Tag Archives: impotent

Does the Draconians’ False (Light) Matrix Leverage off the Ancient Atlantis Tamarian?

Does the Draconians’ False (Light) Matrix Leverage off the Ancient Atlantis Tamarian?

Doubtlessly many visitors here are now aware that I conduct live “light DNA” sessions via Skype. These are dedicated to pinpointing deep historic, likely extra-terrestrial origins of those that seek my advice. Established clients connect using a variety of mediums other than Skype. Some liaise with me regularly; others less frequently. One client in particular has presented many dream sequences (for me to decode). Responses are part of the continuous improvement effort and are not a feature of paid consultancy. She (the client) is invariably taken aback (and perhaps sometimes a little disappointed) by my interpretations. That is because prognoses are always pragmatic and down to Earth, as they should be. Needless to say, the causal effect rather underwhelms exquisite Sephardic (invariably dream influencing culprits) cultural fantasy that commonly obsessively overstates medieval traditions, complete with wizards, dragons, shining knights, maidens in distress and other lesser known trappings of that bygone era. Even so I am occasionally delivered news items so critical, it would be remiss of me not to expand the discovery tour with vigour and dedication for my universal audience.

One such titbit was received near the throes of completion of my last expansive writing project, or I thought it was complete at the time. The information was in fact so potent; it not only radically changed the structure of what I had planned to deliver prior (adding three extra weeks to the production cycle), but became the inspiration for this article too. It is fortunate that my interpretive skills are usually impeccable; because invariably messages from the other side are so distorted, either through general cultural incompatibility or a lack of empathetic resonance (I will discuss “empathy” separately later), that lesser mortals might sanely classify findings as “gobbledegook”. Perhaps my sources of feedback are unique to me, perhaps they are everywhere. All I can say is, I have some way (that I honestly cannot fathom) of interpreting “time” in raw state. Data, as served, is (how can I describe this?) “fixed” and, thus, extraordinarily hard to negotiate within the faculties of standardised perception. In effect, my route takes me to “the summary” of “everything”. That’s past, present and future combined as an unwieldy clump. This light vacuum (clump) is called many things, but I prefer to use the term “inherence” in cordial discussions. It could be said that it is there but not there at the same time.

My client (that delivered the message) understood she had been given her sensational truth by “Pleiadians”. This is remotely important and I will elaborate on reasons at the correct juncture. As presented, her terminology did not make any contextual sense to me or, at least, I instinctively felt that was the case then. The word she offered me was “tamaras”. Any keen eye will observe the tell-tale Anunaki “S” gives away a likely Sephardic signature rather than denoting the “plural” form or some other exotic declension. Upon first glance it seems like the vaguely recognisable (though unknown to humans) Atlantis motto tamarian. Dissimilar to English, all syllables or parts that build Atlantis words mean something individually. Group values are expansions or contextual extensions of individual meanings. If I take the English word “mailing” as the example, it can be broken in two to reveal a “verb stem” mail complimenting the “suffix” ing. Beyond telling the receiver what type of verb is being used, “ing” has no individual meaning. Thus, there are no conceptual similarities in Atlantean grammar because if “ing” was present it would need to individually mean something.

Tamaras can be broken into ta-ma-ra-s and each part naturally refers to something. My client’s interpretation of correct translation is vague, so I must return to the drawing board and approach the determination to comprehend as a detective hunts for clues from unknown “sources” to piece together a formal picture of evidential truth. My limited knowledge of ancient scripts (such as Sanskrit) is enough to glean sibylic meanings might vary so greatly, depending on how they were pronounced, a cornucopia of possibilities might thwart my efforts. Nevertheless, the honest sleuth would be able to configure an appropriate logical connection between all pieces of grouped words (such as tamaras) even from a haystack of options. “Ta” [in this instance] would need to contextually “fit” with all the other parts of tamaras to be the correct translation version of the varied possibilities.

My last writing project made a cameo out of a hypothetical Pharisee engineered plot implicating the utopian objective of controlling humanity under the banner of “Zionism”. Some symmetry may be gleaned from Sirian articulation of “justice”, so there will likely be several crossovers here. Indeed, the biblical “tower of Babel” metaphor amply demonstrates the whims of those that devote themselves to developing the interests of Zionism. Sirians at least gave the unclean “options”. Though banishment from the citadel was to precede a harsh life in the wilderness for years on end, it was better than the “living death” offered today. Our Sirian-reptilian partnership has proven to be a dangerous one. It brought down Atlantis so who would dare think otherwise? The modern “living death” condition was highlighted in my last article. Its powerful message should be contemplated deeply (it is that which is “between the lines” that shines):

“Unlike hypotheticals monstrously resurrected to become living satires by our kangaroo courts, I make no prejudgement here”

Societies have evolved into an epitome of preconceptions under synthetic regulations. To judge “on merit” is to honour. Unconditional prejudgement is a symptom of frivolous cowardice. Those devoid of any integrity choose this path. If presumptions are to be made, they must be done with fair basis to be of honourable intent, for perpetual reasoned logic blazes the avenues leading towards righteousness. Therefore we have to take care we are able to isolate preconceptions. Interpretive issues, particularly when overzealously trying to stress desired results, can easily escalate into the manufacture of falsehoods. It should be duly noted that old “basis” can and will distort new balance sheets. For instance, prior to even thinking of how to address this article, I had in mind the bare faced assumption that the Draco had somehow “defiled” that which is possibly the greatest of all ancient Atlantis legacies.  As the Draco is generally given a very negative press (something I will muse over later), it is understandable that I might occasionally (albeit inadvertently) lose grip of sound intellectual discipline. I initially erred but, given my foolish subservience to popular distortion, what’s particularly annoying in this case is the answer was right under my very nose if I had bothered to inspect the detail carefully right at the start.

I had not merely been offered a solitary bland Atlantis motto, but two very different scintillating connotations that begged for my dedicated interpretation.  After applying myself, the result was better than I could have possibly dreamt of in my wildest imagination. I had been presented the cause of all wars. “Tamaras” and “tamarian” may well look similar, but conceptual meanings are so radically different they are almost opposites. For comprehension, we must first evaluate the true relevance of the pioneering work of the great Pharaoh Akhenaten. Naturally, the real legacy of Akhenaten is so important that past evil forces have obscured anything of note from view. Censored fragments have been constructed in such a way as to distort original messages into irrelevance. Only those with access to the Akashic Records might discern fact from hapless fiction. One unlikely truth has stood the test of time though.

To the Pharisees’ dismay, historians’ consensus often favours Akhenaten’s invention of a uniform omnipresent God. Evidence of that discovery can be found in all common religious philosophies concerning the “oneness of existence”. But die-hard Pharisees still bluster ignorantly about the power of their YHWH creature (and its “unlikely” Greek etymology). The great Pharaoh knew the truth and the truth delivered us (phonetically) A-mon (although English prayer verses traditionally end A-men). Conceptually preceding Atlantis folklore “An” (A- being shorthand) has always represented the “shell” of the Almighty God. Remarkably, Babylonian annals (that roughly compare with the Jewish holy Talmud or divinely inspired oral record) are called “mo’ed”. With respect to “mo’s” positioning within “A-n”, I determine that Akhenaten (who may have lived in a much more distant past era than makes for popular conjecture) was referring to manifest spiritually as accorded by holy prosperity. The metaphor (Amon) reads something like this.

Break open the shell and you will find true divinity

Amon may have been the envy of contemporary elites seeking enlightenment, but this would have meant nothing to ordinary folks alien to intellectual passion. They needed spirit only as this is always enough to ensure the following of precise orders (doctrines) “from above”. When divine arbiters turn out in reality to be selfishly corrupt politicians, then all sorts of malfeasance can result. Even so, prosperity informs us the spirit that partners with Amon is normally called “Re” (which is an improper transliteration). Instead, it should be inscribed as “Ri” and pronounced in the same way “ray” (i.e. ray of light) is expressed in English. It highlights an essential fact. The downfall and subsequent murder of Akhenaten (whose missing body is still held by the Draco “in stasis”) coincided with a raging philosophical battle between worshippers of Amon-Ri and “Ra” (prominent sun God) occultists. Babylonian sun-worship was later rebranded Sol Invictus by the Romans sympathetic to pharisaic causes. Unsurprisingly it is the inspiration behind the Illimunati splinter aptly termed “Babylonian Brotherhood” (to which ex American President George W Bush is allegedly a recruit).

Sol Invictus (under Constantine) would assume the basis for cultural interpretation of Christianity in its final rebrand as Catholicism, so (obscured) sun-worship impacts the lives of a significant percentage of modern day populaces. In order to elevate his cult, Constantine purged all Gnostic texts that obstructed his mission. Original Druid mystery schools have been rendered obsolete (although some of that deep knowledge can be found in sections of the Jewish Kabbalah). The heinous tradition of censorship has not ceased. Dead Sea Scrolls and other significant parchments have been vetted as to not ruffle status-quo (in my opinion). Even so, a clear move away from materialistic values makes the Nag Hamadi texts essential reading. Whereas the rather obvious attempts to censor purity makes evidence against the uniform Pharisees’ cause seem “vague”, tenets of truth are impossible to blemish (ultimately availing the dedicated and allowing universal purpose to shine). Logos has not been promoted in vain and those with determination and presence of mind will find their Holy Grail.

It is no irony that the distinctive essential difference between tamaras and tamarian is found in the conflict remonstrating pedestrian belief in overt (physical) “Ra” which is opposed to the comparatively unpopular sympathetic demystification of covert (metaphysical) “Ri”. To fully appreciate how things came to be as they were in Atlantis times and as they are now, precise understanding of how the cosmos “works” is a prerequisite. Indeed, the great tyranny administered by superficial leaders ever since the fall of Atlantis is deliberately in place to confuse the masses as to what the true, purposeful properties of the heavens and underlying existences are. There is no better example to be found to signify how prominent roles were “forgotten” than by valid conceptualisation of critical philosophic differences between “Ra” and “Ri” even though some (given their programing by forces of evil) might correctly (from the empirical standpoint) argue each is “the same thing”. Others approaching the question with sensitivity would more precisely determine that “Ra” is a spiritual abomination because any perceived consolidation with divine “Ri” simply is not true. Is the sauce bottle edible? Ra has always been the device that delivers (i.e. “the deliverer”) Ri.

