid broadcast of configured common views are now daily witnessed on Twitter and Facebook. Corruption exposed, many message seeds turn out to have originally been proliferated by Big government think tanks of one kind or another. To be clandestine is the rule, whether that be by admission or context. Transparency is the exception.  In other words, processes collaborate a collective framework of influence (from on high), which is the logical underlying purpose of creation of human, providing there was a “creator”.  Atheist (removing the Creator) Big government and its extended agencies have merely leveraged natural purpose to their advantage.

Of all “rights” that might be targeted, there is no better example of political exploitation than objectives that target and remove human sexual rights, beginning with Moses’ blasphemous (and sexist) “commandment” “thou shalt not look at another woman licentiously” (thou shalt not covet your neighbour’s wife). To add, “thou shalt not commit adultery” comes close to denying sexual liberty altogether (a notion capitalized on by biblical new testament “reformed” persecutor, St Paul). Menacing austerity does at least provide marriage celebrants unlimited license to procreate. Failing the emergence of prostitution, the only means to enter sexual relations used to be by marriage, ensuring participants succumb as prisoners of state and slaves of each other. Modern trends towards common relationships has eaten away at sacredness of marriage to such extents that divorce statistics dwarf longevity. Ushered in with the new age is a farce against pedophilia that should be judged as pathological obsession. Few consider the fact that age “consent” cements role of state. Without consent providing “rights”, peoples are not necessarily “citizens”. From identical principles, those unable to consent are those without rights.  So, while we may have largely broken free of marital enslavement; humanity is far from “free” sexually. How “state” rolled out its power grab is plain to see. Successive political “coups” arbitrarily increased naturally illegitimate “age of consent” (license only to procreate) from age zero to twelve to fifteen and then to eighteen years, with the ever reaching elitist aim of increasing to age twenty-one. Authorities evoked those milestone dictates (stage by stage) into law with arbitrary (and not reasoned) debate, forsaking any notion of “democracy”.

Achievements of autocratic measures are muted. Associated schisms throughout society are an everyday occurrence, examples including so-called terrible teens stage of development and that “underage” pregnancy monster. In light of the illogical attack on sexual freedoms, has a higher agenda impacted current course of events? Here there are two possibilities (perhaps in combination) that spring to mind. For this we would need to contemplate how our spiritual seniors view sexuality. By example (brethren Anunaki) Sirian only formally uses sexual drive to procreate. Was human design deliberately calculated to “recreate” mini-Sirian, then that would explain why our reptilian [direct] creators failed to allow for the effect of lust on our libido. As evidence more than suggests that they interfered with thematic intent behind ancient folklore and governance, such intrigue shows all the indicators of planned “drip fed” human acculturalization. It is ironic that we are of almost identical sexual character to reptilians. It seems to me that, via their institutional takeover, we have been perceived as something we were not. The other responsible consideration as to a phantom “higher agenda” coveting desired results that contradict nature is how much “instinct” towards sexually excluding marital union (whether temporary or long standing) is natural or contrived. Sirians observe a strange practice, which equates to what they would call sexual meditation. Participating individuals would congregate into sexual groups with the objective of harmonizing aligned energies to mutual benefit. Defying human prudishness, the custom is not perceived to contra marriage boundaries.

It seems vital, factoring our physical closeness to reptilian, for a full inspection of differences to progress investigations efficiently. So, from the direct sexual comparison, one startling observation is they possess no anus, which obviously deeply both impacts performance “options” and culture (to some degree). Gay male sexual intercourse is rendered null and void. We were created by beings with comparative deficiencies, which beggars the question, was human given an anus to make gay intercourse possible? Contradicting the affirmative, if they interfered with all Scriptural records, there would be unanswered mystery as to why biblical and other ancient traditions vehemently stand against sodomy, in particular. Perhaps resulting “gestalt” is a distortion caused from the uneasy attempt at coupling incompatible reptilian and Sirian morality. Without debate, associated conflict is played out through humanity, though differences in overall perceptive values (of human versus reptilian) could well play a part too. An example of perceptive differences is as follows. Abductees with direct interactive experience, themselves oblivious to pollution, claim that reptilians say we stink. Conversely, though they naturally defecate via the mouth, which sounds appalling, each compact fecal pellet is coated with a thick mucus so as to prohibit odour or content leakage. In addition, body skins neither sweat nor breathe (as far as I am aware). Epidermis, instead, prepares complete fusion with surrounding energy field to provide the body a constant “connection” with the external. Advantages go beyond mere interactivity between reality and infrastructures that establish a “stationary” ever-present spiritual network, ability possibly stemming from latent dragon heritage. It is worth noting here the dragon energy field was so expansive it could swallow Earth, although I am unclear whether this was enabled by “collective” cooperation of the entire group. Ancient human communes reputedly had similar, though less reaching, powers that could siphon off energy resources from the planet’s centre.

Reptilian ability to harmonise interconnection between body and external field can focus energy polarization to allow quantum manipulation functionality, such as converting body (which is energy) and energy field in combination to create a directive gateway. By comparison, their skin arguably offers greater power of visibility than our eyes. Actually, here we have innocently stumbled on one of the dazzling secrets of existence. Discussing the energy field as a part of the body (by extension) is not strictly true. Each body actually hosts a version of the master field. Individual bodies represent unique calibrations of the master field. However, from the access perspective, fields are constantly external and thus offset from the body, though body is permanent gateway to field and vice versa. The field itself is striated so as to precipitate energy focal points, such as chakras. Focal points become doorways, whether used for incoming or outgoing traffic. In effect, energy that builds each unique field is the “spirit”. It will become clear how this impacts sexual comparisons between human and reptilian soon. Few recognise fundamental difference between spirit and soul, but knowledge cannot be overstated. Suffice to say, I have grave doubts any reader here, moreover anyone on the planet knows precisely why spirituality is called thus in deference to soulality. If the truth was even slightly known, vogue materialist occultism would instantly evaporate. Spirituality is a tradition people only pay lip service to. For sure, some may say their spirituality augments personal pathway towards divinity, but they still do not know what the term itself actually construes.

We might turn to Apache Indian tradition for wider insight here. Natives traditionally believe wolves and white buffalo (American bison) though not (now extinct) wood, mountain varieties or feral hounds, possess spirits. Wolves and white buffalo to them are spiritual beings. But what of animals that do not possess spirits? They may be catered for (spiritually) by a provisional ectoplasm generated from the soul network as a bi-product that also “charges” lower celestial living things. However, as far as I can ascertain a pet cat would not possess chakras (at least, in the common sense). Perhaps evidence of spiritual connection is implied by the extraordinary affinity native Indians had with horses. Other higher creatures might certainly include dolphins, whales, trees and perhaps even certain stick insects. Some argue snakes and other reptiles show empathetic tendencies, which is intriguing. Pigs can be as sensitive as man. The list I am sure does not end there. What is clear is spiritual fields are not necessarily calibrated or structured comprehensively across common [reality] domains. Human fields [effectively] extend conscience, which [by a process of elimination] can be deemed result of our cerebral cortex, direct evidence of Sirian lineage. Compared with our lowest genetic superior reptilian, though they do possess traces of Sirian in their DNA spectrum, brain has nothing resembling the cerebral cortex and cannot generate conscience. By extension, this means their spiritual makeup cannot resemble human equivalency. So why do they have extraordinary powers when we do not? It is eminently possible we do have powers. It is possible we, bison, wolves, dolphins and all the other spiritual beings are bestowed with tools even that make interdimensional travel possible, but I do not know of one instance where any living thing (in the conventional sense) travelled by any means other than using their own natural volition, sometimes aided by technology. Not a single dematerialization, materialization. Not a single meditated time skip. Not one.

Using the process of elimination again, even with lack of defining guidelines, critical differences in behaviour respond to energy fields that cannot be not uniform. Reptilians, we know, take behaviour to a whole new level with their ability to convert themselves into pure energy and invade chakras as open doorways. We know (Sirian) miracles are not exclusively achieved aided by conscience, because reptilians don’t have a conscience. Conversely, it is possible to deduce energy field calibration very different to human conscience equivalency causes some figurative baseline compatibility. In fact, this beggars the reasonable question as to whether energy field “calibrations” are key to allowing specific functionality (i.e. reptilian is calibrated to permit energy conversion, whereas human is not). We know a master field exists and this is not part of (or even attached to) the body. But what generates the master field? Logic alone dictates master field must be a provision or consequence of spiritual source and therefore, due to trickle effect, all versions capture the root of divine spirituality. Thus, all energy fields (in their different calibrations) combined as one would create “the whole” of our divine ascent spectrum, be it that each divinity component would be a limited aspect of almighty God. Before I return to analysis identifying differences defining reptilian and human sexuality, it is worth reflecting on the following. Because all spiritual beings are wholly constructed from resources emanating from their most senior ascent (in the case of Anunaki “bloodlines”, the Anunaki), spirituality is not limited by ascent. Limitation is imposed by access restrictions. It might seem out of context, but Grey beings vaguely described in Raymond Fowler’s “The Andreasson Affair” are documented to have presented a topically relevant blue book to abductee “Betty” Andreasson. In accordance, the Greys provided a profoundly important explanation (highlighting their emissary/angel status). The book, they said, contained writing made of light that could only be read by the spirit. They added, the key to all things [problems] affecting man can be discovered in nature. Such news can mean but one thing, which is the spirit is fully integrated with nature and fully accessible via nature.

To emphasise, the Anunaki energy field is so flexible it transcends time and space to avail synthetic connections between interdimensional networks; a facility exploited to the full by Lyran/reptilian espionage (something I discussed at length previous article). There have been wide ranging and quite compelling reports from people who claim to have met with “God”, in this instance Jesus Christ. Details are often so similar to abductee accounts, even though deity or guiding identity can vary, I wonder whether initiative is a wholesale attempt at corruptive influence of humanity. Many years ago as a small boy, I was presented a dream that still haunts me today. I saw an immaculate shining “Jesus” from afar, but as I inched towards the icon, the skin gradually turned to olive brown and wrinkled. Close up, I saw a horrible face, crawling with maggots. Was this a premonition of the takeover of humanity under the illusion of an immaculate Christ? This deception aided by fusion of otherwise alien timelines of course is a logical affront to nature. Affront maybe, but opportunity hasn’t stopped other worldly “colonialists”. When nature is unfettered, an analogical Holy Trinity “binds” the highest God directly to body [of man] via the holy spirit, using intermediaries such as Anunaki. That said, we should now press on with the mission at hand; revelatory analysis of critical commonalities and differences between sexual physiologies of man and reptilian. Though I don’t necessarily know who or “what” I connect with, over the course of investigations I have been shown many illustrative diagrams. One such vision demonstrated a creature that conveyed the presence of a pet mutt that went through a remarkably indulgent swooping display that reminding me of a land based otter or seal. Was it not for the poetic nature of each swoop, I would have been convinced the odd creature was chasing invisible insects. Two of the most unnatural “flaps” were attached to the top of the head and these would agitate violently with each movement. To my disbelief, following briefing, it turned out that these were novel sex organs. I can but presume such example had been selected to challenge breadth of my perceptive reasoning. As with all other human beings, I frame perceptions from cultural references. What I had witnessed was energetically so unusual, nothing I knew of or could imagine on Earth would correspond. If the example wasn’t simply an “imagined” test, origins then must have emanated from an entirely different reality.

A small error of context was made earlier. Reptilian anatomy varies across different types. In place of the anus, tailless varieties possess a tract that has similarities with human design. Buttocks are comparatively shallow, nevertheless. From sexual potency perspective, a tract might nominally compare with a human ear or nostril. In other words, reptilian anal equivalency offers no conceivable sexual value. Instead (I am told) function is basically similar to our sweat gland though, in practicality, almost never used. Varieties with tails have no tract, but palms of the hands are capable of excreting “lotion”. Reptilians, unlike us, are not adventurers. They are obsessively risk adverse. So, in normal circumstances, not to stress the body (which might cause need to sweat) is the overruling desire. Here it is also worth adding that their “sweat” has a texture and consistency of hand lotion, which is odourless and comes with a silky or chalky taste. Strangely enough, ability to perspire as outlined measurably increases potency of the palms. Is this where mythology of laying on of hands originates? Jesus’ legendary healing powers must have surely originated somewhere. Put functionally, skin is the membrane connecting body to “holy spirit” in holistic union, though ability to redirect holy spirit with confidence and precision goes beyond standard science comprehension. Thus, I would like to explore notional skin power more deeply. Details exposing how reptilians find skin to skin contact ashamedly erotic have been discussed before, but are worth review from renewed topical perspective.

So to refresh old news, youths that enter their version of university system are given various compulsory modules aimed at improving sexual discipline. One such module contributes to study of “lust management”. Curriculum, in this instance, lasts six months and is aimed at instructing students on disciplines required to completely disassociate from lustful urges. Field situations place particular focus on testing management of skin to skin contact. We know their skin is very sensitive, but some additional background here. They generally divide expressive sexuality into four quadrants. One of these, sex as means to connect with God logically implicates skin to skin contact (allowing gateway to cultivate “mutual” or twin spirits). Akin philosophy was known of and at one time practiced by Gnostics (although participants used mundane intercourse as the connection catalyst). Accordingly, in ancient biblical times, surrogate female “gateways to bliss” (making spiritual connection possible) were normally innocent early teens or younger. Compared with reptilian societies, where sexual spirituality is seen as a sign of maturity, females [in particular] will join social groups sometimes at very young ages, but never as surrogates. These participate in erotic orgies. Wider society welcomes such curiosity from young as hallowed rite of passage. Indeed, some would go as far to compare the step to baptism. Here we can see, in some ways, there are no comparisons between “our” and “their” cultural values and taboos. I wonder whether “paedophilia” is an overlap. But the other labored point I have been trying to make is there is a direct connection with skin allowing access to and management of “power of God”.

Information supplied to me by unknown providers can come either in the form of pure knowledge or diagrams. When I receive diagrams, situations are not usually contextually clear. Greater clarity is achieved when a session is interactive. In one instance while researching reptilians, I accidentally fused into an individual. Fusion was not full, but enough to do more than empathise with alien point of view. Experience permitted realization that our conscience has a relatively huge impact on the manner we perceive and judge things, in particular. Of course, everything changes fundamentally when you lose vital connection to conscience. To reptilians, purging of one’s enemies comes as a matter of fact. Remorse or even consideration as to consequences of actions are notions so illogical, no one would even think of them. Whether in denial or not, every human is acutely aware of the impact we have on the external. Alright, some of us become sloppy and lazy and lacking in sensitivity, but we all in our heart of hearts know right from wrong. Reptilians “tick” on an entirely different wavelength. However, their greatest strength is a human’s greatest fault. We will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid or dismiss information that contradicts belief systems. They will listen and attempt to appreciate anything, regardless of motive. This is not to say they necessarily agree with or follow suggestions dutifully, but will take in and assess everything seen on balance. If humanity followed a similar standard, transition would do us a power of strength.

From all the strangeness, there is some commonality. Comparing conventional sexual apparatus, reptilian and human are fairly similar. As with us, the male possesses a penis and female has a sexually functional tract; version of the vagina, though there are perhaps small “operational” differences. I am not sure, for instance, if the vulva is included in their anatomic make up. Be that as it may, while reproductive mechanics are not entirely the same as human, consistencies exist. Their females are egg laying and this obviously impacts reproductive equations. Ironically, human embryos are cultured in an egg sack of sorts, but it disintegrates at birthing. As far as I can ascertain (though I have witnessed no firsthand experience), egg casing is left intact immediately after a reptilian is born. Evidence may be lacking to corroborate the female profile, but I do have direct experience of male organs. Never shown the testicles (perhaps these are internal to the body?), I would describe the member as dark coloured, possibly deep indigo, quite thick (compared to human), with a flayed, much more circular bulbous “head” which has no noticeable foreskin. Was the ancient Jewish practice of circumcision made in homage to emulate their captor “Gods”? Aside from this point of view, there is lack of entirely logical argument justifying tradition. Not to concede superficially valid basis both for and against, more aptly, logic defines circumcision as more detrimental than beneficial to body health. Other external accounts present the reptilian organ as “significantly” larger than human, [dark] blue in colour, confirming mine. With these, I have also found no references to testicles, but believe they do have something “functionally” similar to human.

Neither male nor female possessing any body hair is another significance, but I would like to focus on the female for this part of my analysis. Several articles back I discussed deep historic times when humans had fully broken free of reptilian occupation. Then societies had begun championing kings or chieftains, some of whom were [what we would term] “part extra-terrestrial”. Following spectacular reptilian ascension around 8,000 or 9,000 years ago, some of the lower (less spiritually developed) brethren remained associated with our reality sphere. They did not have any real presence on the Earth surface. Because most of the grand group had disappeared, to find a reptilian was a dragon’s quest. Remainders appear to have had a fear of integration with human society, but, over time, this subsided and they perhaps became curious, but certainly desirous to reconnect with us (in context, their progeny). Thinking about this thinking pragmatically, the most effective mechanism for lasting connection is creation of descendant bloodlines. My sources hint Sumarian origins when according reptilian females entered into “marriage” with their human male counterparts. I have never been given precise details as to the how’s and why’s, but offspring were produced that developed body hair. Novelty for them of course, hybrid “talents” were revered by the reptilian contingency. I wonder whether that is the hubris of mythology associated with “power of the hair” (such as Samson)? Prolonged contamination of the wider human gene pool appears evident by characteristically reptilian nature of our women when compared against males. Interestingly, shaving of genitalia is a much more common ritual amongst our females than males.

Whether today anyone exists to preserve evidence of pre reptilian-fused human genome pool is a rather intriguing quandary. Aside from the sexual, there are other more perfunctory and, dare I say undignified behaviours. These include need to expel wind. In such regard, reptilians are only capable of belching. Associated emissions can produce foul odours though. Sexual anatomies do not expel any noticeable pongs, surprisingly. Returning to intricate design of the reptilian penis, I have found no male equivalent in human. Our males of course have the urethra, which is either used to ejaculate semen or excrete urine. Likewise, urethras consistently extend to a vertical slit at the tip of the penis. There are no known “variants” to my knowledge. For reptilians, here design is similar, except the slit is longer and, at the tip, two tracts fuse as one. Their urine excretion apparatus is configured to deliver dual discharges. Impurities are concentrated as a reddish brown “oil” with remainders distilled into clear “saline”, which can also be used to “flush out” the other tract, used for ejaculating semen. According to my sources, certain foreign “adventurers” are known to have hunted for reddish brown waste fluids as a prized “elixir”. This may well be an attempt at reptilian humour, but I do note the ancient Tai Chi custom of drinking one’s own first urine daily “as an essential minerals supplement”. Reptilian produces more than urine or semen to dispensed by the penis and that is the significant difference to man.

Conceptually speaking, perfunctory sexual intercourse is consistent with human approach and that is possibly why reptilian women were able to naturally reproduce with human kings. Though perhaps unanswerable, how much human-reptilian nature has been cause of evolutionary genetics is the great mystery. Equally, to what extent early cross-breeding has contaminated the original genepool is a perplexing quandary. Biblical Genesis’ enigmatic passage “and the sons of Gods found the daughters of man desirable” (or words to the effect) amplified by sections of the pseudepigraphal book of Enoch do more than suggest gene pool contamination has been widespread. Knowledge must be significant for information to even warrant a mention in Genesis, so text should not be taken lightly. My analysis of the small physical anatomical differences separating reptilian genus from our own is only one tiny part of the equation. For instance, sexuality is not limited as an exclusive tool either for procreation or recreation, but more as the very means to allow eternal connection to sponsor “relationships”. Whether the medium is perceived as facilitator or driver, without it connections would arguably be irrelevant. The core of our being is our sexuality (hence base chakra associated with life expectancy) and therefore, it compellingly follows that at the core of any being is the desire to be sexual. If God also desires connection, then [by association] God must be sexual, which confirms sexuality is a “rite”. Hence, “lost” ancient religious tradition. To deny is to deny divinity. Of course, here we move away from sexual “mechanics”, to focus mostly on “intimate intent”.

Need for intimacy bind families, can percolate friendships, becomes the basis for fostering business relationships, causes government “secrets” and, of course, must be the backbone of any sincere marriage. Do Babylonian ankh represent human [energy] deposits, symbolically portrayed as the stylish “tuning fork”? Does “tuning” approbate condition of intimacy? Before I review the significance, we should isolate philosophies that determine the extent of what is sexual, ideally shining light on administrative glue that holds human “spirituality” in position. Reptilian basic equations tabling the extent of what it is to be sexual have been outlined in previous articles here. They traditionally review four “quadrants” or pillars. Essential procreation of course is a primary function, but other definitions are less straightforward. There is a spiritual function (touched on earlier in this essay) which presupposes a concrete role for the body’s energy field as “intermediary” [with God]. Recreational use is by no means seen as flippant. Recreation is actually construed as an essential component of common living and, by association, such integration empowers the libido (probably extending life – a compelling argument, in light of base chakra functionality). In other words, they view recreational sex as both necessary and therapeutic. All that aside, in its most condensed form (potency), to them sexuality is a “divine constant” that runs through all subordinate life forms and, as such, is the ultimate form of expression. Predisposition towards self-sacrificing intimacy is revered as the core value dividing Gods from despicable mortals.