How am I to signify the momentous contextual differences between Ra and Ri “in laymen’s terms” in a fashion that might be appreciated universally?

The best way to start I think is to reference my last article again. That discussed various adjustments that both separated and coordinated body and mind. Here it might be observed that Ra represents the “body” of God, whereas Ri acts as divine “mind”. In that capacity, our sun (which is possibly a transplant several times removed) assumes Ra’s structured identity. Seasoned researchers should already be aware stars are not arbitrary (and otherwise useless) “inanimate objects” that happen to light our skies (in the atheistic sense). In cosmic terms, each star is a living entity no matter what the perceived status. Things actually become slightly more complicated when comprehension is tested to the limit, because each enormous orb can reproductively expand to form giant “family” networks that cover what might seem impossibly large catchment areas. Every network becomes and is an “entity” in its own right. Some networks are able to group together (assimilation and not “survival” is the fundamental principle of universal existence) and these galaxies can literally accommodate thousands of stars.

As I outline in my book The Beauty of Existence Decoded, stars fulfil the need to grow and (therefore) reproduce like any other entity.   The method they use is sadly conventional and closely copies our fungi spooring processes (or is that the other way round?). Therefore it could be said an individual sun is the equivalent of a “cell” or even a “particle” that collaborates with others to collectivise in order to become a functional body. Therefore, to call any individual cell (i.e. Ra) “the body” is nothing short of dishonesty. Capping off occultist distortion of values, in Ra’s case the roles and purposes of heavenly bodies have been so overlooked (or, rather, grotesquely twisted to suit interests of religious miscreants), they are virtually conceptually unknown. I find it ironic that the supposedly faithful have no effective parameters to refer to that will quench any thirst for raw spirituality.

Similar to the pyramidal hierarchy that is the human body, the divine mind needs a physical asset “to be” (and express itself – true “causality”). When Ra is presumed to “control” material functionality, truth has been turned inside out. The body is nothing more than a very useful vehicle. Thus Ra (in the context of sun worship) is actually evidence of the denial of mind’s role (an atypical symptom of rationalistic atheist materialism) in cognitive performance. This and other mysterious effects are the metaphysical property of spiritual domains. Consequentially, everything that thinks has a conscience-of-sorts. The mind is not illusory steam. Indeed, the reverse is so for after brain service ceases, the mind carries on. Conscious being is eternal whereas the body and all its parts are a semblance tuned to a specific dimensional paradigm.

It needs no great detective to deduce the Ra concept is something the Pharisees would greatly appreciate. Did not Moses begin the conquest to undermine God’s spirituality when he issued the original “commandments”? In addition to their bias towards stockholders, all ten either encourage denial of truth or open deceit. His “God” seems to expect compliance in the same way medieval torturers “validated” confessions. Though it has not been historically confirmed (largely due to that grand legacy of misinformation), it would not surprise me if it turned out that, prior to the formulation of Judaism, the Pharisees were the original usurpers directly after the fall of Atlantis. Were these the “Hyksos” (reinvented as Babylonian dynasts in the “official” historic account) or some other version attached to the Varangian Guard? Incorporating Akhenaten’s “universal God” into their folklore was more than theft. The Jewish YHWH judgemental aberration is devoid of conscience. It is pitched as the ultimate authority for authority’s sake. The “cause” has promoted doctrines that are as childish and spiteful as they are desperately unfair. No wonder man, according to religious texts, appears so much more eloquent and morally just than the remotely holy.

Jealous, selfish man would not exceed expectation was he to be classed as a spiritual imp. Yet he dares to dictate to God?

The Pharisees ignore and deny the essence of God. All manners of evidence to the effect can be sought in our material sciences, nominal religious dogmas and the endless commercial-political conspiracy designated to prepare slaves. Ri is the glue that binds existence, but spirituality also inhibits the Pharisee’s cause. Nevertheless, comprehension of the censored astral is critically important if the Atlantis tamarian concept is to be appreciated. There is no representation for spiritual glue in the word “tamaras” and for good reason. On face value tamaras is the product of manipulators that desire to use the shell (Ra) as their icon for control. It goes without saying that the tamaras must fashionably double as that which is colloquially known as the “False [light] Matrix”. Albeit the former signifies philosophic intent and the latter refers to proto-physical infrastructures, they are the same. In relation to the tamarian however, all concepts leverage off the same basic identify framework in different ways.

Fortunate for us Atlantis expressions “evolve” and we can clearly see tamaras and tamarian have shared components. Therefore once we are able to decode all syllables as individual standalone words, we will be in a stronger position to impress plausible grouped meanings that contextually rely on all parts. This quest needs some vital background before we embark. For instance, our contemporary sciences’ impotence regarding cosmic matters will reflect poorly on findings (i.e. findings will likely contradict or defy mainstream opinion). Scientists’ errors are so widespread that everything particularly very small or very big is disaffected. The removal of Stephen Hawkins will change nothing. In my protest, I see no purpose in attempting to benchmark findings under error to be “politically correct”, so I rightly ignore whimsical physicists. Atoms, I reveal in The Beauty of Existence Decoded, are universal catalysers. In that capacity, all the components of dimensional frequency configurations are simultaneously generated within “time windows”. No quantum theory has come close to unravelling the “mystery” behind the truth beyond string and superstring “anticipations”.

This must be appreciated before broaching the discovery tour as the tamaras and the tamarian equally leverage off the quantum layer; which is (contrary to mainstream physics opinion) an infinite ultra-manifest mesh that does much more than merely completing existence. All atoms must be suitably matched to connect which, by that determination, excludes “nothing”. There is an illusory void which satisfies the requirement to punctuate the dynamics of electro-magnetism but true “nothingness” is not part of existence and that is why neither tamaras nor tamarian make mention of it. The quest to decode terms has not been straightforward by any means. My reticence to benchmark findings against flawed, bloviating sciences also removes consistency, so I have to be careful. Terms have proved impossible to compare against anything that categorically justifies their correctness. Even so intuitive faith will provide logos when administered sincerely.

The legacy that was the Atlantis language has been completely lost (or perhaps violated) and this is why historians “question” the very existence of associated ancient civilisations. Was it not for Plato, I wonder if anyone would bother even to hunt for mythical lands. Thus all I can confirm (from inherent truth sources) is the peoples of Atlantis used numerous scripts (as is the way today) because they originated from different locations and cultures. However meanings were congruous because only one language free of dialects was synthesised by the numerable occasioned alphabets, so oral “Chinese” could be understood by English and Ethiopians alike. Scripts represented the sole common language. It was only after the fall of Atlantis that cultural divergence led to the erosion of prior common word meanings and scripts became contextual languages in their own right. This breakdown is “celebrated” by the Pharisees under auspices of the “Tower of Babel” account in the Bible. Their unsung great coup was to manufacture universal ignorance amongst men with the view to ultimately groom “world leaders” in their image.

Earthly sources have fortunately (and perhaps a little fortuitously) shed some light on our conundrum (i.e. how to decode two unknown and erstwhile obsolete Atlantis concepts?). Unbeknownst to common ancestors, many modern day languages with deep historic origins still maintain a little of the magnificence of the former great civilisation. Logic persuaded that answers would be found in Sanskrit, yet fate had other plans for me. By a strange coincidence, the syllables I needed to translate were remarkably alive and well. Everyday notations of missing parts were present in Maori tribal scripts. Cultural meanings only needed to be slightly adjusted to bring clarity to the discovery quest. Perhaps this New Zealand coincidence is not as startling as might be first considered. The Maoris were the only nationals that effectively stood up against the tyranny of [British] Imperialists. That legacy is fearsomely coveted by modern populations as it should be.

There were no isolated syllable “stand alone” meanings to be found. By example, tapu (ta-pu) is a sacred ceremonial dagger. “Ta” to my frustration always seemed to be connected to other components (such as “pu” in tapu’s case). I feel sure that Sanskrit might reveal unembellished values for all syllables, but I have no more than a quaint appreciation of the language. Even so, there is a good broad base to work from and I have also collected some obvious “foundation stones”. We have already reviewed “Ra” and “Ri” at some length. “An” (almighty God) is another. Explanations need to work “individually” and within “group formats”. Therefore “Ta” in likely correct context would mean “sacred”. “Ma” similarly converts to “life force”. Emphasised earlier, “S” implies the wave or flowing current of existence (sometimes metaphorically expressed as “oceans of space”). It further marks the divide of Yin Yang. According to Robert Morning Sky, ‘S” was the most ancient representation of what I regularly term “Anunaki”.

It is interesting that the Hebrews (under the Pharisees) dropped traditional “An”, replacing it with the abomination YHWH. Understandably (given the Pharisees’ puppet status below the Sephardim) An is also missing from “tamaras” and this should be enough to propose a definite link between Ra occultists, the Pharisees “laid bare” and those reptilian master planners that cautiously offered my student “advice” correlating with the theme of this essay. Pharisees’ (or “those who censor truth”) blasphemy doctrine attempts to abolish (or, at best, deny) manifest spirituality (“Ri”). YHWH is painted as a mortally biased, divisively unfair despot, because so are they too. In adjunct to their distortion of order, nature’s cycles are deemed to precipitate plausibly measurable patterns or, to put it a better way, cycles must conform to man’s mathematical calculations defining “responsible thresholds”. When this is not so, religious malfeasants sympathetic to the Pharisees’ utopian cause determine God (i.e. nature is merely an “extension” of Ra’s body) has been “infected by forces of evil” (because God himself “cannot err”).

Why does the fact Sun worshipers revelling in the cycle of life followed dreadful (pointless) superstitions (such as blood sacrifices) when cycles appeared to “break” shock? A Catholic Priest can still conduct an “exorcism” today. How is that any different? We may well currently have an atheist-materialist “globalism” culture superimposed over everything else, but modern day Pharisees are identical (in character) to prominent historic memories of them. Times have changed yes, but attitudes are still as rotten as ever. The Sephardim (guides to my student) love to lever ignorance particularly when encapsulated by “rationalism” (i.e. error or “babble” is formularised as proto “truth”). Superstitions, peculiarly potent in this current stale faux science state of apathy, make absolutely brilliant decoys to parasite off. The best ones to manipulate are those that “believe” they know it all. Widely publicised, I agree that the balance of “life energy” is very important to our invisible overseers, but I do not necessarily concur with popular prognoses for motive.

For instance, the psychotic imposition of “paedophilia” as the root of all evil is an obvious reptilian measure against humanity. It is a psy-op that leverages off the guilt and greed of motherhood. They want to cultivate an impotent youth. That’s their motive. Mothers desire unrequited power, so the psy-op is a brilliant manoeuvre and a “win/win”. To cap it off reptilians have been able to cultivate harmless, moronic human slave populations that are so whimsically spineless they support their tyrannous leaders austere agenda with open arms. Down trodden young are the easiest to influence. Once traditions are set, they are almost impossible to shake. George Orwell remarked on how quickly intellectuals were ready to fall under McCarthy’s fake communism “threat” (one of many successful attempts made to prohibit reason). Nothing has changed. In fact the state of deceit has soured to such a degree that scientists and other so-called “professionals” leave their ethics and integrity at the work gate. Reptilian will to win (“survival”) has sacrificed dignity.

The covert conflict between tamaras and tamarian has converted to human civilisations and this predetermines the prevalence towards “will to win”. Up to this point, I have only outlined meanings of each part of the two concepts.  Once full understanding is complete, evolution of human history and its underlying course of clandestine manipulation will become clearer. In that regard, put as simply as possible, tamarian literally translates as “the sacred life force which is the divine will of almighty God”. Tamaras, it could be said devalues this message in the following way “the sacred life force is the image of God which is represented by the exalted manifestation (Anunaki)”. In other words, Ra sun [God] is an idol which is the image of the Anunaki. Per these terms, illusory reality assures the life force is made “sacred” by simply manifesting. In the most contradictory fashion, the tamarian espouses true life force cannot be solid. It is something on the lines of “the mind” and the reason this is sacred is it upholds “God’s will” (or desire).

It could be argued that the tamaras implies the “physical” is the extent of everything or “God in being” (Elohim) even though it is a flexible feature of atomic frequency calibration, whereas the tamarian fails to acknowledge the relevance of “illusory existence” beyond fulfilling the instance of God’s will. This is why the Gnostics (who attempted to preserve Atlantis folklore, symbolised by the fish which represents Pleiadian Oannes) expressed creation in such alien terms. Mundane science is all but forfeited in the casting of non-physical states (majestic, graceful and so on) as the root cause behind prolific generation of “open” logical or emotional responses depending on situated “needs”. Per that equation, physical clutter has the dual metaphorical role of constantly amplifying meta-physical purpose.

Before I expose the prank the Sephardim have played on humanity’s insolence, it would best to explain what is truly meant by “the sacred life force which is the divine will of almighty God”. Beyond crass iconography and accompanying superstitions, “God” is sorely absent from general religious vision. I won’t dwell on the obvious, but what is important is God’s absence reinforces belief in superstitions (regularly tailored to suit group “agendas”) in those that are gullible enough to succumb to fantasies under the misconstrued objective of being “faithful” (i.e. I tell you something and, for you to be “faithful”, you must unconditionally believe what I say without adequate supporting evidence or provocation). There is a concrete reason for God’s supposed absence that would stun habitual atheists. There is also valid rhyme as to why divinity is hidden from laboured sight. The key to truth and accrued wisdom is always found in inspection of the detail. More detail reveals greater clarity (and that is the main reason why “religion” twists the metaphor, comparing detail to “the devil”). That is why miscreant “powers” feign [lies, damned lies and] statistics and generalities as “evidence” (sic) of truth. They (who bankroll all religions) do this to deliberately and mischievously circumvent detail and deny disaffecting logic.

Perhaps they are aware of the problem, perhaps not, but God can only be seen in absolute detail or not at all. Therefore disquieting logic dictates that omnipotence is the whole quantum layer which, in part, appends locational physicality (or, rather, summarily “points to” denoting physical localities that offer “windows” within perceptive interpretation). Suffice to say; though the quantum layer isn’t physical, it can be made so by leveraging frequency generated perception within certain astral bandwidths (or sub-astral bandwidths). Truth and knowingness is set apart from causal effects as these transcend perception and are beyond calculated fabrication. In fact that which is classed as “reality” is done so for perceptive convenience and that rather hinders any meaningful quest to “find God” or true truth. In association, the Atlantean use of the term “tamarian” was in direct reference to the quantum layer and, most significantly, the atomic resonance or “flux” effect which signifies “balanced” divine will. Imbalance in flux will lead to states of general disharmony right the way up to nuclear incidents (which impact the full astral spectrum and are not merely limited to this reality plane).

Catastrophic events permeate all the way up the astral ladder

In my last article I introduced a mysterious enclave of humanoid aliens who had been residing on the Spanish mainland in the 1950’s. Their information legacy proves they (“Ummos” is an affectionate nickname that is now commonly used to identify the “type”) were authentic. From this record, they most significantly classed only ten dimensions (that bear no relation to the mathematical irrelevance that posits reality symptoms width, breadth, depth have dimensional qualities). Seven of these fundamental bandwidths were aeons or “base states” of God, which are also sometimes referred to as the seven heavenly (astral light) states. Logic persuades that, “in order”, they would occupy positions three to nine up the astral ladder. Dimension ten would be the culmination of everything; a repository of “raw time” that permanently sits “in the present”. That leaves dimension one and two and deduction impresses these are configured “dark light” holographic universes. In case anyone misses it, here I inadvertently (lol) identify plausible reasons for foreboding over the so-called “ascension” of man.

In light of this, it seems to me that our material reality plane is most likely hosted in the lower of the two dark dimensions. If ascension rumours prove valid, we are on the cusp of our bandwidth and will make the necessary imminent transition to “Tara” when the tamarian executes relevant changes in our DNA (delivered by the tamaras). Though the effect will be a technically spiritual evolution, man will have no comprehension of naked “epinoa” (which is commonly disfigured by dishonourable religious bluster) in motion. That which comes from God aligns with logic, truth and knowingness and this is why creative talent is pure. For God, there is no “best way”. There is only “the way [that works]” (which may mean infinite numbers of possible routes between A and B that could reduce upon “specific intentions”, such as “I need to travel between identified points within an hour”).  God’s intent is definitely not a predisposition towards group lobotomy for the sake of order or “love” (sic).

“Morality” in fact is largely the cancer of spirituality

Tamarian identified that the collective atomic flux acts as though it was “God’s skin”. Each individual atom might be (contextually) compared to a pore. This means the canopy can be perceived (and used or manipulated) from various standpoints. Conceptually it is much more than the arbitrary “atheistic” top down, bottom up reflexes that have been differently touted by mainstream science and religion. For instance, there are numerous cyclic complimenting partnerships (such as those that become physical objects) which have been purposefully etched out of the main framework. Whereas the tamaras divides (in typical Pharisaic terms) “spiritual” and “physical”, the tamarian places the spiritual as the hidden anchor that permeates motivated existence. In other words, the Atlanteans recognised purpose exudes vitality and not vice versa. Here we are brought face to face with the key flaw with tamaras’ Ra worship.

In their management of humans, the Sephardim view latent ability or talent as something akin to superfluous. In that regard, they place as much necessity for “inferior” (and unspiritual) beings to be [blindly] “enlightened” by God (Ra) as those with normal or better than normal receptive faculties. To all intents and purposes humans are little more than fodder to be processed by them. Their approach strangely observes the “socialist” opinion that that which cannot be approached from humble grounds of understanding is not understood (i.e. because humans are incapably of empathy, what’s the point in developing true spiritual mandates?). Whether content is simple enough to facilitate universal understanding doesn’t alter the truth. By their own reasoning, the unspiritual are also incapable of worshiping Ra. Courses are undeniably designed to pressgang congregations into paying tribute (more “torture”).

According to the Atlanteans, the thinking being (separated from “animals”) covets an evolving, deliberate mind. Conversely, Draco Sephardim (given their subtle but obvious mandates in our realms) would argue that all life was locality “crafted” beneath the manifest version of God (Ra). Per this concept, knowing one’s place or station in life (in respect to that version of the divine) precedes “purposefulness” (or “usefulness”). Those that defy their chosen (for them) route dishonour God (check out the “values” of austere Tibetan Buddhism and the tale of the man who had his eyes removed for daring to attempt to emigrate from his homestead sometime in the 1960’s). Differences between “thinking beings” and animals are rendered invalid (under these terms) beyond competent definition of hierarchical chains of command. In fairness to the Draco Sephardim, without Pleiadian ability to alter the frequency of atoms, man is pretty much restricted to “his lot” and that rarely goes beyond birth right and all those relating casual connections.

Also (and courtesy of the Pharisees, of course) unaware human beings have more or less completely succumbed to the tamaras. Ra may well be scorned by morons today, but his attitude decidedly presides over that universal conscience of man in just about every respect. Differences between thinking beings and animals have become so remote it is though they are no more. General belief is that if animals were given the ability to communicate, they would (with correct education) adopt the human “value base” (the monster that summarises Pharisaic programming) one way or another. Given proscribed ethics are largely (if not entirely) the product of whimsical indoctrination, was an “animal” to transform into an intelligent being, there is little doubt that the “powers” would do everything in their range to “fix” it too (perhaps hinted at in George Orwell’s Animal Farm).

We must go beyond the obvious eye to come to terms with the splendour that is the tamarian. My last article highlights that the importance of atoms passes by unnoticed for just about all scientists and amateur enthusiasts alike, even though “string” and “superstring” theories have the potential to spearhead truth. Figuratively, the “informed” know that particles have the constitution to make infinite replicas of themselves (displaced by time and space). Atoms, I state, are an integral part of spirituality. Souls are the collaboration of atomic will. In fact to be more precise and to paraphrase my book The Beauty of Existence Decoded, every atom conveys a “soul” window. Pyramid hierarchies attempt to “point” the body along best of breeds’ individual spiritual courses. Atlantis leaders (version six of the genetic template) knew this but they were also not human. Today that species group is colloquially known as Sirians (heralding from Sirius). However, there are numerous races under the DNA umbrella which notably include our celebrated Pleiadian amphibians. Mer-people (almost certainly doubling as “Oannes”) were instrumental at demonstrating how the tamarian can be positively drawn off to empower life within functional Atlantis society (and possibly even on Mars too).