Unavoidably selfish human worldview must be inclined to promote self-empowerment, which means, when push comes to shove, at the expense of others. So sacrifices (all the way up to martyrdom) arise as response to development of moral, political or instinctive calculations. From the subjective philosophical standpoint (at least) most, if not all, sacrifices compliment preferred beneficial outcomes and can be devices acting as means to ends that extend way beyond incidents in question. When someone charitably loans an idle car to a needy traveler in distress, from one perspective he has found a “use” for his “useless” vehicle. By the very fact the car has been “put to use” by charity is a benefit. What is certain is all actions are ego driven, with pursuits that create events having potential to either foster gatherings with would be friends or conflict against perceived outcasts. Societies are naturally guided to implement strata as means to diffuse or avoid conflicts. However, because corporate communication networks have become so sophisticated and far reaching, the war against the outcast “other” (sometimes euphemised as foreigner) has expanded. A once thriving sea of connected enclaves has been tormented into one ocean of volatile discordance under dystopian suffrage of globalism, disharmony particularly apparent in supposed multi-cultural “havens” (of the likes of United States of America). The more divisively vain “powers” attempt to dissipate ill-sentiment, the greater the reactive inclination towards offence and spiraling revenge. In light of this, it is starkly understandable why the idea portraying sexuality as the ultimate form of communication does not philanthropically resonate at any level of society. In human terms, sexuality has become a tool to demonstrate superiority, a tool for exclusion and an attractive (or St Paul argued “necessary”) inconvenience distracting Godliness. Because human is selfish, sexuality is the epitome of selfishness. Human has no sexual “right”, according to utopian law, until wielding power behind governance is corrupted. Because of judicial paradox (the Law can be anything WE decide so), humanity’s vision of encompassing sexuality is broken. Humanity has only been blessed with the power to choose, but with choices removed by austerity, doesn’t this mean we have been rendered powerless, impotent?

There is another fundamental issue mentioned in past articles that deserves consideration. Utopian human is the transposition of a holy trinity (descent of divine objectives) which, from the sexual perspective, is played out to ensure parts contradict each other. Obviously, purpose of this essay is to “expose the pieces of the network that controls humanity”. Might sexuality be a big piece of that puzzle? You would have thought, at the very least, sexuality should have been considered a big draw card by our creators. As an aside, such notion would promote the idea that sexual “activation” begins prior to birth and the main reason no one notices is because of divisive corruption administered by high profile agencies wishing to deceive the Gods’ interests. Dissecting our spiritual trinity, reptilian aspect certainly becomes more than it would seem, as expressed through genetic composition. Whereas fumbling science oversimplifies routine classification of wholly human ape, the irony is human is substantively ape and therefore, from simplicity’s perspective, information is quintessentially correct. We are a version of ape, although the big question no one has come close to answering is “what the hell is ape?” I will leave this unanswered for now, but perhaps we will discover clues in reptilian sexual makeup. One diverging commonality worth highlighting is apes are driven by lust and the need to communicate, whereas to a reptilian “love” is a combination of lust and infatuation.

Certain aspects of knowledge embedded in our established traditions are not inherently human. Because we are capable of fatal attraction, immortalized teachers warned of confusing infatuations over love, warned of potential interpretive ambiguity almost impossible to decisively avoid. Certain anti-lust traditions would otherwise be insincere, unless advice had been given by some detached alien landlord, unable to vent “corrupted love”. Complication grows via our reptilian ancestry that ensures we are incapable of not infatuating. Love component is explicit evidence of manifest Sirian qualities. Sirians (as introduced earlier) are from direct evolution of the Anunaki. Therefore, true love is probably the highest existential quality impacting our physical domains. Here considerations start to become interesting, of course. Original Sirians had no means to reproduce physically as they possessed no genitalia. Reproductive intent had to be a developmental expression of like minds. Though the process itself was very intimate and rewarding for participants, in some ways equating to mundane copulation, exchanges and outcomes were combinations of energetic and angelic purity. Resulting “seed” caused energy ball “womb” to come into effect, which would produce a bonny but fully grown adult within days of conception. Later versions of Sirian first displayed mock genitalia, but as time went on, organs were given non-reproductive functionality. Of course, numerous hybrids exist now with full human sexual potency equivalency, but pure bloods can still only reproduce with their minds.

The idea of “God” stealing in and impregnating women in their sleep is not as far-fetched as many might consider. Focusing on a biblical tradition that presupposes sex is purposely limited to procreation, such thinking is partially supported by circumstantial evidence of Gods directly amending human genetic evolution. Underlying considerations must heed the fact that synthetic reproduction will match natural order to be effective. Natural order proposes one man, one woman. Even reptilians have no choice but to assume binary status of relationships that permit sexual intercourse to keep bloodlines afloat. Though nature dictates that reproductive acts could bear offspring, alternatives fail. This is not to say nature cannot be tampered with. Humans have “contraceptives”. These, when reviewed mundanely (and without comforting spin of marketing propaganda), actually poison the rite to fertility and, thus (from the spiritual perspective) could be judged as “anti-God”. The Catholic position may not be “convenient”, but it is pious. Conversely, certain aspects of biblical tradition could be viewed as heresy. Bible and other supposedly holy works comprise sideline commentaries. When factoring in censorship under various synods and so forth, “acceptable” groups of documents become a censoring transformation of collective propagandas. Every holy writing from time memorial either offers eye witness accounts or opinions made by (oh so fallible and corrupt) human beings. The best we can hope for is perfect human assessment. Since time memorial, God (Himself) has failed to produce an operational instruction manual or even a single word. Regardless of what prophecy may conject, from the ultimate spiritual perspective, we don’t know “why” human is sexually wired “as seen” or why he was given an anus, beyond obvious functional day to day necessity. Necessity maybe, ancient Greeks did pertinently conclude the anus made the perfect contraception solution, which also objectively (i.e. by a creator) affirmed homosexual relationships.

From that natural perspective, procreation decidedly is the critical function of human sexuality. Sirian, well advanced up the spiritual ladder, would predictably champion the obvious. However, universal philosophical objectives (i.e. cause for growth) can accommodate many conceptual advantages including mundane paradigms that constitute just about any conceivable behaviour. At their extraordinary elevation, we should not lose sight of the fact, Sirians are also fundamental prisoners of “binary order” which only permits offspring from one man and one woman combined and this must influence judgement. Zeta grey being cultures are reputedly able to create birthing “clones”, whether to extend life or reproduce. Processes are able to select or reject genetic features. Reproductive die casts are prepared from desired elements to distinguish binary compatible male or female genetic identifiers. Reptilian ideology serves well to highlight levels of fanaticism (we might say) dedicated to achieve utopian objectives. Couples go to unimaginable lengths to maximize desired conceptual genetic output. Comparably, humans more or less completely trust to luck in the procreation lottery. Reptilian counterparts will do their upmost to predict and control precise foetal results. Implications are controversially dystopian. Morally, their society at large tends draw the line at results (or the end justifies the moral means) with some using abortion (or, worse still, serial abortion) as their ultimate route to victory.

In practicality, all species are bound to (and which is reptilian traditional) produce two offspring to keep populations in check. Commitment to not over produce is evidence by the fact they never extend to beyond four offspring per household. In light of this, one might sympathise with their desperate obsession over reproductive perfection. Any bulk standard family has two shots at expansion and that’s it. Another avenue of consideration deserved reflection here. Everything was something before, which means everything (within a given spectrum) is made of the components that transcend time space reality (grades of light per recycled existence). Format includes supporting hierarchical networks with “owner” of infrastructure. So, does reptilian sense of reproductive purpose oblige senior Anunaki needs? On from this, where needs of body end and evolution of spirit begins is the vital consideration. The same basic parameters could be applied to any spiritual beings with physical bodies. Some may feel biblical Genesis overstates the ongoing conflict between maternal body and pathways to divinity, but there is no clarity over what constitutes effective purity or how any applied indulgence might counter “hallowed” survival. Though from the body’s exclusive perspective, colonialists were instinctively right in the presumption survival is the primary interest of the body, the body is not nor ever will be spiritual. Spirits avail physical functionality and are bound to respect apparatus (body) for continued prime functionality (withstanding natural degradation).

Theoretical “innocent” infants as symptomatic evidence everyone is born as a moral “blank sheet” is not strictly true. Karmic baggage does critically impact notional innocence so, from that perspective, forward visibility is [at best] psychologically impaired. Nevertheless, each new body (over those formative stages) is hard pressed to keep up with adopting common rapid learning rituals merely to function within the framework of existent reality. In such capacity, we more or less immediately learn that the external obsessively governs internal. No one can deny aspects of life path are predetermined, although a simple change of scenery can have drastic consequences (positive or negative) on a life. Vigorous analysis of phenomena would doubtlessly show that most lives are more predestined than otherwise. Associated truth goes beyond tradition and acculturalization, impacting how and “why” we do what we do. Thinking of spiritual implications, if we were to travel up the hierarchical ladder to the point where life no longer needed “form” or bodies, would determining factors change? Living, as any form or medium, must consist of canopies that coordinate internal with external. Whether you are a simple crawling life form on Earth or an immense vaporous tract of space, it is impossible to avoid contact with that which is external to you. Possibilities allow for the external to be either benign or animated, but associated calculations as to “value” of integration are identical for insignificant and mighty alike. Whereas benign won’t force engagement and are presumably oblivious to any connective interactions, moving identities are faced with choices pertaining to or management of connections, providing avoidance is not possible.

From the entirely spiritual perspective, “choice” is the only fundamentally unarguable “right” any living thing has. Such right is of course limited to faculty. Conflicts over divine responsibility are an unavoidable consequence when needs of body are desperately at odds with the path to righteousness. Unsurprisingly, aligned contradiction travels all the way up the genetic ladder, which has been highlighted by one the Anunaki’s disastrous cultural experiments. To outline, looking back at the period just prior to the first reign commencing Gilgamesh’s perplexing “Babylonian king’s list”, effervescent Anunaki had entered into contract with Sirians somehow. Subsequent to arrangements, they had been tasked with establishing an environment which would make surrogacy possible, as they don’t have bodies of their own. When all parties were eventually in position to design a worthy solution, preliminary analysis concluded Sirians would make perfect hosts for the needed role as primary tier descendants of the now disbanded group. What could go possibly wrong? Well, everything. Philosophy had failed to factor “choice” and radicalized cultural conditioning into equations. Sirians simply could not be Anunaki as they had evolved too far adrift of cultural identity since their divergence away from the bloodline. They had sufficiently diverged and that divergence could not be undone. Specific consequence ensured that the proposed gross product, one sided cooperation to attain Anunaki ideals, watered down to compromise, which significantly favoured Sirian libido. Thus and perhaps predictably, surrogacy ended up both corrupting Anunaki and Sirian outlook. Corruption had not only not fulfilled objective wishes, but had arguably created “gestalt” far worse than either part was independently of the other.

In their attempts to resurrect the past, Anunaki had awoken a monster. By directly interfering against destiny, they had innocently violated the divine path, which incurred wrath of karma. So, in terms of lessons to be learned, does this indicate that divinity goes all the way up to “source of everything” and, as such, deeply impacts all states of being? Does it necessarily follow that mysterious ancient “An” (inner almighty God) has always been an integral aspect of all consuming reality, at each level of spiritual attainment? Are hierarchical strata aware of the potential for their own spiritual contamination or divergence from source? Evidence seems to point towards different aptitudes of cooperative understanding. If Anunaki surrogacy was an immortal sin, reptilians have certainly overstepped the mark by committing chakra invasions that sometimes border on “possession” of the human body. Karmic consequences certainly impact the abductee. Numerous cases have been documented. Do reptilians pay the price too? Moving up the spiritual ladder, from occasional reports of “unconfirmed” active connections, to my knowledge, Anunaki do not attempt to override any aspects of human faculty. It is appropriate to add here, along with Jesus potentially, reptilians commonly “pose” as Anunaki to lure “deemed gullible enough” abductees into compliance. Lyran hybrids are also recorded to have introduced themselves in a similar vein. Looking at what is happening around the current Israeli “war” (excuse for civil purge? Commercial gas fields takeover?) against Palestine is symbolic of “absolute power” pitched against that which is subordinate/mortal.

Conclusions will be interesting, but, on reflection, we have undeniably become that out of step with source, consequences are now unavoidable and will be felt. If we look at the background to this, far from considering potential for legitimate blasphemy, offending human heretics, absolute phonies regularly vilify slaughter as “righteous” (war is peace). The mockery that is dubbed blasphemy by implausible religions avoids any confrontation over who is ultimately responsible for the “spark of life” and rules for preservation. In the wake of reason and any real authority, megalomaniacal presumptions impose a trans-human agenda that will collectively morph into God upon the instant he was summonsed. How does this ideologically differ from Anunaki/Sirian experiments? Ideology of the current fraud extends and encapsulates human group (God) volunteering permissible “liberation” of self through “ordained”, “righteous” slaughter. Reptilians may no longer imprison or kill human beings simply to stamp their mark on authority, but these exact same tactics are being played out by Israel currently. Is such “coincidence” actually more evidence of indirect obsidian control?  Are “Satanists” another “front”? Because they can no longer physically interact, if they were hell bent on ownership of their “property”, it is unlikely Sephardic leaders would dismiss evolutionary advantages (outlined earlier) to allow us to breathe as an unfettered spiritually developing species.

Such developments are the tip of a hidden hierarchical genetic agenda. However, superior divine objectives [effectively] interweave through and beyond all other agendas. There is no escaping omnipresence. Though, ultimately, everything “great or small” is humbled by true divinity, evidence is perhaps notionally impossible to demonstrate in anything short of philosophical terms. We can clearly discern that objective purpose does not change as spirituality plummets to the depths of reality; mortal existence. The problem, its seems to me, is disruptive religious morality which is more guided by polarization of opinions than valid efforts to concord with harmonic nature of things. That is why Moses construed fundamental abominations as “commandments”, out of tune with nature, but in tune with political interests and preferred management of human beings. Yet, such is the influence of polarization, over the ages few have been brave enough to even mildly challenge entrenched doctrines. The so-called Holocaust (hoax, as portrayed) and most recent abomination “woke” have paved legitimacy for Frankenstein monsters. Along with the lies, dependence on unnatural technology is precipitous. I have yet to be given clarify on whether Zeta grey beings are unable to produce offspring without the aid of cloning technologies. Such innovations have been retro-engineered by reptilians. Subsequently, one of their primary rites of passage at youth stage is availability to choose a brand new cloned permanent body. Sex type choice is immaterial. Most reject the opportunity because of the impact to existing spiritual legacy (active memory is wiped clean by the transfer process). But specific to credibility of woke arguments, reptilians, Zetas, Lyrans, Sirians, Lemurians and every other species I know of in that network reap offspring from binary families fertilized by one man and one woman. There is a “tall grey” hermaphrodite species that at one time was resident on Earth. Members are subject to the same rules as the rest of us. Males and females with similar bodies are born into their roles. Recent history has produced a reproduction crisis, because of a massive male birth swing. Even with functioning physical anatomy, males have proven unwilling or unable to successfully birth natural offspring.

Sure, some others mentioned have evolved sufficiently to remove the need for mundane copulation or even those endearing “childhood” stages, but the point is that fundamental “trinity”: father, mother, child conceptually goes all the way up the hierarchy to the very top. I have written about how stars “spore” (from behind time space continuum). Though I cannot confirm, perhaps there are “male” and “female” stars too. Could anyone refute the accusation? If the key as to newborn attributes are exclusively found in the DNA (which is ultimately composed of light), then, by deduction, we can determine that it is DNA which allows uniformity to persist all the way up and back down the spiritual ladder. Clearly,.parameters precipitating or permeating seeding are equally as and possibly more important than overall genepool resources. For whomever controls our genepool, owns the direction of human evolution. So, of course our direct superiors (in the genetic sense) must, at the very least, have made an indirect b-line to shore up their asset. Culturally this would explain paradoxical two-step of paranoia towards and celebration of unholy unions warranting unplanned child production. Moses incorrectly implies lust is sparked by licentiousness, when the reverse is true, but was motive inspired by reptilian belief in disciplined control of natural urges? Here lust is a natural urge at war against the desire to behave licentiously. Though all ten commandments (bar one true God) are spiritual abominations, they do resonate with practical interests of harmonized “civilization”.

Genuine scholars will concede there are always flipsides to any argument. Philosophy appending planned childhood as provision of parental ownership distorts humble goodwill embedded in the trinity model as a gross “autocracy”. State takes none of the burden after branding parent slave to authority, by conceiving child as slave to parent, reinforcing synthetic God tied to nonexistent “rights”. Sincere utopian society would create flexibility around rules that define what “a parent” is; sentiment I plan to touch on later. Yet, with all our flaws, human sense of morality is all we have. No replacement is coming along soon. Testament to millions of failed attempts to create suitable new hybrid versions, nature not only refuses to preserve anything that sufficiently moves away from the trinity, but also offers very little variability when it comes to birthing of sensitive (spiritual) beings. Genetics are modular. Understanding transcends barriers separating species. Concerning hybridization projects, other writings of mine have commonly revealed Zeta DNA is “used like Polyfilla” to hold genetic materials in position. Zeta stock is almost universally adopted in creation of those so dubbed “robot clones” (non-reproductive biological entities), with specific characteristics varying across different civilisations. However, an associated question (not answered thus far) has plagued my enquiry on these matters. Could Zeta [DNA] be God’s solution to natural flexibility requirements enabling proactive hybridisation? If Zeta DNA pliability was not merely accident of invention, then might the holy trinity be just one system available of many options? Does prescient spiritual order rigidly champion “what is” in deference to other options? Were this so, then supremacy would actually be a contextual way of divinity

Worth reiterating here, we know Zeta is a spiritual life design separate of and not directly connected to Anunaki genetics. Though there is some spectral convergence via Thoth lineages (including Mantid, Lemurian paths) which were results of an ancient purge of the Anunaki group, Zetas are fully independent (other than everything’s indirect exposure via direct relationship to source). Mantid is one of the few energy fields within this universe spectrum that survived [so-called] Big Bang (contextual cataclysmic purge of old existence) and, within cosmic circles, is known as “keeper of the knowledge”. Insight to ramifications radically changes evolutionary equations, demonstrating Anunaki formed a group synthesis from analogous sources at conception.  Such roots are explained by their history. Proceedings I shall briefly outline. In the previous universe incarnation, what had been today’s core Anunaki had no power. In this regard, they have been described as manifesting in the form of the worm or maybe something snakelike. Over time, their successive attempts to seize power had the effect of contaminating everything that had been “valued” by the collective “other”. So tumultuously did animosities build, relative energies destabalised “balance of things”. Because God is collective balance, holistic disharmony triggered an almighty reaction. Leveling of the old universe, history records the catastrophic event, which was a catastrophe beyond all catastrophes, as Big Bang. New natural order has been as much a reparation of old order as a rebuild of new order. Complimenting a deliberate reincarnation strategy, God decided to give Anunaki all the power, but widened the group as a merged collective to include “safeguarding energies” (such as the Mantid). Of course, old order has desperately tried to reestablish its old bad ways under guise of new power. Nevertheless, to fully shake off God’s legacy has naturally proven impossible, because the whole is never able to fully detach from extraneous relationships. Through Earth reptilian lineages, even karmic reseeding of “reviled” alpha draconians demonstrates how immaculate God is. Though local elements of that part of legacy may have been strongly responsible for discordance prior to Big Bang, all the more reason to contain malice within the original Anunaki model. Human has been instrumental in ensuring pathways to balanced [new] order.

Whilst adrift of divinity, in fact humanity has already begun plotting a legacy of its own. Phenomenon is crudely expressed as civilization, which currently celebrates “rightful” selfishness. Corresponding profiteers have sold their investors the “noble” idea that “lab” rats and a plethora of other creatures were instrumentally “bred” to save humanity. In truth, they are “bred” merely to theoretically advance experiments. Neither “breeding” nor experimentation accommodated the will of creatures involved, nor was any consideration given to the fact. Profiteers do what they do because they personally benefit from associated parasitism. Therefore, from the spiritual perspective, crimes are undeniably transparent. Alternatives, such as humans using themselves as lab rats for prosperity, are problematical for profiteers. Short of abduction, human lab rats would need excessive incentives to encourage volunteer. Equally possible, experiments on humans might prove sufficiently unpopular as to quash any prospect of their use. But presuming otherwise, associated lavish funding requirements would surely prohibit most activity from even beginning. Of course, was any idea of diligent “testing” to be scrapped, direct to market untested products would severely impact commercial value and profitability, notwithstanding popularity. There are no necessary evils. Therefore, from the wholly divine perspective, the entire concept of “lab animals” is invalid and not only because such efficacy defies natural order. Answers to all problems [to be encountered by mankind] are built into nature with attributed knowledge not attained (generically, at least) through animal testing. Genre problem of balance is equally catalytic. Changes compound effects on balance.  Simply by moving a feral creature to a foreign environment can have the impact of toppling existing systems that already comprise nature. For instinct on these matters to improve, human needs spiritual advancement, which is currently not happening fast enough. Indeed, because man is so undeveloped, cosmically it is almost as if he is still at pre-birth stages. Some may feel I am overstating tragedy, but, morally speaking, “innocent”, helpful lab rats are as grand a transgression as serial abortion. In other words, you would struggle to find a greater spiritual violation than what is happening right under our noses justified by “interests of humanity”.

Yet everything is fine, because we can blame the reptilians. Failing that we can blame the religions as we don’t deserve to think for ourselves. Okay, I was being facetious here, but it is vogue to conclude “spiritual ills” are the work of reptilian overlords or “the devil” and this is rather unfair. Humans would do well to focus on the plank in their own eye. This is not to say problems pertaining from how genetic hierarchies are striated and manipulated (deliberately or otherwise) don’t play a part in collective or individual transgression. How much does an unwanted child pollute the group equilibrium? When unwanted children reproduce themselves, does karmic accord somehow reset or does each unwanted child cause expanded spiritual schism? Was each unwanted child to regress spiritual potential of the human group well, then, perhaps birth termination is righteous. But such view equally rather pushes the onus back to individual propriety. All attempted procreation must desire positive birthing result while society doesn’t accept new life “is” evidence of divine rite of passage. If societies recognized any new child was “wanted” by someone, anyone, then deliverer becomes superfluous. Under such circumstances, though physical dynamics of binary family trinity remains, the “group” has spiritually evolved sufficiently to see beyond the individual “ownership”. Sincere adoption is a step towards collective responsibility. My Jesus effect accusation leveled at reptilians is not necessarily association that permeates bad will. Whilst I am concerned about polarization of “unquestionable” ideology, overall messaging from phenomenon is genuinely uplifting and progressively positive.

The idea of collective responsibility goes beyond reflecting on (or “finger pointing”) spiritual betrayal demonstrated by selfish behaviour of “the other”. Was the group to take moral precedence upholding reasoned, responsible wishes of lone individuals (which “had been” the premise of institutional government), then the idea of an effervescent “holistic” network that imbues archetypical human (such as “Jesus”) is already intrinsically prepared. Definitions emanating from a long list of characters over history, including Moses, have made effort to cast institutional “higher human”. Of course, adoption of lore is very much open to the mercy of interpretation of individuals; comprising lesser human designate. Not only that. Without concordant grass roots resonance, higher human risks diverging so far out of step with his followers, messaging (and associated authority) is viewed as toxic. Consequentially, morality has changed over the ages, but not just as a symptom of grass roots disillusionment and rebellion. Religious movements (which ultimately morphed into governments) gradually became more and more adept at distorting “good will” to fit political objective microcosms. The end result has been the crisis that poses as modern day ethics. The point I am trying to make here is, before we pick on corrupt Gods as provoking ills of mankind, perhaps we should look closer to home first. Hypocrisy of the current Gaza “war” is no better example. Israel has presumed right to mass slaughter (as righteous “chosen people”) by branding an entire population “terrorists”.

We know (from information I have been obliged to discuss many times) that Sirian ancestors were stripped of their extraordinary powers over successive devolutions. Current genus is unable to make war at all without unbearable karmic consequences. That is why reptilian proxies were used in the attempted and failed annihilation of “mischievous” grey skinned beings (according to Vedic texts announcing proclamations of God Perun) after they used Earth ice moon “Falah” (which means sky satellite in cosmic tongue) as refuge. Whereas Sirians were “technically” only indirectly involved, destruction of Bel was the karmic price paid, proving karma cannot be “outdone”. Such knowledge makes nonsense of Talmudic principle that stresses spiritual neutrality of Jewish culpability over wanton destruction of Gaza. Ultimately, collapse and subsequent end of mythical Atlantis was God’s answer to earlier impropriety of the Sirians. Modern day Jews may brag of their immunity and impunity, but I assure God will deliver the final answer. Religious scholars assure us that any legendary day of judgement is an individual reconciliation before God. Yet, immediately a spirit passes from the body, time ceases to exist and everything reverts to timeless realms. So, why would the day of judgement be an individual affair? Evidence suggests that all humans will be judged in union. Perhaps there will be more than one judgement. Perhaps these judgements happen periodically (from the linear perspective). What is certain is precipice will either ensure evolution or devolution. Specific spirits that have ingratiated themselves in spite of bad group circumstances would adopt different, more profitable life systems for future incarnations.

In accordance with divine perspective, were any lifeform sufficiently lacking in potency to cross a designated red line well, then offence would risk “flawed design” being wiped from existence altogether. God, we learnt from Big Bang, is reactionary, but only when provoked. In effect, the Big Bang purge precisely enacted mass erasures of spiritual identities. Big Bang demonstrated God could not be pushed a step too far. There is another consequence of karma, which enables Big Bang judgement. Partly because the “group” is far more potent than any individual, sufficiently spiritually advanced societies evolve as hive minds (Star Trek’s “borg” concept offers a negative though pertinent portrayal). Lack of visibility is lack of transparency. In light of political manipulation across our natural realms, any suggestion of eavesdropping would be met with shrieks of “dystopian” dismay but, in practicality, even reptilians use limited synthesisation of networked mind. Functionality, for them, is enabled by technology (Elon Musk’s brain chip a human attempt at implausible replication?) but network participants only need to be volunteers. Advantages are so well understood; I know of no cases of individuals rejecting opportunity to join vaunted groups. Indeed, it could be said the opposite is true. Such are perceived benefits; inclusion would be considered a social privilege with those missing out being literally “kept in the dark”. Perhaps a plausible analogy accommodates anyone rejecting the internet on grounds of security concerns. In practicality the “insecure” internet has become the key to information and those that doesn’t use it socially and intellectually devolve.

It is no accident that I continually reference the Jews and Israel throughout this essay. There are too many coincidences to deny the likelihood that a very small insular core associated with “Zionism” are privy to unpublished knowledge, preserved since the fall of Atlantis. For instance, few will know Sanskrit was conceived from the root of universal language. Never be confused by “relevance” of unrelated sprawl adopted as a preferred text for Indian Hindi or other dialects. From the time Sanskrit “without script” was recognized as a script, it had been long corrupted. Compelling arguments exist presenting Australian aboriginal “moon tongue” as an even purer version, but I digress. Here intrigue begins. Expanding on accounts from “The Andreasson Affair”, a Grey Being communicating through regressed abductee “Betty” explains his message to humanity (encapsulated in a little blue book) is [written in] “base 32”. I can read some of the words used taken from his paraphrased short announcement. These confirm the language is a version of cosmic script. Message details do not contribute to this analysis. For this analysis, the important point is base 32 is a crucial confirmation. Asci code comprises one such base 32 alphabet and, though there are those that claim computers and relevant code were “channeled” into existence by timely clairvoyants, I will not dwell on importance here either. Way back (in one of my first related articles) I revealed Hebrew script is cut down cosmic alphabet. Hebrew has twenty-two unadorned consonants, so why did ancient scholars add ten further consonants (emphasized when “pointing” was introduced) to created base 32 alphabet if they knew nothing about the cosmic legacy?

Main aims of this essay decode infrastructure preserving an existential network that literally “locks” humanity in place. Term “regression” made an entry when I introduced Raymond Fowler’s book. In twilight circles such forms of hypnosis are regarded to be infallible (when the subject offers transparent account). Yet the regression process is also a giant clue as to the composition and instrumentation of the network that “holds” human in position. Where did the expression “he’s sleeping” [referring to deceased] originate? As I age, I have noticed the “lucid” transition from sleeping to waking state extends more and more. Being optimistic, when I eventually manage to reach my eighties (cough cough), will I see spirits walking with me? Ancients were particularly concerned over dream state invasions. Thinking about this, perhaps mediums such as LSD or ayahuasca induce dream state as version of cognizant reality or fusion of dream state and cognizance. The idea that dream state is an eternal, continual process that, by design only allows us to tune in when we sleep resonates with me. If we were to assume such was fundamentally true, then death would simply represent the step of “casting off” to formally reunite with “renewed” cognizant eternity. Knowledge certainly switches traditional view as to role and potency of reality’s juxtaposition with dream state. Such considerations can but conclude dream state is reality, and reality, its shadow, a relatively incoherent nightmare.

My book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” notes that there are likely many more divisions than “conscious” and “subconscious” states. Death announces the peeling away of each layer. Whereas Pane Andov cogently argues layers prophetically amount to thirty-two divisions, instinct tells me true figures are lower in number. Perhaps the nine divisions classifying dimensional states relevantly impact considerations here, but I am prepared to concede potent densities are equally valid separators too. Even so, when factoring enablement by reproduction, physical life offers a form of eternity itself. By extension, reproduction (whether natural or synthetic) is the instrument used for genetic expansion. Therefore, if there was growth across all dimensions, this would mean that the Anunaki also need to reproduce. Motive behind reproduction would not necessarily parry with common needs of lower realms. Taking the idea of expansion literally, when a human body becomes bloated, this is not always the result of desired action or indeed even a mitigated strategy. Obesity might be an effect of hypertension, caused by extraneous factors. Other forms could well be result of applied gluttony. Taking comparison up to spiritual heights, arguably result of hubris from its own creation, Anunaki collectivization was a continuous evolution of energies; once residues of Big Bang. Could the “worm that turned” (from the prior universe incarnation) have sought solace by becoming something so big (too big to fail), legitimacy of its right to [absolute] power had to go undisputed in the new universe?

Did unchecked zeal towards awesome collectivization gathered elements that didn’t belong, weren’t natural? To answer this, and before I unpack historic legacy, logic persuades everything associated with our solar system must have been originally connected to the Anunaki. That includes Zetas, alpha draconians. Lyrans, Lumerians and all humanoid types. That includes every entity type, physical or metaphysical, ever recorded and many others that are not regularly known. Earth appears to be a conservation point of roots preserving numbers of past decipherable convergences and, if considerations are widened to add Tiamat histories, my existential “home” would extend to welcome considerable varieties of other types, whether that be species or spirits. For idiosyncrasies of these varied evolutions, we need to travel back to the beginning; to the very unfolding and rebuilding of reality and its many layers. Philosophy concerning immediate impact of Big Bang is where science opinion roughly matches practical occurrence. An instant after Big Bang, a mind boggling explosion of energy precipitated out into the “void”, energy that had collected and “compacted”, consequence of God’s violent reaction. Assessment of the void (the place where science opinion loses all practical coherence) decries any notion theoretical absence was “nothing”, because energy must “bind” with “something” to be. In effect, that “something” is potency. Energy needs potency to be. Indeed, without potency, nothing would exist. There would only be absence. Accordingly, where science determines there is “nothing”, reference is actually being made to pure potency.  Strangely though, there is a paradox, because from the unadulterated materialist perspective, potency equates to nothing. On the other hand, materialism is born from static illusion and, as such, largely denies elements and constants essential to building reality constructs.

Though Albert Einstein profoundly recognized gaping flaws in materialism, in light of his corporate indoctrination, daren’t offer any more than glimpses of affirmation. Einstein recognized, to his credit (and his horror), that materiality was etched from light, which is a series of pulse signals full of holes. Visible effects permit no straight lines. Tiny orbs of light (atoms) constituting illusory “reality” appear to be deliberately calibrated (such as mass) to append existence functionality. It is likely Einstein would have considered possibility for external powers (aided with sufficient tool chest) of being able to change calibration or even switch off atoms. He confirmed existence was static while generating the illusion of “solidity”. Unconsidered by Einstein, though Big Bang announced a time prior to activation of atoms, supporting infrastructure was present and this is what we call the void. The void, in one sense, is the bridge between real and eternal. Upon announcement of Big Bang only white light precipitated, which means at the very beginning of new existence, no frequencies were available to permeate material reality [as we experience it]. This startling inevitability forced a rewrite of my opinions as to the very nature of the Anunaki and even corresponding true “value” of spirituality. From the utopian perspective, if It was possible to distinctly separate good from evil, does either emotive branding limit or extend domain spirituality? Could God legitimately be branded evil per selfish human paradigm?

Regardless of which religious doctrine scrutinised, “God” has been essentially created by humans for humans, so any philosophy that represents actual will of God is coincidental. In this context, God is not comprehended and neither is potency of phoenix rebirth. To understand the rise of the phoenix, we must return to the time just before Big Bang. The old incarnation was violently collapsed in one giant sweep, an all-consuming wave which had the effect of compressing all the parts. Thus everything that “was” before had been condensed as a consolidation into one giant star. One giant star comprised the collective resource of everything that had existed prior. Because no (physical) record exists, it is unclear whether the immense energy ball collective was the original Satan (or Blessed) star, but I suspect not. Satan, in context, is the collective wisdom of God, so It was either original or a reincarnation. Whichever the case, one giant portal acted as funnel to reinvest all the energies that had been collected to permit a brave new universe. It is possible Gnostic legends referring to Sophia presented elements of truthfulness relative to Big Bang. Simple deduction concludes everything that was released into the new universe was made of white light, which constitutes seven heavenly states as exampled from Sophia’s legacy. At least part of that legacy must be what is now known as Anunaki. However, Anunaki were instrumental in the precipitation of a finite black universe (made from back light) and were also [by proxy] probably the agents behind the creation of what we experience as material existence. Such opinion is more than confirmed by Bek-ti’s “creation” account as reported by Robert Morning Sky in Terra papers.

Previous essays of mine did internally debate over the question of whether the Anunaki had “partial access” to heavenly domains. It is clear now they must have begun as complete frequencies that resonated heavenly state. We must consequentially prepare ourselves for uncomfortable truth, given menacing aspects of reputation legacy (illustrated by Zoroaster’s code of defiance). “Heaven” does not necessarily match picture postcard framing by most religions or Hollywood zealots who apparently represent most noble human ideals. So, if heaven does amount to purity, what are origins of elements that naturally evoke or provoke discord? Are these exclusively limited to black light domains? Annoyance, intolerance, sense of right, sometimes perhaps only bad vibes and a range of other subtler character definitions can lead to war. Wars are either reactive or culminating evolutions of character disillusionment (note how Israel has crossed the red line “in the global public eye” because of this). Without besmirched assorted character definitions, so-called “seven deadly sins” would hold no water. These include greed, gluttony, avarice, sloth, wrath and so on. But here’s the critical point. All bad behaviours (or so attributed) are immediately disarmed when they are tolerated. An obvious statement, maybe, but a vital one nonetheless. Why are certain actions or outcomes tolerated and other not? Critically, we humans take for granted how essentially important and game changing character traits are.

Gnostic folklore does seem to understand equations, heavenly states each defined as different character sets, including state of grace, state of majesty and so on. Yet, at one extreme, to be truly awesome is to be terrifying. It follows that heralding from white light domains does not necessarily denote feeble demeanour. Qualities of holiness and ferociousness have potential to overlap. All states, whether white or black, offer potential to be. That is all. Virtues (or perhaps “sins”) are how states affect being and are judged for affection or disaffection. Traditionally humility, charity, chastity (a fraud calculated from inner discipline), gratitude, temperance (another version of inner discipline), patience and diligence are touted as heavenly virtues. However, the unimaginable concentration of energies that collected as Anunaki after Big Bang included many other traits, some remaining uncategorised. These, such as balance within harmonic order, often go beyond human capacity to comprehend. There were also different varieties of resilience, which included the very desire to exist at all. Perhaps one of the reasons energies collected in the manner they did is they were forced together “by God” (as it were) and this would explain proclivity towards tragic splintering of the Anunaki. Though, I do concede that at the “moment of collectivization”, steps seemed right and appropriate for all parts of the acting equilibrium (which was God complete because everything had been compressed as a single star), they were destined to detach from each other to become individuals. Dichotomy maybe, but this rather stresses the essential nature of cultures.

Fatal differences in character became apparent, only over duration. Collectivisation originally happened because circumstances had ensured necessity. Over duration, new circumstances, outcome of experience, decreed compartmentalization. However, fragmentation was not merely the result of different departments exercising the right of self-determination. Hallowed “group” also made successive purges. Elements that were purged were no longer considered suitably worthy kith or kin. Disenfranchised parts were deemed “related” to the group, whereas outright rejections were not. Of course, this immediately highlights two obvious schisms. It is impossible to disown what you were. Any change to the group (no matter how infinitesimal) would alter balance of things (that were), perhaps radically. I have identified seven divisions (seven rays?) of the Anunaki, each one changing character and ambitious articulation of the whole. If the original collection had been ordained by God (by forcing elements together), could fragmentation potentially precede disaster? Perhaps equally importantly, how would that implicate descendent ranks, such as human? Without doubt, Zoroaster’s reaction to “a pariah force” (antipathy of balance) more than indicates that God’s plan had already fallen asunder by then.

I have written extensively about an oppressive “supremacist” streak running down the reptilian lineages (via alpha draconian genetic pathways). Could Zoroaster’s reflections on ephemeral entrapment have been related? Ironically, no. The Anunaki had shed the energy responsible for alpha draconian lineages long before Zoroaster existed, so the cause must have been consequence of something else. Resilience equations (mentioned earlier) do come with a negative side. Did the Anunaki presume an absolute right to interfere with their “own body” (noting, lower spiritual hierarchies are ultimately a direct correlation of Anunaki will). Extended arguments could be applied to our own spiritual ownership of our own physical bodies. In this regard, wise warning, “the body is the temple” deserves heeding. Following debate perhaps provides a better, more rigid forum for discussion. Does a human mother “own” the will of her child in spite of the relationship having been ordained by God as means to expand scope of life systems? Prophet Zoroaster’s umbrage was an extension of that argument and judgmental reflection on what constitutes divine purpose. Correspondingly, according to the prophet, Anunaki had overstepped the mark on role and rite. Putting protection requirements to one side, equating comparable divine perspective against mothers’ rights, parental responsibility must not interfere with natural sibling rite of passage.

Divisions (that are not synthetic) constructed within open source reality can only be distinctly defined by those with knowledge of them is another observation which often goes overlooked. Those without knowledge can be manipulated, are prone to baseless judgement. True knowledge is inherent but this may be defined by capability to learn. Because purposeful enlightenment can only be attained, reality cannot be fabricated to control outcomes at any level of spiritual identity. Conversely when fantasy coordinates false reality, spiritual identity is forsaken or lost. Therefore, scrupulous journeyers are compelled to follow the clean path. Divisions in spiritual grades are marked by differing subjective reality paradigms. So it goes without saying, for a higher order to directly intervene in affairs of a lower one, occurrence would risk contamination of enlightenment. Enlightenment, it must be stressed again, can only be attained. Suffice to say, humanity (the group) may be considered as the Anunaki “lower body”, but (according to divine order), forces of inertia must rely on natural spiritual direction of this calculus for the body to be “at one” with the spirit. Neither body can interfere with spirit nor spirit interfere with body, beyond progressive, influential measures. Direction is achieved through attainment.

So it follows the Anunaki are able to indirectly compel human passage, learning process facilitated through “signs”. Because, relative to each other, realities are fundamentally striated, it is only possible for direct connection between fields within immediate proximity of different bandwidths. Likewise, standard human waking state is too far adrift to make tangible connection with Ba’al. However, by adopting altered state, ancients were reputedly able to make cordial interactions of sorts. This seems to suggests activation of [otherwise latent] parts of our gene spectrum might prepare capability to liaise all the way up to the Anunaki. By transcending into timelessness, I can personally connect with the essence of Anunaki and beyond. No direct “one on one” communication could ever happen in this body, but I am able to gauge a sense of what they are in terms of “state of being”. That feeling is a combination of peace and expectation, but there is something else, which I initially assessed as pride. To be more precise, pride is (in effect) an emotional vent or opinion. The feeling I felt went beyond opinion. It felt as though they knew they had a right to be what they were and they celebrated this right. Perhaps “ordainment” is the word I am scrambling for. Deep down, every human questions his or her divine status, regardless of pride or bluster. Anunaki do not. Anunaki are resolute as to what they are.