“Human” was created as a cooperative of hybrids (we have many different types which are evidently mostly beyond the vision of the corporate funded ‘Genome Project”) formulated (in part) from Sirian DNA. Thus, it does not require the rocket scientist to consider the likelihood that embers of latent Pleiadian DNA lurking in our gene set is “the cause” behind overzealous promotion of fantastical belief systems that literally aim to “force” make-believe into being. Ironically in fact, in a sense what the Pharisees are doing with their Zionist agenda crudely attempts to replicate some of the great Pleiadians achievements which culminated in their cultivation of “reality states”. There are naturally critically distinct differences in approaches and I will explore the Zionist methodologies in more detail when I focus on the tamaras.

To simply summarise now, the Pleiadians coordinated uniform sovereign will to ensure group ambition encompassed civilised society in entirety, whereas Zionist “shepherds” deliver threats of fear or reward as coordinated “incentives” for their sheep with the ideal of ultimately forcing peak body order over their cultivated civilised flock (which by designation is transformed into “the great group” per the euphemism peace on Earth). Pleiadian consciousness was built on the principle of “commune” which had to cater for the will (or wishes) of every individual or fail. Conversely, Zionism’s “expendable individual” concept reduces necessity to “only those that support the great group”.

Naturally Pleiadian culture became a major benchmark for Atlantis societal ambition and the taramian features heavily in [now mostly obsolete] cultural lore. A parallel “justice” mechanism (that focused on causes of disorder and not merely evident symptoms) did aim to putty any cracks (as deemed) in social conscience.  Justice then was different in structure to the modern Zionist tyranny over conscience and spirituality. Even so, the two methods are at least conceptually compatible and insomuch neither work. This is because “order” (however well-reasoned and logically directed) either reinforces or challenges dignity. Because “taste” is spectral, all “specific” laws are doomed to defend causes at the expense of certain demeanours. By way of remedy, Gnostic “Christians” (the original Druids) attempted to rekindle some of those forgotten Pleiadian ideals (which incidentally suggests to me that Judaism “broke in two” after Akhenaten’s defeat and that is why his Babylonian status has been fabricated in order to obscure real political intrigue of the time, covering up relevance to modern day standards all the while).

It also suggests that Judaism and “apostate” Jews’ history spans at least ten thousand years. Akhenaten’s immediate followers would become the original Gnostics (though the mission only formularised around 300BC – a time of great political upheaval) and they were the ones prepared to battle against Pharisaic Ra occultists. Whilst modern day orthodox Jews would be mostly inclined to deny obvious plausibility of a deeper history than tradition permits, they are unable to hide from the conspicuous evidence of Pharisaic double dealing from the time records begin. Duplicity (bearing false witness) is also perceived to underscore power and that formally implicates long lines merchant bankers (who later became known as infamous Levite “industrialists”). In fact anthropology has an even bigger problem. The current scope of intelligent man changing from “moron” to “genius” allows no time, no evolutionary path for transition.

Did human proudly spawn ochre graffiti on cave walls or was this the out pouring of Neanderthal ape?

Popular depictions may show no evidence of the fact, but (and as mentioned earlier) Pleiadians associated with Atlantis were aquatic or, in other words, “mer-people”. Nommo amphibious, hermaphrodite Gods of Dogon myths, Hermes/Poseidon from the Greek/Roman legends perhaps is all that remains of the Earthly account. Whether tales are related or not is unimportant. Messages contained within ancient chronicles were “transcendental”. Would it not be ironical if it turned out that the Atlantis’ great spiritual centre was in the very same region now occupied by the Sphinx and Great Pyramid of Giza? Thousands of years ago the Middle East was extraordinarily fertile and wet. Geological evidence informs much of the Sphinx was submerged under water for a long period; long enough to be home to the Pleiadian sages? This also adds credence to beliefs in distant past underwater civilisations. But, to avoid creating confusion, I should mention that there are also numbers of non-aquatic Pleiadian varieties (or should I say races?) that arguably go all the way up to “heavenly body” status. Whether any of these had any association with Atlantis’ residents is open to discussion.

I can confirm sea visitors still regularly come to our oceans. It is unclear if these are descendants of Atlantis, but the notion is plausible.  It does suggest the “gulf oil spill” may have been a direct attack on their infrastructure, in my opinion. For those that still believe the catastrophe was an “accident” (sic), go discover how the local stock market sufficiently predicted the event and payed out healthy well-timed insurance to the important folks that owned the physical assets. Gordon Duff’s bizarre ravings about a fourth dimensional war over the oceans being waged between the US navy and non-specific extra-terrestrials is an extension of this but (equally) should be considered an “unlikely” overall scenario. Sonar “pings” that regularly sensationally interrupt sea life navigation systems have been counter-neutralised by intelligent entities located within their catchment range. The “big picture” is fairly significant as numbers of different entity types use our seabeds. Even so none (to my knowledge) have “colonised” or could be regarded as permanent residents in the strict sense. It would be reasonable to at least postulate that some or maybe all establish communications with view to mutually collaborative exchanges.

I have been led to believe that the main reason they have set up on the sea floor is, and I quote”, “we (humans) can’t get at them there

Atlantis leaders could change atomic values to the frequency needed for gold simply by using their minds. Pleiadians took this a step further but their efforts were in no way comparable to Catholic-New Age “Cosmic Christ” tradition. Feigning commune by attempting to force (impose) universal “love” (or, rather, soft austerity dressed as “love”) is a barefaced Zionism “tactic”. Perhaps predictably, the Catholics (who invented Cosmic Christ) are the end product of a long winded pharisaic domination of Gnosticism. Possibly ignited by the infiltrator St Paul, the determination towards “bell, book and candle” dogmatisation in deference to faith has crafted a reflectively causal “group consciousness”. Tamarian, we have learnt, is the endless atomic mesh that underpins connectivity of everything. For instance, acupuncture and (to some degree) hypnosis is made possible by it. It cannot be avoided, so ignorance as a weapon is the most probable strategy used by deniers.

Atoms (as far as this dimensional reality goes) are inflexible windows that we, for our part, are “trapped” in (per the rules of the illusion). Or this is what materialists would have us believe. The mind, according to those heathens, is nothing more than a reality symptom. Cosmic Christ should be renamed Cosmic Mind for the program attempts to synthesise a group thought pool. The Pleiadians did it properly. Coercion, they knew, would ultimately be met with resistance, and resistance meant the end of any commune. Only by harnessing a compatible, non-conflicting group identity could communism succeed. Once the sense (or framework) of commune had been established it was possible to reconfigure atoms as the means towards cooperative wishes. It became possible (within certain parameters) for those parties involved to literally will their way in life.

It could be said the tamarian and tamaras signify faith versus control approaches to vital reality. Peiadians, by definition, had faith in the knowledge that atoms would comply with their desires because they observed the will to be. Conversely, the Sephardim (reptilian ‘Gods”) are firmly behind the tamaras for opposite reasons. Nevertheless, as vaguely effervescent accounts of reptilian character are invariably presented in ways geared to sensationalising for sensation’s sake, “purpose” is reduced to the narcissistic human abuse cycles offering “victimhood” as the great prize. Consistent messages regurgitate blood thirsty, unfair abductors preying on poor little unsuspecting, God fearing humans for “sport” over and over. Logic is so adrift of truth, I sense the Pharisees have a hand in the manner information is being presented. They, after all, own the popular mainstream and alternative views for by “backing” both sides, success is guaranteed.

I have written extensively on the real motive behind supposed human “abductions” and accompanying ceremonies. Actual flaws of reptilian libido can be clearly seen in their devotion to regulations which are symptoms of their determination to control. Grafting “order” on society is the summary effect. It is also important to highlight their societies do not recognise that which is the epitome of pharisaic idealism – “survival of the fittest”. Reptilians know survival is merely a natural effect of living existence; a symptom of life. True blueprints use template formulated assimilation as the predominant creative device. As I explain in this article, where permitted, Ciakars absorb their victims by means of fusing mind, body and soul. Master and servant become united as a single entity which is made more powerful by the strength of the bond. “Victims”, in these cases, must be willing.

To reptilians, humans are generalised as low caste, unsophisticated “underlings” that need discipline. The tamaras is the fundamental vehicle used by them to ensure their execution of discipline over us follows a program. Sirians do not function well under laws and there lies the contradiction in conflict for part Sirian, part reptilian human. Proponents supporting human corridors of power are definitely tweaked to promote reptilian mindset, because to suggest otherwise would be absurd (considering the weight of evidence supporting an ongoing, without end pharisaic conspiracy to control). Far from being conspiratorial in their ambition, Sephardic overlords apply logical rule of law configurations via political equilibriums (affirmed by all historic data) governing the body of humanity because they presume they are executing God’s will.

Humans are part reptilian and were created by the Sephardim and this adds to their cause. What if it was the other way round? They would let their quarry roam wild, “unattended” like recalcitrant lambs? I have explained the origins of man many times before, but here’s the micro-version. “Snake” euphemises the Ciakar (in biblical Adam and Eve). Ciakars are renowned both for their remarkable cunning and their chameleonic camouflage ability. Sephardim is the most genetically advanced Ciakar physical form (which is now located too far adrift from our reality bandwidth to manifest in normal state) and they became the direct creators of human beings (which are versions of much earlier cumbersome Neanderthal). Mundane analysis of amino acids disguises the fact that our creation and partnership with our creators was much more than merely blood matching. Testament to truth came recently when the female student of mine associated with this article recalled to me a startling but acutely perceptive observation she had made.

Ciakar is a mispronunciation of chakra

Anyone that has visited Thailand should be aware of the customary expression “Farang” routinely used to address white skinned “foreign” visitors by the natives. This is because the very first Caucasians that attempted to colonise were from France. Farang was the closest the Thai palate could come naturally to configuring the word with ease. Ken Bakeman, Eva Draconis and others have observed problems in reiterating reptilian guttural pronunciation. If Ciakar is indeed the mispronunciation of chakra, the news would make eternal good sense, because the “commonality” between them and us is found in “paired” energy fields. It would also mean chakras must act as the “communication bridge” between those located outside our reality plane (a different light frequency). Chakras are the congestion points of atomic bandwidths that operate similarly to other astral highways. Drawing on the astral link is the way reptilians “access” us.

This is an extraordinarily important piece of information, because it completely redefines our understanding of physical health. Fundamental “causes” of all illness are the result of an imbalance or imbalances of the ectoplasm energy field. The ectoplasm is divided up by chakras and they become barometer measures that divine trouble with relevant body functionality (which is an effect relating to the cause). I have mentioned before on my other website that Pasteur’s germ theory (an industrialist “survival” scam) is entirely wrong because the body primarily attempts to assimilate anything that goes into it (following existential creation). That which cannot be assimilated, such as processing worthy “toxins”, are reduced to waste or, if impossible to process, cloaked/contained.

Energy fields (ectoplasm) are located beyond time and space even though apparent physical “light” presence may contradict that truth. Depending on how it’s conceived, an individual field can theoretically extend to the far reaches of the universe. On our superficial “reality” plane it may only occupy radials spanning a few dozens of metres out from the centre. Therefore, within the proximity of a commercial building, for instance, it is likely all workers’ ectoplasms overlap. Each individual sub-conscious feeds off the other (inter-connected ectoplasm) and then chakras implement the effects, whether positive or negative. Consequentially if one is ill, all become ill reflecting the higher body state.

Disease is spread by out-of-alignment chakras

It is also courtesy of the chakras why the Sephardim feel intrinsically connected to dear old human (similar to the fashion a shepherd becomes responsible for his sheep). By extension, they believe the tamaras gives them “divine tools” to directly interfere in the affairs (politics) of man. If they were acting figuratively out-of-line, would not God retaliate by smiting them from existence for eternity?  Was I to argue tamarian is God “the cause” then tamaras would be the utopian “symptom” of divinity. From the authoritarian perspective, man (or, more precisely, human) is the lowest rung of a long line of “supplants” that form extended (though hidden) hierarchical chains of command all the way up to “God”. I use “God” in inverted commas here because the philosophic outline concerns levels of manifestation and definitely not omnipresent “oneness” (which happens to be the predominant feature of the tamarian). The genetic chain I refer to consists of “Anunaki” bloodlines which would raise Ra (the sun God) as their “highest state”. Worship, per knowledge of progressive bloodlines all the way up to God, is not a choice. It is a rite and those that refuse to capitulate or deny faith insult “the ultimate creator” per said opinion. That is the Sephardic view on this and the Jews were not labelled Sephardic (“chosen”) peoples accidentally.

So the Pharisees (whether they individually realise it or not) do actually fulfil God’s bidding or, rather, cooperate with the Sephardic interpretation of that philology. Putting aside the deceit that has become the style of modern “sciences”, hallmarks of this tradition (no matter which time period is considered) stand out like “dog’s balls” wherever they are noted. Branding citizens under “the flag”, passport control, forced labour, regulated workplaces and on and on are all their measures. Versions of fundamentalism are conspicuously built around differing interpretations of aggregated symptoms. For our age, for example, the metaphysical is (at best) marginalised and most mostly denied, so fundamentalism is not merely restricted to data interpretation.

Everything calculated must be perceived to be physical or it does not “exist” and (laterally) has no impact on theories generated to resolve equations. Romans and many other ancient cultures revered nature’s cycles; a very different approach to the modern condition. So when abundance appeared to “break”, reason persuaded the “overall creator” was protesting at abuses (humans that behaved “unnaturally”) against the system (nature). This prescient philosophy is found as a significant value base determining all modern laws (even though science, on occasions, seems at loggerheads). The concerted attempt to purge all possibility for supposed unnatural behaviours (remonstrated by Catholic St Paul and other good Levites) surely aims to reduce the human to “automaton” (under Ra) status. Laws support the Ra concept to the hilt.

It is not widely known (even in alternative circles specialising in the paranormal) that the sun remotely “washes” our DNA (in the atomic format). Therefore the belief in Ra cannot simply be shrugged off as wilful superstition. In fact at least three sources persistently alter our DNA. The sun (material black light), we are told, issues a bi-product called vitamin D which is needed for survival. Few would acknowledge the inner [invisible – celestial white] light source is the one (when performing in isolation – free of sunlight) that triggers our production of melatonin. Sephardic Draco attempt to limit the effects of melatonin as much as possible, for all “alien DNA change-agents” are seen as “contraveners of the wishes of Ra”. In order to block external forces, they created a third light source. Assisted by other worldly technologies, our moon recycles amplified sunlight (is “madness” a side effect under special conditions?). Though this does not close the loop (so to speak), it does assure there is very little opportunity for any life form to detach from Ra’s influence for significant periods. One of the stark consequences is our inability to empathise.

The word empathy (in its modern use) is actually a distortion. As it is used today, empathy is contextually no different to sympathy beyond the presumption that to second guess something equates to understanding or, dare I say, implies reliving someone else’s experiences. Unless you can literally be what you claim to empathise with [regularly highlighted when uncomfortably confronted by others’ bereavements], you cannot empathise at all. However, qualities humans’ lack, the Pleisdians thankfully have in abundance. In this capacity, they have the insight to appreciate everything from the objective standpoint.  Were circumstances to justify efforts, they can even appreciate detestable acts. Humans, conversely, instinctively despise everything they detest. Researching extensively on this subject, I have yet to meet a truly objective human being; one that can “love for love’s sake” for instance. Humans are naturally vain and self-centred so “objectivity” is invariably simply an extension of selfish individuality. Standard honest responses to any given scenario might look like “I approve because I can do that” or “I disapprove because I would never do that”.

The closest a human will come to mimicking objectivity is through the use of transference. If we are not exclusively subjective, why are there numerous and constant wars that erupt at every waking opportunity invariably pitched against the most trivial of resolvable complaints? Transference is a technique whereby the subjective “assumes” (or presumes) feelings for something drawn from its catalogue of deemed “relative experiences”. Taking the theme of bereavements as the case study, the subjective might compare its experiences surrounding the death of a beloved pet bunny called “Floppy” (for instance) to “relate to” the agonising anguish of the objective that happens to be mourning the loss of (shall we say) a favourite uncle. Multi-lateral appreciation (to appreciate for appreciation’s sake as though it was an extension of core being) has gifted the Pleiadians with the genius credentials to evolve into something truly empathetic. Genius is merely the spark the fires the determination to journey. Therefore nothing is born with the power of empathy.

Ability is something that must blossom from experiential evolution

Acceleration of evolution bestowed the powers (and genetics) that the Pleiadians needed to manage the tamarian effectively enough to create their own balanced universalism paradigm. Maybe a consequence of our reptilian “survivalist” nature, unfortunately this is something we could never do. Perhaps the Gnostics (behind ancient Tibetan folklore too?) were forlorn in their efforts to rekindle Atlantis spirit, but they tried with heart, body and mind. Emphasised by ancient druidic practices (mostly obsolete today), they were true communists (no relation to industrial Marxism) in so much as their efforts supported the utopian goal towards mentored universal equality. As an aside, this suggests the four “gospels” of the New Testament Bible have all been “fixed” by parties unsympathetic with communistic practices. Even the so-called “gentile” gospel (Luke) compares the social status of a Syro-Phoenician (Syrian) woman as lower than a common household mutt.

Caste systems and royal progeny are classical symbols that emphasise reptilian philosophy endorsing the tamaras as the staple for natural order. Given priorities of pharisaic Zionism encompass fostering patriotism (below caste systems that elevate a nouveaux meritocracy), family planning, enforcing social status, either isolating or blending cultures, Russian bastardised “Communism” (sic) was indisputably one of their grand operational initiatives. On one hand living circumstances were very good (heavily subsidised rents, free utilities). That’s why an irrepressible exodus of Jews flooded into Russia particularly after Brezhnev announced his five year plan. Infrastructures in place allowing connection with those outside (foreigners) were very, very bad. People with larger than average families were not provided for and, consequentially, less was deemed better. “Free enterprise” was pitched as the “gravest of all sins”. And didn’t America’s “royal” whip masters’ milk that cow?

So, in reality, the closest the mainstream comes to embracing true communist philology is extremely infrequently found in religions’ culture, such as Buddhism’s vocational priesthood, Islam’s alms for the poor and Christianity’s Christ consciousness (i.e. humanity is “one organ” – the eternal body of Christ). Governments (communist and other) do everything in their power to render all efforts to communalise man impotent. Pharisees have always wanted divided societies within tight cultures, educated criminals controlled by austere “justice” mechanisms and strong departmentalised hierarchical infrastructure oversight (such as United Nations’ globalism). Constant wars between fake nations help keep the masses quiet, but the turmoil is also designed to manufacture continual societal divisions founded on “us versus them” lore. The “stranger” euphemises the other.

Going back to “the beginning”, Aristotle (a covert Pharisee) attempted to demean God through his conceptualisation of “unmoved movers” (or prime movers). These he bestowed with unlimited, but arbitrary creative powers.  In his obsessive zeal, he proposed the preposterous. According to his abominable legacy, the essence or will of God is so insular it is disconnected from (and symptomatically unaware of) physical reality. The blasphemy goes on to propose that everything in “the physical” is powered by uncaring, irresponsible being(s) that are perhaps quantitatively unaware of its direct manifestation.  Eternity is transformed into something timeless and infinite yet irrelevant but for the egotistical whims of detached insular creators. Would not like sentiment elegantly upgrade opinions of average-thinking modern-day atheist-agnostics?

Aristotle’s (possibly a contemporary of the first Gnostics as known) unmoved movers are described as “thought beings” (or constantly thinking vapour). Though biblical texts make no clear mention of it, thought beings are direct references to “archangels”. The most important archangel (specifically in relation Earth) was Lucifer. Instinct tells me the reason Isaiah presents him (along with “Ba’al”) in such a dim light is worship of him was the great threat to pharisaic autonomy over man.  Does the Morning Star and sun “competing” for daybreak presence offend revellers before Ra too? Contrary to popular understanding, thought is a form of light that travels symptomatically much faster than photons. It is colloquially well known that Lucifer (of all the archangels) had the original controlling mandate over Earth after “other attempts to configure abundant eternal life systems had all failed”. Gnosticism’s apparent “lack of accountability” seems to be a much better holistic appreciation of nature than the Roman-pharisaic “standards” approach. This impresses me that old druid orders followed Ba’al (the hierarchical instrument of Lucifer). Considering this more carefully, it should seem hardly surprising that Ba’al happens to be in conflicting completion (after En-ki’s conquest to “secure” the underworld flopped) with the Sephardim who remotely authored the Bible.