Before returning to background behind historic Anunaki reformations, the tenuous nature of primary conception is worth evaluating further. Descartes’ premise “I think; therefore, I am” has some application here. For philosophy to be true, essence of awareness’ very being relies on cognizance [to be]. In my infant years, when I was unaware of self, I still existed. I grew and was unaware of the fact, until I became aware of the fact, when my cognizance came into being, miraculously. As an immense, immerging being, Anunaki (the union) went through its own infant stage; where the parts were unaware of the whole. It was at this vital stage of development that the part now labelled “Thoth” became detached from the whole. Thoth appears to have joined an external “alien” group of energy fields, which include Zeta grey being and Mantid heritage. One of the significant reasons that the Anunaki group was not “born” cognizant is the parts were not networked to a hive mind. As far as I know, they became aware of each other but each had independent thought. Of course, identities harmonizing via hive mind remove opportunity or need for independent thought, though thought at its root is consistently “independent”. Main advantage of hive mind is disillusion of dispute, which precipitates balance; ultimate objective of divinity. So how this relates to the Anunaki? Well, as all subset hierarchies are naturally independent, they are less inclined towards divine spirituality than the other. Even so, as identified earlier in this essay, the “Draco” at least have created cut down versions of hive mind, aided by technology. As such, they gradually edge towards utopia.

It seems plausible that the later infamous split dividing Sirian ancestry from Anunaki whole is another consequence impacted by ability to be cognitive. Ultimate quest for identity, at its most fundamental, is to see and approve of one’s own image. Concurrent with self-reflection, the Anunaki clearly reached schism point which proposed an untenable split in identity. To presume dispute merely encapsulated “face of God” preferences would be foolhardy, but I do interpret “discontentment of personal image” metaphor as effect of radically different “outlooks” on reality. Anunaki body separated from Sirian part had had different approaches and beliefs as to what was meant by purpose and ordination. Original state was cooperation without compatibility. Absolute right to authority (within confirmable parameters of existence) was the singular real commonality. Destiny has shown the Anunaki to have been much more obliging with external factors that qualify parameters of existence. Moving to a modern day analogy, though each is external of the other, Israelites and Palestinians are arguably “one people” bound by the land of Palestine. One people have had an identity crisis that compromises the land of Palestine. History has shown us Sirian ancestors’ uncompromising arrogance fated numerous fatal cataclysms and successive evolutionary downgrades. Does prophecy await Israel? Is prophecy being fulfilled against Palestinians? Sirian stubborn streak and antipathy towards compromise overwhelmingly contributed to partitioning of the Anunaki. Partitioning of Palestine “created” Israel, by similar circumstances.

Unless (to all intents and purposes) they had felt estranged parts of the group had always belonged, the Anunaki whole would not have created a surrogacy experiment with Sirians. Of course, on many other occasions I have exampled how disastrous the experiment turned out to be, proving, once and for all, that there had been irreconcilable differences all along. But perceptions championed solidarity, prior to wisdom being so sorely tested out in the field. At least the split was “mutual”, which cannot be said for all hierarchy “shedding”. Alpha draconian lineages (including Lyrans, blue avians and Earth reptilians) have been discussed, but they were one of the three separate evictions perpetuated after the Sirian catalyst had been put into motion. Different to “amicable” mutual resolve that decreed the Anunaki’s first reviewed partition, following estrangements were result of fundamental ejections by the whole. Subsequent to dispute, Alpha draconian lineages go “unrecognized” by the Anunaki. Other splits (I have not been given specific details on) though ostracized, are not outlawed. Reasons for this seem pertinent enough. In my very last essay I discussed negative Lyran attributes (in particular), which include the ability to distort truth and manipulate, and this possibly was weighed into considerations by the wider group.

I have yet to reveal details on two of the Anunaki shedding events. In fact, one still remains formally unidentified to me (for now). So, I would like to discuss characteristics of the remaining one that has not been evaluated thus far. Such evidence deserves highlight as genetic resources appear to have been responsible for Pleiadian lineages. Considering that [confessed] “star seeds” most commonly reference Pleiadian as the most human-like “alien”, some may be surprised at differences. Essence of the missing part of Anunaki best fits the profile of a new type of grand reptilian, but quite unlike supremacist alpha draconians. “Stoic” is the best word I can find to conjure an affectionate profile of group character. They know what they want, applying those wants to design seamless reality results. Precision of coordination or timing somewhat explains Pleiadian ability to literally construct “harmony”, although Lyrans are named so because of their understanding of the harmonics of creation. Pleiadian spiritual seniors comprehend how frequencies hold everything together in coordinated situation. When you attempt to create a cultural paradise, the temptation is to cheat. Nature is not even. Also God can only be directly experienced via idiosyncrasies of nature or corresponding energies that permit nature. To construct a paradise synthesis, corners must be cut. Because of this, perhaps the Anunaki group saw the Pleiadian inherited gift as a kind of corruption. In fairness to such opinion, Pleiadians do traditionally apply a positive form of distortion to reality paradigms. There are some exceptions to this rule. In capacity as teachers of Atlantis, they rigidly upheld Sirian spiritual principles, along a flexible “rite of passage” (or learning through discovery) format, although may have used some of their special techniques to improve illumination processes.

Sirians, of course, go beyond principle and are renowned for truthful zeal. They were pitched against dragons (immoratised by St George and the dragon) in conquest over Earth. Dragons are passionate. Sirians are not, but they each have strange similarities in outlook. Expression “not to suffer fools lightly” springs to mind as a good reflection of dragon character. Compatible similarities with Sirian can be witnessed particularly by shared robust frankness of communications. Such undeniable commonality beggars’ mystery as to why a giant war over Earth ever began. I suppose those with principled character have a high degree of stubbornness and this probably was the main inspiration behind attrition. Dragons, lest we forget, are (or were) the highest “mortal” version of the Anunaki. Elementary deduction proposes their core traits must be a relevant indicator as to overall Anunaki demeanour. Indeed, I would go further to deduce that Sirians were bestowed with additional concentrations of qualities aligned to honesty and truthfulness. They were so “zealous” the group actually found them overwhelming. Was this because they were predominantly tuned to white light frequencies, whereas remainders were diluted by black light? If concentrations of black light [that had merged with white light] were fairly expansive, imbalance would go some way to explaining differences leading to the various group splitting events. It is ironical that Sirian lineages have subsequently been dragged down to black light realms because of successive cosmic impropriety. Their valiant return to white light is embroiled in the “Israel” Tradition (truth suppressed by ancestral Hebrews).

Pressing on, other information has been presented to me over the course of this investigation. According to my unannounced sources, there have been several insignificant shedding events, perhaps dozens, but the most major Anunaki split next to creation of Sirian ancestral identity is remembered simply as “RRR”. Original event happened billions of years ago, though much later energies morphed into what became cornerstone of mammalian designs. Dragons have some of this DNA in their own spectrum, delivering qualities contributing to their ferociousness. Whilst associated facts may seem far-fetched, given “scientific profiling”, Earth dinosaur tyrannosaurus rex could notably (and without any provocation) instantly transform its usual placid temperament into a furious rage dredged up from the opposite end of the spectrum. Also usually placid in character, the same could be said for dragons. I feel traits must herald from hereditary RRR presence. Contrary to corporate paleontological opinion, might all dinosaurs have played role as precursor to spontaneous introduction of Earth surface mammals? It is important to qualify, because root DNA is embedded in light, with amino acid strings only detailing “effects” of genetic composition. Genetic and quantum sciences are very limited in their vision, their corresponding audiences even more limited in understanding of the way things are. Until the atomic layer is thoroughly comprehended, geneticists will continue to operate largely in the dark.

Abductee Sixto Paz Wells has divulged his strange encounters with Ganymede based Lemurians at length. Ganymede is one of Jupiter’s moons. According to these Lemurian accounts (presuming accuracy of Wells’ annotation), Lucifer (meaning angel, bringer of light from beyond reality) himself a “sound being” (I quote) was the archangel who (with input from others) designed what became the draft plan for life system ordinations on Earth. Though the plan was not conceived thus, “survival of the fittest” is one interpretation that has inspired commercialization of interests by heretic industrialists. Purest interpretation of Lucifer’s model approximates a warrior code. As such, species are either given “attack” or “defense” virtues for survival, asset pitched below a system that was designed to be the most effective method of recycling life. Kills would always be eaten, which had not happened prior to introduction of this system. Commitment to expanding attack or defense capabilities was designed to consume life purpose. Those that didn’t want to fight could make their way and coexist on protected (hallowed) ground. That said, it was felt rugged character of the mammal in particular would compel resilience in face of all odds and this has largely proven true. Territorial abandonments are so rare; they are almost unheard of. Pastoral animals are prepared to risk life and limb to migrate, because that is the tradition (instinct) and tradition is in the blood.

Reasoning behind adaptation of Lucifer’s model deserves some background. When they were able to go to war, Sirian ancestors demonstrated formidable aggression in times of dispute. It is likely this was contributed to by the RRR component of their DNA. Aggression reached such heights, entire populations were stripped from existence, true genocides (unlike phony “brandings” used to politically advantage certain human ethnicities). Devastation to life systems was deemed dysfunctionality by Lucifer and other overseers. So to make slaughter “purposeful”, updated design of living things introduced different types of meat eaters to accommodate cleanup of the variety of expiring life systems. Interestingly, remaining SSS (what the Anunaki group was reduced to) heritage is unlikely to be as ferocious as anything on Earth, because they no longer possess the RRR streak. Dragons and Sirians, bridges to all lower living systems on Earth do have ferocity in their DNA spectrum. This means descended (combined dragon and Sirian) reptilian lineages are equally capable of behaving ferociously. Zeta stock does not share this quality. Because of the nature of human DNA, corresponding “hidden” Zeta assets are noted for their non-violent behaviour and pacifist stance. Splintering of the bulk genome has been the cause of proliferations that divide humanity into sub-groups of almost incompatible character types. This is not just because human comprises many different hybrid paths. Diversity is also caused by spirituality at the root.

Cosmic expression “ta” has been widely referenced throughout my website because it represents the boundary that separates divinity from existence, effectively segregating inner God “An” from outer God “El/Al”. “Ti” (of Nefertiti, for instance) represents physical “ordained” boundaries, perhaps used to define collective cultures. Though territories and their names have become purely symbolic, at one time where you had been placed (at birth) was your chosen destiny. Each birth deliberately added to a culture of particular flavour to suit your life path (connecting will all karmic tributaries). In outlining my case for a spiritual network commissioning the interests of “Gods”, I discussed potential for human reproduction to have been innocently compromised. If certain lands were divinely ordained to aid particular life paths, could this tie in with reproduction? Are particular peoples given attributes to provide more resilience or greater inclination towards resolute (and potentially) ferocious outbursts, more warlike in general? Ansarullah (Houthis) of Yemen have been described as some of the most natural warriors on this planet. Without financial or commercial benefit, they alone have spearheaded a front against Israel for continuing Gaza “genocide”. Ignorant pundits focus on a red sea commercial catastrophe, delirious to associated divine messaging. Particular strait that has been blockaded subliminally announces Babel (in the correct pronunciation). And so Bab El (Al)-Mandeb preserves Sirian presence on Earth? Perhaps “coincidence” was courtesy of Valiant Thor, who presides over a hidden facility. Even I could only guess where that is. Perhaps happenings are engrained in the way things are but, what is undeniable, what is certain is human is not alone.

From this perspective, we can go so far as to observe purpose of society is dual functional. Any sphere primarily exists to provide resources for developmental rite of passage. Ancients did warn against contamination of genetic strata from what amounts to “cross breeding”. Warnings were not heeded and outcomes have drastically interfered with natural design of ordinated life paths. Birth, ultimately, is a life force decision. Life force, not physical, drives an appraisal of spiritual intent. When ground map fails to follow divine ordinance, life force is thrown into confusion. Consequences are straightforward. What happens to those that are born into families of the wrong blend of compatibilities living in cultures offering comparatively alien values? Such situations prepare disaster. Unless societies are to provide sanctuary, transcending memorial birth or reproductive rite is forlorn. From such perspective, it looks as though ascendant prospects of man were rendered helpless long ago. Globalism and other industrial cults are the consequence. Man is becoming more and more bereft of spirituality as the bones of a much more powerful unseen network are gradually being revealed. Are those prophecies touting a greater-than-life “ascension” on collision course with that which is hidden in plain sight?

Does the Draconians’ False (Light) Matrix Leverage off the Ancient Atlantis Tamarian?

Does the Draconians’ False (Light) Matrix Leverage off the Ancient Atlantis Tamarian?

Doubtlessly many visitors here are now aware that I conduct live “light DNA” sessions via Skype. These are dedicated to pinpointing deep historic, likely extra-terrestrial origins of those that seek my advice. Established clients connect using a variety of mediums other than Skype. Some liaise with me regularly; others less frequently. One client in particular has presented many dream sequences (for me to decode). Responses are part of the continuous improvement effort and are not a feature of paid consultancy. She (the client) is invariably taken aback (and perhaps sometimes a little disappointed) by my interpretations. That is because prognoses are always pragmatic and down to Earth, as they should be. Needless to say, the causal effect rather underwhelms exquisite Sephardic (invariably dream influencing culprits) cultural fantasy that commonly obsessively overstates medieval traditions, complete with wizards, dragons, shining knights, maidens in distress and other lesser known trappings of that bygone era. Even so I am occasionally delivered news items so critical, it would be remiss of me not to expand the discovery tour with vigour and dedication for my universal audience.

One such titbit was received near the throes of completion of my last expansive writing project, or I thought it was complete at the time. The information was in fact so potent; it not only radically changed the structure of what I had planned to deliver prior (adding three extra weeks to the production cycle), but became the inspiration for this article too. It is fortunate that my interpretive skills are usually impeccable; because invariably messages from the other side are so distorted, either through general cultural incompatibility or a lack of empathetic resonance (I will discuss “empathy” separately later), that lesser mortals might sanely classify findings as “gobbledegook”. Perhaps my sources of feedback are unique to me, perhaps they are everywhere. All I can say is, I have some way (that I honestly cannot fathom) of interpreting “time” in raw state. Data, as served, is (how can I describe this?) “fixed” and, thus, extraordinarily hard to negotiate within the faculties of standardised perception. In effect, my route takes me to “the summary” of “everything”. That’s past, present and future combined as an unwieldy clump. This light vacuum (clump) is called many things, but I prefer to use the term “inherence” in cordial discussions. It could be said that it is there but not there at the same time.

My client (that delivered the message) understood she had been given her sensational truth by “Pleiadians”. This is remotely important and I will elaborate on reasons at the correct juncture. As presented, her terminology did not make any contextual sense to me or, at least, I instinctively felt that was the case then. The word she offered me was “tamaras”. Any keen eye will observe the tell-tale Anunaki “S” gives away a likely Sephardic signature rather than denoting the “plural” form or some other exotic declension. Upon first glance it seems like the vaguely recognisable (though unknown to humans) Atlantis motto tamarian. Dissimilar to English, all syllables or parts that build Atlantis words mean something individually. Group values are expansions or contextual extensions of individual meanings. If I take the English word “mailing” as the example, it can be broken in two to reveal a “verb stem” mail complimenting the “suffix” ing. Beyond telling the receiver what type of verb is being used, “ing” has no individual meaning. Thus, there are no conceptual similarities in Atlantean grammar because if “ing” was present it would need to individually mean something.

Tamaras can be broken into ta-ma-ra-s and each part naturally refers to something. My client’s interpretation of correct translation is vague, so I must return to the drawing board and approach the determination to comprehend as a detective hunts for clues from unknown “sources” to piece together a formal picture of evidential truth. My limited knowledge of ancient scripts (such as Sanskrit) is enough to glean sibylic meanings might vary so greatly, depending on how they were pronounced, a cornucopia of possibilities might thwart my efforts. Nevertheless, the honest sleuth would be able to configure an appropriate logical connection between all pieces of grouped words (such as tamaras) even from a haystack of options. “Ta” [in this instance] would need to contextually “fit” with all the other parts of tamaras to be the correct translation version of the varied possibilities.

My last writing project made a cameo out of a hypothetical Pharisee engineered plot implicating the utopian objective of controlling humanity under the banner of “Zionism”. Some symmetry may be gleaned from Sirian articulation of “justice”, so there will likely be several crossovers here. Indeed, the biblical “tower of Babel” metaphor amply demonstrates the whims of those that devote themselves to developing the interests of Zionism. Sirians at least gave the unclean “options”. Though banishment from the citadel was to precede a harsh life in the wilderness for years on end, it was better than the “living death” offered today. Our Sirian-reptilian partnership has proven to be a dangerous one. It brought down Atlantis so who would dare think otherwise? The modern “living death” condition was highlighted in my last article. Its powerful message should be contemplated deeply (it is that which is “between the lines” that shines):

“Unlike hypotheticals monstrously resurrected to become living satires by our kangaroo courts, I make no prejudgement here”

Societies have evolved into an epitome of preconceptions under synthetic regulations. To judge “on merit” is to honour. Unconditional prejudgement is a symptom of frivolous cowardice. Those devoid of any integrity choose this path. If presumptions are to be made, they must be done with fair basis to be of honourable intent, for perpetual reasoned logic blazes the avenues leading towards righteousness. Therefore we have to take care we are able to isolate preconceptions. Interpretive issues, particularly when overzealously trying to stress desired results, can easily escalate into the manufacture of falsehoods. It should be duly noted that old “basis” can and will distort new balance sheets. For instance, prior to even thinking of how to address this article, I had in mind the bare faced assumption that the Draco had somehow “defiled” that which is possibly the greatest of all ancient Atlantis legacies.  As the Draco is generally given a very negative press (something I will muse over later), it is understandable that I might occasionally (albeit inadvertently) lose grip of sound intellectual discipline. I initially erred but, given my foolish subservience to popular distortion, what’s particularly annoying in this case is the answer was right under my very nose if I had bothered to inspect the detail carefully right at the start.

I had not merely been offered a solitary bland Atlantis motto, but two very different scintillating connotations that begged for my dedicated interpretation.  After applying myself, the result was better than I could have possibly dreamt of in my wildest imagination. I had been presented the cause of all wars. “Tamaras” and “tamarian” may well look similar, but conceptual meanings are so radically different they are almost opposites. For comprehension, we must first evaluate the true relevance of the pioneering work of the great Pharaoh Akhenaten. Naturally, the real legacy of Akhenaten is so important that past evil forces have obscured anything of note from view. Censored fragments have been constructed in such a way as to distort original messages into irrelevance. Only those with access to the Akashic Records might discern fact from hapless fiction. One unlikely truth has stood the test of time though.

To the Pharisees’ dismay, historians’ consensus often favours Akhenaten’s invention of a uniform omnipresent God. Evidence of that discovery can be found in all common religious philosophies concerning the “oneness of existence”. But die-hard Pharisees still bluster ignorantly about the power of their YHWH creature (and its “unlikely” Greek etymology). The great Pharaoh knew the truth and the truth delivered us (phonetically) A-mon (although English prayer verses traditionally end A-men). Conceptually preceding Atlantis folklore “An” (A- being shorthand) has always represented the “shell” of the Almighty God. Remarkably, Babylonian annals (that roughly compare with the Jewish holy Talmud or divinely inspired oral record) are called “mo’ed”. With respect to “mo’s” positioning within “A-n”, I determine that Akhenaten (who may have lived in a much more distant past era than makes for popular conjecture) was referring to manifest spiritually as accorded by holy prosperity. The metaphor (Amon) reads something like this.

Break open the shell and you will find true divinity

Amon may have been the envy of contemporary elites seeking enlightenment, but this would have meant nothing to ordinary folks alien to intellectual passion. They needed spirit only as this is always enough to ensure the following of precise orders (doctrines) “from above”. When divine arbiters turn out in reality to be selfishly corrupt politicians, then all sorts of malfeasance can result. Even so, prosperity informs us the spirit that partners with Amon is normally called “Re” (which is an improper transliteration). Instead, it should be inscribed as “Ri” and pronounced in the same way “ray” (i.e. ray of light) is expressed in English. It highlights an essential fact. The downfall and subsequent murder of Akhenaten (whose missing body is still held by the Draco “in stasis”) coincided with a raging philosophical battle between worshippers of Amon-Ri and “Ra” (prominent sun God) occultists. Babylonian sun-worship was later rebranded Sol Invictus by the Romans sympathetic to pharisaic causes. Unsurprisingly it is the inspiration behind the Illimunati splinter aptly termed “Babylonian Brotherhood” (to which ex American President George W Bush is allegedly a recruit).

Sol Invictus (under Constantine) would assume the basis for cultural interpretation of Christianity in its final rebrand as Catholicism, so (obscured) sun-worship impacts the lives of a significant percentage of modern day populaces. In order to elevate his cult, Constantine purged all Gnostic texts that obstructed his mission. Original Druid mystery schools have been rendered obsolete (although some of that deep knowledge can be found in sections of the Jewish Kabbalah). The heinous tradition of censorship has not ceased. Dead Sea Scrolls and other significant parchments have been vetted as to not ruffle status-quo (in my opinion). Even so, a clear move away from materialistic values makes the Nag Hamadi texts essential reading. Whereas the rather obvious attempts to censor purity makes evidence against the uniform Pharisees’ cause seem “vague”, tenets of truth are impossible to blemish (ultimately availing the dedicated and allowing universal purpose to shine). Logos has not been promoted in vain and those with determination and presence of mind will find their Holy Grail.

It is no irony that the distinctive essential difference between tamaras and tamarian is found in the conflict remonstrating pedestrian belief in overt (physical) “Ra” which is opposed to the comparatively unpopular sympathetic demystification of covert (metaphysical) “Ri”. To fully appreciate how things came to be as they were in Atlantis times and as they are now, precise understanding of how the cosmos “works” is a prerequisite. Indeed, the great tyranny administered by superficial leaders ever since the fall of Atlantis is deliberately in place to confuse the masses as to what the true, purposeful properties of the heavens and underlying existences are. There is no better example to be found to signify how prominent roles were “forgotten” than by valid conceptualisation of critical philosophic differences between “Ra” and “Ri” even though some (given their programing by forces of evil) might correctly (from the empirical standpoint) argue each is “the same thing”. Others approaching the question with sensitivity would more precisely determine that “Ra” is a spiritual abomination because any perceived consolidation with divine “Ri” simply is not true. Is the sauce bottle edible? Ra has always been the device that delivers (i.e. “the deliverer”) Ri.

How am I to signify the momentous contextual differences between Ra and Ri “in laymen’s terms” in a fashion that might be appreciated universally?

The best way to start I think is to reference my last article again. That discussed various adjustments that both separated and coordinated body and mind. Here it might be observed that Ra represents the “body” of God, whereas Ri acts as divine “mind”. In that capacity, our sun (which is possibly a transplant several times removed) assumes Ra’s structured identity. Seasoned researchers should already be aware stars are not arbitrary (and otherwise useless) “inanimate objects” that happen to light our skies (in the atheistic sense). In cosmic terms, each star is a living entity no matter what the perceived status. Things actually become slightly more complicated when comprehension is tested to the limit, because each enormous orb can reproductively expand to form giant “family” networks that cover what might seem impossibly large catchment areas. Every network becomes and is an “entity” in its own right. Some networks are able to group together (assimilation and not “survival” is the fundamental principle of universal existence) and these galaxies can literally accommodate thousands of stars.

As I outline in my book The Beauty of Existence Decoded, stars fulfil the need to grow and (therefore) reproduce like any other entity.   The method they use is sadly conventional and closely copies our fungi spooring processes (or is that the other way round?). Therefore it could be said an individual sun is the equivalent of a “cell” or even a “particle” that collaborates with others to collectivise in order to become a functional body. Therefore, to call any individual cell (i.e. Ra) “the body” is nothing short of dishonesty. Capping off occultist distortion of values, in Ra’s case the roles and purposes of heavenly bodies have been so overlooked (or, rather, grotesquely twisted to suit interests of religious miscreants), they are virtually conceptually unknown. I find it ironic that the supposedly faithful have no effective parameters to refer to that will quench any thirst for raw spirituality.

Similar to the pyramidal hierarchy that is the human body, the divine mind needs a physical asset “to be” (and express itself – true “causality”). When Ra is presumed to “control” material functionality, truth has been turned inside out. The body is nothing more than a very useful vehicle. Thus Ra (in the context of sun worship) is actually evidence of the denial of mind’s role (an atypical symptom of rationalistic atheist materialism) in cognitive performance. This and other mysterious effects are the metaphysical property of spiritual domains. Consequentially, everything that thinks has a conscience-of-sorts. The mind is not illusory steam. Indeed, the reverse is so for after brain service ceases, the mind carries on. Conscious being is eternal whereas the body and all its parts are a semblance tuned to a specific dimensional paradigm.

It needs no great detective to deduce the Ra concept is something the Pharisees would greatly appreciate. Did not Moses begin the conquest to undermine God’s spirituality when he issued the original “commandments”? In addition to their bias towards stockholders, all ten either encourage denial of truth or open deceit. His “God” seems to expect compliance in the same way medieval torturers “validated” confessions. Though it has not been historically confirmed (largely due to that grand legacy of misinformation), it would not surprise me if it turned out that, prior to the formulation of Judaism, the Pharisees were the original usurpers directly after the fall of Atlantis. Were these the “Hyksos” (reinvented as Babylonian dynasts in the “official” historic account) or some other version attached to the Varangian Guard? Incorporating Akhenaten’s “universal God” into their folklore was more than theft. The Jewish YHWH judgemental aberration is devoid of conscience. It is pitched as the ultimate authority for authority’s sake. The “cause” has promoted doctrines that are as childish and spiteful as they are desperately unfair. No wonder man, according to religious texts, appears so much more eloquent and morally just than the remotely holy.

Jealous, selfish man would not exceed expectation was he to be classed as a spiritual imp. Yet he dares to dictate to God?

The Pharisees ignore and deny the essence of God. All manners of evidence to the effect can be sought in our material sciences, nominal religious dogmas and the endless commercial-political conspiracy designated to prepare slaves. Ri is the glue that binds existence, but spirituality also inhibits the Pharisee’s cause. Nevertheless, comprehension of the censored astral is critically important if the Atlantis tamarian concept is to be appreciated. There is no representation for spiritual glue in the word “tamaras” and for good reason. On face value tamaras is the product of manipulators that desire to use the shell (Ra) as their icon for control. It goes without saying that the tamaras must fashionably double as that which is colloquially known as the “False [light] Matrix”. Albeit the former signifies philosophic intent and the latter refers to proto-physical infrastructures, they are the same. In relation to the tamarian however, all concepts leverage off the same basic identify framework in different ways.

Fortunate for us Atlantis expressions “evolve” and we can clearly see tamaras and tamarian have shared components. Therefore once we are able to decode all syllables as individual standalone words, we will be in a stronger position to impress plausible grouped meanings that contextually rely on all parts. This quest needs some vital background before we embark. For instance, our contemporary sciences’ impotence regarding cosmic matters will reflect poorly on findings (i.e. findings will likely contradict or defy mainstream opinion). Scientists’ errors are so widespread that everything particularly very small or very big is disaffected. The removal of Stephen Hawkins will change nothing. In my protest, I see no purpose in attempting to benchmark findings under error to be “politically correct”, so I rightly ignore whimsical physicists. Atoms, I reveal in The Beauty of Existence Decoded, are universal catalysers. In that capacity, all the components of dimensional frequency configurations are simultaneously generated within “time windows”. No quantum theory has come close to unravelling the “mystery” behind the truth beyond string and superstring “anticipations”.

This must be appreciated before broaching the discovery tour as the tamaras and the tamarian equally leverage off the quantum layer; which is (contrary to mainstream physics opinion) an infinite ultra-manifest mesh that does much more than merely completing existence. All atoms must be suitably matched to connect which, by that determination, excludes “nothing”. There is an illusory void which satisfies the requirement to punctuate the dynamics of electro-magnetism but true “nothingness” is not part of existence and that is why neither tamaras nor tamarian make mention of it. The quest to decode terms has not been straightforward by any means. My reticence to benchmark findings against flawed, bloviating sciences also removes consistency, so I have to be careful. Terms have proved impossible to compare against anything that categorically justifies their correctness. Even so intuitive faith will provide logos when administered sincerely.

The legacy that was the Atlantis language has been completely lost (or perhaps violated) and this is why historians “question” the very existence of associated ancient civilisations. Was it not for Plato, I wonder if anyone would bother even to hunt for mythical lands. Thus all I can confirm (from inherent truth sources) is the peoples of Atlantis used numerous scripts (as is the way today) because they originated from different locations and cultures. However meanings were congruous because only one language free of dialects was synthesised by the numerable occasioned alphabets, so oral “Chinese” could be understood by English and Ethiopians alike. Scripts represented the sole common language. It was only after the fall of Atlantis that cultural divergence led to the erosion of prior common word meanings and scripts became contextual languages in their own right. This breakdown is “celebrated” by the Pharisees under auspices of the “Tower of Babel” account in the Bible. Their unsung great coup was to manufacture universal ignorance amongst men with the view to ultimately groom “world leaders” in their image.

Earthly sources have fortunately (and perhaps a little fortuitously) shed some light on our conundrum (i.e. how to decode two unknown and erstwhile obsolete Atlantis concepts?). Unbeknownst to common ancestors, many modern day languages with deep historic origins still maintain a little of the magnificence of the former great civilisation. Logic persuaded that answers would be found in Sanskrit, yet fate had other plans for me. By a strange coincidence, the syllables I needed to translate were remarkably alive and well. Everyday notations of missing parts were present in Maori tribal scripts. Cultural meanings only needed to be slightly adjusted to bring clarity to the discovery quest. Perhaps this New Zealand coincidence is not as startling as might be first considered. The Maoris were the only nationals that effectively stood up against the tyranny of [British] Imperialists. That legacy is fearsomely coveted by modern populations as it should be.

There were no isolated syllable “stand alone” meanings to be found. By example, tapu (ta-pu) is a sacred ceremonial dagger. “Ta” to my frustration always seemed to be connected to other components (such as “pu” in tapu’s case). I feel sure that Sanskrit might reveal unembellished values for all syllables, but I have no more than a quaint appreciation of the language. Even so, there is a good broad base to work from and I have also collected some obvious “foundation stones”. We have already reviewed “Ra” and “Ri” at some length. “An” (almighty God) is another. Explanations need to work “individually” and within “group formats”. Therefore “Ta” in likely correct context would mean “sacred”. “Ma” similarly converts to “life force”. Emphasised earlier, “S” implies the wave or flowing current of existence (sometimes metaphorically expressed as “oceans of space”). It further marks the divide of Yin Yang. According to Robert Morning Sky, ‘S” was the most ancient representation of what I regularly term “Anunaki”.

It is interesting that the Hebrews (under the Pharisees) dropped traditional “An”, replacing it with the abomination YHWH. Understandably (given the Pharisees’ puppet status below the Sephardim) An is also missing from “tamaras” and this should be enough to propose a definite link between Ra occultists, the Pharisees “laid bare” and those reptilian master planners that cautiously offered my student “advice” correlating with the theme of this essay. Pharisees’ (or “those who censor truth”) blasphemy doctrine attempts to abolish (or, at best, deny) manifest spirituality (“Ri”). YHWH is painted as a mortally biased, divisively unfair despot, because so are they too. In adjunct to their distortion of order, nature’s cycles are deemed to precipitate plausibly measurable patterns or, to put it a better way, cycles must conform to man’s mathematical calculations defining “responsible thresholds”. When this is not so, religious malfeasants sympathetic to the Pharisees’ utopian cause determine God (i.e. nature is merely an “extension” of Ra’s body) has been “infected by forces of evil” (because God himself “cannot err”).

Why does the fact Sun worshipers revelling in the cycle of life followed dreadful (pointless) superstitions (such as blood sacrifices) when cycles appeared to “break” shock? A Catholic Priest can still conduct an “exorcism” today. How is that any different? We may well currently have an atheist-materialist “globalism” culture superimposed over everything else, but modern day Pharisees are identical (in character) to prominent historic memories of them. Times have changed yes, but attitudes are still as rotten as ever. The Sephardim (guides to my student) love to lever ignorance particularly when encapsulated by “rationalism” (i.e. error or “babble” is formularised as proto “truth”). Superstitions, peculiarly potent in this current stale faux science state of apathy, make absolutely brilliant decoys to parasite off. The best ones to manipulate are those that “believe” they know it all. Widely publicised, I agree that the balance of “life energy” is very important to our invisible overseers, but I do not necessarily concur with popular prognoses for motive.

For instance, the psychotic imposition of “paedophilia” as the root of all evil is an obvious reptilian measure against humanity. It is a psy-op that leverages off the guilt and greed of motherhood. They want to cultivate an impotent youth. That’s their motive. Mothers desire unrequited power, so the psy-op is a brilliant manoeuvre and a “win/win”. To cap it off reptilians have been able to cultivate harmless, moronic human slave populations that are so whimsically spineless they support their tyrannous leaders austere agenda with open arms. Down trodden young are the easiest to influence. Once traditions are set, they are almost impossible to shake. George Orwell remarked on how quickly intellectuals were ready to fall under McCarthy’s fake communism “threat” (one of many successful attempts made to prohibit reason). Nothing has changed. In fact the state of deceit has soured to such a degree that scientists and other so-called “professionals” leave their ethics and integrity at the work gate. Reptilian will to win (“survival”) has sacrificed dignity.

The covert conflict between tamaras and tamarian has converted to human civilisations and this predetermines the prevalence towards “will to win”. Up to this point, I have only outlined meanings of each part of the two concepts.  Once full understanding is complete, evolution of human history and its underlying course of clandestine manipulation will become clearer. In that regard, put as simply as possible, tamarian literally translates as “the sacred life force which is the divine will of almighty God”. Tamaras, it could be said devalues this message in the following way “the sacred life force is the image of God which is represented by the exalted manifestation (Anunaki)”. In other words, Ra sun [God] is an idol which is the image of the Anunaki. Per these terms, illusory reality assures the life force is made “sacred” by simply manifesting. In the most contradictory fashion, the tamarian espouses true life force cannot be solid. It is something on the lines of “the mind” and the reason this is sacred is it upholds “God’s will” (or desire).

It could be argued that the tamaras implies the “physical” is the extent of everything or “God in being” (Elohim) even though it is a flexible feature of atomic frequency calibration, whereas the tamarian fails to acknowledge the relevance of “illusory existence” beyond fulfilling the instance of God’s will. This is why the Gnostics (who attempted to preserve Atlantis folklore, symbolised by the fish which represents Pleiadian Oannes) expressed creation in such alien terms. Mundane science is all but forfeited in the casting of non-physical states (majestic, graceful and so on) as the root cause behind prolific generation of “open” logical or emotional responses depending on situated “needs”. Per that equation, physical clutter has the dual metaphorical role of constantly amplifying meta-physical purpose.

Before I expose the prank the Sephardim have played on humanity’s insolence, it would best to explain what is truly meant by “the sacred life force which is the divine will of almighty God”. Beyond crass iconography and accompanying superstitions, “God” is sorely absent from general religious vision. I won’t dwell on the obvious, but what is important is God’s absence reinforces belief in superstitions (regularly tailored to suit group “agendas”) in those that are gullible enough to succumb to fantasies under the misconstrued objective of being “faithful” (i.e. I tell you something and, for you to be “faithful”, you must unconditionally believe what I say without adequate supporting evidence or provocation). There is a concrete reason for God’s supposed absence that would stun habitual atheists. There is also valid rhyme as to why divinity is hidden from laboured sight. The key to truth and accrued wisdom is always found in inspection of the detail. More detail reveals greater clarity (and that is the main reason why “religion” twists the metaphor, comparing detail to “the devil”). That is why miscreant “powers” feign [lies, damned lies and] statistics and generalities as “evidence” (sic) of truth. They (who bankroll all religions) do this to deliberately and mischievously circumvent detail and deny disaffecting logic.

Perhaps they are aware of the problem, perhaps not, but God can only be seen in absolute detail or not at all. Therefore disquieting logic dictates that omnipotence is the whole quantum layer which, in part, appends locational physicality (or, rather, summarily “points to” denoting physical localities that offer “windows” within perceptive interpretation). Suffice to say; though the quantum layer isn’t physical, it can be made so by leveraging frequency generated perception within certain astral bandwidths (or sub-astral bandwidths). Truth and knowingness is set apart from causal effects as these transcend perception and are beyond calculated fabrication. In fact that which is classed as “reality” is done so for perceptive convenience and that rather hinders any meaningful quest to “find God” or true truth. In association, the Atlantean use of the term “tamarian” was in direct reference to the quantum layer and, most significantly, the atomic resonance or “flux” effect which signifies “balanced” divine will. Imbalance in flux will lead to states of general disharmony right the way up to nuclear incidents (which impact the full astral spectrum and are not merely limited to this reality plane).

Catastrophic events permeate all the way up the astral ladder

In my last article I introduced a mysterious enclave of humanoid aliens who had been residing on the Spanish mainland in the 1950’s. Their information legacy proves they (“Ummos” is an affectionate nickname that is now commonly used to identify the “type”) were authentic. From this record, they most significantly classed only ten dimensions (that bear no relation to the mathematical irrelevance that posits reality symptoms width, breadth, depth have dimensional qualities). Seven of these fundamental bandwidths were aeons or “base states” of God, which are also sometimes referred to as the seven heavenly (astral light) states. Logic persuades that, “in order”, they would occupy positions three to nine up the astral ladder. Dimension ten would be the culmination of everything; a repository of “raw time” that permanently sits “in the present”. That leaves dimension one and two and deduction impresses these are configured “dark light” holographic universes. In case anyone misses it, here I inadvertently (lol) identify plausible reasons for foreboding over the so-called “ascension” of man.

In light of this, it seems to me that our material reality plane is most likely hosted in the lower of the two dark dimensions. If ascension rumours prove valid, we are on the cusp of our bandwidth and will make the necessary imminent transition to “Tara” when the tamarian executes relevant changes in our DNA (delivered by the tamaras). Though the effect will be a technically spiritual evolution, man will have no comprehension of naked “epinoa” (which is commonly disfigured by dishonourable religious bluster) in motion. That which comes from God aligns with logic, truth and knowingness and this is why creative talent is pure. For God, there is no “best way”. There is only “the way [that works]” (which may mean infinite numbers of possible routes between A and B that could reduce upon “specific intentions”, such as “I need to travel between identified points within an hour”).  God’s intent is definitely not a predisposition towards group lobotomy for the sake of order or “love” (sic).

“Morality” in fact is largely the cancer of spirituality

Tamarian identified that the collective atomic flux acts as though it was “God’s skin”. Each individual atom might be (contextually) compared to a pore. This means the canopy can be perceived (and used or manipulated) from various standpoints. Conceptually it is much more than the arbitrary “atheistic” top down, bottom up reflexes that have been differently touted by mainstream science and religion. For instance, there are numerous cyclic complimenting partnerships (such as those that become physical objects) which have been purposefully etched out of the main framework. Whereas the tamaras divides (in typical Pharisaic terms) “spiritual” and “physical”, the tamarian places the spiritual as the hidden anchor that permeates motivated existence. In other words, the Atlanteans recognised purpose exudes vitality and not vice versa. Here we are brought face to face with the key flaw with tamaras’ Ra worship.

In their management of humans, the Sephardim view latent ability or talent as something akin to superfluous. In that regard, they place as much necessity for “inferior” (and unspiritual) beings to be [blindly] “enlightened” by God (Ra) as those with normal or better than normal receptive faculties. To all intents and purposes humans are little more than fodder to be processed by them. Their approach strangely observes the “socialist” opinion that that which cannot be approached from humble grounds of understanding is not understood (i.e. because humans are incapably of empathy, what’s the point in developing true spiritual mandates?). Whether content is simple enough to facilitate universal understanding doesn’t alter the truth. By their own reasoning, the unspiritual are also incapable of worshiping Ra. Courses are undeniably designed to pressgang congregations into paying tribute (more “torture”).

According to the Atlanteans, the thinking being (separated from “animals”) covets an evolving, deliberate mind. Conversely, Draco Sephardim (given their subtle but obvious mandates in our realms) would argue that all life was locality “crafted” beneath the manifest version of God (Ra). Per this concept, knowing one’s place or station in life (in respect to that version of the divine) precedes “purposefulness” (or “usefulness”). Those that defy their chosen (for them) route dishonour God (check out the “values” of austere Tibetan Buddhism and the tale of the man who had his eyes removed for daring to attempt to emigrate from his homestead sometime in the 1960’s). Differences between “thinking beings” and animals are rendered invalid (under these terms) beyond competent definition of hierarchical chains of command. In fairness to the Draco Sephardim, without Pleiadian ability to alter the frequency of atoms, man is pretty much restricted to “his lot” and that rarely goes beyond birth right and all those relating casual connections.

Also (and courtesy of the Pharisees, of course) unaware human beings have more or less completely succumbed to the tamaras. Ra may well be scorned by morons today, but his attitude decidedly presides over that universal conscience of man in just about every respect. Differences between thinking beings and animals have become so remote it is though they are no more. General belief is that if animals were given the ability to communicate, they would (with correct education) adopt the human “value base” (the monster that summarises Pharisaic programming) one way or another. Given proscribed ethics are largely (if not entirely) the product of whimsical indoctrination, was an “animal” to transform into an intelligent being, there is little doubt that the “powers” would do everything in their range to “fix” it too (perhaps hinted at in George Orwell’s Animal Farm).