When Moses wrote the “Ten Commandments” he aimed to jump start religious standards in his favour. Whereas, at first glance, sentiment seems noble enough, upon stricter analysis, every commandment promotes notorious double standards that neither reflect whimsical human morality well nor promote divine being. Partnered with the Mosaic scourge, Aristotle’s control measures are still alive and well but buried so deep in cultural Roman Catholicism, they are almost unrecognisable now. Does not today’s International (“globalism”) Standards Organisation (ISO) certification attempt to impose arbitrary universal commerce measures that “transcend” (conflict with) staffing competence? Some would say that religions effectively plunder God’s divinity. Terms of surrender serve up grotesque contortions of the image of true faith.

Man may as well be God now is the unfortunate consequence

In support of that unlikely Sephardic-pharisaic cause, evidence (regurgitated timeless ideals) determines an ever-present external body crafts man’s divinity. Why would the ambitions of one greedy generation be celebrated and adopted by the next? Perhaps a little culture will stick, but generally speaking fashions change and when the young guns move into town they come with their own pioneering spirit. Clearly those that sought to and still do control man are not of this Earth (in the conventional sense). Uncompromisingly moralist directives over the ages all brandish the hallmarks of reptilian Sephardim. Measures (while observed) also absolutely fulfil the requirements of tamaras “in manifestation”.

Taking the presumption that the Sephardim are remote overlords of humanity, there is no concrete evidence supporting “time lord” status. Nevertheless, they may have some ability to influence the fate of groups or individuals. They may be able to intervene and change the tide (is that what is meant by the moon’s magnetism?) for and against those that affect or disaffect favoured progress. Time (as it is currently experienced) will certainly not remain constant after Ra’s transformation, when our planet shifts from Earth state to Tara. One symptomatic consequence I have predicted is that our carbon molecular status will “instantly” revert to silicon. From the astral perspective, silica is much more flexible and this should bestow us with the supplementary advantage of appearing to supersede nature (in terms of what is regarded as normal today).

Once we become “aware” of our miraculous transformations, we will have the power to execute all sorts of unnatural acts. The supernatural will transcend to become the “new natural”.  An atomic change of the ilk of a universal species shift from carbon to silicon would emphasise a collaboration of tamarian and tamaras. This proposes that both are not subject to effective management autonomy of any external entities choosing to bluster about malignant superiority. Recognition of concrete cycles and the tools to change and manipulate them is all that respective demagogic minions can capitalise on. The Sephardim, as I have highlighted, have used the False Matrix to great effect, but it is not sufficient for the suppression of man. Perhaps, in conjunction with the Pharisees they can meet their long term goals, but will the servant end up biting the hand of the master?

Though the implementation of this false matrix strategy has been as much about halting the ascension of man as anything else, I do still feel the Sephardim are more than a little excited by the prospect of seeing how we adapt to their world. We are their prodigal sons after all, so there must be some residue maternal feelings for us. On the other hand, too many of us have not adapted well to religious government control by their design. This will likely promote conflict and, perhaps, discontentment of ugly proportions. We will arrive largely blind to our new abilities; a terrain that is fully known and staked out by them. Their active resources are beyond our imagination, but if we are committed to contaminating, just as we contaminate everything in our domain, perhaps it will become clear why they have gone to so much trouble in their attempts to isolate us.

A Long History of Man

A Long History of Man

I now proudly and humbly offer live light DNA reading consultations aimed at revealing aspects of anyone’s deep historic past. Sessions are usually conducted via Skype for those willing to sacrifice dignity, intellect and means. There are details on others’ experiences and instructions as to how to “connect” with me here. I provide additional case studies in this article too.

As “human being” is probably one of those better examples to demonstrate the paradox of converging genetic provenance, I have instinctively avoided tackling the convoluted heritage we choose to call “man”. If (for instance) deep origins stem from an Anunaki identity concept (intimated in various Sumerian ancient texts) that goes [way] beyond physical, then we must seriously reflect on the probability mankind heralds from darkness, which is everything chaotic or soulfully passionate. Yet how could the committed researcher possibly factor unemotionally logical Sirian (a definite component of human DNA as evidenced in the cerebral cortex) into the equation? When the Gnostics, the last bastion of civilised Atlantis order, celebrated anything and everything with light qualities, they knew that logos (or logic) is brilliance. To the keen minded ancient Roman Sol Invictus and Babylon’s Amon Re (Ra) sun worship “cults” propose very different spiritual interpretations than traditional historic accounts theorise. “Light qualities” include predispositions such as reason and conscience. These are a staple of Sirian character and there lays the giant paradox, as witnessed in hu-man.

Here I have deliberately hyphenated hu-man to marcate the importance of our divided but united opposing worlds. Neither name part gives any individual credit to the Sirian component of our critical DNA asset (adding to the complexity somewhat). In fact “Hu” pays homage to the Creator (genetic overlord), Hu Gadam. Worryingly, in excited form this Biblical God might equally as well compare to a blood-curdling snarling beast and that is why sincere analysis of the word “YHWH” presents so many issues when weighed against traditionalism. “YHWH”, in truth, ghosts many things in the Bible account (spanning from the degenerate beast to omnipresent “oneness”), so I do not wish to propagandise original intent.  Procrastination is the cancer of intellect. Tradition coins YHWH as the unpronounceable name of God because only those deemed the most holy were allowed to utter it in religious ceremonies. After the Romans swiftly ended the Siege of Jerusalem (69AD), the central Judaic authority splintered and religious traditions suffered. Authentic pronunciation of YHWH was one of the notable casualties, or so the myth makers imply.

The truth behind the unpronounceable name of God stretches back to the era of great Babylonian dynasties; back to a time when the world was very different and things that are hidden today were out in the open in plain sight. Contrary to deliberate timeless propaganda myths dressed as historic efficacy, Israelites stole everything they claim to have inherited, which included their precious name of God. Therefore the title YHWH is historically meaningless for they neither knew the true name of God nor could ever pronounce it phonetically. YHWH is a homophone code that suited the deceptive purposes of the imaginations (some argue it is a version of the Slavic God Xamolsis) of those behind Israelite religious tyranny. Anyone with presence of mind must draw the straightforward conclusion that it is impossible to pronounce the unpronounceable and that is why the Israelites are yet to find God. Personal experience has blessed me with insight beyond normal means allowing my witness of the correct term as used by Ciakars, but I cannot replicate it (physically). In my head it is possible to evaluate sound structures. For me this conclusively affirms YHWH has no phonetic relation to the correct term and categorically proves the Israelites never knew the real name of God (or, perhaps, its best approximation).

Many are selfishly lured into the belief that “man” is everything noble. However, it should be noted that if Hu truly represents the Godly Satyr expressed in our mammalian DNA, then “man” can only be evidence of a calculated serpentine heritage (personified by the beautiful snake metaphor in genesis of “Adam and Eve”). Dragons (the ultimate serpents) were master geneticists under instruction of Ba’al and these created the Satyr (detail explored shortly). Contrary to popular opinion making, mammals are certainly serpentine as confirmed by the lineage of Anunaki devolution.

Interestingly, it was only from the consequence of Ciakers (or snake-men) also being versions of Sirian that man has any conscience at all. In fact Ciakars pride themselves in their ability to tune out of their Sirian in order to fully activate (I will call it) emotional reserves. Our understanding of emotion is grossly over-simplified, so it is hard to represent Ciakar capability. Suffice to say (and generally speaking) many Ciakars try to avoid conscience where possible as it conflicts with raw compassion.  I, as recently as yesterday, have been privileged to experience what it is to be a Ciakar. It is unclear whether the experience was a grafted past life reoccurrence or their assisted holographic simulation. Going through the experience was very different to what I imagined it would be like. For instance, I preferred the “cold blood” state because I felt calm and collected; resolutely rational. The warm (or they like to call hot) blood experience was something akin to an altered state. I wasn’t drunk per se. It was more like a huge adrenaline infusion. That is the best way I can describe “hot blood” state.

The genuine researcher avidly seeks treasure in other views, constantly aware predetermination and prejudice may also cloud the greatest of minds. Consequentially, I have heard speculations on alternative websites that promote the idea some displaced peoples formally associated with the region we now call Israel refute their human status. They, according to reports, drop the “hu” in preference of “man”. Hu Gadam is vastly superior (genetically) than any Ciakar, as are all Pteroids. The Ciakars’ creation of human being was unauthorised and very well described in the Biblical “Fall From Grace. So who or what could be behind this sickly influence of the Jews (if true)? I shall attempt to explore the conundrum.

It is incorrectly presumed that identification with man is an expansion of superior spiritual status alluded to by that “chosen people” categorisation. Our current apathetic star-seeds driven “white light” spiritual movement is pretty much the single handed brain-child of the Draco (factious “unions” of Pteroids, Ciakars and others). In that capacity, most self-affirmed savants are actually unwitting agents of theirs. Dragons (far adrift of quaint mythical status) preside over all DNA equity managed by the Draco. Logically it would be fair to say that these unseen protectors own everything that moves on this planet. Nevertheless, as far as they are concerned the very first man on Earth (though it wasn’t called Earth by them) was Tyrannosaurus Rex. Ciakars are miniature versions and fossils of prehistoric “raptors” are probably what remain of their ancient culture.  Therefore, if the prior mentioned alternative websites’ claims about certain displaced Israelite nationals (goyim) have basis, then an affinity with reptilian and not Sirian kith is being persuaded (i.e. if ape equates to “hu”, then reptilian is “man”).

There is a significant character displacement between reptilian (man) and the Martian (we have no species word for Sirian). In absence of “conscience” the empathetic emotional bond is exaggerated out of all proportion. In this frame of mind, the reptilian has no issue with exploiting or duping the willing. Amusingly Israelite Talmudic religious “edict” adopts almost identical “double” standards (notably emphasised in the ethical accountability of the most unholy sacking of Jericho). Conversely, standing on principles is probably the best evidence of our Sirian potential. Surprisingly though, if anything there is greater spiritual symmetry between Martian community values and “order” dragon-style than between any other entity types I have evaluated.

Taking into consideration the Irish Celts are almost certainly break-away Israelites and evidence of an at least 3,000 years old primary exodus (i.e. Moses “gave chase” for Ireland, the Promised Land, but, ultimately, was either too lazy or too impeded to undertake the full journey), the religious “script” seems of greater artistic potence than a zealous offering of honest attention to genetic provenance. Even so ancient texts do verify Irish (pre-Israelite) settlers were regularly visited by extra-terrestrial travellers in Vimanas (spacecraft with inter-dimensional capacities) and one would imagine “certain” modern day Rabbis have considered the ramifications. There is also the fundamental question as to the reason why Teutonic tribes (Israelites) took so much umbrage at the Irish after forming their hallowed Union of Jacob (which is now known as the British Isles).