We must go beyond the obvious eye to come to terms with the splendour that is the tamarian. My last article highlights that the importance of atoms passes by unnoticed for just about all scientists and amateur enthusiasts alike, even though “string” and “superstring” theories have the potential to spearhead truth. Figuratively, the “informed” know that particles have the constitution to make infinite replicas of themselves (displaced by time and space). Atoms, I state, are an integral part of spirituality. Souls are the collaboration of atomic will. In fact to be more precise and to paraphrase my book The Beauty of Existence Decoded, every atom conveys a “soul” window. Pyramid hierarchies attempt to “point” the body along best of breeds’ individual spiritual courses. Atlantis leaders (version six of the genetic template) knew this but they were also not human. Today that species group is colloquially known as Sirians (heralding from Sirius). However, there are numerous races under the DNA umbrella which notably include our celebrated Pleiadian amphibians. Mer-people (almost certainly doubling as “Oannes”) were instrumental at demonstrating how the tamarian can be positively drawn off to empower life within functional Atlantis society (and possibly even on Mars too).

“Human” was created as a cooperative of hybrids (we have many different types which are evidently mostly beyond the vision of the corporate funded ‘Genome Project”) formulated (in part) from Sirian DNA. Thus, it does not require the rocket scientist to consider the likelihood that embers of latent Pleiadian DNA lurking in our gene set is “the cause” behind overzealous promotion of fantastical belief systems that literally aim to “force” make-believe into being. Ironically in fact, in a sense what the Pharisees are doing with their Zionist agenda crudely attempts to replicate some of the great Pleiadians achievements which culminated in their cultivation of “reality states”. There are naturally critically distinct differences in approaches and I will explore the Zionist methodologies in more detail when I focus on the tamaras.

To simply summarise now, the Pleiadians coordinated uniform sovereign will to ensure group ambition encompassed civilised society in entirety, whereas Zionist “shepherds” deliver threats of fear or reward as coordinated “incentives” for their sheep with the ideal of ultimately forcing peak body order over their cultivated civilised flock (which by designation is transformed into “the great group” per the euphemism peace on Earth). Pleiadian consciousness was built on the principle of “commune” which had to cater for the will (or wishes) of every individual or fail. Conversely, Zionism’s “expendable individual” concept reduces necessity to “only those that support the great group”.

Naturally Pleiadian culture became a major benchmark for Atlantis societal ambition and the taramian features heavily in [now mostly obsolete] cultural lore. A parallel “justice” mechanism (that focused on causes of disorder and not merely evident symptoms) did aim to putty any cracks (as deemed) in social conscience.  Justice then was different in structure to the modern Zionist tyranny over conscience and spirituality. Even so, the two methods are at least conceptually compatible and insomuch neither work. This is because “order” (however well-reasoned and logically directed) either reinforces or challenges dignity. Because “taste” is spectral, all “specific” laws are doomed to defend causes at the expense of certain demeanours. By way of remedy, Gnostic “Christians” (the original Druids) attempted to rekindle some of those forgotten Pleiadian ideals (which incidentally suggests to me that Judaism “broke in two” after Akhenaten’s defeat and that is why his Babylonian status has been fabricated in order to obscure real political intrigue of the time, covering up relevance to modern day standards all the while).

It also suggests that Judaism and “apostate” Jews’ history spans at least ten thousand years. Akhenaten’s immediate followers would become the original Gnostics (though the mission only formularised around 300BC – a time of great political upheaval) and they were the ones prepared to battle against Pharisaic Ra occultists. Whilst modern day orthodox Jews would be mostly inclined to deny obvious plausibility of a deeper history than tradition permits, they are unable to hide from the conspicuous evidence of Pharisaic double dealing from the time records begin. Duplicity (bearing false witness) is also perceived to underscore power and that formally implicates long lines merchant bankers (who later became known as infamous Levite “industrialists”). In fact anthropology has an even bigger problem. The current scope of intelligent man changing from “moron” to “genius” allows no time, no evolutionary path for transition.

Did human proudly spawn ochre graffiti on cave walls or was this the out pouring of Neanderthal ape?

Popular depictions may show no evidence of the fact, but (and as mentioned earlier) Pleiadians associated with Atlantis were aquatic or, in other words, “mer-people”. Nommo amphibious, hermaphrodite Gods of Dogon myths, Hermes/Poseidon from the Greek/Roman legends perhaps is all that remains of the Earthly account. Whether tales are related or not is unimportant. Messages contained within ancient chronicles were “transcendental”. Would it not be ironical if it turned out that the Atlantis’ great spiritual centre was in the very same region now occupied by the Sphinx and Great Pyramid of Giza? Thousands of years ago the Middle East was extraordinarily fertile and wet. Geological evidence informs much of the Sphinx was submerged under water for a long period; long enough to be home to the Pleiadian sages? This also adds credence to beliefs in distant past underwater civilisations. But, to avoid creating confusion, I should mention that there are also numbers of non-aquatic Pleiadian varieties (or should I say races?) that arguably go all the way up to “heavenly body” status. Whether any of these had any association with Atlantis’ residents is open to discussion.

I can confirm sea visitors still regularly come to our oceans. It is unclear if these are descendants of Atlantis, but the notion is plausible.  It does suggest the “gulf oil spill” may have been a direct attack on their infrastructure, in my opinion. For those that still believe the catastrophe was an “accident” (sic), go discover how the local stock market sufficiently predicted the event and payed out healthy well-timed insurance to the important folks that owned the physical assets. Gordon Duff’s bizarre ravings about a fourth dimensional war over the oceans being waged between the US navy and non-specific extra-terrestrials is an extension of this but (equally) should be considered an “unlikely” overall scenario. Sonar “pings” that regularly sensationally interrupt sea life navigation systems have been counter-neutralised by intelligent entities located within their catchment range. The “big picture” is fairly significant as numbers of different entity types use our seabeds. Even so none (to my knowledge) have “colonised” or could be regarded as permanent residents in the strict sense. It would be reasonable to at least postulate that some or maybe all establish communications with view to mutually collaborative exchanges.

I have been led to believe that the main reason they have set up on the sea floor is, and I quote”, “we (humans) can’t get at them there

Atlantis leaders could change atomic values to the frequency needed for gold simply by using their minds. Pleiadians took this a step further but their efforts were in no way comparable to Catholic-New Age “Cosmic Christ” tradition. Feigning commune by attempting to force (impose) universal “love” (or, rather, soft austerity dressed as “love”) is a barefaced Zionism “tactic”. Perhaps predictably, the Catholics (who invented Cosmic Christ) are the end product of a long winded pharisaic domination of Gnosticism. Possibly ignited by the infiltrator St Paul, the determination towards “bell, book and candle” dogmatisation in deference to faith has crafted a reflectively causal “group consciousness”. Tamarian, we have learnt, is the endless atomic mesh that underpins connectivity of everything. For instance, acupuncture and (to some degree) hypnosis is made possible by it. It cannot be avoided, so ignorance as a weapon is the most probable strategy used by deniers.

Atoms (as far as this dimensional reality goes) are inflexible windows that we, for our part, are “trapped” in (per the rules of the illusion). Or this is what materialists would have us believe. The mind, according to those heathens, is nothing more than a reality symptom. Cosmic Christ should be renamed Cosmic Mind for the program attempts to synthesise a group thought pool. The Pleiadians did it properly. Coercion, they knew, would ultimately be met with resistance, and resistance meant the end of any commune. Only by harnessing a compatible, non-conflicting group identity could communism succeed. Once the sense (or framework) of commune had been established it was possible to reconfigure atoms as the means towards cooperative wishes. It became possible (within certain parameters) for those parties involved to literally will their way in life.

It could be said the tamarian and tamaras signify faith versus control approaches to vital reality. Peiadians, by definition, had faith in the knowledge that atoms would comply with their desires because they observed the will to be. Conversely, the Sephardim (reptilian ‘Gods”) are firmly behind the tamaras for opposite reasons. Nevertheless, as vaguely effervescent accounts of reptilian character are invariably presented in ways geared to sensationalising for sensation’s sake, “purpose” is reduced to the narcissistic human abuse cycles offering “victimhood” as the great prize. Consistent messages regurgitate blood thirsty, unfair abductors preying on poor little unsuspecting, God fearing humans for “sport” over and over. Logic is so adrift of truth, I sense the Pharisees have a hand in the manner information is being presented. They, after all, own the popular mainstream and alternative views for by “backing” both sides, success is guaranteed.

I have written extensively on the real motive behind supposed human “abductions” and accompanying ceremonies. Actual flaws of reptilian libido can be clearly seen in their devotion to regulations which are symptoms of their determination to control. Grafting “order” on society is the summary effect. It is also important to highlight their societies do not recognise that which is the epitome of pharisaic idealism – “survival of the fittest”. Reptilians know survival is merely a natural effect of living existence; a symptom of life. True blueprints use template formulated assimilation as the predominant creative device. As I explain in this article, where permitted, Ciakars absorb their victims by means of fusing mind, body and soul. Master and servant become united as a single entity which is made more powerful by the strength of the bond. “Victims”, in these cases, must be willing.

To reptilians, humans are generalised as low caste, unsophisticated “underlings” that need discipline. The tamaras is the fundamental vehicle used by them to ensure their execution of discipline over us follows a program. Sirians do not function well under laws and there lies the contradiction in conflict for part Sirian, part reptilian human. Proponents supporting human corridors of power are definitely tweaked to promote reptilian mindset, because to suggest otherwise would be absurd (considering the weight of evidence supporting an ongoing, without end pharisaic conspiracy to control). Far from being conspiratorial in their ambition, Sephardic overlords apply logical rule of law configurations via political equilibriums (affirmed by all historic data) governing the body of humanity because they presume they are executing God’s will.

Humans are part reptilian and were created by the Sephardim and this adds to their cause. What if it was the other way round? They would let their quarry roam wild, “unattended” like recalcitrant lambs? I have explained the origins of man many times before, but here’s the micro-version. “Snake” euphemises the Ciakar (in biblical Adam and Eve). Ciakars are renowned both for their remarkable cunning and their chameleonic camouflage ability. Sephardim is the most genetically advanced Ciakar physical form (which is now located too far adrift from our reality bandwidth to manifest in normal state) and they became the direct creators of human beings (which are versions of much earlier cumbersome Neanderthal). Mundane analysis of amino acids disguises the fact that our creation and partnership with our creators was much more than merely blood matching. Testament to truth came recently when the female student of mine associated with this article recalled to me a startling but acutely perceptive observation she had made.

Ciakar is a mispronunciation of chakra

Anyone that has visited Thailand should be aware of the customary expression “Farang” routinely used to address white skinned “foreign” visitors by the natives. This is because the very first Caucasians that attempted to colonise were from France. Farang was the closest the Thai palate could come naturally to configuring the word with ease. Ken Bakeman, Eva Draconis and others have observed problems in reiterating reptilian guttural pronunciation. If Ciakar is indeed the mispronunciation of chakra, the news would make eternal good sense, because the “commonality” between them and us is found in “paired” energy fields. It would also mean chakras must act as the “communication bridge” between those located outside our reality plane (a different light frequency). Chakras are the congestion points of atomic bandwidths that operate similarly to other astral highways. Drawing on the astral link is the way reptilians “access” us.

This is an extraordinarily important piece of information, because it completely redefines our understanding of physical health. Fundamental “causes” of all illness are the result of an imbalance or imbalances of the ectoplasm energy field. The ectoplasm is divided up by chakras and they become barometer measures that divine trouble with relevant body functionality (which is an effect relating to the cause). I have mentioned before on my other website that Pasteur’s germ theory (an industrialist “survival” scam) is entirely wrong because the body primarily attempts to assimilate anything that goes into it (following existential creation). That which cannot be assimilated, such as processing worthy “toxins”, are reduced to waste or, if impossible to process, cloaked/contained.

Energy fields (ectoplasm) are located beyond time and space even though apparent physical “light” presence may contradict that truth. Depending on how it’s conceived, an individual field can theoretically extend to the far reaches of the universe. On our superficial “reality” plane it may only occupy radials spanning a few dozens of metres out from the centre. Therefore, within the proximity of a commercial building, for instance, it is likely all workers’ ectoplasms overlap. Each individual sub-conscious feeds off the other (inter-connected ectoplasm) and then chakras implement the effects, whether positive or negative. Consequentially if one is ill, all become ill reflecting the higher body state.

Disease is spread by out-of-alignment chakras

It is also courtesy of the chakras why the Sephardim feel intrinsically connected to dear old human (similar to the fashion a shepherd becomes responsible for his sheep). By extension, they believe the tamaras gives them “divine tools” to directly interfere in the affairs (politics) of man. If they were acting figuratively out-of-line, would not God retaliate by smiting them from existence for eternity?  Was I to argue tamarian is God “the cause” then tamaras would be the utopian “symptom” of divinity. From the authoritarian perspective, man (or, more precisely, human) is the lowest rung of a long line of “supplants” that form extended (though hidden) hierarchical chains of command all the way up to “God”. I use “God” in inverted commas here because the philosophic outline concerns levels of manifestation and definitely not omnipresent “oneness” (which happens to be the predominant feature of the tamarian). The genetic chain I refer to consists of “Anunaki” bloodlines which would raise Ra (the sun God) as their “highest state”. Worship, per knowledge of progressive bloodlines all the way up to God, is not a choice. It is a rite and those that refuse to capitulate or deny faith insult “the ultimate creator” per said opinion. That is the Sephardic view on this and the Jews were not labelled Sephardic (“chosen”) peoples accidentally.

So the Pharisees (whether they individually realise it or not) do actually fulfil God’s bidding or, rather, cooperate with the Sephardic interpretation of that philology. Putting aside the deceit that has become the style of modern “sciences”, hallmarks of this tradition (no matter which time period is considered) stand out like “dog’s balls” wherever they are noted. Branding citizens under “the flag”, passport control, forced labour, regulated workplaces and on and on are all their measures. Versions of fundamentalism are conspicuously built around differing interpretations of aggregated symptoms. For our age, for example, the metaphysical is (at best) marginalised and most mostly denied, so fundamentalism is not merely restricted to data interpretation.

Everything calculated must be perceived to be physical or it does not “exist” and (laterally) has no impact on theories generated to resolve equations. Romans and many other ancient cultures revered nature’s cycles; a very different approach to the modern condition. So when abundance appeared to “break”, reason persuaded the “overall creator” was protesting at abuses (humans that behaved “unnaturally”) against the system (nature). This prescient philosophy is found as a significant value base determining all modern laws (even though science, on occasions, seems at loggerheads). The concerted attempt to purge all possibility for supposed unnatural behaviours (remonstrated by Catholic St Paul and other good Levites) surely aims to reduce the human to “automaton” (under Ra) status. Laws support the Ra concept to the hilt.

It is not widely known (even in alternative circles specialising in the paranormal) that the sun remotely “washes” our DNA (in the atomic format). Therefore the belief in Ra cannot simply be shrugged off as wilful superstition. In fact at least three sources persistently alter our DNA. The sun (material black light), we are told, issues a bi-product called vitamin D which is needed for survival. Few would acknowledge the inner [invisible – celestial white] light source is the one (when performing in isolation – free of sunlight) that triggers our production of melatonin. Sephardic Draco attempt to limit the effects of melatonin as much as possible, for all “alien DNA change-agents” are seen as “contraveners of the wishes of Ra”. In order to block external forces, they created a third light source. Assisted by other worldly technologies, our moon recycles amplified sunlight (is “madness” a side effect under special conditions?). Though this does not close the loop (so to speak), it does assure there is very little opportunity for any life form to detach from Ra’s influence for significant periods. One of the stark consequences is our inability to empathise.

The word empathy (in its modern use) is actually a distortion. As it is used today, empathy is contextually no different to sympathy beyond the presumption that to second guess something equates to understanding or, dare I say, implies reliving someone else’s experiences. Unless you can literally be what you claim to empathise with [regularly highlighted when uncomfortably confronted by others’ bereavements], you cannot empathise at all. However, qualities humans’ lack, the Pleisdians thankfully have in abundance. In this capacity, they have the insight to appreciate everything from the objective standpoint.  Were circumstances to justify efforts, they can even appreciate detestable acts. Humans, conversely, instinctively despise everything they detest. Researching extensively on this subject, I have yet to meet a truly objective human being; one that can “love for love’s sake” for instance. Humans are naturally vain and self-centred so “objectivity” is invariably simply an extension of selfish individuality. Standard honest responses to any given scenario might look like “I approve because I can do that” or “I disapprove because I would never do that”.

The closest a human will come to mimicking objectivity is through the use of transference. If we are not exclusively subjective, why are there numerous and constant wars that erupt at every waking opportunity invariably pitched against the most trivial of resolvable complaints? Transference is a technique whereby the subjective “assumes” (or presumes) feelings for something drawn from its catalogue of deemed “relative experiences”. Taking the theme of bereavements as the case study, the subjective might compare its experiences surrounding the death of a beloved pet bunny called “Floppy” (for instance) to “relate to” the agonising anguish of the objective that happens to be mourning the loss of (shall we say) a favourite uncle. Multi-lateral appreciation (to appreciate for appreciation’s sake as though it was an extension of core being) has gifted the Pleiadians with the genius credentials to evolve into something truly empathetic. Genius is merely the spark the fires the determination to journey. Therefore nothing is born with the power of empathy.

Ability is something that must blossom from experiential evolution

Acceleration of evolution bestowed the powers (and genetics) that the Pleiadians needed to manage the tamarian effectively enough to create their own balanced universalism paradigm. Maybe a consequence of our reptilian “survivalist” nature, unfortunately this is something we could never do. Perhaps the Gnostics (behind ancient Tibetan folklore too?) were forlorn in their efforts to rekindle Atlantis spirit, but they tried with heart, body and mind. Emphasised by ancient druidic practices (mostly obsolete today), they were true communists (no relation to industrial Marxism) in so much as their efforts supported the utopian goal towards mentored universal equality. As an aside, this suggests the four “gospels” of the New Testament Bible have all been “fixed” by parties unsympathetic with communistic practices. Even the so-called “gentile” gospel (Luke) compares the social status of a Syro-Phoenician (Syrian) woman as lower than a common household mutt.

Caste systems and royal progeny are classical symbols that emphasise reptilian philosophy endorsing the tamaras as the staple for natural order. Given priorities of pharisaic Zionism encompass fostering patriotism (below caste systems that elevate a nouveaux meritocracy), family planning, enforcing social status, either isolating or blending cultures, Russian bastardised “Communism” (sic) was indisputably one of their grand operational initiatives. On one hand living circumstances were very good (heavily subsidised rents, free utilities). That’s why an irrepressible exodus of Jews flooded into Russia particularly after Brezhnev announced his five year plan. Infrastructures in place allowing connection with those outside (foreigners) were very, very bad. People with larger than average families were not provided for and, consequentially, less was deemed better. “Free enterprise” was pitched as the “gravest of all sins”. And didn’t America’s “royal” whip masters’ milk that cow?

So, in reality, the closest the mainstream comes to embracing true communist philology is extremely infrequently found in religions’ culture, such as Buddhism’s vocational priesthood, Islam’s alms for the poor and Christianity’s Christ consciousness (i.e. humanity is “one organ” – the eternal body of Christ). Governments (communist and other) do everything in their power to render all efforts to communalise man impotent. Pharisees have always wanted divided societies within tight cultures, educated criminals controlled by austere “justice” mechanisms and strong departmentalised hierarchical infrastructure oversight (such as United Nations’ globalism). Constant wars between fake nations help keep the masses quiet, but the turmoil is also designed to manufacture continual societal divisions founded on “us versus them” lore. The “stranger” euphemises the other.

Going back to “the beginning”, Aristotle (a covert Pharisee) attempted to demean God through his conceptualisation of “unmoved movers” (or prime movers). These he bestowed with unlimited, but arbitrary creative powers.  In his obsessive zeal, he proposed the preposterous. According to his abominable legacy, the essence or will of God is so insular it is disconnected from (and symptomatically unaware of) physical reality. The blasphemy goes on to propose that everything in “the physical” is powered by uncaring, irresponsible being(s) that are perhaps quantitatively unaware of its direct manifestation.  Eternity is transformed into something timeless and infinite yet irrelevant but for the egotistical whims of detached insular creators. Would not like sentiment elegantly upgrade opinions of average-thinking modern-day atheist-agnostics?

Aristotle’s (possibly a contemporary of the first Gnostics as known) unmoved movers are described as “thought beings” (or constantly thinking vapour). Though biblical texts make no clear mention of it, thought beings are direct references to “archangels”. The most important archangel (specifically in relation Earth) was Lucifer. Instinct tells me the reason Isaiah presents him (along with “Ba’al”) in such a dim light is worship of him was the great threat to pharisaic autonomy over man.  Does the Morning Star and sun “competing” for daybreak presence offend revellers before Ra too? Contrary to popular understanding, thought is a form of light that travels symptomatically much faster than photons. It is colloquially well known that Lucifer (of all the archangels) had the original controlling mandate over Earth after “other attempts to configure abundant eternal life systems had all failed”. Gnosticism’s apparent “lack of accountability” seems to be a much better holistic appreciation of nature than the Roman-pharisaic “standards” approach. This impresses me that old druid orders followed Ba’al (the hierarchical instrument of Lucifer). Considering this more carefully, it should seem hardly surprising that Ba’al happens to be in conflicting completion (after En-ki’s conquest to “secure” the underworld flopped) with the Sephardim who remotely authored the Bible.

When Moses wrote the “Ten Commandments” he aimed to jump start religious standards in his favour. Whereas, at first glance, sentiment seems noble enough, upon stricter analysis, every commandment promotes notorious double standards that neither reflect whimsical human morality well nor promote divine being. Partnered with the Mosaic scourge, Aristotle’s control measures are still alive and well but buried so deep in cultural Roman Catholicism, they are almost unrecognisable now. Does not today’s International (“globalism”) Standards Organisation (ISO) certification attempt to impose arbitrary universal commerce measures that “transcend” (conflict with) staffing competence? Some would say that religions effectively plunder God’s divinity. Terms of surrender serve up grotesque contortions of the image of true faith.

Man may as well be God now is the unfortunate consequence

In support of that unlikely Sephardic-pharisaic cause, evidence (regurgitated timeless ideals) determines an ever-present external body crafts man’s divinity. Why would the ambitions of one greedy generation be celebrated and adopted by the next? Perhaps a little culture will stick, but generally speaking fashions change and when the young guns move into town they come with their own pioneering spirit. Clearly those that sought to and still do control man are not of this Earth (in the conventional sense). Uncompromisingly moralist directives over the ages all brandish the hallmarks of reptilian Sephardim. Measures (while observed) also absolutely fulfil the requirements of tamaras “in manifestation”.

Taking the presumption that the Sephardim are remote overlords of humanity, there is no concrete evidence supporting “time lord” status. Nevertheless, they may have some ability to influence the fate of groups or individuals. They may be able to intervene and change the tide (is that what is meant by the moon’s magnetism?) for and against those that affect or disaffect favoured progress. Time (as it is currently experienced) will certainly not remain constant after Ra’s transformation, when our planet shifts from Earth state to Tara. One symptomatic consequence I have predicted is that our carbon molecular status will “instantly” revert to silicon. From the astral perspective, silica is much more flexible and this should bestow us with the supplementary advantage of appearing to supersede nature (in terms of what is regarded as normal today).

Once we become “aware” of our miraculous transformations, we will have the power to execute all sorts of unnatural acts. The supernatural will transcend to become the “new natural”.  An atomic change of the ilk of a universal species shift from carbon to silicon would emphasise a collaboration of tamarian and tamaras. This proposes that both are not subject to effective management autonomy of any external entities choosing to bluster about malignant superiority. Recognition of concrete cycles and the tools to change and manipulate them is all that respective demagogic minions can capitalise on. The Sephardim, as I have highlighted, have used the False Matrix to great effect, but it is not sufficient for the suppression of man. Perhaps, in conjunction with the Pharisees they can meet their long term goals, but will the servant end up biting the hand of the master?

Though the implementation of this false matrix strategy has been as much about halting the ascension of man as anything else, I do still feel the Sephardim are more than a little excited by the prospect of seeing how we adapt to their world. We are their prodigal sons after all, so there must be some residue maternal feelings for us. On the other hand, too many of us have not adapted well to religious government control by their design. This will likely promote conflict and, perhaps, discontentment of ugly proportions. We will arrive largely blind to our new abilities; a terrain that is fully known and staked out by them. Their active resources are beyond our imagination, but if we are committed to contaminating, just as we contaminate everything in our domain, perhaps it will become clear why they have gone to so much trouble in their attempts to isolate us.

Draco Anunaki Cooperative Conflict Problematical for Human “Souls”

Draco Anunaki Cooperative Conflict Problematical for Human “Souls”

Recently I heard rumours, remnants of old tales, coming from origins unknown. According to Romanian-Transylvanian folklore, there is a beast, entity or God which was known simply as Moloch. Bizarrely, as is normal for me, information received on this was delivered only days after I had decided to write an article devoted to considering what I guess amounts to “soul harvesting”. It was almost as though powers unknown had intervened to stress a particular line of investigation for review. Without the prescient knowledge of Moloch, would my conclusions, directions have been any different? Undoubtedly so!

In order to familiarise context, perhaps this is a good juncture to provide another background on some of the remedial work I have been doing with various individuals dotted about our globe. People may well moan about potential evils of the internet, but it sure has connected everyone up well. I now have associates on all continents and just about every country that has ever been created by man. Countries, contrary to popular belief, are not evidence of God’s ambition. Earlier this year my intention to host live light DNA reading consultations became reality. Here’s how my remedial work has had an impact on this writing project.

To start with, had I not have gone down this precise present path, one of my talented clients would not have made the direct request for this article in the first place. Though the original ideas submitting the topical header have changed substantively, amply supporting thorough due diligence, the basic discovery quest has not altered. I can qualify that the primary choice of title was “Stranded Souls Reconnecting with Draco Energies”, so we are not too far adrift of intended point. In fact, it could be said that knowledge of the primary presents the article in a stronger light. Due diligence applied has clearly assured that subject matter needed to be somewhat broader in order to do sufficient justice to the original considerations.

There was another coincidence relating to this project which implicates the same one that delivered me news about Moloch (when I was in full swing). At some correct cosmic juncture, this particular messenger (angel) is destined to become a client of mine. To date I have met no other (human) with the ability to deactivate Draco “branding chips” (outlined in more detail later). My client-in-waiting is a spiritual infant that manages her transcendental talents as though she were my own “King Arthur” (the feminine version, of course). Her development cycle is surely one ordained to impress the magnificent. Thus, I have no choice but to do everything in my feasibility to guide her to readiness, but only while she is willing.

There is much more to the obvious synergy than meets the apparent eye. It is as though mother Earth, moon and sun came together in order to bless these words I present, as tribute to my own two talents. Dual sides of the human psyche have joined forces to combine as a communion of common ideas; the embryo of what will become the foundation of ideologies so robust, only heartless pristine society could possibly overlook or spurn them. Indeed, Atlantis harboured profound provenance, for one talent undeniably echoes “vanished” up-sourced Anunaki annals and the other distinctly captures the hereditary spirit and summary of proud remnants of great Draco dynastic ambition, so prevalent at the palatial ancient technology city. Both are naturally regal as ones returning from times when to be a royal meant something. In those eras gone by majesty transcended tradition and heritage.

This is not to say that either talent is necessarily free of spells cast on them by corporate witches. Incessantly verbose established Medias have not ceased spinning fantasies tuned to synthesising that which is flawed and fake into something the will might cherish, revere and believe in. Both are gently caught in the web that envelops almost the entire globe. But as each day passes they grow stronger and have greater resolve to break clearly free. Under my vigil, there is little opportunity to succumb to obtuse reasoning (the ultimate cancer of sane civilisation). Transcendental potential nudged along the path towards liberty therefore ensures both novices will eventually be able to intuitively visualise entrenched political problems (sparked by corporate witches) that slowly (and surely) erode Earth’s potence. Only through total visualisation can solutions be discerned. Each talent has the power within to summon basis for the facilitation of extraordinary remedies against malfeasant politics. These will, if observed properly, diffuse the current disaster course.

There is a gap between what science classes as spiritual and animalistic. More than hinted at in Biblical Genesis’ creation of “Adam”, the creator must have been a “spiritual being” or something that transcended mere physicality. Practical science may well be able demonstrate man is everything “sold” through irresponsible denial of the metaphysical. However, other sensitive sciences (less conventional and mostly despised by the witches that control) affirm that mankind is not an animal, for every individual is gifted with conscience. Moreover, the conscience causes the greatest hindrance for the corporate witches’ ambitions and that is fundamentally why they try desperately hard to downgrade man in terms of biological automation. The greater powers, the ones located in spiritual realms, know this psychotic ambition is infeasible because it directly attacks the creator of all things. Was the will of God to be deployed for purposes of intervention, the others are aware that everything would change instantly and without notice. Changes would positively reflect the will of God as though malfeasance had never been brought into being.

Commonly misunderstood, the enigma of the snake metaphor in the story of “Adam” deserves isolated attention here. Though “God” (a small God and not creator of all things) conducted gene hybridisation by removing the rib (or flank) of Adam, in this instance that God was the serpent. “Serpentine” is the word frequently used to represent the predominant character of dragon lineages, but configuration goes right the way up to the Anunaki (as referenced in Robert Morning Sky’s Terra Papers). Man and human are two of the lower subordinate branches of the dragon line. The actual direct masterminds, overseers, scientists and creators of this stock were not just serpentine, but also looked remarkably humanoid (or, in the case of the Anunaki, transferred to able bodied hosts) in appearance too. In certain light, they could actually seem identical to humans.

The implication is they could walk freely amongst us today, introverts conceivably blending into certain social strata completely unnoticed. But appearance alone will fail to cover up their very alien personas, their memorably distinctive behaviours. Indeed, in many ways, were they to be compared against our institutionally insane, they would have the effect of making the “mad” appear balanced. These unkempt, inhumane doppelgangers, these Gods amongst men had been everything foul and awe-inspiring, while they were known of. Truth has not been entirely stricken from the record by the ones that exist only to deceive, so when read carefully and with due diligence, the Bible places most things in context.

But religious-political interests have distorted the meaning of the obvious and this has soured the purity of honourable texts deliberately “bundled” into collections designed to “confuse, such as the “contradictory” Bible. Those blessed with pristine intellect would do wise to ignore standard interpretations and dogmas. These are riddled with malice, such as the way “Adam” and “Eve” are traditionally cast. Indeed, it is clear to “those that see” the one labelled “snake” in the tale actually represented supreme geneticists, whose cultivation of trees of destiny (gene hierarchies) produced man. Cultivating gene hierarchies is Draco heartland, so this is important. And there was a predictable problem that came with our birth; one that would impact the “human soul”.

According to Genesis another great spiritual being (a “God”) disapproved of our heinous illegal status. Judgement naturally coincided with our creation, the creation of hu-man. God had not judged the creation of man illegal. And, in the case of human, “meddlesome snakes” had interfered with the lateral template determining hierarchical order’s “grade”. Texts substantiate this with the “apple” metaphor, but placement of Eve as “contextual human” is left to the imaginative intelligence of witnesses (though, undeniably, the question beckons as to whether humans without cerebral cortex were the “originals” or if the apple is “part and parcel” of the Eve metaphor).

Different to “man”, human neither wholly identified with the heavenly astral nor could we be classified as “lowly beasts of the realm”. Conversely, man (loved by God) was the “beast of beasts” with no inclination towards conscience. Identifying the key item of disenfranchisement (shall we say), it seems all creators were spiritual beings and the creation of conscientious needed to dance hand in hand with correct spiritual responsibility. Unordained hybrids not only availed direct competition, but it was unlikely their spiritual grooming would reward order. Furthermore, “absolute” knowledge had the potential to eventually grant (human) access to damning technologies and this preceded danger.

Was human to become too aware (of the hierarchical controllers), all he needed to do was to deny spirituality, assume and assure the rationalist-atheist-materialist life to be “rid” of all external influences. That has already happened, of course. But, as we see, this program comes with flaws. It is impossible to avoid “what is”, which means denial (of God and the true properties of existence) is really lugubrious deceit. Because self-enslavement under the guise of sovereignty is illogical, atheist psychosis can only be regarded as a “symptom” of parasitic imperialism. If only they realised each atom opens a direct portal to God. The corporal essence of the atomic effect (I’ll buy Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic resonance) defines precisely what a body and its personality are.

The term “self-enslavement” is being used satirically here. When answers pertaining to the meaning of life as well as quantifiers of existence are muted through deliberate lack of insight, censorship; a form of self-brainwashing committed to idolising fantasy is being tendered. Slaves are given dulled, censored manifestos to justify their forlorn rites. Original captives were obliged to know their places. Revolutionary talk of liberty was forbidden. Rationalist-atheist-materialists swagger along with comparably sentimental mantras that unfairly elevate rather than down tread. Agreed there is something missing here. Many will [rightly] contest my opinion, for do not all slaves have masters to rule over them? Atheists even deny their creator, so how can they possibly be classed as “slaves”?

I was being satirical once more. The atheist is “slave” and “master” embroiled as one; a dystopia of tyranny in union, a calculated paradox of cutting-edge survival. Underlying parasitic imperialism of this quality can have only been engineered by imperialists, but no ordinary body. The legions extraordinaire behind this conquest are clearly well above and beyond mind’s eye. Mirth worthy irony predicts great wizards that menace men hide in the very realms atheists refuse to “believe in”. Were the wretched sycophants destined to discover, they would reveal a schism in fate which evolved to become what they had enabled by attempting to be what they are not. They are, were and will be figments of existence, reflections of time, doomed for prosperity.

Atheists are a large part of the configuration of the evidence supporting the contingency that devious effervescent agents of doom were not vaporised as a consequence of the fall from grace (c.f. Biblical Genesis). Though over a hundred thousand years passed before the masters’ physically located their progeny, once found, no effort was spared in the cause to resiliently tag every single branded human slave. Domesticating that which was neither wild nor spiritual was the ultimate aim of the devious ones. “Order” would justify “the program”. But there was a flaw, for the masters were not fully spiritual either, so their plan for humanity has only ever mimicked some sort of grotesque corruption (regularly routinely “amended” upon the selfish whim of whoever leads in the moment) that mocks divine intent. That is why, by their guidance, humans wilfully and ignorantly bleed the life blood of planet Earth.

Consequentially this has impacted consulting advice I give out (most recently also focusing on dream readings), which invariably transcends pedestrian discussions about mere “light DNA”. I attempt to reproductively elevate rarely witnessed convergence of divinity and truth. Because religious practitioners have been sewing distortion for so long, everyone seems to celebrate (or, at a bare minimum, tune into) corruption. The dreadful consequence has fostered abject blindness towards purity and anything that is remotely divine. The unavoidable side effect is truth has been spurned. Churlish “Draco manifest” images of cherubs, lucky charms, angels, “saviours” and other foolish idols feed the parasites. Slaves are forced to work to survive, so the forlorn presume bloodsucking masters must be winners.

Real divinity, true divinity, on the other hand, seeks purpose. Therefore, several consulting sessions have either focused on or been almost entirely devoted to grading career paths. Proven important, my cataloguing of client responses has been interesting to say the least. Draco-Anunaki cooperative conflict lampoons the heart of causal considerations. There is the “reverse” mirror effect, for instance. Aptly, my two talents make perfect guinea pigs here. One, a uniquely overt reptilian (still rather transfigured by subservience to Sephardic idiom), heralds Sirius as the “centre of the universe”. The other retains all the best inherited Sirian-Atlantean qualities whilst idolising dinosaurs!

So, what is it to “be” a soul? To answer this with any authority requires uncomfortable, soul-searching questions. Were we to assume that hidden genetically related overseers control humanity, then a likely consequence would be numbers, perhaps even great numbers, would be drawn to these unknown genetic qualities. As I mentioned earlier, the World Wide Web opens doors and connections that would not be possible in the real world. One such recent hook-up was with someone that had lately been given indication of some possible Chinese ancestry. This, I was told, resulted in an obsession with unseen heritage. What does “being Chinese” mean? How does one transition into one’s Chinese-ness?

Irrational genetic qualities are rather harder to quantify. For one, do the Draco bloodlines even exist? Rationalist-atheist-materialists will judge all discussions on the subject of Anunaki lineages as nothing short of whimsical superstition even though “irregularities” in the human body undeniably confirm an extra-terrestrial heritage of sorts. The limbic system and cerebral cortex are two obvious highlights. Should we suppose the atheists are wrong and that there is a metaphysical power source which “drives” a living body, then, conceivable, a complete alien could assume a form of unrelated genetic provenance. In the case of an extraordinarily diverse being such as human, might the power source identify with only part of the overall genetic hubris? Might [in odd cases] the power source identify with a Martian-Sirian complex (amplified by the human cerebral cortex) in isolation?

Typing away on my computer, I drifted off analogically for a moment. What if my equipment “related” to this very discussion? Well, the machine has an essential hard drive, of course. It runs a “Windows 7” operating system, supports a soft screen and pretty much everything else required to aid structural processing functionality. However, upon further contemplation, I decided my ambition and imagination also firmly plays a big part in that operational flow. Numerous pieces of software are never or almost never used by me. Others that use computers, with different needs, concerns, might regularly utilise some of those obsolete programs. The software applications I do open, I select for my purposes, not theirs. Thinking along these lines, about the possibility of how the “power source” concept in relation to the human brain parries with this, I came up with a radical avenue of consideration. Could each “mind” actually select or reject presented genetic modularity (in the same way I accept or reject software packages on my computer)? Might a reptilian “mind” head for the limbic system? Per identical reasoning, an old Atlantean would logically seek solace from the cerebral cortex, right?

We, I feel, are part way towards some answers now. Only a little more historic background is required before my presentation can be analysed “conclusively”. So, according to ancient Sumerians, it might be guessed that the Anunaki “conquered” the Earth the best part of 500,000 years ago, and from then on relations with the Draco were more or less estranged to beyond repair. Texts also state that the Anunaki failed in their quest to consolidate outer with inner Earth. Instead, nether regions were sealed off from the surface, as a remedial precaution. Therefore they could not have been able to “influence” snake beings (commonly referred to as Ciakars) around 125,000 years ago. Influence is the key word here as it is the great catalyser within metaphysical realms. In correlation, I interpret Genesis’ report of Adam and Eve’s fall from grace as a reference to a spiritual disconnection that does not specifically refer to any physical point or place in time (though it may have been “based on” numbers of reflective event outcomes).

How dramatically did the severing of hereditary right affect the “human soul”? Did it reduce us to spiritually primitive status? If disconnection was something akin to the removal of a gravity field, then it is no wonder modern day talents are drawn to different currents, whether that is Anunaki, Draco or some other influential residue. Any overhang of spiritual conflict is sure to express itself in the souls of those who’ve dabbled. Thus, humans with a metaphysical affinity towards the Draco will mysteriously despise the Anunaki even if corresponding value bases are beyond reach.  As, under these conditions, it is quite impossible to be cooperatively Draco and human or Anunaki and human, confusion over what is correct “existential etiquette” or individual “reason for being” is the common side effect. Even so humans can only personify trace elements of a higher being, and no more than that.

For instance, though we commonly presume individual perceptions are sovereign, they are not. But when did presumption do any more than mock the truth? Perceptions certainly are cooperatives. Do eyes work alone to surmise colour? Where there once were eyes that no longer function, perceptions are acutely altered. Eyes are made of smaller components, which are, in turn, made of even smaller components, down and down until the very cracks in the universe are exposed. Battles being waged between entities beyond human comprehension are over the control of the quantum layer? If the way we relate to our perceptions is not governed by “individual me” (or the ego) but, rather, is a reflection of a regime (or regimes) of tyrannous influencers, how does that qualify or even corroborate the soul?

Evidenced in the way time is structured (although that reality doesn’t follow convention at all), thoughts must be pre-scripted. Navigations or constructions are the responses of each individual will. So the soul, under those terms, is created from borrowed bandwidth (divinely combining “materials” or matter and “concepts” that transcend solidity). It is fluid, for without fluidity it could not function or exist. A soul’s “current” is proof of originality of will. In a sense components (such as the body) are incidentals. Whether it is made of black, white light or nothing at all is, in fact, immaterial. Souls comprise of infinite parts. These corporeally select the life body for mutual development (i.e. the soul is not a “single thing”). The will transcends everything otherwise nothing could [n]ever have been commuted into what we perceive as “existence”. Solid foundations can be found in emphasis of but not “within” structures or perceptions that predict truth (as is commonly misconceived by orders of authority).

Thus, there is too great a lack of clarity generated from “solid” belief based paradigms. Eternity (or eternal truths) regularly contradicts causal truths (such as “facts”). Humans would rather spurn causal truths that challenge beliefs of the moment than face them. I penned an article that tackled “irrational” paedophilia for my other website. In fact, the theme was merely a salacious cover story disguising my true mission. That was to expose the way humans have been conditioned to behave as slaves by Pharisees (now better known as Zionists or Globalists). For instance the ancients knew of and instructed on the different forms of sex, which have largely been limited or outlawed by Pharisees in the interests of supporting (albeit liberally) their “procreation” mandate.

Most recently sexual contradiction has been exposed by ironic paedophilia furore. The ancients knew and taught (though all constructive records have either been lost or made obsolete) there were three basic natural forms of sexual intercourse: procreative, non-creative and recreational. They taught that sexual intercourse was the highest form of communication on the Earth plane (primarily, but not exclusively, because our potence is harnessed by the base chakra) and that is why the Pharisees had to block any possibility for communion. That is also why ancients used prostitutes (for non-creative sex) to aid their acts of worshipping (appreciating) God.