Were these tribes originally Russian Slavs (as popularised) or had they actually been residents of Judea? If the Irish had jealously left the remaining brethren behind all those years ago, then some sort of divine redemption would be understandable (given the cloaked reptilian mindset). Only God is capable of calculated vengeance so as much as “the powers” have tried to wall paper the situation, Ireland has and will remain displaced from their preordained “Union of Jacob” (the final collaboration of Isaac’s sons) eternally.

Though different earlier versions of [so-called] reptilians were (and are) littered throughout the immediate universe, Ciakars gestated our genetics in a way so as to follow their path; a journey that is only a few million years old thus far. Conversely, Sirian DNA heritage stretches back billions of years and this is what I want to focus on this article. Oddly perhaps, I only made the definite Sirian-Martian-Atlantis connection relatively recently. Putting truth aside, if, for instance, Sumerian myths are to be believed, the Anunaki shift from serpentine to proto-human form does go some way to endorse Zechariah Sitchin’s strange theories about Earth settlers in the order of 500,000 years ago. Long pre-Atlantis of course, the characters highlighted were of the same basic gene stock as the Atlanteans. These were clearly the closest approximations to the Anunaki in physical form and (in that way) Sitchin’s reasoning is flawless. However, many (including Sitchin) fail to comprehend that the Anunaki are too astral to materialise. In addition, our DNA does a lot more than our sciences configure. I regularly illuminate (check out my book) that the essence of genetic traits can only be seen in the quantum layer (or astral light). We, the human group, tune into a low bandwidth frequency (i.e. via our immaterial DNA).

The Anunaki are inconceivably more advanced beings than we could possibly comprehend. Our puny receptor bandwidth barely dignifies existential identity. We dare to consider comparisons against their exalted vastness? Also, has irrelevant human reflected over the certainly that the pristine, magnificent and awesome would never stoop to our putrid (their choice of word) level of existence? The Anunaki deliberately occupy higher realms which are disassociated from what we determine is and label “physical” (although, to be honest, all existences appear as physical to those with the ability to tune in to them). The subliminal connection is executed via our quantum layer (which, if we had unlimited bandwidth, would span all dimensions and all time). Correspondingly, it might be argued that every human today is a “bit” of the Anunaki, but coherent one on one communication with the “body executive” (shall I say) is impossible. (Try and communicate with any one of your individual red corpuscles and wait for the response). In fact there is only one way for the Anunaki to become physical (and stoop to our level) in the 3D realm. It is only possible for them to occupy readymade bodies or, to put it another way, they must find conduits we would usually define as surrogates. I believe that Sitchin misinterpreted evidence of one such “Borg” relationship (that perhaps predictably went pear shaped) half a million years ago and that is why the account of that distant past Earth “takeover” has become distorted.

Consideration of this (host) compatibility issue really intrigues me. Could the Anunaki simply “be” for the sake of being or is “being” more (or should I say less?) than that? It seems to me they (or “it”, because the Anunaki are fundamental variations of “one”) have needed very specific humanesque identities in order become their preferred choice of physicality billions of years ago. When they occupied the Altanteans’ forefathers it demonstrates just how important chi-suitability is. Working with this line of reasoning, if the Anunaki are permanently (contrary to popular myths) ever-present on Earth, would not all life forms need to correlate chi-suitability for their being ambitions to be complete?

Taking that resolve a little further, and though the evidence is a little superficial, I have failed to find any Anunaki (light DNA residual) traits either in the insect world or much of the animal kingdom here on Earth. The ancients reported the Anunaki partnered with the Draco after the Lyran Ciakars were forced inside Earth, but this is to be expected as serpentine heritage will never be entirely discarded (I finish this article with my own speculations on why a new light DNA bridge was engineered upon Ciakar isolation. Accordingly, was Inanna sacrificed to enable the genetic bridge to formulate?). So why is there any anomalous rift between the Draco and the Anunaki? Perhaps some questions are never meant to be responsibly answered as (I’m informed) interpretations impact deep political developments that stretch back to the dawn of time (an epic plausibly waiting to be deciphered?).

More intriguingly, the deeper query that ever beckons, in light of these wider considerations, is, was there an “original man” and, if so, what (on earth) did he constitute?

This correlates with earlier sentiment where I outline to the effect “the creators of the dinosaurs envisaged Tyrannosaurus Rex as their version of man”. Dragon geneticists were simply fulfilling the deep rooted whims of a group of unique beings affectionately called “Ba’al”. Ba’al manifestations (which naturally have no physical presence as we see it) theoretically are “several” (as in severed) characteristic of the Anunaki. This is not to say dragons had been overruled (as it were) by a much more ancient template. If anything the feedback I have received (from inherence) states they prided themselves over the uniqueness and originality of their T-Rex design which also happened to absolutely fulfil instructive guidelines of Ba’al. To truly comprehend the essence of what it is to be Anunaki, my best analogy is this. Imagine you possessed thirty independent mouths, each a vitally important route to the digestive system. Think how it would feel to be able experience the pleasure of lemon sorbet and mutton vindaloo independently and simultaneously at the same time. Then add twenty eight extra delicious courses, all to be consumed with identical synchronicity.

Talking of man (whether that is T-Rex or something else), how does the Anunaki’s deliberate devolution genetic program translate effectively? Why would they manufacture subordinates other than for control purposes?

We know we are not able to do what they can do just as our red corpuscles cannot do what we (the complete body and mind) can do. To overstate the analogy, it would be like asking your liver whether a trip to Spain was better than New Zealand. What is your liver’s perspective on life? What of the importance of the quantum layer? Should the impetus, cause, effect of every atom be reviewed individually to attain a complete picture? Putting that to one side while contemplating it at the same time, it is well known that science [fudge heads] claims we, humans, are a few million years old, but was supreme [i.e. in relation to Anunaki devolved genetic hierarchy] development of man from “ape” heritage as postulated?

The answer, of course, is (in part) yes, but not for the reasons stipulated by institutional academics and nor is original ape conceivably even vaguely comparable to anything that exists in that form today. I am not sure even if red corpuscles existed then. Also, as I have highlighted many times, genetic development is never accidental. Premeditating factors for evolution (or devolution) are many and varied and that is why frequent symbiotic changes accrue as accumulated differentials over time. In a nutshell, this is no simple discussion topic; the proverbial closed book. The more any serious student attempts to understand how genetics really work, the more alluvial (in the analogic uncontainable fluid sense) complexity bamboozles logic.

Indeed, It was through consequence of contemplating genetics against the so-called “rainbow serpent” domain, I finally deduced that most beings given the label “Anunaki” are simply aspects of the whole (as we are) or parts of “grand” God. The findings also prompt apparent contradictions with an earlier statement of mine which proposes “the Anunaki group is manifest God” (a proto existential organ and not the omnipresent potence parenthesis which is often hinted at by “religions”). Here I will try to demonstrate how both explanations compliment and contradict each other at the same time. Considering the many vicious wars that have interrupted the historic development of man, I am drawn to the very creation of Earth’s special lizard man; the Ciakar. Core genetic components of Pteroid, Sirian and Lyran have been pondered many times at this website, but dedication to the genus behind destined individual holistic roles has been lacking. Why is there currently a (long standing) rift between the Pteroids and Ciakars over us that is manipulated by the “Sephardim”?

Doubtlessly the constant top-down bottom-up “pyramid” battles that rage in so many known forms are simply variations of the same basic contradictions I have noted. Even though I state otherwise, we generally presume (in the dry science sense) that genetics are accidental and certainly not eternally ordained even though that which is labelled “evolution” by those mainstream proponents regularly undermines the dichotomy with natural miracles.

Avid followers of mine will note I frequently provide details on Anunaki genealogy all the way down to man. Evidence (coveted by mainstreamers) implies everything that lives on the planet surface could conceivably be a feasible derivative or version of human DNA. This standpoint would never be argued with absolute assurance (ignoring probable mainstream “cognitive dissonance” over details) mainly because, even if there was apt technology and knowhow to test the concept effectively, I fear there are too many [different] living things to find in a normal lifetime to remove any cause for ambiguity in results’ status. Surely by the time the last batch had been processed, the first may have already changed into something almost completely different. One wonders how Noah achieved his magical objectives so majestically!

So, to paraphrase prior releases on the subject, Anunaki genealogy (in relation to Earth) is rather more straightforward than many would assume. Ba’al (the group) is the Anunaki [light] “manifestation”. However individual unique beings under the overall corporate body adopt certain traits of the Anunaki and [therefore] each “being” is only part of the whole. The Sumerian Enlil-Enki (group versus individual) metaphor is rarely understood. Ba’al (Enlil – the group) created super-intelligent entities we colloquially call “dragons” (Enki) to act as supreme geneticists. Dragons themselves use numerous terminologies to satisfy their own hierarchical classifications. Their continuance of Anunaki genealogic ambition led to the development of a new superior life form that was gauged at a frequency band estranged from astral divinity – a spiritual being alien to “ascensionif you will. Nevertheless, this bandwidth was far greater than we could fathom (given our relatively impotent status) and “3D” existence was temporarily incorporated into the existential platform. The new beings did have access to divine knowledge contained in inherent records and suitable genetic features to assure their ability to manipulate quantum light DNA (something humans certainly cannot do and possibly have never even considered) in order to reproduce their own gene hierarchies.

The best indication dragons are divine can be witnessed in unique depictions of them as winged angels which are invariably barbarously corrupted by overzealous narcissists (ones that worship the beautiful saviour are particularly virulent) that do not understand the intricacies of quantum imaging. For example, some of our traditional folklore may not be quite as it seems. Dragons are natural masters at shape shifting and can whimsically “appear” as indefinitely human as you or I if the need so deserves. Their product Tyrannosaurus Rex (mentioned earlier in the capacity of original Earth man) also had some very strange unseemly abilities. These included advanced telepathy, telekinesis and extraordinary sensory perception. Anyone seeking further background can find insight on how far adrift our opinions of how dinosaur society really “functioned” here. Anyway, after the destruction of Maldek ended the dinosaurs’ reign on Earth (T-Rex included), dragons naturally coveted Sirian DNA tribute (sic). This is primarily why “man” (who they control) appears to have championed Atlantean spiritual idolatry even though virtually no true Sirian spirituality is reflected in modern day religious etiquette.