It has been written that [Zeta] Grey Beings go through group rituals where participants harmonise brain waves to our equivalent of music. No one is excluded. All functional ages are welcomed. These practices would equate to our recreational sex orgies. Grey Beings do not have sex organs (in our conventional sense), so intercourse transmutes into something very different for their society. The end of Atlantis hinged on a giant fall out with Zeta “king makers”. Was “responsible family sex” one of the points that pushed the Sirians “over the edge”? I am not entirely convinced that the reptilians are exclusively behind our modern times’ sexual fiasco. On the other hand, to them what’s good for the goose is never good for the gander. I do note an explosion of allegations via sensational Medias levelled against “protected” elites. Reports may be geared only to cultivating general belief in the potential for society to be “sexually deviant”, but what if many examples were based on truth?

No argument could defy the truth that the Pharisees are instruments for or (at the very least) cater to the wider interests of the Draco, but other players (such as Sirians) and other objectives could quite reasonably end up bundled in with reptilian goals. Their (albeit beguiled) cooperation personifies proto-divine control ambitions that mock the Mighty One. For the average human, male and female nature is tragically misunderstood. It is no coincidence that my two lead novices (one a current client, the other a client-in-waiting) are male and female. Reptilian traits (heart, soul, passion; notably compassion) are much more prevalent in the feminine. Therefore calculated assaults on humanity would be leveraged through female’s lack of balanced logic (the ancients knew about this and that is why they favoured patriarchal oversight).

In the footsteps of Moloch (the mythical beast-God I introduced earlier), predictably Jewish bloodlines (an adjunct to the same basic reptilian coordinated Pharisaic indoctrination strategy) drive order through the females. In typical serpentine fashion, many were guided to select gentile males for marriage for two primary reasons. Identities of mother and [also] Jewish children are hidden through strategic marital name changes. [To which end], eventually “the world” would be forced to conform to reptilian driving policy (as paraphrased by Pharisaic order) under will of “human” religious authority (wider Judaism). In support of this “plan”, it should be duly noted that all religions have been “tweaked” to such a degree; they are shadows of their former selves. Just about all, at the very least, promote distinct brands of Pharisaic conceptual order.

The rather obvious gaping flaw with the whole thing is the human component, of course. Dear conscript invariably only saw value in going part way with the plan. Jews have successfully infiltrated aristocratic and royal families, but the rest have been left for dead. Furthermore subordinate religions (based on the Pharisaic model), such as Islam and Christianity, have caused greater malice in aggravating cultural divides within population streams than fermenting the elite’s desired “one World” utopianism. Worse still, modern day congregations of all creeds and faith have more or less adopted atheistic indifference towards religious practice and this has generally added to the toxicity of cultural insanity.

Without mercenary mobs, such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda, religious doctrine would have just about no place in cosmopolitan societies all over the globe. Beyond routine lip service paid to “alarm calls” by mainstream pariahs, there is little to no actual belief in the effectiveness of terrorism anyway. Those that aren’t directly in the line of fire mostly perceive it to be “other societies’/cultures’ problem”. When schemes that enhanced “ruling philosophies” were devised by global “powers” in the early 1970’s, opinions branched as to the best means to an end. One camp preferred “limited” absolute freedom and the other pushed for “muted” totalitarianism under rule of “graded” Pharisaic traditionalism. Laws produced for safe cosmopolitan societies were the “soft option”. Battle worn regimes attracted tougher measures right the way up to austere “Sharia Law”. Things now tick along in similar fashion to reptilian-Ciakar society. Core societal differences can mostly be measured in the reactions and attitudes of individual people.

The human cerebral cortex has made us vulnerable to beliefs. We are all incapable of assuaging “zeal” as reptilians do (note: this is a reflection of the will to demonstrate social strength by being true to principled beliefs and not a tendency towards deliberate overt spinelessness in face of peer pressure). Instead, we must rely on lack of faith permitting hollow presumptions to underscore our general modus operandi. The human cornered and vulnerable before erudite accountability will drop his beliefs in a flash, as quickly as he championed them. People that appraise their claims as “truthful” would be far more honest by substituting the word “judgemental” in place of “truthful”. Our “justice system” spurns truth in order to tender judgement effectively. It is reflective of corporeal humanity. Jointly and severally, we are no different. On the rare occasions absolute truths find some sanctity, obtuse reasoning resolutely deflates their power.

Christianity and Islam in present forms, as I have already stated, are sub-strategies of the same basic concept, and much has been done to alter far Eastern “oriental” doctrines (such as Buddhism) to conform to Sephardic interpretation of order. It is fairly well known that the Pharisees bribed the Ashkenazi to join Jewish ranks even though (Jewish) Mohamed’s Islam fully supported the Torah (a cornerstone of Pharisaic dogma). Josephus’ infant Gnosticism (later rebranded and bastardised to satisfy Roman-Christian paganism) did not challenge the Torah much either. All pre-Christian Jews were Sephardic. They are described this way because they were “chosen” by the Sephardim. Ashkenazi populations were not included (under grace of Sephardim) in the count so, therefore, (next only to blasphemy) “chosen people” is a scam that achieves the accolade of being one of the greatest preserved deceptions of modern age Judaism.

There is also much confusion and ignorance over who or “what” the Sephardic people are guided by. Shielding the true identity of the Sephardim has been a masterful tyranny against historic accountability. This goes way beyond Judaism per se. It is levelled against mankind. It should hardly surprise anyone the direct creator of all modern men was the Sephardim. Yes, the biblical “snake” was the culprit. Sephardim is the “group” name given to the highest manifestation of Ciakar who, even at the time of man’s creation, were probably metaphysical (plausibly also doubling as celebrated “Elohim” or light beings of biblical tradition). At this stage it is highly important not to confuse the Sephardim or the Elohim “in the heavens” with YHWH.

YHWH was an overlord, more powerful even than Ba’al. Other administrative titles such as Nephilim (or Niphilim – Lemurians), Cherubim (childlike Grey Beings?) were given to divine support agents, but none was more senior than YHWH. YHWH was “offended” by our creation, which, per those terms of offense, was deemed “illegitimate”. Indeed, to be more precise, it was the first batch with the cerebral cortex, the Sephardic Jews that was deemed illegitimate. None of the literatures supporting Judaic dogmatic tradition “pre-Atlantis” are available for public viewing. Some (spurious copies) may languish in the Vatican and other “secret” vaults, but, suffice to say, if the truth was available original traditions would be unrecognisable today.

It does not need a maths genius to compute the notion that original (first batch) humans would have been conceived to fulfil the values of the creators (i.e. Sephardim). Though amino acid strings (biological dust) supposedly demonstrate modern day human is mostly ape, there must have been considerable genetic convergence over the ages. This suggests perhaps there was a later (but prior to Atlantis) attempt to “cross-breed” humans and Neanderthals to “once and for all” wipe out glaring differences in temperament. Even so, there is another possible interpretation of the Adam and Eve tale that rather sours my thunder to this point, probably changing the dynamics of hereditary ownership of man. For instance, the snake is reported as influencing Eve to offer the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge to Adam.

”Eve”, according to tradition, is described as “female” and, in this vein, is contextually placed as Adam’s wife. Adam has a wife so there is no ambiguity over his “sex”, whereas (if contextual conditioning was voided) Eve might be male or female. By giving historic tradition limited credence, I may have fallen into the trap I advised of earlier. Could we suppose that “Eve” was not only male, but also not remotely feminine in character? If this was so, could “Eve” be Neanderthal? Were Adam, as described, to represent Gargantuan man (satisfying Enoch’s flamboyant account), then Neanderthal would have been a “minor” version. This would also mean that hu-man is something else entirely – an “alien” to Earth, perhaps.

The Anunaki’s direct relationship with man is something of a mystery. Tribal legends, such as Australia’s aboriginal “Rainbow Serpent” tales paint some glorious pictures. Others are more cautious, some damning even. Zoroastrianism places a priority on measures to affectively avoid connecting with parasitic currents to ward off “possession”. After “banishment from Eden”, it is debatable whether human had any opportunity to commune with the Anunaki. In relative terms, a giant cosmic war over Earth was sparked only a little (no more than 10,000 years and possibly very much less) after humanity’s creation.

Fugitive Sirians appear to have moved our entire population to pastures’ green on Mars, the original location of “Atlantis”. To me I find it fascinating that two of the extremely rare surface life supporting planets from millions that do not happened to be a cosmic stone’s throw apart. Perhaps I shall philosophise on that more in some future entry. Fortuitously a meteorite disaster wiped most of the atmosphere off Mars’ planet surface a couple of thousand years after the Anunaki had formally evacuated Earth (according to Sumerian texts, after attempting to destroy mankindNeanderthal). Humans were transplanted back home in the range of 30-32,000 years ago. Monuments such as the Sphinx (albeit a downsized version of a much larger and much more ancient structure) and the Great Pyramid of Giza were erected to mark our return and other things.

The “evidence” (presuming it is not corrupt) implies human, other than for a short early spell (at Eden), has had no interaction with the Anunaki. There is a minor idiosyncrasy that contradicts this opinion. The Anunaki did not evacuate Earth (as described) but, rather, became incompatible with the “physical” timeline manifestation. Residues and incomplete effects did remain and this (I imagine) is what the prophet Zoroaster (correctly) warned of. Energy fields directly conflicting with our lateral paths were devoid of spirituality after the greater Anunaki’s ascension. Even so, dimensionally complete clearly they were also not something to be “crossed”, as I believe (with good authority) YHWH (in part) is biblical code that corresponds to those of the highest spiritual authority.

Contextually, this means that YHWH “angered at the creation of human” could have been none other than Anunaki, unless the statement was a microcosm. Was that to be true, then YHWH (i.e. one of the highest relative authority) is a Pteroid (putting things “in perspective”, mothman would class as one of these as well) and not a reference to the Anunaki. I have dealt with Anunaki hierarchies in several other places on this website, but here’s another brief summary to stem off any possible confusion at this vital point. Anunaki (including the energy field colloquially known as “Lucifer”) delineate to Ba’al, the group name of a series of permanently metaphysical “Gods”. These created physical dragons to manage carnal genetics. Though Tyrannosaurus Rex was their first attempt at “man”, an intelligent, “talking” biped was made in order to pay homage to the dinosaurs. New man “Pteroid” was formulated from DNA based on structures that are used in modern day apes and other creatures. In full form, the catalogue was partially representative of pterodactyl genetic heritage too.

Pteroids created the Ciakars (in cooperation with an extra-terrestrial syndicate of species). This gave them superficial overlord status (above the Sephardim, of course). Even so politics are rather more complicated here because [fully extra-terrestrial] Lyrans were also the co-creators of the Ciakars. While on Earth’s surface they assumed roles as leaders and protectors of the reptilian masses. When their regime was conquered and overtaken by Lemurian invaders around a million years ago, who forced them inside Earth, Lyrans’ lost their prowess. Reptilians began ruling over their creators from then onwards. Also, because they (reptilians) were more extra-terrestrial than genetically native, the bond with the Pteroids was much weaker. Given these facts, why wouldn’t the Sephardim feel they have the prowess to deflect Pteroid overlordship? Therefore, I won’t go as far to say that there have been skirmishes, but, there is no doubt direct interaction between Ciakars and Pteroids (ironically the term “Draco” is said to represent that cooperative) is acrimonious at best. As far as I can ascertain, culturally one avoids the other.

Human’s theorised ascension will be problematical for control agents within the Draco. In that new heightened spiritual state the Anunaki (who never left) will no longer be “beyond reach”. This means (from the Draco perspective) they may start interfering in our affairs. The Draco take this very seriously, for every Anunaki “gain” is their “loss”. Over thousands of years frequency fences and other measures have been implemented as attempts to “cap” our DNA directive potential (something that actually even transcends Anunaki involvement). Under Draco management, hybrid [Zeta] Grey Beings tried to disconnect the Sun’s magnetic influence over Earth. That disastrous 1943 operation is affectionately remembered (but incorrectly described) as the “Philadelphia Experiment”. Timeline repercussions continue to this day and possibly explain some of the spectacular leeches (such as places inexplicably shifting “out of period” and then “back to reality”, individuals walking through or into alien timelines and so on) featured in sensational spurious reports.

Draco connection to/manipulation of human is demonstrable. However, prurient tales of people (notably “politicians”) with shape-shifting capability does everything to foggy reason. Given the nature of atoms, each body operates as a perpetual state of flux. For humans in particular, this means for “split seconds” we can revert to different forms ghosted in our DNA. It has been long known that we cannot see reality. We naturally tune into purposeful illusions, so, for example, when a cuttlefish appears to “morph” into a design we recognise, the design (even as an effect of pixilation) becomes real. If we could see properly, our bodies would be a mass of light dedicated by shimmering atoms. These miniscule “exchanges” actually very rapidly shift through all the many modules that make up our form. What we “see” is an “overview”. Occasionally, at certain very rare times, the atomic pull of a particular facet of latent DNA may visually interrupt for long enough to “override” the human form. Here “long enough” might equate to no more than micro-seconds so it is unlikely any eye would ever pick it up.

Photography, on the other hand, only captures (we assume) unbiased prints of light.  Therefore, considering the flux factor (perhaps also a derivative or by-product of Sheldrake’s morphic resonance), the camera is much more likely to pick up anomalies, depending on which split second is captured. Even so, only a very, very fast shutter speed would be effective at providing hard evidence worthy of demystifying current apathy. There has been no camera made with sufficient operational capability to guarantee results. Assuming, at some juncture, equipment is produced that satisfies correct output, what are we looking for? A rhetorical question motivated by numerous aimless “cat’s eyes” videos on YouTube, I believe even “the Clintons” are implicated in this grand conspiracy. According to certain bone-headed speculators, those that appear to transform as hairless cats are the evidence of a “reptilian takeover”.

The takeover, as we are aware now, happened thousands of years ago and they have hardly needed to show themselves. Cat’s eyes do not necessarily signify reptilian qualities. Human DNA is complex and ever reaching. Many, many unknown and unheard of extra-terrestrial forms are incorporated in that directory. In fact ranges of certain different core entity types display characteristics that compare to cat’s eyes. One familiar example is the Lyran. Oddly, given their feline status, only some (but by no means all) show matching facial features. There is even a Mantis variant that has very strange looking topical optics.

So what is the best way to tell “reptilians” (specifically) from others? Well, the reptilian classes can be broken into thousands beyond thousands of varieties (many, by the by, do not have cat’s eyes). One thing that is “unmistakably different” about them is their skin. Some are striped, patterned, corrugated, scaled, but the commonest dermis in relation to us is a skin as “clean” as ours. It has vaguely translucent qualities and might be said to “shine” or give off some sort of effervescent hue. The colour range is greater than our limited spectrum, but even so, to experts, essential evidence is unmistakeable. Unfortunately, for those that blather fantasy, imperceptible confirmation is irrelevant.

There is much greater potential to validate the Draco’s physical takeover by locating any of their numerous branding chips that plague wider human populations. How is it possible for millions of humans to be branded without knowledge of the fact or any cognitive witnesses? Perhaps “aided” by captured “Zetas”, the Draco have learned to manipulate the cracks in time, which they access via sub-space. Under these conditions, they are able to operate “outside time”. Effects of actions are recognised, of course, otherwise implants would vanish as soon as they were subject to real time. Lateral time comes with many fields (which can be considered independent of one another) of which “motion” is a detachable characteristic. In other words, disable the field and you have time without motion.

I have played devil’s advocate here a little. Why would the Draco waste their valuable time (even if borrowed from sub-space) manufacturing futility? An ancient matrix of crystals in conjunction with Earth has been adapted to administer control measures over humans. Reptilian analysts sit (or stand) at, I must say, rather elegant terminals which display data in a way very similar to weather analysis charts. Our thoughts are graphically represented as convenient “blocks”. Only occasional “toxic influencers” (of group thought patterns) require periodical one on one adjustment. Therefore, in truth, humans are very rarely “chipped” because it is not necessary. To them dear old human is about as predictable sheep are to shepherds. This might be a good moment to introduce another “connection” that abruptly coincided with the draft of this article. I learn of Russell S. Brinegar’s weighty volume “Overlords of the Singularity which, according to the brief, reflects on a synthetic matrix integrated “over” existence here.

Devices (implants) are often totally organic and, as such, are structured to be the same as the body’s general anatomic environment. That is why occasional talents with the ability to locate and remove chips regularly watch their acclaimed bounty disintegrate, once out of the body. Metallic materials are strangely organic too. That is because they are created by technologies and methods alien to man. Use of devices might not only be limited to adjusting potential threats to the equilibrium. There is also the potential cause (at the very least) of aiding prolific “reptilians in human bodies”. I have already highlighted this, but (dare I say?) one of the failings of our DNA is it sheer range. It makes it very hard to identify what “to be human” is. What’s happened, of course, is all latent qualities have been bundled together “as one”. Perhaps I should say, to be empirically human is to be many things.

There is much talk of men trapped in female bodies and vice versa in popular gossip columns. What of residual “extra-terrestrial” heritage, such as reptilian nature? If a human’s ethos was mostly reptilian, how would that impact soul development? Or, to put it another way, are there any differences between a reptilian soul and a human’s and, if so, what are they? To answer these very pertinent questions effectively, we must consider alignment based on genetic heritage. A good example is this. The natural duck will never bark like a dog. An unnatural duck can be given genetic attributes that enable it to bark like a dog. It will never “be” a dog, of course, just as a plant that grows ears of the correct variety will never be human. However, in direct correlation with kaleidoscopic DNA, the human (theoretically, at least) can branch in more or less any direction he wants. Thus, the notion of group sovereignty can only be judged as an illusory anathema.

Liberally put, every human has the potential (at least) to be unique so there is no specific right way for soul development. However, there are too many genetic distractions and body limitations for any human to be worthy of full reptilian status. I fear if anyone did make that classification they would be violently outlawed from society. This happened before, thousands of years ago. Humans and reptilians do not socially integrate well. Perhaps the ophidian penchant for blood orgies and ritual sacrifice was the clincher to end relationships. As I outline here, these traditions had great purpose and were not the irrational, macabre, exploitative excesses as made up by modern day gutter press agents.

Be it Sephardic scandals successfully court Linda Moulton Howe and fellow high profile agitators of the plastic “Pleaidian Alliance”, this merely reinforces the age old reptilian principle “the gullible deserve to be conned”. If testimonies of Simon Parkes, Ken Bakeman, Eva Draconis and other genre luminaries are to be taken seriously, they all portray reptilians as blunt to the point of offense (the ones dressed in NAZI uniforms are particularly rude). Forthright honesty and manipulative truthfulness are the linchpins of ophidian character. Dragon qualities one would expect of a school matron amply satisfy this concept. Propagandas backed off Sirian outrage have unfairly cast all reptilians as purveyors of the negative aspects (i.e. lust, greed, insensitivity, cowardice) of human spectral character. The Sirians took umbrage at the fact their serpentine guests at Atlantis would go to any lengths to avoid following their laws (or, rather, they called these principled standards or words to the effect). Slipperiness was a remark mostly referring to a wholesome cunning concealed in herpetological nature.

Interestingly, one of the spiritual figureheads the Ciakars used as mascot to preside over ritual ceremonies rather contradicts earlier sentiment of mine. There have been many names given to assign the Godly Satyr over the ages. The one I prefer most, as it is the most authentic, is Baphomet. Gutter press agents foully distort the truth with depressing regularly. There is no connection between Baphomet (the magnificent Pteroid) and Satan. Though Satan’s metaphoric fall has been used deceptively out of context in varied folklores over the ages, He was the first evidence of God in manifest form and was functional in creating the entire astral canopy that still exists today.

Specifically, the reason Baphomet was worshiped by the reptilians is he created man. Blood is the force that permits life and that is why blood sacrifices were employed as the communication offering. The Catholic Church (albeit comprising vague remnants of Babylonian paganism) attempts to mimic this effect with Christ’s communion. However, for humans the “belief in” transcendental qualities of holy bread and wine must satisfy in place of the real flesh and blood of Christ. This suggests to me, comparatively, reptilians are much more mentally strong and lacking in vanity than human. Would they worship unknown Gods simply because they are “told” Scriptures are “holy” (sic)? By the same token, would their Scriptures ever blindly usurp reason and the need for due diligence?

Perhaps I could have devoted more time to the ascension of man and given precise details on the effects of future Anunaki transference. That will have to await a future writing project, something to anticipate at the time of readiness. Before I go, I can announce I have found an open access point to the centre of the Earth located in the northern hemisphere. It is situated in wild country and is colloquially unknown. Because of its position of cultural ambiguity, no legends make mention of it either. A little crack in the exterior has failed to capture the attention of any Earth man, ever. No civilisation can be reached for hundreds of miles, but there are unique creatures and faunas close to the surface, so I will journey to the site within one year of this day. How far I venture will depend on the hostility of the terrain and willingness of supplies. Let us hope I am blessed with good fortune.