After the big dinosaurs had succumbed to the destruction of Maldek (which caused, as our sciences correctly speculate, the overwhelming meteor showers that ransacked Earth’s surface), a new man was made in homage of them. Rather bizarrely, the quantum DNA access exchanges were identical to prior dinosaur gene paths, but were still used as the resource elevation for this improved model. The new creation was a thinking beast but not a reptile. In fact it [effectively] began the tenure we like to term “the apes”. Pteroid (that thinking beast) was originally of such colossal size it may have been beyond imagination. An approximate Satyr, it began roaming the Earth the best part of 50 million years ago.  Innocently our mutual discovery tour has sprung another huge identity contradiction (against standard belief conventions of those that presume they are in the know). That is the Draco bloodlines are mammalian and not reptilian. In fact, Ciakar reptilians (modelled on T-Rex in part) are also characteristically (milk producing, dual blooded) mammalian, while their anatomy/libido functionality is quite alien compared against anything categorised as live by our sciences. Even “disputed” Neanderthal Sasquatch is one of those ironic living genetic bridges (between us and the Draco) and I wonder if that is why evidence affirming their active presence amongst us always ends up either vigorously debunked or “lost” by authorities.

The “man” humans identify with is a gross caricature of the Sirian identity complex which has been cordially amended to suit Sephardic mendacities. Even the Genome Project (in typical garbled fashion) notes our nucleic DNA is potentially very, very ancient – perhaps billions of years old.  Superficial heroes, such as the Buddha (an obvious Ciakar), Jesus (a larger than life fiction), Mohamed (the Pharisee in drag), Moses (the great imposter) popularise nobility (a feature of Sephardic control measures), but the causal truth behind Atlantis values has become all but obsolete. Even great documents of the ilk of the Mahabharata hardly come close to identifying with genuine Sirian pristine reasoning. Though I feel the current identity crisis is much more closely linked to Ciakar traditionalising ignorant human in their image than anything else, I will present a brief evolution history of Sirian man because we all should learn something from it. That aspect of our cloaked genetic heritage (I have iterated on several prior occasions) has a dreadful track record.  Sirian cultural development is bitter sweet.

We must take into account that the very beginning of that heritage would have appeared quite alien in culture even to most liberal minded of us.

It is hard to imagine that the very first Sirian “man” approximated a vaporous wraith. Floating aimlessly in the limitless ether, the form perhaps better identifies with our ocean jellyfish (whose innumerable tentacles are also a distinct Anunaki shape preference – emphasised by deities such as Hindu’s Goddess Durga). Over time the practicality of material existence demanded a more robust physical model. After much deliberation and debate by those that construct concepts a new image was created on the lines of what we identify with as upright man (i.e. symmetrical body with two legs, arms and head adorned with common functional facial features) today. Being physically human myself, it is even hard for me to adequately envisage totally alien sensory systems (i.e. no vision, hearing, touch, smell as we experience them); therefore I cannot know precisely how the earliest versions of Sirian identified with their functionality. In my capacity as transcendental oracle, I can say each of them felt as complete as I do and each was as happy with their individual relative completeness as I am.

In my opinion (though not formally verified yet) the earliest Sirian proto-physical forms were the very first Anunaki “reality” manifestations. Absolute reality conceptually confuses most people because they try to identify with their “sense” of what is perceived to exist. I have already highlighted that our cognitive bandwidth is dimensionally puny. To factor non-reality into the equation as well would be enough to blow the greatest minds. Also (funnily enough) non-reality is only real to those that can experience the comparative condition. This means that (adding to the Irony) bandwidth our perception classifies as “reality” is non-reality for the Anunaki. And that is one of the main reasons why the Draco have managed to secure (or perhaps “cocoon” is the correct terminology in this instance) this planet and why they will do everything in their power to halt or slow down our ascension. Though no topically academic purist dare ever suggest it, clearly there was much more to the Anunaki abruptly “leaving Earth” the best part of 40,000 years ago than has been popularised by supporting theories that attempt to verify ancient accounts. Taking emotional judgement away from findings, I deduce they actually left because they were unable to remain here even in proto physical form as their own ascension (of sorts) had progressed them too far up the astral ladder. Perhaps they were fed up with the constant chatter of apes too. Yes, that would explain their violent acts just prior to extrication from our domains. But in no way could that have been the “sole reason” for the exodus. Let’s face it, why would they leave in malice before finishing us off?

Vedic and other ancient texts report the main “event” as being a giant flood which caused a new ocean to form that stretched from today’s northern Africa to Caspian Sea (Russia). I can only refer to logic in my assessment of what I might detect as “practical truths”. Therefore, in order to verify the speculated creation of a giant ocean (as postulated), I can draw but one conclusion. Only by incorporating the “Anunaki” in the weather systems of that age would sufficient dedicated coordination permit the creation of entire oceans. According to ancient Celts, Beelzebub was the God of meteorology, so my reasoning does fit the subliminal script. Manipulation of weather systems (in my humble opinion) would be the only possible method of wreaking havoc on the monumental scale we are considering.

Taking that line of thinking a step further, were we to assume the Anunaki had always been incorporated into Earth weather systems since visiting our humble shores, it seems to corroborate their permanent lack of physicality by our simplistic definition. It places further important, nee grave questions as to the status of our heavens (highlighted perhaps by strange tales of aerial manipulation in World War Two, maybe?). Is the weather the accumulated result of accidental barometers our sciences speculate? Anyway, those that have read other articles of mine know well I argue the point about the Anunaki at length, fleshing out why it is so obvious that Atlantis humanoids acted as surrogate hosts for their divine masters.

The very first Sirians that came after the jellyfish types were colossal in size (maybe towering miles from the ground). Life systems of this variety are literally beyond comprehension to us (though not, it seems, the Prophet Enoch).  For instance individual IQ’s in the millions would also certainly be possible. Broken down, their own genetic catalogue was sufficient for them to create numerous unique series of life forms (enough to populate worlds) that might improve existence (for them). However, this corporeal power lionised a haughtiness which grew into an uncompromising superiority complex. The knock on effect (billions of years ago) pushed enflamed tensions to breaking point. Species alienated by Sirian aloofness joined forces and cordial disharmony eventually erupted into a giant war. No good result comes from battle and, in this case, fallout ensured the Orion’s Belt region was made uninhabitable for eons. Divine disrepair was even more significant and the universe narrowly avoided another Big Bang event.

Reparations against the Sirians were evoked by the ultimate corporate body. “God” removed some features of the gene catalogue which are now hidden behind the quantum exchange filter. Sadly resulting reduction in power had little to no effect on the enormous Sirian ego.

The next episode (which is almost a direct repeat of Sirius disorder) presented an earlier version of dragon welcoming newly outcast vagrant Sirians to Tiamat and details can be found here. Predicably presumptuous goodwill ended with the dragons’ recalcitrant guests totally destroying their planet. In fact if I chart the cataclysmic development of these psychotically dangerous humanoids, they began by destroying a star system. For that their DNA was downgraded. Next they shattered a large planet and suffered further DNA impotence. Finally there followed another violent attack which resulted in the artificial implosion of another planet (Maldek). That diabolical act very nearly wiped out humanity (as we were then) from existence. You guessed it. Our violent destroyers were discredited with another cosmic reduction of prowess. Indeed, there have been at least six significant downgrades prior to the creation of modern human. Most recent Atlantis Sirian was a shadow of the first type both in mind and stature (the maximum height of any Martian male would have been below 3 metres).

So when people say to me that the Atlanteans are (were) the model of morality, I can only presume cultural ignorance or the annoying tendency toward pathological deceit clouds any hope of sane concerns over divine values. None of humanity’s great role models are particularly revered by corporeal “God”. Holy Scripture issued in that vein approximates gibber. Human beings are notoriously (from the alien perspective) selfish (a trait that is an overhang from Sirian tradition). We deserve to do better, but laziness, cowardice and preference for the “best life” at all cost conflicts with virtuous pursuit. This is perhaps exacerbated by the male/female divide. Females are more inclined toward “reptilian” emotional manoeuvres (particularly emphasised by insane investment in/control of designate children), whereas men are spent and useless. Virtue has been reduced to parroting safe, “establishment endorsed” empty dogma.  Timeless principles of existence are all but eroded were it not for nature’s order.

We, humans, are undoubtedly evidence of an ever conflicting fusion of compassion and conscience. We live up to the identities of three prescient roles models: Ciakar, Pteroid and Sirian. The puzzle is great and one part remains unaddressed until now. Are the politics of man, ultimately, totally governed by those astral, enigmatic original gene holders, the Anunaki? To answer this, I am drawn to the creation of Ciakar which coincided with the import of fully alien Lyran feline DNA. Lemurians went to battle against the felines over the Earth surface around a million years ago for apparently inconsequential reasons, but what if that wasn’t the whole truth? Lemurians are part Sirian and part Zeta Grey Being (we also have Zeta DNA built into our mammoth gene catalogue). While entrenched on Earth’s surface, the Lemurians supposed their role as Anunaki’s supreme sovereign governors (often under strategic council from the Zetas, who have their own special connection with the Gods) for considerable periods. I question whether the Lemurians were not initially triggered (by the Anunaki) to undertake their earlier Earth surface conquest both for (hidden) purposes of assuming preordained leadership as well as purging “illegal” alien (Lyran) DNA. Subsequent to the Ciakars going underground with the Lyrans, the Anunaki were compelled to begin bonding with royal-bloods in order to preserve their direct relationship with (only part alien) Ciakar genetic heritage (or lose a significant part of themselves).

To explain Anunaki motive, the best analogy I can think of is this. Imagine your left arm refused to follow your mind’s orders and, for argument’s sake, unexplainably developed a mind of its own. Would you use every means in your arsenal to remedy the fault (from your perspective) up to purging it from the body or is the arm too precious to “waste”? This is what I think the Anunaki (over eons) have been doing to their recalcitrant subordinates, humans included. They, like us, would do anything possible to salvage all necessary parts.  In so many ways I respect them and honour them for that; for doing precisely what I would do facing an identical predicament.

Though this by no means ends my long history of man, I have provided considerable food for thought. Any more [information] would cloud lateral educative discovery, so here I end my tribute to man until possible future instalments. Will I reveal the unthinkable? Keep tuned and you will be sure to find out.